Chapter 23 PDF

Title Chapter 23
Course Mammalian Physiology
Institution Rutgers University
Pages 20
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Exam Name___________________________________

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Figure 23.1

Using Figure 23.1, match the following: 1) Mucosa. Answer: A 2) Duodenal glands found here. Answer: B 3) Smooth muscle layer. Answer: C 4) MALT found here. Answer: B 5) Serosa. Answer: D 6) Area of the lamina propria. Answer: A 7) Continuation of the mesentery. Answer: D


Figure 23.2

Using Figure 23.2, match the following: 8) Absorptive cells that line the intestinal tract. Answer: B 9) Cell type specialized to secrete mucus into the lumen of the intestinal tract. Answer: D 10) Structures that increase the absorptive area of the small intestine. Answer: A 11) Wide lymph capillary located in the villus. Answer: C 12) Paneth cells are found here. Answer: E


MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Match the following: 13) Wavelike smooth muscle contractions that move foodstuffs through the alimentary tube.

A) Hydrolysis B) Digestion

Answer: C C) Peristalsis 14) Chemical or mechanical process of breaking down foodstuffs into simpler units.

D) Absorption

Answer: B 15) Enzymatic breakdown of any type of food molecule. Answer: A 16) Process by which simpler chemical units pass through the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood or lymph. Answer: D


SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

Figure 23.3

Using Figure 23.3, match the following: 17) Produces enzymes that break down all categories of foodstuffs. Answer: D 18) Increases surface area for absorption via villi and microvilli. Answer: B 19) Bacteria process undigested chyme from the small intestine. Answer: E 20) Only digestive structure with three muscle layers. Answer: C 21) Receives blood via the hepatic portal system. Answer: A


22) Contains the brush border enzymes that complete digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. Answer: B 23) Main function is to filter and process the nutrient- rich blood delivered to it. Answer: A 24) Produces intrinsic factor. Answer: C 25) Produces a mucoid barrier to prevent self- digestion. Answer: C MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Match the following: 26) Increases output of enzymatic- rich pancreatic juice. Answer: C

A) Gastrin B) Gastric inhibitory peptide

27) Increases output of pancreatic juice rich in bicarbonate ions. Answer: D

C) Cholecystokinin D) Secretin

28) Increases HCl secretion and stimulates contraction of intestinal muscle. Answer: A 29) Stimulates insulin release and mildly inhibits HCl production. Answer: B TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

30) The relatively unchanging pressure in a filling stomach is due to the contraction of the stomach oblique muscle layer. Answer:



31) The circular folds of the small intestine enhance absorption by causing the chyme to spiral, rather than to move in a straight line, as it passes through the small intestine. Answer:



32) Gastric accommodation is an example of smooth muscle plasticity. Answer:



33) Food often contains bacteria, but the HCl of the stomach is effective in killing most ingested microbes. Answer:



34) Stellate macrophages are found in the liver and are responsible for removing bacteria and worn- out cells. Answer:


False 5

35) The pharyngeal- esophageal phase of swallowing is involuntary and is controlled by the swallowing center in the thalamus and lower pons. Answer:



36) All the chemical and mechanical phases of digestion from the mouth through the small intestine are directed toward changing food into forms that can pass through the epithelial cells lining the mucosa into the underlying blood and lymphatic vessels. Answer:



37) Pepsinogen is the precursor to the gastric enzyme for protein digestion and is secreted by the parietal cells. Answer:



38) The only essential function of the stomach is to begin the digestion of proteins. Answer:



39) The major role of absorption in the ileum is to reclaim bile salts to be recycled back to the liver. Answer:



40) The peritoneum is the most extensive serous membrane in the body. Answer:



41) Peyer's patches are primarily found in the submucosa of the duodenum. Answer:



42) The submucosal nerve plexus provides the major nerve supply to the GI tract wall and controls GI motility. Answer:



43) The major means of propulsion through the alimentary canal is peristalsis. Answer:



