Chapter 25 - The History of Life on Earth PDF

Title Chapter 25 - The History of Life on Earth
Course Genetics
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The History of Life on Earth...


Campbell Biology, 11e (Urry) Chapter 25 The History of Life on Earth 25.1 Multiple-Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in the origin of life? I. II. III. IV.

Formation of protocells Synthesis of organic monomers Synthesis of organic polymers Formation of DNA-based genetic systems

A) I, II, III, IV B) I, III, II, IV C) II, III, I, IV D) II, III, IV, I Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.1 2) Which of the following is a defining characteristic that all protocells had in common? A) the ability to synthesize enzymes B) a surrounding membrane or membrane-like structure C) RNA genes D) the ability to replicate RNA Answer: B Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.1 3) The first genetic material on Earth was probably ________. A) DNA produced by reverse transcriptase from abiotically produced RNA B) DNA molecules whose information was transcribed to RNA and later translated in polypeptides C) self-replicating RNA molecules D) oligopeptides located within protocells Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.1

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4) In 2013, researchers constructed a vesicle with replicated RNA. Why was this significant evidence for abiotic origin of life? A) RNA molecules could pass on information to their "daughters." B) RNA molecules were not able to replicate. C) RNA would be used up by protocells. D) RNA is a stable repository. Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis/Evaluation Section: 25.1 5) Which of the following statements suggests natural selection as a mechanism in the evolution of ribozymes? A) Single-stranded RNA has many shapes. B) Replication of RNA is flawless. C) Some strands of RNA replicate less often. D) Some strands of RNA replicate more often and with more mutations. Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis/Evaluation Section: 25.1 6) How was early Earth from more than three billion years ago different from today's Earth? Unlike Earth today, early Earth ________. A) had an atmosphere rich in gases released from volcanic eruptions B) had an oxidizing atmosphere C) experienced little high-energy radiation from the sun D) had an atmosphere with significant quantities of ozone Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.1 7) Which hypothesis for the abiotic formation of organic molecules suggests that early Earth's atmosphere was a neutral atmosphere? A) The energy for this synthesis could have come from lightning and UV radiation. B) Some evidence suggests that the early atmosphere was made up primarily of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. C) Amino acids were found near volcanic eruption sites. D) Organic compounds were first produced in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Answer: B Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.1

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8) Why are fossils considered to be an incomplete record of evolution? A) The fossil record shows changes in kinds of organisms that lived on earth. B) The fossil record shows that many animals are extinct. C) The fossil record is biased for organisms that had hard shells and skeletons. D) Fossils document how new organisms come from preexisting organisms. Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.2 9) What is the most accurate method used to measure the age of a fossil? A) radiometric dating B) sequence fossils in rock strata C) use uranium-238 D) use whole-life decay Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.2 10) Which of the following organisms would be most likely to form a fossil? A) a rare worm B) a common worm C) a rare squirrel D) a common squirrel Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.2 11) Which of the following would be least likely to appear in the fossil record? A) burrowing species B) marine-dwelling species C) marsh-dwelling species D) desert-dwelling species Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.2 12) If the half-life of carbon-14 is about 5,730 years, then a fossil that has 1/16 of the normal proportion of carbon-14 to carbon-12 should be about how many years old? A) 2,800 B) 11,200 C) 16,800 D) 22,900 Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.2

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13) What is true of the fossil record of mammalian origins? A) It shows that mammals and birds evolved from the same kind of dinosaur. B) It includes transitional forms with progressively specialized teeth. C) It indicates that mammals and dinosaurs did not overlap in geologic time. D) It includes a series that shows the gradual change of scales into fur. Answer: B Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.2 14) If a fossil is encased in a stratum of sedimentary rock without any strata of volcanic rock (for example, lava or ash) nearby, then it should be ________. A) easy to determine the absolute age of the fossil, because the radioisotopes in the sediments will not have been "reset" by the heat of the igneous rocks B) easy to determine the absolute age of the fossil, because the igneous rocks will not have physically obstructed the deposition of sediment of a single age next to the fossil C) difficult to determine the absolute age of the fossil, because the "marker fossils" common to igneous rock will be absent D) difficult to determine the absolute age of the fossil, because radiometric dating of sedimentary rock is less accurate than that of igneous rock Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.2

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15) Use the following information to answer the question. A sediment core is removed from the floor of an inland sea. The sea has been in existence, off and on, throughout the entire time that terrestrial life has existed. Researchers wish to locate and study the terrestrial organisms fossilized in this core. The core is illustrated as a vertical column, with the top of the column representing the most recent strata and the bottom representing the time when land was first colonized by life.

