Chapter 31 Data Warehousing Concepts PDF

Title Chapter 31 Data Warehousing Concepts
Course Database Systems
Institution Charles Sturt University
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Data Warehousing Concepts

Chapter Objectives In this chapter you will learn:

and technologies have led to the availability of vast amounts of electronic data. Businesses are turning to this mountain of data to provide information about the environment in which they operate. This trend has led to the emergence of an area referred to as business intelligence. Business intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term that refers to the processes for collecting and analyzing data, the technologies used in these processes, and the information obtained from these processes with the purpose of facilitating corporate decision making. In this chapter and those that follow, we focus on the key technologies that can form part of a BI implementation: data warehousing, online analytical processing (OLAP), and data mining.




Chapter 31

Data Warehousing Concepts

Structure of this Chapter In Section 31.1, we outline what data warehousing is and how it evolved. In Section 31.2, we describe the architecture and main components of a data warehouse. In Section 31.3, we describe the tools and technologies associated with a data warehouse. In Section 31.4, we introduce data marts and the benefits associated with these systems. Finally, in Section 31.5 we present an overview of how Oracle supports a data warehouse environment. The examples in this chapter are taken from the DreamHome case study described in Chapter 11 and Appendix A.


Introduction to Data Warehousing

Data warehouses are clearly here to stay; they are no longer regarded as an optional part of the database “armory” for many businesses. Evidence of the arrival of the data warehouse as a permanent fixture is that database vendors now include data warehousing capabilities as a core service of their database products. Not only are data warehouses growing in size and prevalence, but the scope and complexity of such systems has also expanded. Current data warehouse systems are expected not only to support traditional reporting but also to provide more advanced analysis such as multidimensional and predictive analysis and this range is to meet the needs of a growing number of different types of users. The data warehouse resource is expected not only to be made available for a growing number of internal users, but also to be accessible and useful to those external to an enterprise such as customers and suppliers. The increasing popularity of data warehouses is thought to be driven by a range of factors, including, for example, government regulatory compliance that requires businesses to maintain transactional histories and cheaper and more reliable data storage facilities to the emergence of real-time (RT) data warehousing that satisfies the requirements for time critical business intelligence applications. In this section, we discuss the origin and evolution of data warehousing and the main benefits and problems associated with data warehousing. We then discuss the relationship that exists between data warehousing and the OLTP systems—the main source of data for data warehouses. We compare and contrast the main characteristics of these systems. We then examine the problems associated with developing and managing a data warehouse. We conclude this section by describing the trend toward RT data warehousing and identify the main issues associated with this trend.

31.1.1 The Evolution of Data Warehousing Since the 1970s, organizations have mostly focused their investment in new computer systems that automate business processes. In this way, organizations gained competitive advantage through systems that offered more efficient and cost-effective services to the customer. Throughout this period, organizations accumulated


Introduction to Data Warehousing

growing amounts of data stored in their operational databases. However, in recent times, when such systems are commonplace, organizations are focusing on ways to use operational data to support decision making as a means of regaining competitive advantage. Operational systems were never designed to support such business activities and so using these systems for decision making may never be an easy solution. The legacy is that a typical organization may have numerous operational systems with overlapping and sometimes contradictory definitions, such as data types. The challenge for an organization is to turn its archives of data into a source of knowledge, so that a single integrated/consolidated view of the organization’s data is presented to the user. The concept of a data warehouse was deemed the solution to meet the requirements of a system capable of supporting decision making and receiving data from multiple operational data sources.

31.1.2 Data Warehousing Concepts The original concept of a data warehouse was devised by IBM as the “information warehouse” and presented as a solution for accessing data held in nonrelational systems. The information warehouse was proposed to allow organizations to use their data archives to help them gain a business advantage. However, due to the sheer complexity and performance problems associated with the implementation of such solutions, the early attempts at creating an information warehouse were mostly rejected. Since then, the concept of data warehousing has been raised several times but only in recent years has the potential of data warehousing been seen as a valuable and viable solution. One of the earliest promoters of data warehousing is Bill Inmon, who has earned the title of “father of data warehousing.”

Data warehousing

A subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process.

In this early definition by Inmon (1993), the data is: enterprise (such as customers, products, and sales) rather than the major application areas (such as customer invoicing, stock control, and product sales). This is reflected in the need to store decision support data rather than applicationoriented data. prise-wide applications systems. The source data is often inconsistent, using, for example, different formats. The integrated data source must be made consistent to present a unified view of the data to the users. point in time or over some time interval. The time-variance of the data warehouse is also shown in the extended time that the data is held, the implicit or explicit association of time with all data, and the fact that the data represents a series of snapshots.





