Chapter 14 Understanding and He Test Bank PDF

Title Chapter 14 Understanding and He Test Bank
Author Anonymous User
Course Criminal Justice Integration
Institution Liberty University
Pages 24
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Test Bank...


Student name:__________ MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Official statistics from 1993 to 2010 show that property and violent victimization ________. A) had been steadily declining B) had been the same C) had been sharply increasing

D) had been increasing at a slow pace

2) Sarah recently became the victim of an armed robbery. She was walking to her car at night after working late when a man forced her, at gunpoint, to turn over her purse and withdraw money from her bank account using her ATM card. Sarah did not suffer any physical injuries. However, she has flashbacks of the robbery and has become mentally unstable. Sarah is suffering from:

A) vicarious trauma. B) victim recidivism. C) emotional numbing.


D) trauma.


The Code of Hammurabi called for:

A) a perpetrator-centered approach to deciding punishment. B) an emphasis on witness accounts while

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determining the crime. C) equity to be restored between the offender and the victim.



ostracism of the offender and the offender's


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4) Which of the following would be an example of the equity requirement of the Code of Hammurabi?

A) A thief is required to serve 6 months on probation. B) A burglar must serve community service hours.


C) A murderer is executed. D) A murderer is imprisoned for life.

The word "victimology" can be traced back to:

A) the Middle Ages. B) ancient times.

6) During the 1960s and 1970s, influential social movements such as the women's rights movement, civil rights movement, and the gay rights movements focused on

A) equal opportunity B) protection of the disadvantaged C) nonviolent protest

C) the 1800s. D) the 1940s.

________ and paved the way for victims' rights movements. D) All of the answers are correct.

7) From the mid-1960s to the early 1980s, crime rates increased, mostly due to: A) baby boomers reaching their mid-teen years. B) severe sentencing policies. C) an increased use of illegal drugs.


D) lax law enforcement policies.

The purpose of rape crisis centers is to: A)

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provide counseling to rape victims.

B) provide training in defensive


tactics to rape victims. C) provide legal information to rape victims.

D) All of the answers are correct.

9) Which tool offers indications that there are more than twice as many victims as reported by the Uniform Crime Reports? A) Self-report surveys B) National Crime Database

C) Police reports D) Victimization surveys

10) The shift from a victim focus to a witness focus during the 1800s can be attributed to the: D) A) Civil War. B) Industrial Revolution. C) Civil Rights movement.



11) A rising level of crime from the mid-1960s until the early 1980s spurred concerned citizens to demand a national response. To cope with this crime surge, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 created a federal agency called the:

A) Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA). B) Department of Defense (DOD). C) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

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D) U.S. Office for Victims of Crime (OVC).


12) Jennifer recently lost her home to a hurricane. She is now suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Jennifer is

A) psychic trauma B) psychological debriefing C) short-term therapy


C) survivor. D) witness to a crime.

The word "victimology" was coined by:

A) Hammurabi. B) Robert Agnew. C) Emile Durkheim.

15) Glynn was driving home from work one evening when he was struck and killed by a drunk driver. Glynn is the

A) primary B) advocate


D) psychiatric intervention

The "sign of Cain" marks someone as a(n):

A) evildoer. B) victim of a crime.


most likely receiving ________ to treat her posttraumatic stress.

D) Beniamin Mendelsohn.

________ victim in this incident. C) indirect D) secondary

Victim recidivism is also known as ________.

A) victim surviving capability B) secondary victimization C) repeat victimization

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D) primary victimization


17) Glynn was driving home from work one evening when he was struck and killed by a drunk driver. Glynn's family is A) advocate B) primary

18) Glynn was driving home from work one evening when he was struck and killed by a drunk driver. Glynn's wife and A) survivors. B) primary victims.

the ________ victim in this incident. C) secondary D) indirect

immediate family members are called: C) indirect victims. D) direct victims.

19) Beth is a college student who has twice been the victim of sexual assault. Beth has experienced:

A) victim repetition. B) victim blaming.

20) Beth is a college student who has been the victim of sexual assault. After she was assaulted, Beth contacted her university's counseling center, where she was able to receive various services, such as counseling, legal advocacy, and contact with an individual who specifically works with A) victim recidivism B) victim precipitation C) victim services

C) survivor guilt. D) victim recidivism.

victims to address their unique needs. Beth has received ________ from her university's counseling center. D) advocacy


21) Beth is a college student who has been the victim of sexual assault.

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After she was assaulted, Beth contacted her university's counseling center, where she was able to receive various services, such as counseling, legal advocacy, and contact with an individual who specifically works with victims to address

A) law enforcement officer. B) victim recidivist. C) court-appointed lawyer.


D) advocate.