44) Dentin anchors the tooth in place. Answer:



45) The digestive function of the liver is to produce digestive enzymes. Answer:



46) The pancreas has both an endocrine and an exocrine function. Answer:



47) Another term for swallowing is deglutition. Answer:



48) The splanchnic circulation refers to the arteries that serve the digestive organs and the veins that carry blood from the digestive organs to the liver. Answer:



49) The stomach's contractile rhythm is set by pacemaker cells found in the spinal cord. Answer:




50) The major stimulus for production of intestinal fluid is distention or irritation of the intestinal mucosa by hypertonic or acidic chyme. Answer:



51) Most nutrients are absorbed through the mucosa of the intestinal villi by active transport. Answer:



52) Severe diarrhea can diminish potassium ion absorption. Answer:



53) Mumps is an inflammation of the parotid glands caused by myxovirus. Answer:



54) Fats significantly delay the emptying of the stomach through hormonal and neuronal signals. Answer:



55) The soft palate reflexively opens the nasopharynx to allow the passage of food, which is now called a bolus. Answer:



56) When swallowing, the glottis covers the epiglottis. Answer:



57) Most gastric ulcers are due to excessive production of hydrochloric acid. Answer:



MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

58) The enterohepatic circulation reabsorbs bile salts in the distal portion of the small intestine (ileum). All of the following statements about the enterohepatic circulation are true except one. Select the statement below that is NOT true of the enterohepatic circulation? A) Reabsorbing bile salts in the ileum gives more time to emulsify lipid and aid in their absorption within a greater length of the small intestine. B) All of the components of bile are recycled by this circulation. C) The reabsorption of bile salts allows them to be reused within new bile. D) Reabsorption of bile salts reduces the need to synthesize new bile salts. Answer: B 59) Which of the following is the best illustration of the difference between metabolism and digestion? A) Digestion requires enzymes for it to take place while metabolism does not necessarily need or use them. B) Digestion has a wide variety of chemical reactions while metabolism is restricted to only a few reaction types. C) Metabolism comprises all of the chemical reactions preformed within the body while digestion is only the breakdown of food within the GI tract. D) Digestions must happen first for metabolism to follow it. Answer: C 60) Which of the following is least involved in the mechanical breakdown of food, digestion, or absorption? A) the oral cavity B) the small ingestion C) the esophagus D) large intestine Answer: C


61) Which of the following would likely be absorbed in the stomach? A) a serving of pasta B) a serving of alcohol C) a piece of candy D) a serving of lean chicken breast Answer: B 62) Which of the following is the best explanation of the benefit in the digestive system having the largest collection of lymphoid tissue (MALT) at the distal end of the small intestine? A) The body will actively excrete pathogens out of the body, into the digestive system, to be removed from the body in feces. B) The digestive systems first and foremost job is to digest and absorb nutrients so it puts off immunity for last. C) The alkaline secretions of the small intestine aid in the growth of bacteria and these bacteria must be controlled. D) The huge numbers of bacteria living in the large intestine must be prevented from entering the lumen of the small intestine and being absorbed with food's nutrients into the blood stream. Answer: D 63) Bile salts break up the fat globule into smaller fat droplets. This role of bile salts is best described as ________. A) lipid absorption B) lipid ingestion C) lipid emulsification D) lipid digestion Answer: C 64) A doctor consulting a patient that recently has had their gall bladder removed would likely advise ________. A) eating fewer, but larger meals B) eating foods that are low in fat C) eating a low to no carb diet D) increasing unsaturated fats while eliminating trans fats in their diets Answer: B 65) A ruptured appendix is life threatening because ________. A) it is likely to cause massive infection of the abdominopelvic cavity B) loss of the appendix's function will cause an immune deficiency in the digestive system C) the large intestine will no longer be able to receive digested material from the small intestine D) it is likely to cause severe internal bleeding Answer: A 66) All but one of the following is a function of the low pH found in the stomach. Select the description below that does NOT reflect a role of stomach acid. A) Stomach acid denatures proteins making the poly peptide chain more accessible to pepsin digestive enzymes. B) The stomach's acid catabolically breaks down food stuffs in preparation for absorption. C) Many potentially harmful bacteria will be prevented entry to the small intestine by stomach acid. D) Low pH converts pepsinogen to its active form of pepsin, preventing the protease enzyme from digesting the cells that produce it. Answer: B