Chapter 31

Data Warehousing Concepts

tional systems on a regular basis. New data is always added as a supplement to the database, rather than a replacement. The database continually absorbs this new data, incrementally integrating it with the previous data. There are numerous definitions of data warehousing, with the earlier definitions focusing on the characteristics of the data held in the warehouse. Alternative and later definitions widen the scope of the definition of data warehousing to include the processing associated with accessing the data from the original sources to the delivery of the data to the decision makers (Anahory and Murray, 1997). Whatever the definition, the ultimate goal of data warehousing is to integrate enterprise-wide corporate data into a single repository from which users can easily run queries, produce reports, and perform analysis.

31.1.3 Benefits of Data Warehousing The successful implementation of a data warehouse can bring major benefits to an organization, including: of resources to ensure the successful implementation of a data warehouse, and the cost can vary enormously from tens of thousands to millions of dollars due to the variety of technical solutions available. However, a study by the International Data Corporation (IDC) reported that data warehouse projects delivered an average three-year return on investment (ROI) of 401% (IDC, 1996). Furthermore, a later IDC study on business analytics—that is, analytical tools that access data warehouses—delivered an average one-year ROI of 431% (IDC, 2002). have successfully implemented a data warehouse is evidence of the enormous competitive advantage that accompanies this technology. The competitive advantage is gained by allowing decision makers access to data that can reveal previously unavailable, unknown, and untapped information on for example customers, trends, and demands. productivity of corporate decision makers by creating an integrated database of consistent, subject-oriented, historical data. It integrates data from multiple incompatible systems into a form that provides one consistent view of the organization. By transforming data into meaningful information, a data warehouse allows corporate decision makers to perform more substantive, accurate, and consistent analysis.

31.1.4 Comparison of OLTP Systems and Data Warehousing A DBMS built for OLTP is generally regarded as unsuitable for data warehousing, because each system is designed with a differing set of requirements in mind. For example, OLTP systems are designed to maximize the transaction processing capacity, while data warehouses are designed to support ad hoc query processing.


Introduction to Data Warehousing

Table 31.1 provides a comparison of the major characteristics of OLTP systems and data warehousing systems. The table also indicates some of the major trends that may alter the characteristics of data warehousing. One such trend is the move toward RT data warehousing, which is discussed in Section 31.1.6. An organization will normally have a number of different OLTP systems for business processes such as inventory control, customer invoicing, and point-ofsale. These systems generate operational data that is detailed, current, and subject to change. The OLTP systems are optimized for a high number of transactions that are predictable, repetitive, and update intensive. The OLTP data is organized according to the requirements of the transactions associated with the business applications and supports the day-to-day decisions of a large number of concurrent operational users. In contrast, an organization will normally have a single data warehouse, which holds data that is historical, detailed, and summarized to various levels and rarely subject to change (other than being supplemented with new data). The data warehouse is designed to support relatively low numbers of transactions that are unpredictable in nature and require answers to queries that are ad hoc, unstructured, and heuristic. The warehouse data is organized according to the requirements of potential queries and supports the analytical requirements of a lower number of users. Although OLTP systems and data warehouses have different characteristics and are built with different purposes in mind, these systems are closely related, in that the OLTP systems provide the source data for the warehouse. A major problem of this relationship is that the data held by the OLTP systems can be inconsistent, fragmented, and subject to change, containing duplicate or missing entries. As such, the operational data must be “cleaned up” before it can be used in the data warehouse. We discuss the steps associated with this process in Section 31.3.1.





Chapter 31

Data Warehousing Concepts

OLTP systems are not built to quickly answer ad hoc queries. They also tend not to store historical data, which is necessary to analyze trends. Basically, OLTP offers large amounts of raw data, which is not easily analyzed. The data warehouse allows more complex queries to be answered besides just simple aggregations such as, “What is the average selling price for properties in the major cities of the U.K.?” The types of queries that a data warehouse is expected to answer range from the relatively simple to the highly complex and are dependent on the types of end-user access tools used (see Section 31.2.10). Examples of the range of queries that the DreamHome data warehouse may be capable of supporting include:

U.K. in 2012? in 2013 and how do these results compare with the results for the previous two years? with rolling 12-monthly prior figures? legal costs went up by 3.5% and government taxes went down by 1.5% for properties over £100,000? erties in the main cities of the U.K. and how does this correlate to demographic data? branch office and the total number of sales staff assigned to each branch office?

31.1.5 Problems of Data Warehousing The problems associated with developing and managing a data warehouse are listed in Table 31.2 (Greenfield, 1996, 2012).


Introduction to Data Warehousing

Underestimation of resources for data ETL Many developers underestimate the time required to extract, transform, and load (ETL) the data into the warehouse. This process may account for a significant proportion of the total development time, although better ETL tools are helping to reduce the necessary time and effort. ETL processes and tools are discussed in more detail in Section 31.3.1.

