Chapter 3 Victims and Victimization PDF

Title Chapter 3 Victims and Victimization
Author 洋 王
Course Introduction to Criminology
Institution Simon Fraser University
Pages 13
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Chapter 3 Victims and Victimization...


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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization 1. What is recognized as the first law for establishing the rights of victims? a. the Napoleonic Code b. the Code of Hammurabi c. the Criminal Code d. the Mosaic Code ANSWER: b 2. Jordan’s father was physically abusive; after it was reported, 12-year-old Jordan went to live with his grandmother. Natasha’s uncle sexually abused her from the age of five to 12. According to research, which statement is accurate? a.Jordan is more likely than Natasha to engage in violent and criminal behaviours. b.Natasha is more likely than Jordan to engage in violent and criminal behaviours. c.Natasha is more likely to engage in criminal activities and Jordan is more likely to exhibit violent outbursts. d.Both Jordan and Natasha are more likely to commit crimes which result in their being arrested. ANSWER: d 3. What term refers to the trauma experienced by victims due to the repeated delays in the court process, the questions and suggestions about the role he or she may have played in the event, and being continually questioned by authorities about the criminal event? a. victimization syndrome b. victim precipitation c. system abuse d. vicarious trauma ANSWER: c 4. Based on the results of the 2009 GSS—VS, what percentage of the Canadian population had been a victim of

a criminal incident in the preceding 12 months? a. less than 15% b. between 15% and 20% c. approximately 25% d. more than 30% ANSWER: c 5. How often does the General Social Survey (GSS) collect data on reported and unreported events of criminal

victimization? a. every year b. every three years c. every five years Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization d. every seven years ANSWER: c 6. What term is used to denote the long-term suffering of crime victims that may result in depression, anxiety,

flashbacks, and recurring nightmares? a. victimization anxiety b. psychosis anxiety c. disassociation disorder d. post-traumatic stress disorder ANSWER: d 7. What term refers to the long-term psychological impact of experiencing significant trauma? a. persistent trauma disorder b. antisocial personality disorder c. system abuse d. post-traumatic stress disorder ANSWER: d 8. What was the nature of crime trends between 2004 and 2009 according to the General Social Survey (GSS)? a.Property and violent victimization rates both rose slightly. b.Property victimization rates remained stable, while serious and violent

victimization rates rose. c.Property and violent victimization rates did not change measurably. d.Property victimization rates rose slightly, while serious and violent victimization rates remained stable. ANSWER: c 9. Within the context of the social ecology of victimization and using the findings of the 2009 Statistics Canada report on victimization, who would experience the greatest risk of being a victim of a violent crime? a. Ethel, a 70-year-old married woman living in a high crime neighbourhood. b. Mario, a 35-year-old single man who works as a bartender at a popular nightclub. c. Omar, a 20-year-old male who lives with his parents in a middle-class neighbourhood. d. Sherene, a 23-year-old female, who chose to move downtown in order to enjoy the nightlife. ANSWER: d 10. According to the Department of Justice, crime in Canada had an estimated cost of $70 billion in 2003. Who bore the majority of the costs of crime? a. victims b. court systems Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization c. correctional services d. police forces and law enforcement agencies ANSWER: a 11. Victims of crime, especially childhood abuse, are more likely to commit criminal acts themselves. What

term is given to this abuse-crime phenomenon? a. cycle of victimization b. cycle of abuse c. cycle of violence d. cycle of post-traumatic stress ANSWER: c 12. According to the 2003 Department of Justice report, which crime category was the most costly type of crime? a. drug crimes b. violent crimes c. cyber-crimes d. property crimes ANSWER: d 13. In Canada, approximately what percentage of crimes are reported to the police? a. 25% b. 33% c. 50% d. 66% ANSWER: b 14. How does gender affect the likelihood that someone will be a crime victim? a. Men are twice as likely as women to be victims of crime. b. Men and women experience similar rates of victimization for similar types of

crimes. c. Men and women experience similar rates of victimization, but the nature of the crimes differs. d. Women are more likely than men to be victims of violent crime. ANSWER: c 15. Which group of people is at greatest risk for victimization? a. young people b. older people c. married couples d. everyone is equally at risk Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization ANSWER: a 16. James is among the wealthiest students at his university. According to statistics, what crime is he most likely to be the target of? a. murder and assault b. mugging and theft c. burglary and robbery d. arson and assault ANSWER: b 17. Who is NOT likely to be a victim of crime? a. Jim, who has never been married b. Tim, who was recently widowed after 37 years of marriage c. Sue, who is engaged to be married after she graduates from university d. Sara, who was recently divorced after two years of marriage ANSWER: b 18. Aham, a 19-year-old, recently immigrated to Canada from Nigeria. Why might he be at a higher risk for hate