67) Fat absorption through the plasma membrane of epithelial cells ________. A) requires enzymes attached to the brush border to further breakdown the fats B) occurs by simple diffusion because lipids are able to penetrate the hydrophobic fatty acid tails within the plasma membrane C) requires vesicular, active transport of the relatively large fatty acids and monoglyceride D) is accomplished by cotransporters that use the concentration gradient of Na+ outside of the cells Answer: B 68) Select the best explanation for why protease enzymes are secreted in inactive forms. A) Inactive enzymes will simply be expelled with the feces if no protein is present in the digesting food; this will help to conserve energy. B) The cells producing inactive enzymes are themselves protected from the enzymes until they are safely within the lumen of the GI tract. C) The enzymes would digest each other if they were not properly regulated. D) The immunoglobulins protecting the digestive tract would be digested without proper regulation of protein digesting enzymes. Answer: B 69) Select the description below that illustrates a difference between a sphincter and circular muscle. A) Sphincters are found throughout the GI tract while circular muscle is found only in the proximal portion of the GI tract. B) A sphincter is composed of smooth muscle while circular muscle is composed of skeletal muscle tissue. C) A sphincter is a thickening of circular muscle that can prevent the movement of digesting materials while circular muscle is involved in propulsion digesting material. D) Sphincters are found in the proximal portion of the GI tract while circular muscle is found in the distal portions. Answer: C 70) In the enteric nervous system, a long reflexive pathway has an advantage over a short reflexive pathway in the fact that ________. A) long reflexive pathways last much longer than short reflexive pathways B) long reflexive pathways can respond throughout the entire length of the GI tract while short reflexive pathways can only respond in the proximal end C) long reflexive pathways are quicker to respond than short reflexive pathways D) long reflexive pathways can be stimulated by things outside of the GI tract Answer: D 71) The sight of food can trigger a series of events that results in the release of gastric juice. All but one of the following is true in regards to the previous statement. Select the one answer that is NOT true. A) This is an example of a long reflexive pathway. B) This prepares the stomach for food before its arrival in the stomach. C) The cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and medulla oblongata are all involved in processing the stimulatory information. D) The motor nerves of this pathway are part of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Answer: D


72) All of the following are true of swallowing (deglutition) except one. Select the statement that is NOT true of swallowing. A) The epiglottis assists in propelling food into the trachea. B) The mouth, pharynx and esophagus all take part in swallowing. C) The voluntary phase of swallowing takes place within the mouth. D) The involuntary portion of swallowing takes place in the pharynx. Answer: A 73) Some antacid drugs block histamine receptors, resulting in reduction of the production and excretion of stomach acid. These drugs have the biggest effect on which of the following? A) chief cells B) parietal cells C) mucous neck cells D) surface epithelial cells Answer: B 74) Which of the following is NOT a function of cholecystokinin (CCK)? A) increase production of pancreatic juice B) open hepatopancreatic sphincter C) stimulate gall bladder to release bile D) increase production of stomach acid Answer: D 75) Generally, the hormones secretin and cholecystokinin which are released by duodenal enteroendocrine cells will ________. A) decrease the activities of the accessory digestive organs B) increase stomach emptying C) increase the force of stomach contractions D) increase the release of digestive enzymes and bile Answer: D 76) Select the one response below that would NOT result from a drug that blocks histamine receptors in the cells lining the stomach. A) It would reduce the symptoms of heartburn. B) It would cause the release of secretin and cholecystokinin. C) It would raise the pH of the stomach. D) It would lower the activity of parietal cells. Answer: B 77) Specific enteroendocrine cells of the stomach, called G cells, are stimulated by partially digested proteins, caffeine, and rising pH. When stimulated, G cells secrete ________. A) hydrochloric acid B) pepsin C) gastrin D) ghrelin Answer: C 78) The mechanical and chemical receptors that control digestive activity are located ________. A) in the pons and medulla B) in the oral cavity C) in the glandular tissue that surround the organ lumen D) in the walls of the tract organs Answer: D