To assign absolute dates to fossils in this sediment core, it would be most helpful if ________. A) you knew the order in which the fossils occurred B) the sediments had not been affected by underwater currents during their deposition C) volcanic ash layers were regularly interspersed between the sedimentary strata D) fossils throughout the column were equally spaced apart Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.2

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16) Refer to the following information to answer the question. Fossils of Lystrosaurus, a dicynodont therapsid, are most common in parts of modern-day South America, South Africa, Madagascar, India, South Australia, and Antarctica. The animal apparently lived in arid regions and was mostly herbivorous. It originated during the midPermian period, survived the Permian extinction, and dwindled by the late Triassic, though there is evidence of a relict population in Australia during the Cretaceous period. Some dicynodonts had two large tusks, extending down from their upper jaws. The tusks were not used for food gathering, and in some species were limited to males. Food was gathered using an otherwise toothless beak. Judging from the fossil record in sedimentary rocks, these pig-sized organisms were the most common mammal-like reptiles of the Permian. What is thought to be the correct sequence of these events, from earliest to most recent, in the evolution of life on Earth? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

origin of mitochondria origin of multicellular eukaryotes origin of chloroplasts origin of cyanobacteria origin of fungal-plant symbioses

A) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 B) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 C) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 D) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.3 17) Which of the following showed their greatest diversity during the Mesozoic era but were a small, less diverse group during the Paleozoic era? A) gymnosperms B) fungi C) flowering plants D) mammals Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.3 18) Which listing of geological periods is in the correct order, from oldest to most recent? A) Cambrian, Devonian, Permian, Cretaceous B) Devonian, Cambrian, Permian, Cretaceous C) Cambrian, Permian, Devonian, Cretaceous D) Permian, Cambrian, Cretaceous, Devonian Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.3 6 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

19) You are the lucky student of a wacky professor who develops a time machine. He asks if you will test it with him. You get in, and there is an immediate glitch—the date readout fails so that when you land, you are not sure what era you are in. Your professor begins to panic, but you see something that tells you are in the Cenozoic era. Which of the following could it be? A) a rabbit eating a daisy B) a water lily floating in a pond C) masses of green ferns with dragonflies hovering above them D) a bee pollinating a flower Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.3 20) You are the lucky student of a wacky professor who develops a time machine. He asks if you will test it with him. You get in, and there is an immediate glitch—the date readout fails so that when you land, you are not sure what era you are in. As your time machine lands, you see an unusual landscape before you. As you open the door, you realize you cannot breathe. You quickly shut the door, realizing you are in the ________. A) Archaean eon B) Cambrian period C) Cenozoic era D) Mesozoic era Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.3 21) An early consequence of the release of oxygen gas by plant and bacterial photosynthesis was to ________. A) change the atmosphere from oxidizing to reducing B) make it easier to maintain reduced molecules C) cause iron in ocean water and terrestrial rocks to rust (oxidize) D) prevent the formation of an ozone layer Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.3 22) What is true of the Cambrian explosion? A) There are fossils of animals in geological strata that are older than the Cambrian explosion. B) Only the fossils of microorganisms are found in geological strata older than the Cambrian explosion. C) The Cambrian explosion is evidence for the instantaneous creation of life on Earth. D) The Cambrian explosion marks the appearance of filter-feeding animals in the fossil record. Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.3

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23) Which of the following characteristics are expected in the first animals to have colonized land? I) They were probably herbivores (ate photosynthesizers). II) Animals had four appendages. III) Animals had the ability to resist dehydration. IV) Animals had lobe-finned fishes as ancestors. V) Invertebrates A) III only B) III and V C) I, III and V D) I, II, III and IV Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.3

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24) Use the following information to answer the question. A sediment core is removed from the floor of an inland sea. The sea has been in existence, off and on, throughout the entire time that terrestrial life has existed. Researchers wish to locate and study the terrestrial organisms fossilized in this core. The core is illustrated as a vertical column, with the top of the column representing the most recent strata and the bottom representing the time when land was first colonized by life.

If arrows indicate locations in the column where fossils of a particular type (see key) first appear, then which core in the figure above has the most accurate arrangement of fossils? A) core A B) core B C) core C D) core D Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.3 25) Which factor most likely caused animals and plants in India to differ greatly from species in nearby southeast Asia? A) The climates of the two regions are similar. B) India is in the process of separating from the rest of Asia. C) Life in India was wiped out by ancient volcanic eruptions. D) India was a separate continent until 45 million years ago. Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.4

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26) What concept explains the evolution of complex eyes? A) Complex eyes evolved through a series of steps that benefited the eyes. B) Mollusc eyes evolved from a different ancestor than vertebrate eyes. C) Through evolutionary history, eyes lose function of vision. D) Mollusc eye's evolution was dependent on vertebrate eye evolution. Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.6 27) How does continental drift explain the uniqueness of Australian fauna? A) Marsupials fill the ecological niche as eutherians on other continents. B) Fossil evidence suggests that marsupials originated in Asia and reached Australia via South America. C) The subsequent separation of the southern continents formed an island of marsupials. D) In Australia, marsupials diversified, and eutherians became extinct. Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.4 28) Which period had the greatest increase in the number of extant species? A) Paleozoic B) Mesozoic C) Cenozoic D) Permian Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.4 29) What adaptions by mammals helped their adaptive radiation after extinction of terrestrial dinosaurs? A) nocturnal vision B) small size C) increase in diversity D) outcompeting for food Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.4 30) What major innovations of the three radiations was associated with defying gravity to facilitate life on land? A) stems B) waxy covering C) insect pollination D) new sources of food Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.4 10 Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc.

