Chapter 13 questions - United States, 1492-1865 PDF

Title Chapter 13 questions - United States, 1492-1865
Author Andrew Smith
Course United States, 1492-1865
Institution University of Texas at Austin
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CHAPTER 13: THE RISE OF A MASS DEMOCRACY The "Corrupt Bargain” or 1824 Know: Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, King Caucus, Corrupt Bargain 1. What was unusual about John Quincy Adams's victory in the presidential election of 1824?

That was close enough where it went into the House of Representatives, where Henry Clay supposedly bargained with Adams to become Secretary of State in exchange for his influence to make him president.

A Yankee Misfit in the White House Know: John Quincy Adams 2. Was John Quincy Adams well suited to be president? Explain.

Adam is a man who liked to get stuff done, he really didn't think about the popular opinion as he saw the big picture and didn't focus on the details. This isn't the best quality for a president to have as they are the figurehead of the government. If people don't like the president, they don't like the government. Going "Whole Hog" for Jackson in 1828 Know: Old Hickory, Mudslinging, Rachel Robards 3. Describe the tone and tactics used in the 1828 election.

Back stabbing and misleading techniques were used in 1828 election. Jackson was potrayed as a simple farmer when he was really a rich slave owner, Adams was potrayed as a cheat and liar and immoral due to the scandalus election last term. “Old Hickory” as President Know: Inaugural Brawl, King Mob 4. What was there about Andrew Jackson which made him a man of the people?

He started as a normal person, and didn’t have a collage education. There was a brawl at the white house on the day of inaguaration, the people came in as a mob and trashed everything. People feared of mob rule due to this event.

The Spoils System Know: Spoils System, Rotation in Office 5. Defend Andrew Jackson's use of the Spoils System.

You do not know the loyalty of the people already laid in the government, so it makes sense to kick them out and put your own people in.

The Tricky “Tariff of Abominations” Know: Tariff of Abominations (of 1828), Denmark Vesey 6. What circumstances led to the passage of the Tariff of Abominations?

The northerners wanted better protection of their industry and a teriff is a great way to do that, but this took it too far. The new terriff resulted in rebellions.

"Nullies" in South Carolina Know: Nullies, Henry Clay, Tariff of 1833, Force Bill 7. Describe the nullification crisis.

States were nullifying the protective terriff of 1833. Congress backed down, slowly lowering the terriff over 8 years. The force bill, however, allowed the use of force in collecting in the terriff. The Trail of Tears Know: Cherokees, Five Civilized Tribes, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, Indian Territory, The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Seminoles 8. What was particularly unfair about the treatment of the Cherokee Tribe?

They had been civilized, developing a wirttenlanguadge, a govrnment. They were conforming to the people’s demands yet they STILL GOT KICKED OUT.

The Bank War Know: Bank of the United States, Nicholas Biddle 9. Do you agree or disagree with Nicholas Biddle’s nickname, “Czar Nicholas I?” Explain.

I do not understand the question, I do, however, understand that he was aginst the BoUS and refered to it as ameirca’s hydra, and caused it’s renewal to come 4 years early to be an electoral point.

"Old Hickory" Wallops Clay in 1832 Know: Anti-Masonic Party 10. What two things were unique about the election of 1832?

New Anti-Masonic Party hated Jackson, a mason. While Jackson was a mason, he also made himself seam common.

Burying Biddle’s Bank Know: Mandate, Pet Banks, Specie Circular 11. "Andrew Jackson's killing of the BUS forced him to issue the Specie Circular." Assess.

The lack of a reliable currency in the USA made the government switch to metalic monies for their land because it at least had trade value.

The Birth of the Whigs Know: Democrats, Whigs 12. What is so alluring about being associated with “the common man?”

Being associated with the common man makes you relatable and ‘american’ It makes you seem like you share the user’s beliefs.

The Election of 1836 Know: Favorite Son, William Henry Harrison, Martin Van Buren 13. Describe the development of the second party system from 1828-1836.

The whigs ran several people with regional appeal, hopeing to get the house to choose the president.

Big Woes for the "Little Magician" Know: Martin Van Buren 14. Why was Martin Van Buren unpopular?

Circumstance. Jacksons administration had left problems. He inherited his enemies, had to put down rebellions in canada, and had to try and work us out of a depression.

Depression Doldrums and the Independent Treasury Know: Panic of 1837, Speculation, Divorce Bill, Independent Treasury 15. What caused the Panic of 1837, and what was done by the president to try and end it?

The panic of 1837 was caused by the crashing of banks. The divorce bill made an independant treasury, the federal reserve.

Gone to Texas Know: Stephen Austin, Davy Crockett 16. What made Texas so appealing to Americans?

More land to conquest, already near slave states, good new soil, escape from american law.

The Lone Star Rebellion Know: Sam Houston, Santa Anna, Alamo, W. B. Travis, Goliad, Lone Star Republic, San Jacinto 17. How did Texas, a part of Mexico settled by Americans, become independent of both?

Texas declared independance and beat Santa Anna’s troops at the battle of San Jacinto and won their independance.

Makers of America: Mexican or Texan? Know: Moses Austin, Stephen Austin, Anglos 18. Did Texans ever really intend to become Mexican citizens, or did they feign allegiance to get land?

Stephens austin orgionally wanted to convert the 300 families he was bringing over as mexican citizens, hoerver there was a culture and government clash that caused the Texas Revolution.

The Log Cabins and Hard Cider of 1840 Know: Log Cabin, Hard Cider, "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" 19. What does the election of 1840 tell you about politics and voters in America at that time?

The political parties were very deceptive in their elections.

Politics for the People 20. Is the federal government

more concerned with the “common man” or “aristocracy?” Explain.

The aristocracy. Elections can be boguht (via advertizing), people persuaded via subtle mind ‘control’. Student Debt is at an all time high and nothing is being done because the government makes tons of money off of it. In the 1840s they are looking to be more democratic, but now? Our canadates are ‘purchaced’. The Two-Party System 21. Who were the Democrats and what did they believe? The Whigs?

The democrats believed in a weaker central government. The whigs believed in strong one, (national bank, national roads, ect.)

Varying Viewpoints: What Was Jacksonian Democracy? Know: Frederick Jackson Turner, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Richard Hofstadter 22. Explain at least three theories about what motivated the followers of Andrew Jackson.

Some believed they wanted to take back control from the rich minority (class conflict) Some viewed it as supporting entrepenueres/startups some viewed it as just keeping the capitalist system in check. Generate two high level questions about Chapter 13 1.

Explain the effects of Andrew Jackson as a president


Create a mini timeline of at least 5 significant events in Chapter 13


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