79) The function of the hepatic portal circulation is to ________. A) carry toxins to the kidney for disposal through the urinary tract B) return glucose to the general circulation when blood sugar is low C) collect absorbed nutrients for metabolic processing in the liver D) distribute hormones throughout the body Answer: C 80) The chemical and mechanical processes of food breakdown are called ________. A) digestion B) secretion C) absorption

D) ingestion

Answer: A 81) When we ingest large molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins, they must undergo catabolic reactions whereby enzymes split these molecules. This series of reactions is called ________. A) chemical digestion B) mechanical breakdown C) absorption D) secretion Answer: A 82) The sheets of peritoneal membrane that hold the digestive tract in place are called ________. A) mucosal lining B) lamina propria C) mesenteries D) serosal lining Answer: C 83) From the esophagus to the anal canal, the walls of every organ of the alimentary canal are made up of the same four basic layers. Arrange them in order from the lumen. A) submucosa, serosa, muscularis externa, and mucosa B) serosa, mucosa, submucosa, and muscularis externa C) mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, and serosa D) muscularis externa, serosa, mucosa, and submucosa Answer: C 84) Which of the following is NOT a factor that helps create the stomach mucosal barrier? A) replacing of damaged epithelial mucosa cells B) thick coating of bicarbonate- rich mucus C) tight junctions of epithelial mucosa cells D) secretion of pepsinogen Answer: D 85) What part of the tooth bears the force and resists the friction of chewing? A) pulp B) crown C) cementum

D) enamel

Answer: D 86) The capillaries that nourish the epithelium and absorb digested nutrients lie in the ________. A) lamina propria B) adventitia C) serosa D) submucosa Answer: A 87) Choose the incorrect statement regarding bile. A) Bile functions to carry bilirubin formed from breakdown of worn- out RBCs. B) Bile functions to emulsify fats. C) Bile is both an excretory product and a digestive secretion. D) Bile contains enzymes for digestion. Answer: D


88) The absorptive effectiveness of the small intestine is enhanced by increasing the surface area of the mucosal lining. Which of the following accomplish this task? A) villi, and microvilli B) the rugae and haustra C) the vast array of digestive enzymes D) Brunner's glands and Peyer patches Answer: A 89) Select the statement that is true concerning primary teeth. A) There are 24 primary teeth, and no new primary teeth appear after 13 months. B) There are 20 primary teeth, and by 24 months of age, most children have all 20. C) There are 27 primary teeth, and the molars are permanent. D) There are 32 primary teeth, and by 36 months of age, most children have all 32. Answer: B 90) Which of the following is true concerning the number and type of permanent teeth? A) The number of upper permanent teeth is not equal to the number of lower permanent teeth. B) The number of permanent teeth is always equal to the number of primary teeth. C) There are 27 permanent teeth, and the first molars are usually the last to emerge. D) There are 32 permanent teeth, and the wisdom teeth are the last to emerge. Answer: D 91) Which of the following is NOT true of saliva? A) cleanses the mouth B) moistens food and aids in compacting of the bolus C) contains enzymes that begin the breakdown of carbohydrates D) contains acids which aid in chemical digestion Answer: D 92) Which of the following is NOT found in saliva? A) electrolytes B) protease

C) urea and uric acid

D) lysozyme

Answer: B 93) The bolus is liquefied in the ________ and it is now called chyme. A) small intestine B) esophagus C) mouth

D) stomach

Answer: D 94) Peristaltic waves are ________. A) pendular movements of the gastrointe...

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