Chapter 3 - Lecture notes Lecture 3 PDF

Title Chapter 3 - Lecture notes Lecture 3
Course US history
Institution High School - USA
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Notes on Chapter 3 of APUSH...


Chap 3- Settlements, Alliances, and Resistance ● Spain-New Spain-Caribbean, Mexico, South America, and Central America. ● 1500s- Dominated by New Spain. North America- virtually no colonies (St. Augustine exception) ● Cod-fisherman going to North America, no permanent colonies ● By the end of the 1500s Spain empire decreases, England empire increase. ● 1600s(After Protestant wind) ● 1608- French founded Quebec ● 1610- Spain settles Santa Fe ● 1607- founding of Jamestown(first permanent English settlement.) Jamestown or Virginia Primogeniture- an English custom that said the oldest son inherit everything. Jamestown settled by second and third sons. A joint stock company- is a group inverters, pool their money together and Share profit or loss Invested because they thought there was gold (They will make a profit through tobacco, which is very addictive, causing people to want more, which creates a huge demand and a great profit) Yeoman farmers(majority of Jamestown settlers)- small, poor, landless Everyone their for gold and profit Starving times- early years of Jamestown, harsh winters, little food, people dying. John Smith-save Jamestown, “he who will not work, while not eat” Chief Powhatan- taught the settlers how to fish and farm, wanted an alliance against rival tribes. He along with John Smith stabilize Jamestown. John Rolfe- introduced tobacco, to Virginia. 1619- African slaves introduced to America by a Dutch Ship. Jamestown=Virginia. Maryland Lord Baltimore- finds Maryland, which is a safe haven for Catholics. Maryland is a proprietary colony Proprietary Colony- created when the king grants a huge piece of land to an individual as his own private land. More protestants than Catholics, Catholics still persecuted. Maryland Toleration Act- protected Catholic minority, and gives religious freedom to all CHRISTIANS.

Carolinas and Georgia Carolinas- proprietary colony- growing Rice Rice needed to feed Sugar plantations in the Caribbeans. 2 reasons African Slaves were needed to grow rice 1. Most people of African Descendants have a natural immunity to Malaria. Mosquitoes carrying Malaria were common in rice plantation since rice grows on wet moist soil, along with mosquitoes. 2. Knowledge of rice cultivation. Georgia-James Oglethorpe(leader)-proprietary colony Buffer colony from Spanish Florida and French's Louisiana Prisoners, debtors, and undesirables move to Georgia. Southern colonies ➔ Virginia, VA ➔ Maryland, MD ➔ South Carolina, SC ➔ North Carolina, Nc ➔ Georgia, GA Massachusetts 1620-Plymouth-Pilgrims-Puritans came to escape religious prosecutions. Puritans channeling the King's church(Anglican) Challenging the KIng!!!. They first go to the Netherlands-Holland, however they have to leave, because their children are becoming to dutch. They get a Charter from the Virginia company to settle in Virginia Mayflower blown of course- land in in Plymouth(lawless, no government, uncharted), Pilgrims Squatters. Squatters- no legal claim to a piece of land. William Bradford- leaders of the Pilgrims. Mayflower Compact- an agreement from the people on board the mayflower, said we agree to submit to the will of majority 1630- Mass Bay Colony founded John Winthrop: we shall be a “city upon a hill”. The eyes of all people are upon us, so we will be the ideal Christian community. Bible Commonwealth- government enforce god’s law, Theocracy. General Court- legislature for the Mass Bay Colony. Great Migration- thousands of puritans flee England to go to Mass Bay Colony

Only Puritans are citizens-”visible saints”. Visible saints John Calvin- predestination- god is all knowing God knows if you're going to heaven or hell, before you're even born. You can't change this it is your destiny. Because of this people lose motivation to be good In response John Calvin says people who are good will experience a conversion(direct communication with god), they are the elected(the saved) going to heaven. However after this you must be a Visible Saint Everyone behaves as a visible saint to impress their Neighbors. Pressured to act like a visible saint so that their not judged. Unfortunately some people just don't fit Anne Hutchinson- direct revelations to god, was a female preacher(first strike), she says god said even if you live a holy life their no sure sign of salvation. CHALLENGING LEADERSHIP OF MASS BAY, KICKED OUT. Goes to Rhode Island(Roger William in charge) Salem Witch Trials- idea of visible saints, everyone thinks they're going to heaven, but these girls who did something bad say’s their witches starts mass hysteria of witches. Rhode Island Roger Williams- leader of RI believed that they should pay the Indians for the land, freedom or religion, and separation of Church and State. Rational colony seen as the sewer of Massbay. Connecticut Thomas Hooker- founder, strict conservative-Puritan. Fundamental orders of Connecticut- first democratic constitution in America, gave votes to all men in the colony. New Hampshire John Mason founder was set up as a fishing colony New York Dutch West India Co- trading post, whole colony called New Netherlands, NYC called New Amsterdam. Place of diversity, tolerance, and democratic values. Duke of York “given” land by the king Dutch flee New Amsterdam, becomes New York.

New Jersey Duke of york gives two of his friends land land they call it New Jersey. Pennsylvania William Penn- given to him by the King, means Penn's Woods. Quaker- men and women equal, pacifist, and tolerate. Says his colony is will be a Holy Experiment Delaware Given permission by Penn, to form their own Colony. New England States: MA, CT, RI, NH Economy shipbuilding, fishing, and commerce(trading) Middle States: NJ, NY, PA, DE Economy Grains(wheat, oats, and barley) Southern States: VA + MD (Chesapeake) NC + SC, GA Economy Rice, sugar, indigo, tobacco Section 3.2 England’s Colonies and Wars Early generations cooperated with Indians. Cooperation breaks down FIRST in New England because their less interracial marriages(New England family colony, Middle and Southern colonies are young single men. Mestizo- children of European and Native American blood(Middle and South) King Philip's(Chief Metacom) war- fighting over land, remembered as one of the bloodiest wars in North America. After match: New England Confederation(early sign of colonial unity), mutual protection Meanwhile in Virginia Wealthiest and most populous colony in America. 1630- 1.5 million pounds of tobacco exported 1700- 40 million pounds of tobacco exported Indentured Servants- passage to America is payed for, in return for working a term of service. Freedom Dues- a little piece of land after your term of service Headlight System- land reward to a wealthy farmer who pays for Indentured Servants.

1600s- 75 percent of the immigrants to Chesapeake Indentured Servants. 1676 House of Burgess(Virginia Government) stopped giving out freedom dues, were all wealthy. Increased population of Indentured Servants, landless, poor, single, angry. Indentured Servants moving west running into Indians(conflict starts) Indentured Servants go to house of burgess want help protecting their homes and for lower taxes, fall on deaf ears. Nathaniel Bacon- leader of the Bacon Rebellion, a bunch of former Indentured Servants burn Jamestown to the ground. Significance: 1. Foreshadow American Revolution(feels government not treating them fairly) 2. Wealth farmer look elsewhere for Labor SLAVERY INTRODUCED 3.3 France takes over the Interior of the Continent. Samuel de Champlain- “Father of New France”, forms permanent colony in Quebec and Montreal. Becomes friendly with Indians because they have the most valuable resource beaver pelts. Coureurs de Bois- runners of the wood(like Indentured Servants) 1. Looking for Adventure 2. Beaver pelts/ trade with Indians 3.4 The Spanish in North America 1680- Pueblo Revolt- was the most successful Indian uprising in North America. Pueblo drives the Spanish out of New Mexico for more than a decade, revolting against the Encomienda System. Spanish will mark their territory with Spanish Missions- Catholic Mission converting Indians to Catholic....

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