Chapter 13 Community Corrections version 1 Test Bank PDF

Title Chapter 13 Community Corrections version 1 Test Bank
Author Anonymous User
Course Criminal Justice Integration
Institution Liberty University
Pages 23
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Student name:__________ MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) The main difference between community corrections and institutional corrections is that: A) institutional corrections are more effective than community corrections. B) community corrections allow offenders to serve their sentence in the community. C) community corrections are more focused on


rehabilitation. D) institutional corrections are more focused on rehabilitation.

One of the main goals of community corrections is:

A) preventing institutionalization. B) allowing offenders to remain in the community. C) reducing recidivism.

D) All of the answers are correct.

3) John Smith is a first-time offender convicted of a nonviolent crime. The judge does not believe he is a threat to public safety and wants to give him the chance to remain in the community and be rehabilitated, so he sentences him to 6 months of community corrections under court supervision, with specific conditions that he must follow. John has most likely been sentenced to:

A) probation. B) a halfway house.

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C) parole. D) a restitution center.


A) reduce recidivism. B) rehabilitate the offender.

C) deter offenders. D) save money.

5) Approximately ________ of offenders were under adult correctional supervision in 2016. C) 75 percent D) 63 percent

A) 22 percent B) 56 percent


The first probation officer was: A) Zebulon Brockway. B) John Augustus. C) Alexander Machonochie.

D) August Vollmer.

7) Which of the following is NOT a standard or traditional probation condition? A) Drug and alcohol treatment B) Remaining crime-free C) Reporting regularly to a probation officer


D) Finding and maintaining employment or attending school or educational programs

Violating probation conditions could result in:

A) incarceration in prison. B) a fine.

C) revocation of probation. D) restitution.


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Although intensive


supervision probation programs vary, one of the main characteristics that most programs share is: A) restitution. B) community service hours. C) small caseloads.

D) mandated drug and alcohol treatment.

10) Jeff is under community supervision in Los Angeles County for committing a felony. He has a prior record, so his community supervision entails mandated restitution, house arrest, and biweekly meetings with his probation officer. Jeff is most likely serving:

A) rehabilitative probation. B) intensive-supervision probation. C) mandatory arrest.

D) traditional probation.

11) In general, research has found that intensivesupervision probation: A) effectively reduces recidivism. B) effectively rehabilitates offenders. C) costs more than incarceration.

12) Bill and Tom are both on probation. Bill has committed a felony and must report monthly to his probation officer. Tom, on the other hand, committed a misdemeanor and does not have to report monthly. He simply has to fill out forms each month, notifying his probation officer of any

A) passive B) aggressive

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D) does not clearly reduce recidivism or enhance rehabilitation.

changes in address, employment, or school. Bill is under ________ supervision.

C) active D) inactive


13) Bill and Tom are both on probation. Bill has committed a felony and must report monthly to his probation officer. Tom, on the other hand, committed a misdemeanor and does not have to report monthly. He simply has to fill out forms each month, notifying his probation officer of any

A) active B) aggressive

14) Bill and Tom are both on probation. Bill has committed a felony and must report monthly to his probation officer. Tom, on the other hand, committed a misdemeanor and does not have to report monthly. He simply has to fill out forms each month, notifying his probation officer of any changes in address, employment, or school. The probation A) intensive B) active

changes in address, employment, or school. Tom is under ________ supervision.

C) passive D) inactive

officer who supervises Tom has a large caseload (almost 1,000 cases). This large caseload is referred to as a(n) ________ caseload. C) inactive D) banked

15) Researchers in California who examined the relationship between caseload size and property crime found that:

A) there was no relationship between caseload size and property crime rates. B) as caseload size increased, the number of technical violations decreased. C) as probation caseloads increased, property crime

decreased. D) as probation caseloads increased, property crime increased.

16) In 2016 in the United States, ________ were most likely to be sentenced to probation.

A) Asians B) Blacks

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C) Hispanics D) Whites


17) Compared to Whites, Blacks and Latinos were more likely to receive ________ sentences in 2009.

A) jail B) community corrections

C) prison D) community service

18) The average cost of services for state probationers was ________ as compared to $29,000 for each inmate. C) $5,750 D) $1,250

A) $7,500 B) $10,000

19) One of the responsibilities of the probation officer is to create a report for a judge that includes information on an offender's criminal history, employment and education history, and mental and physical health, among other things. A) presentence memorandum. B) conviction report. C) sentencing guide.

20) In addition to information about the offender and his or her past, the probation officer includes a ________ in the

This report is then used by the judge when he or she is sentencing the offender. This report is called the: D) presentence investigation report.

presentence investigation report. D)

A) risk assessment on releasing the offender B) fine amount C) prediction on future offense

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A) whether the offender has been rearrested B) whether the offender violated probation conditions C) whether the offender has attended rehabilitation

22) Debbie is a probationer in Los Angeles County. Her probation was revoked because she failed to find and keep a job and check in with her probation officer on a weekly basis.