Hidden problems with source systems Hidden problems associated with the source systems feeding the data warehouse may be identified, possibly after years of being undetected. The developer must decide whether to fix the problem in the data warehouse and/or fix the source systems. For example, when entering the details of a new property, certain fields may allow nulls, which may result in staff entering incomplete property data, even when available and applicable.

Required data not captured Warehouse projects often highlight a requirement of data not being captured by the existing source systems. The organization must decide whether to modify the OLTP systems or create a system dedicated to capturing the missing data. For example, when considering the DreamHome case study, we may wish to analyze the characteristics of certain events such as the registering of new clients and properties at each branch office. However, this is currently impossible, as we do not capture the data that the analysis requires, such as the date registered in either case.

Increased end-user demands After end-users receive query and reporting tools, requests for support from IS staff may increase rather than decrease. This is caused by an increasing awareness from the users of the capabilities and value of the data warehouse. This problem can be partially alleviated by investing in easier-to-use, more powerful tools, or in providing better training for the users. A further reason for increasing demands on IS staff is that once a data warehouse is online, it is often the case that the number of users and queries increase together with requests for answers to more and more complex queries.

Data homogenization Large-scale data warehousing can become an exercise in data homogenization that lessens the value of the data. For example, when producing a consolidated and integrated view of the organization’s data, the warehouse designer may be tempted to emphasize similarities rather than differences in the data used by different application areas such as property sales and property renting.

High demand for resources The data warehouse can use large amounts of disk space. Many relational databases used for decision support are designed around star, snowflake, and starflake schemas (see Chapter 32). These approaches result in the creation of very





Chapter 31

Data Warehousing Concepts

large fact tables. If there are many dimensions to the factual data, the combination of aggregate tables and indexes to the fact tables can use up more space than the raw data.

Data ownership Data warehousing may change the attitude of end-users to the ownership of data. Sensitive data that was originally viewed and used only by a particular department or business area, such as sales or marketing, may now be made accessible to others in the organization.

High maintenance Data warehouses are high-maintenance systems. Any reorganization of the business processes and the source systems may affect the data warehouse. To remain a valuable resource, the data warehouse must remain consistent with the organization that it supports.

Long-duration projects A data warehouse represents a single data resource for the organization. However, the building of a warehouse can take several years, which is why some organizations are building data marts (see Section 31.4). Data marts support only the requirements of a particular department or functional area and can therefore be built more rapidly.

Complexity of integration The most important area for the management of a data warehouse is the integration capabilities. This means that an organization must spend a significant amount of time determining how well the various different data warehousing tools can be integrated into the overall solution that is needed. This can be a very difficult task, as there are a number of tools for every operation of the data warehouse, which must integrate well in order that the warehouse works to the organization’s benefit.

31.1.6 Real-Time Data Warehouse When data warehouses first emerged on the market as the next “must-have” databases, they were recognized as systems that held historical data. It was accepted that this data could be up to a week old and at that time it was deemed sufficient to meet the needs of corporate decision makers. However, since these early days, the fast pace of contemporary businesses and the need for decision makers to access data that is current has required a reduction in the time delay between the creation of the data by the front-line operational systems and the ability to include that data in any reporting and/or analytical applications. In recent years, data warehouse technology has been developed to allow for closer synchronization between operational data and warehouse data and these systems are referred to as real-time (RT) or near–real time (NRT) data warehouses. However, attempting to reduce the time delay (i.e., data latency) between the creation of operational data and the inclusion of this data in the warehouse has placed


Data Warehouse Architecture

additional demands on data warehouse technology. The major problems faced by the developers of RT/NRT data warehouses identified by Langseth (2004) include: problem for RT data warehousing is to reduce the ETL window to allow for RT/ NRT uploading of data with no or minimal downtime for data warehouse users. is how to integrate the RT data with the other variously aggregated data already held in the warehouse. the data being queried is static and unchanging. The tools do not have protocols to deal with target data that is being supplemented with new data during the lifetime of the query. OLAP is discussed in detail in Chapter 33. tention was one of the main reasons for separating operational systems from analytical systems, and therefore anything that brings the problem back into the warehouse environment is not easily reconciled. A full description and discussion of the problems facing RT/NRT data warehousing and the possible solutions is given in Langseth (2004).


Data Warehouse Architecture

In this section we present an overview of the architecture and major components of a data warehouse. The processes, tools, and technologies associated with data warehousing are described in more detail in the following sections of this chapter. The typical architecture of a data warehouse is shown in Figure 31.1.

31.2.1 Operational Data The source of data for the data warehouse is supplied from: databases.

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