Victims who utilize advocacy services:

A) are less likely to be abused again. B) show fewer symptoms of depression. C) are more effective in attaining social services.


their unique needs. The individual who assisted Beth is a:

D) All of the answers are correct.

Femicide is the killing of a(n):

A) woman. B) father.

24) ________ women have the highest rate of forcible sexual assault and experience intimate partner violence at up

A) Black B) Native American

C) infant. D) child.

to 10 times more than the rest of the U.S. population. C) White D) Hispanic

25) More than ________ of Native American women have experienced violence.

A) 80 percent B) 90 percent

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C) 85 percent D) 95 percent


26) Victims of crime are sometimes able to get financial assistance from the state where they were victimized. This A) donations from the U.S. Attorney's Offices. B) the Crime Victims Fund. C) Adult Protective Services.

assistance is paid for through: D) the Directory of International Crime Victim Compensation Programs.

27) Which of the following crime victims would NOT be able to receive victim compensation?

A) A crime victim who contributed to the victimization B) A crime victim who was an innocent bystander and had no part in his or her victimization C) A crime victim who is able to receive health


insurance benefits D) A crime victim who is still receiving payments from worker's compensation

The funds for victim compensation funds come from:

A) state taxes. B) fines and fees collected from offenders.

C) federal taxes. D) private donations.

29) Which of the following is NOT a type of aid that victim advocates offer victims? A) Treatment interventions B) Survivor support C) Monetary support

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D) first aid



A) Impact B) Recovery

C) Vengeance D) Recoil

31) Stephanie, a recent victim of sexual assault, has been meeting with a victim advocate who is helping her work through the different phases most victims experience after their victimization. At this time, Stephanie seems to be numb to the crime. She feels that she is unable to protect herself. The phase that Stephanie is going through is the ________ phase.

A) recovery B) despair

32) Stephanie, a recent victim of sexual assault, has been meeting with a victim advocate who is helping her work through the different phases most victims experience after their victimization. At this time, Stephanie feels that she is to blame for her attack. She constantly feels anxious and helpless, to the point where she has stopped attending classes

A) impact B) despair

33) Stephanie, a recent victim of sexual assault, has been meeting with a victim advocate who is helping her work through the different phases most victims experience after their victimization. At this time, Stephanie feels like she is moving forward. Although she has suffered from minor posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), she is able to get through

A) impact B) recoil

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C) impact D) recoil

and has quit her job. The phase that Stephanie is going through is the ________ phase.

C) recovery D) recoil

these setbacks quickly. She has returned to school and has started working again. The phase that Stephanie is going through is the ________ phase. C) despair D) recovery


34) Stephanie is a recent victim of sexual assault. While recovering, Stephanie has received several therapeutic interventions. Not long after her attack, she received support from a support group of fellow survivors of sexual assault. She also received support from a clinical psychologist who

A) weight loading. B) physiotherapy. C) short-term therapy.

35) Stephanie is a victim of sexual assault. While recovering, Stephanie has received several therapeutic interventions. It has been 6 months since her attack, and she is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She is terrified to leave the house, has stopped attending classes, and has quit her job. To get through this, she has started seeing a

A) short-term therapy. B) long-term therapy.

36) Stephanie is a college student who recently became the victim of a sexual assault. She has been working with a victim advocate who was also a victim of sexual assault when she was a college student. Because of the similarities in their attacks, the victim advocate finds it painful to hear Stephanie recount the details from that night. She also finds herself

A) secondary victimization. B) survivor guilt. C) direct victimization.


provided assistance with stress management. The type of therapy that Stephanie has undergone is: D) therapy.


psychiatrist and taking medication so that she might be able to soon lead a functional life again. The type of therapy that Stephanie is undergoing is: C) clinical therapy. D) physiotherapy.

avoiding Stephanie's calls because it is so painful to talk to her. Stephanie's victim advocate is suffering from:

D) fatigue.


Which group is at the highest risk of victimization?

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A) The wealthy B) Whites

38) Karen works for the U.S. Attorney's office in her town and is responsible for victims of federal crimes such as terrorism and cybercrime. She provides needed services to A) secondary victim. B) victim witness specialist. C) victim specialist.

39) Stephanie is a college student who recently became the victim of a sexual assault. Her attacker was able to gain access to her room because her roommate forgot to lock the door when she left the room while Stephanie was sleeping. Since the attack, Stephanie's roommate, Michelle, has been experiencing stress and guilt because she forgot to lock the door. She has also been experiencing recurring nightmares A) direct victimization. B) secondary victimization.

C) Prior victims D) Females

crime victims and/or their families. Karen works as a:

D) victim compensator.

that she is being sexually assaulted and has recently started drinking to try and minimize the stress and feelings of guilt that she is experiencing. Michelle is experiencing: C) survivor guilt. D) vicarious trauma.

