Chapter 24 Urinary System Part I Major Concepts PDF

Title Chapter 24 Urinary System Part I Major Concepts
Course Anatomy and Physiology II
Institution Prince George's Community College
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Chapter 24 Review...


;’’’’Chapter 24 Urinary System: Major Concepts/Readings #1 Readings: pp. 947- 952 & pp. 955- 956 (Section 24.3 & Section 24.5 a & b)

● Trace the flow of urine from the renal corpuscle to the urethra renal corpuscle > Proximal convoluted tubule > loop of Henle > distal convoluted tubule > collecting duct > renal pyramid > renal papilla > minor calyx > major calyx > renal pelvis > ureter > bladder > urethra

Pathway of Urine blood flow Renal artery → Segmental artery → Interlobar artery → Arcuate artery → Cortical radiate artery→ Afferent arteriole → Glomerular capillaries → Efferent arteriole → Peritubular capillaries → Cortical radiate vein → Arcuate vein → Interlobar vein → Renal vein → Inferior vena cava

Pathway of urine flow -

Formed in the renal cortex Travels thru the medullary pyramids Drips out of the pyramids into the minor calyces Flows thru major calyces Flows thru the renal pelvis Flows thru the ureter Flows thru and is stored in the urinary bladder Flows thru the urethra

● Define nephron - a set of vessels and tubules that comprises the functional unit of the kidney o Know that urine is produced in the nephron ● How many nephrons does each kidney contain approximately? 1 million

● What structures make up the renal corpuscle? glomerulus and glomerular capsule

● Define filtrate - filtered fluid o Where is it first formed? -

at the glomerular capillaries

● Distinguish between the parietal & visceral layer of the Bowman’s capsule o Which contain podocytes? The visceral layer of the glomerular capsule is composed of podocyte cells

● Know the basic functions and distinguish between the following:

o renal corpuscle- filtration, proximal convoluted tubule- reabsorption, loop of Henle- creates concentration gradient in renal medulla, distal convoluted tubules-reabsorption, aldosterone: sodium regulation, pyrothoid: Calcium regulation & the collecting ductsADH increases reabsorption of water from collecting duct ● Distinguish between the descending & ascending limb of the loop of Henle descending- reabsorbs water & ascending- reabsorbs salt

● Distinguish between cortical & juxtamedullary nephrons o Which is most common? cortical o Which produces more concentrated urine? juxtamedullary ● How is the flow of blood unique in the glomerulus versus other capillaries in the body? more blood pressure (60mmHg) ● What percent of filtrate in the renal corpuscle is reabsorbed by the renal tubule and not excreted by the body? 99%? ● What is the function of the peritubular capillaries & the vasa recta? ● vasa recta- Work with the loops of Henle to facilitate water reabsorption in the collecting duct ● Peritubular capillaries - Surround renal tubules •Receive blood from the efferent arteriole •Sites of R&S •Low BP and high OP

o Which what type of nephron are each of the above associated? peritubular - cortical , vasa recta - juxtaglomerular ● Distinguish between the components of the juxtaglomerular apparatus: o Juxtaglomerular cells & macula densa ▪ What is the basic function of each? - . The macula densa cells of the DCT sense the high [Na+ ] and increase the release of a vasoconstrictor that causes constriction of the afferent arteriole. JG cells release renin into the plasma, reduces blood pressure

● Explain the filtration membrane- know its structure & function o Where is it located? Glomerulus o Distinguish between the 3 layers and their respective functions Glomerular membraneBasement membraneFoot process of podocyte-

● Explain each of the following: o Glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion Glomerular filtration - filtration in glomerulus tubular reabsorption- reabsorbed substances into the blood tubular secretion - substances going back into tubules to be secreted back out the body ▪ Where do all of the above occur? Nephron ▪ What is happening in each process? ● Is glomerular filtration an active or passive process? active transport , passive diffusion...

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