crime victimization? a. His minimum wage job and subsidized housing are located in a poor area of the city. b. He is taking English as a second language classes, but he is still not fluent in English. c. Behaviour norms in Canada are vastly different than those in Nigeria. d. Those between the ages of 15 and 21 years are more likely to be victims of this type of crime. ANSWER: a 19. Finkelhor and Asigian found that three specific types of characteristics increase the potential for

victimization. Which statement best exemplifies target gratifiability? a. The victim appears vulnerable to the offender. b. The victim has provoked the offender. c. The victim has something the offender wants. d. The victim has a previous relationship to the offender. ANSWER: c 20. The risk of victimization diminishes rapidly after what age? a. 25 b. 35 c. 45 d. 55 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization ANSWER: a 21. According to victimization data, who commit(s) the majority of crime? a. two or more offenders b. juveniles c. gangs d. a single offender over age 18 years ANSWER: d 22. At every hockey game, Jeremy insists on wearing the home team’s jersey and sitting in the stands with the

visiting team’s fans. Consequently, he has experienced everything from verbal harassment to having drinks poured on him, and on one occasion was punched when he cheered a goal by his home team. What aspect of repeat victimization accounts for Jeremy’s troubles? a. target vulnerability b. target gratifiability c. target antagonism d. target credibility ANSWER: c 23. Victimization risk is influenced by marital status. Which group has the lowest rate of victimization? a. single people b. divorced people c. married people d. widows and

widowers ANSWER: d 24. Which of the following refers to a victim’s physical weakness or psychological stress that renders them incapable of resisting or deterring crime? a. target hostility b. target vulnerability c. target gratifiability d. target antagonism ANSWER: b 25. Which theory claims that individuals may actively or passively initiate the confrontation that leads to their abuse or exploitation? a. victim precipitation theory b. personal risk theory c. social ecology theory Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization d. rational choice theory ANSWER: a 26. According to Cohen and Felson, why did crime rates in the United States increase between 1960 and 1980? a. due to a lack of “tough-on-crime” laws and sentencing b. as a consequence of cutbacks in police budgets c. as a result of more women obtaining employment d. because of an increase in violence-filled programs in the media ANSWER: c 27. Sam is a college student who is getting ready to return to school. He is searching various neighbourhoods for

housing because he has heard that the nature of the neighbourhood could affect his likelihood of being a victim of crime. Which theory is influencing Sam’s housing decision? a. guardianship theory b. self-fulfilling prophecy theory c. routine activities theory d. deviant place theory ANSWER: d 28. At a session on campus security, the speaker told the university female students in attendance that in order to

avoid sexual assault, women should not dress “provocatively.” What was the speaker arguing? a. Women actively precipitate their own victimization. b. Women passively precipitate their own victimization. c. Only women are sexually assaulted. d. Women’s clothing is responsible for sexual assault. ANSWER: a 29. Ahmed argues that crime is not based on complex causation; rather, it is based on opportunities to commit

crime. Which theory of crime is Ahmed articulating? a. strain theory b. routine activities theory c. learning theory d. control theory ANSWER: b 30. Serena had just learned about lifestyle theory in her criminology class and was anxious to share its insights with her friends. When Sara asked her for advice about reducing the risk of becoming a victim, which of the following would Serena offer? a. Get a dog. b. Carry a weapon. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization c. Earn lots of money. d. Move to a densely populated area. ANSWER: c 31. Anthony is 16 years old and just finished Grade 10. His mother has a full-time and a part-time job in order to support the two of them, and has been pushing Anthony to get a summer job so he can help with household expenses. Despite applying at a number of businesses, Anthony cannot find employment. Which of the routine activities theory factors will he most likely fit into? a. capable guardian b. motivated offender c. labelled offender d. suitable target ANSWER: b 32. What category of victim precipitation occurs when the victim exhibits some personal characteristic that unknowingly either threatens or encourages the attacker? a. impulsive precipitation b. reflexive precipitation c. passive precipitation d. active precipitation ANSWER: c 33. Which theory is premised on the view that victimization results from the interaction of three everyday factors—the availability of suitable targets, the absence of capable guardians, and the presence of motivated offenders? a. victim precipitation theory b. routine activities theory c. lifestyle theory d. deviant place theory ANSWER: b 34. What services are victim–offender reconciliation programs responsible for? a. providing monetary awards to assist in the recovery of victims b. offering free legal advice to all parties concerned c. facilitating mediation sessions between opposing parties d. maintaining safe distances between victims or witnesses and the accused ANSWER: c 35. Situational crime prevention tactics generally fall into one of four categories. What is NOT a tactic that

would be found in one of the four groups? a. purchasing a steering wheel lock device and using it every time the car is Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization parked b. the installation of video surveillance cameras c. increasing probation and sentencing measures for criminal convictions d. newspaper publication of names of people arrested and charged with impaired driving ANSWER: c 36. What is the effectiveness of block-watch programs in lowering crime rates? a.They are more effective in urban centres, where there is greater population

density than in smaller towns. b.They tend not to exist in rural neighbourhoods where they are needed the most. c.They are generally very effective and are welcome additions to any crime

prevention strategy. d.They are not generally effective, especially in the disrupted neighbourhoods,

which need the help the most. ANSWER: d 37. A business owner has been told to engage in target hardening to protect her business against victimization. What should she do? a. use bars on windows or security guards to minimize the risk of crime b. implement a connection with police to ensure quicker response times c. post signs in windows about the penalty for break and enter d. donate money to a local social program aimed at rehabilitating offenders ANSWER: a 38. Leesha has just been hired as the coordinator of a victim–offender reconciliation program in her community.