40) ________ make up the greatest percentage of victim compensation funds payments. A) Counseling costs B) Medical expenses

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C) Lost wages D) Funeral expenses


C) $25,000. D) $1,000.

A) $2,000. B) $10,000.

42) Bai, a young mother, is a victim of domestic violence. She decides to leave her husband, taking her children with her. When Bai goes to the police department to file charges, she is treated disrespectfully. The police seem skeptical of her story and make light of her allegations. When she meets with the prosecutor, he does the same and is hesitant to bring

charges. The way that Bai is treated in the criminal justice system can be considered ________ victimization.

C) vicarious D) secondary

A) primary B) indirect

43) Bai, a young mother, is a victim of domestic violence. She decides to leave her husband and to take her children with her. When Bai goes to the police department to file charges, she is treated disrespectfully. The police seem skeptical of her story and take her allegations lightly. When she meets with a A) Bai's husband B) The police

44) Bai, a young mother, is a victim of domestic violence. She decides to leave her husband, taking her children with her. When Bai goes to the police department to file charges, she is treated disrespectfully. The police seem skeptical of her story and make light of her allegations. When she meets with

prosecutor, he does the same and is hesitant to bring charges. In this case, who is a secondary victim?

C) The prosecutor D) Bai's child

the prosecutor, he does the same and is hesitant to bring charges. Bai is the ________ victim in this situation. C) vicarious D) secondary

A) primary B) indirect


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Shortly after a 12

traumatic event, ________ is available to provide immediate assistance, such as shelter and medical care. A) secondary victimization B) victim compensation C) crisis intervention

46) If you were seeking victim assistance information, such as available shelters, places to get legal assistance, or a

A) hotline. B) victim compassion team.

D) victim intervention

protective order, you would contact a: C) survivor. D) lawyer's office.

47) ________ are a temporary housing option for battered women and their children that offer a safe place to escape a violent relationship; provide an opportunity to determine options for legal, medical, social, housing, education, employment, and child care; and make it possible to rebuild a life free of violence.

A) Police stations B) Hospitals

C) Shelters D) Soup kitchens

48) During the ________ process, a victim advocate will determine the needs of the victim and her children upon entering a shelter. A)

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B) C)

questioning processing



49) Which victim will most likely NOT be allowed to enter a shelter?

A) A male child over 13 years of age B) A victim who is under the influence of drugs C) A victim with serious mental illness

D) All of the answers are correct.

50) Research has indicated that women who stay in shelters:

A) experience more severe violence. B) experience fewer incidents of violence. C) do not return to their abusive partners.

D) experience more incidents of violence.

51) If you have been a victim of rape and decide to visit the nearest emergency room, you would most likely be seen by a ________ who is specially trained in examining sexual assault victims.

A) general physician B) sexual assault nurse examiner

52) When a sexual assault victim comes into a hospital to be examined, a SANE nurse will conduct a forensic exam that

A) a detailed blood report B) a rape kit

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C) counselor D) psychotherapist

produces ________ that will preserve evidence. C) a set of X-rays D) the offender's fingerprints


53) Which of the following is the most significant difficulty in outreach and community education of victims' services?

A) Cultural barriers B) Language barriers C) Immigration status


D) All of the answers are correct.

"Elder adults" are usually aged ________ and over.

A) 50 B) 65

C) 74 D) 80

55) Suppose that you believe that your uncle is mistreating and neglecting your grandmother, whom he has been responsible for since she had a stroke last year. If you wished to have these allegations investigated, you would contact ________ in your state.

A) AARP B) the Department of Human Services


C) Adult Protective Services D) SANE

Adult protective services can be traced back to the:

A) 1900s. B) 1950s.

C) 1970s. D) 1990s.

57) Reports to adult protective services have been ________ in recent years. C)


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None of the answer is correct.

58) Groups of police departments and senior groups that work together to reduce the victimization of older adults are called:

A) TRIADs. B) adult protective services. C) collaborative organizations.

D) collaborative victims' services.

59) The emergence of the first rape crisis centers can be largely attributed to the:

A) women's movement. B) restorative justice movement. C) gay rights movement.

60) Service providers in Charlotte, North Carolina, have recently realized that their city has little coordination in their domestic violence services. As a result, they have created a ________ to work collaboratively to address the problem of

A) reparation council B) victim awareness groups

61) Jane is a prosecutor in Wayne County, Michigan. She is part of a group that meets monthly to address sexual assault in their community. The group investigates recent sexual assault cases to determine best practices for handling such cases. They also gather data on who commits sexual assault,

D) civil rights movement.

domestic violence in their community.

C) victim council D) domestic violence council

when and where, and what types of sexual assaults occur. Jane is most likely a member of a: B)


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