A) a new crime. B) a misdemeanor.

programs D) whether the offender has been reincarcerated

Her probation is being revoked because she committed: C) a felony. D) a technical violation.

23) Which of the following is NOT considered a technical violation?

A) Robbing the corner liquor store B) Failing to meet the curfew specified by the probation agreement C) Associating with known criminals

D) Failing to meet with the probation officer as specified by the probation conditions

24) Which of the following is NOT one of the rights that probationers are entitled to when they are facing probation revocation? A) The right to confront and challenge evidence and witnesses B) The right to receive written notice of the charges against them

C) The right to a jury trial D) The right to present evidence on their behalf

25) Sally has just finished serving an 8- to

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10-year prison sentence for a drug offense. She has been released but is not completely free of criminal justice supervision. She must remain under community supervision for 24 months, during which she must find and maintain employment or education, refrain from drug and alcohol use,

A) house arrest. B) probation.


and receive permission before she moves or leaves her home county. Sally is on:

C) electronic monitoring. D) parole.

The goal of parole is to:

A) protect society. B) provide a more cost-effective method of supervision. C) reward inmates who follow prison rules.

27) Sally has just finished serving an 8- to 10-year prison sentence for a drug offense. She was granted release by a board assembled to determine if an offender may return to his or her community to serve the remainder of his or her sentence. This board was made up of citizens with experience

A) probation board. B) board of reparation.

28) Sally has just finished serving an 8- to 10-year sentence. She was granted release by a board assembled to determine if she is eligible to return to the community. Because this group of people felt that she was no longer a A) conditional release. B) probation release. C) discretionary release. Version 1

D) All of the answers are correct.

in criminal justice and related fields. Sally's release decision was made by the:

C) board of pardons. D) parole board.

threat to the community, they decided to release her from prison. Sally has been released through: D) release.



29) Jane has served all of the time allowed by law of her 19-year prison sentence for voluntary manslaughter. She is ultimately released without any consideration from the parole board because the law stipulates that she be released since she

A) probation release. B) discretionary release. C) conditional release.

has served the entire sentence that she is required to serve. Jane has been released through: D) release.


30) Modern parole is typically administered at the state and ________ levels of government.

A) county B) national

C) federal D) municipal

31) By the end of 2016, there were approximately ________ adults on parole in the United States. A) 1,000,000 B) 500,000

C) 874,800 D) 2,000,000

32) Which of the following demographic groups best describes most parolees in the United States? A) Young, poor, minority males B) Young, poor, minority females C) Young, poor, white females

D) Young, poor, white males

33) Of all the crimes committed by parolees, the highest proportion is of: A) Version 1

violent 8

offenses. B) C)


drug offenses.

weapons offenses. property offenses.

34) José is on parole in Miami County. His parole officer provides many services to him, such as helping him find housing, employment, and medical care. His parole officer also makes sure that he is at work when he is supposed to be, adheres to his curfew, and takes regular drug tests. The service function, such as providing help with finding housing,

A) supervisory B) service

35) José is on parole in Miami County. His parole officer provides many services to him, such as helping him find housing, employment, and medical care. His parole officer also makes sure that he is at work when he is supposed to be, adheres to his curfew, and takes regular drug tests. A) supervisory B) caseworker

employment, and medical care, is referred to as the ________ role.

C) caseworker D) assistance

Supervising José and making sure he adheres to his parole conditions and tests clean for drugs are part of the ________ role. C) service D) assistance

36) Approximately 70 percent of the parolees who are returned to prison have committed a: A) technical violation. B) property crime.

C) drug crime. D) violent crime.

37) Between 2008 and 2012, the number of parole violators returned to prison had: A)

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B) increased at a rate faster than that of


offenders returning to prison after the successful completion of their parole term. C) remained steady.



38) Most parole failures occur within the first ________ of release.

A) year B) 5 years

C) 2 months D) 2 years

39) Dan has just completed a 10-year prison sentence for aggravated assault. He has not been released on parole, and he is not subject to any supervision in the community either. Dan has been released on: A) mandatory release. B) discretionary release. C) unconditional release.

40) There are two reasons a parolee can have his or her parole revoked. If a parolee's parole were revoked because, for 4 weeks in a row, he or she failed a weekly drug and alcohol test, failed to report to his or her parole officer, or was found to be associating with known felons, it would have

A) technical violations. B) misdemeanors.

D) release.


been revoked because of the commission of:

C) felonies. D) new crimes.

41) Which of the following groups of released offenders had highest (though by a very small margin) recidivism rates? C)

Those on

A) Those on mandatory parole release B) Those on conditional parole release

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unconditional release D) Those on discretionary parole release

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42) The ________ abolished parole for offenders at the federal level.

A) Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 B) Uniform Code of Military Justice C) Bail Reform Act

D) Federal Sentencing Guidelines

43) Which of the following is a reason for abolishing mandatory and discretionary release parole?

A) Indeterminate sentences are "cruel and unusual" punishments. B) Offenders are being coddled.


Intermediate sanctions are:

A) short prison sentences. B) more restrictive than traditional probation but less restrictive than prison or jail.


C) Rehabilitation programs are not effective. D) All of the answers are correct.

C) short jail sentences. D) used for juveniles only.

Intermediate sanctions ________. actions

A) might require offenders to live in a halfway house while continuing to work B) might require offenders to be closely monitored by an electronic monitoring device C) require offenders to take responsibility for their

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D) All of the answers are correct.


A) juveniles into the adult criminal justice system. B) an offender into the criminal justice system. C) an offender from prison.

47) Jim has been convicted of a nonviolent offense and has been sentenced by the judge to spend one hundred unpaid hours working in a local playground that is being painted and A) parole. B) community service.


D) an offender from probation.

rebuilt. Jim has been sentenced to: C) probation. D) restitution.

The goal of restorative justice is:

A) capitally punishing criminals. B) to look for retribution in the criminal justice system. C) encouraging the general public to take the law

into their own hands. D) for healing and forgiveness to replace punishment and retribution.

49) Chris has been convicted of embezzling $150,000 from his employer. Part of his sentence is to pay back the money that he embezzled. Chris has been sentenced to pay a:

A) forfeiture. B) day fine.

C) restitution. D) fine.

50) About ________ of ordered restitution is actually collected.

A) 7 percent B) 10 percent

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C) 65 percent D) 25 percent


51) Dustin has been convicted of driving under the influence, his third offense. As a result of driving under the influence, he crashed his car into the front porch of his neighbor's home as he was trying to pull into his driveway. As part of his sentence, the judge ordered Dustin to pay a sum of money to his neighbor to compensate for the damage caused. The judge also ordered Dustin to pay a sum of money to the

court for his crime. The money paid to the neighbor to compensate for the damage to his porch is a:

C) forfeiture. D) day fine.

A) fine. B) restitution.

52) Dustin has been convicted of driving under the influence, his third offense. As a result of driving under the influence, he crashed his car into the front porch of his neighbor's home as he was trying to pull into his driveway. As part of his sentence, the judge ordered Dustin to pay a sum of money to his neighbor to compensate for the damage caused.

The judge also ordered Dustin to pay a sum of money to the court for his crime. The money paid to the court is a:

C) fine. D) restitution.

A) forfeiture. B) day fine.

53) Dustin has been convicted of driving under the influence, his third offense. As a result of driving under the influence, he crashed his car into the front porch of his neighbor's home as he was trying to pull into his driveway. As part of his sentence, the judge ordered Dustin to pay a sum of money to his neighbor to compensate for the damage caused. The judge also ordered Dustin to pay a sum of money to the court for his crime. To determine this amount, the judge used a formula that considered the severity of Dustin's offense, his

daily income, and the number of children he has. The money paid to the court, based on Dustin's income and familial responsibilities, is a:

C) day fine. D) fine.

A) restitution. B) forfeiture.


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Chris has been


convicted of embezzling $150,000 from his employer. With this money, he purchased a boat, a motorcycle, and several pieces of expensive jewelry for his girlfriend. As part of his sentence, the judge allows law enforcement authorities to confiscate any property that Chris purchased with the embezzled money. The ability of law enforcement to

A) a fine. B) restitution.

55) Dan has been convicted of vandalizing his neighbor's home and vehicle by spray-painting racial slurs on both. As part of his sentence, Dan is ordered to attend a face-to-face session with his neighbor, the victim of the crime, to discuss the crime. At this session, it is hoped that Dan will accept A) day reporting. B) reparation.

56) Spencer has been convicted of possession of cocaine. His sentence includes 6 months of being restricted to his home at all times, unless he is working, at school, or attending

A) house arrest. B) a day reporting center. C) a halfway house.

confiscate Chris's property that was purchased with the embezzled money is referred to as:

C) forfeiture. D) a day fine.

responsibility, express remorse, and possibly make an apology. The session that Dan is required to attend is: C) a restitution. D) a victimoffender mediation.

a treatment program. Spencer has been sentenced to: D) electronic monitoring.

57) Which of the following is a goal of house arrest or home confinement?

A) Allowing offenders to remain employed B) Reducing jail and prison crowding C) Reducing incarceration costs

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D) All of the answers are correct.


58) Spencer has been convicted of possession of cocaine. His sentence includes 6 months of being restricted to his home at all times, unless he is working, at school, or attending a treatment program. In order to keep track of him, Spencer must wear a transmi...

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