What will she be devoting her efforts to? a. ensuring that victims or witnesses and the accused do not come into contact with each other b. scheduling free sessions with lawyers for all parties c. assessing the financial needs of the parties and providing monetary settlements d. facilitating mediation sessions between parties involved in the crime ANSWER: d 39. What term is used for mediated face-to-face encounters between victims and their attackers that are designed

to produce restitution agreements? a. recidivist prevention programs b. trial diversion programs c. alternative dispute resolution programs d. victim–offender reconciliation programs ANSWER: d Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization 40. Victims of antisocial behaviour are more likely to fall victim to a phenomenon known as “the cycle of violence.” a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 41. There is growing evidence that people who are crime victims also seem more likely to commit crime

themselves. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 42. Survey findings in victimization patterns indicate that the nature of victimization is random and uncertain. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 43. Women are four times more likely than men to be victims of robbery. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 44. Victim data reveal that victim risk diminishes rapidly after age 25. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 45. The wealthy are less likely to become victims of crime than the poor. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 46. Divorced and never-married males and females are victimized more often than married people. a. True b. Fals e Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization ANSWER: True 47. Minorities and recent immigrants are unlikely to suffer victimization due to racism as Canada has a distinctly multicultural identity. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 48. Victims reported that most crimes were committed by a single offender over age 18 years. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 49. The basis of victim precipitation theory is that crime is not a random occurrence but rather a function of the

victim’s lifestyle. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 50. According to deviant place theory, victims do not encourage crime but they are victim prone because they reside in socially disorganized, high-crime areas. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 51. The routine activities theory assumes that motivation to commit crime and the supply of offenders vary from

time to time. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 52. The Canadian Criminal Code requires courts to consider victim impact statements at the time of sentencing. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 53. The Corrections and Conditional Release Act contains provisions to withhold all information from victims Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization about the offender’s place of incarceration, their release from custody, and their release location. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 54. Some provinces have courts assigned specifically to deal with domestic violence cases. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 55. The suffering endured by crime victims does not end when their attacker leaves the scene of the crime.

Examine the potential for revictimization by the criminal justice system itself and the possible consequences for society and the victims. ANSWER Student responses will vary but should demonstrate an understanding of (a) how : some victims may be treated callously (insinuations that they were somehow at fault—”victim-blaming”); (b) some victims are kept out of the loop with respect to case developments (or nondevelopment); (c) property may be kept as evidence for long periods of time and may never be returned; (d) the revictimization of some sexual assault victims; (e) the economic hardship experienced; and (f) their fears of retaliation being treated lightly. 56. Discuss victimization patterns and trends in terms of both the social ecology of victimization and the victim’s household. ANSWER Student responses will vary but should include points such as engaging in : evening activities outside the home; men and women are equally likely to be victims but of different types of crime; marital status and its connection to victimization likelihood; and neighbourhood and household characteristics (socially disorganized, socioeconomic status, types of dwellings, tenants vs. homeowners). 57. Social and demographic characteristics distinguish victims and nonvictims. Select three of these

characteristics and discuss how they affect victimization. ANSWER Student responses will vary and should include discussion of victims and : nonvictims in terms of gender, age, social status, marital status, and race. 58. Examine race and ethnicity in relation to crime and victimization. Using examples from the text, consider the unique circumstances that may apply to visible minorities and new Canadians. Analyze the relevance of their experiences to the experiences of other Canadians in similar circumstances. Explain why this information would be difficult for researchers to collect or publish. ANSWER Student responses will vary but could incorporate a discussion of hate crimes— : whether it be against the individual or the group as a whole, and (overt or subtle) racism based on religious beliefs or country of origin. Mention should be Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 3 - Victims and Victimization made of the income inequality experienced by racial and ethnic minorities, which predisposes them to be an “at risk” population group. 59. What do victim data tell us about the relationship between victims and offenders? ANSWER Student responses will vary. Students should note that in the majority of violent : victimization incidents (sexual assault, assault), the victim knew the perpetrator,

and that in the majority of robbery incidents the perpetrator was a stranger. 60. Discuss the victim precipitation theory. Do you agree with the basic premise of this theory? State why or why not. ANSWER Student responses will vary. Victim precipitation theory is the view that victims : may initiate (actively or passively) their own victimization. Answers could include reference to victim-blaming, SlutWalking, and suicide by cop. 61. Compare and contrast the lifestyle, deviant place,...

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