31) The Permian period ended and then rapid speciation occurred as new animal and plant forms evolved. The most likely explanation for this is ________. I) adaptive radiation II) ecological opportunity III) lack of competition IV) morphological innovation A) just one of the above B) two of the above C) three of the above D) all of the above Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.4 32) According to the theory of seafloor spreading, oceanic islands, such as the Hawaiian Islands, form as oceanic crustal plates move over a stationary "hot spot" in the mantle. Currently, the big island of Hawaii is thought to be over a hot spot, which is why it is the only one of the seven large islands that has active volcanoes. What should be true of the island of Hawaii? I) Scientists in search of ongoing speciation events are more likely to find them here than on the other six large islands. II) Its species should be more closely related to those of nearer islands than to those of farther islands. III) It should have a rich fossil record of terrestrial organisms. IV) It should have species that are not found anywhere else on Earth. V) On average, it should have fewer species per-unit surface area than the other six islands. A) I, II and III B) I, II and V C) I, II, III and IV D) I, II, IV and V Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Synthesis/Evaluation Section: 25.4

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33) Hawaii is the most southeastern of the seven largest islands and is also closest to the seafloor spreading center from which the Pacific plate originates, which lies about 5,600 km farther to the southeast. Assuming equal sedimentation rates, what should be the location of the thickest sediment layer and thus the area with the greatest diversity of fossils above the oceanic crust? A) between the island of Hawaii and the seafloor spreading center B) around the base of the island of Hawaii C) around the base of Kauai, the oldest of the large Hawaiian islands D) where the islands are most concentrated (highest number of islands per unit surface area) Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.4 34) Upon being formed, oceanic islands, such as the Hawaiian Islands, should feature what characteristic, leading to which phenomenon? A) mass extinctions, leading to bottleneck effect B) major evolutionary innovations, leading to rafting to nearby continents C) a variety of empty ecological niches, leading to adaptive radiation D) adaptive radiation, leading to founder effect Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.4 35) How did the Cretaceous and Permian extinctions affect the numbers of prey organisms? A) After the Permian extinction, the numbers or prey organisms increased then leveled off. B) After the Cretaceous extinction, the number of predators continuously increased. C) The Permian predators removed all Cretaceous predators. D) Predators and prey decreased in numbers. Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.4 36) Bagworm moth caterpillars feed on evergreens and carry a silken case or bag around with them in which they eventually pupate. Adult female bagworm moths are larval in appearance; they lack the wings and other structures of the adult male and instead retain the appearance of a caterpillar even though they are sexually mature and can lay eggs within the bag. This is a good example of ________. A) allometric growth B) paedomorphosis C) sympatric speciation D) adaptive radiation Answer: B Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.5

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37) The loss of ventral spines by modern freshwater sticklebacks is due to natural selection operating on the phenotypic effects of Pitx1 gene ________. A) duplication (gain in number) B) elimination (loss) C) mutation (change) D) silencing (loss of expression) Answer: D Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.5 38) The following question refers to this hypothetical situation. A female fly, full of fertilized eggs, is swept by high winds to an island far out to sea. She is the first fly to arrive on this island and the only fly to arrive in this way. Thousands of years later, her numerous offspring occupy the island, but none of them resembles her. There are, instead, several species, each of which eats only a certain type of food. None of the species can fly, and their balancing organs (halteres) are now used in courtship displays. The male members of each species bear modified halteres that are unique in appearance to their species. Females bear vestigial halteres. The ranges of all of the daughter species overlap. In each fly species, the entire body segment that gave rise to the original flight wings is missing. The mutation(s) that led to the flightless condition could have ________. A) duplicated all of the Hox genes in these flies' genomes B) resulted in paedomorphosis C) altered the expression of a Hox gene D) originated in another species Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.5 39) A genetic change that caused a certain Hox gene to be expressed along the tip of a vertebrate limb bud instead of farther back helped make possible the evolution of the tetrapod limb. This type of change is illustrative of ________. A) the influence of environment on development B) paedomorphosis C) a change in a developmental gene or its regulation that altered the spatial organization of body parts D) heterochrony Answer: C Bloom's Taxonomy: Application/Analysis Section: 25.5

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40) The duplication of homeotic (Hox) genes has been significant in the evolution of animals because it ________. A) permitted the evolution of novel forms B) caused the extinction of major groups C) reduced morphological diversity into simpler forms of life D) allowed animals to survive on significantly fewer calories Answer: A Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge/Comprehension Section: 25.5 41) Why would gene duplication events, such as those seen in the Hox gene complex, set the stage for adaptive radiation? A) There are more copies of genes, meaning speciation had...

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