Chapter 41 ATI notes PDF

Title Chapter 41 ATI notes
Author Avani patel
Course Medsurg
Institution Bay Path University
Pages 1
File Size 70.2 KB
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Description Chapter 41 Anemia is inadequate red blood cell in the body or inadequate hemoglobin or both such that not enough oxygen is being perfused to the tissue and your organs Caused by: number different things 

Blood loss o Pt with trauma, surgery, GI bleed o Female pt with heavy periods = menorrhagia Bone marrow suppression o Pt with Cancer getting chemo often end up with bone marrow suppression such that their bone marrow is not producing enough blood cells (hypoproliferative) Called “Aplastic anemia” -> when they have bone marrow suppression o Pt have increase red blood cell destructions (hemolytic) – “Sickle cell disease” -> red blood cell are malformed o Pt is deficient in necessary components to make RBC such as folic acid, iron, erythropoietin and vitamin B12  Older adult clients are at risk for nutrition-deficient anemia ( iron, vitamin B12 and folate)  For children and for pregnant women the most common type of anemia is iron deficiency enema  Some pt have PICA this is where they eat chalk, soil or nonnutritive substance – instead of food which can lead to anemia

Signs of anemia: 

Pale, fatigue, dyspnea, may report numbness and tingling on extremities, tachycardia, dizziness or syncope and may have nail bed deformities (Spoon shaped nail)

Nursing care:    

If it due to deficiency of iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid- provide supplement Iron deficient anemia – giving them ferrous sulfate ( oral form of Iron) o Encourage pt to take ferrous sulfate with food that high in vitamin C to help increase absorption Very severe anemia – supplement with Parenteral iron ( iron dextran) – this med ONLY given when there is sever anemia. – administer through Z-tack method. Bone marrow suppression or inadequate number of red blood cells – administer Epoetin alfa (erythropoietin) -> drug that used to increase production of RBC o Epoetin alpha medication – you closely monitor their Hgb and Hct level x2 week B12 deficiency – it is important to know whether they not getting B12 orally or lacking the intrinsic factor in stomach which provides absorption of B12  Inadequate dietary intake – oral B12 supplement  Intrinsic factor – monthly injection B12 ( cyanocobalamin) for rest of the life

Large amount of folic acid supplement can mask the vitamin B12 deficiency 

This is due to the folic acid needs B12 to change in from inactive form of folic acid to active form

Complication of Anemia: 

Heart failure – caused by suffering of anemia from long-term. o Heart failure develop due to the increased demand on the heart to provide O2 to tissue. Low Hct decrease the mount of O2 carried to tissue in body which makes the heart work harder and beat faster (Tachycardia, Palpitations)...

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