Chapter 8 Quiz questions with answers PDF

Title Chapter 8 Quiz questions with answers
Author Anonymous User
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University of South Florida
Pages 19
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11/11/21, 10:58 PM


1. The upper chambers of the heart are called the:

pericardia bicuspids ventricles 2. The lower chambers of the heart are called the: bicuspids pericardia


3. The valve located between the left atrium and ventricle is the:

pulmonary semilunar tricuspid 4. The blood vessel that carries blood containing oxygen and nutrients away from the heart to all body tissues except the lungs is the: coronary artery lymphatic venules



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5. The combining forms angi/o- and vaso- all mean: vein valve heart v 6. The combining forms that mean "vein" are: arterio- and vaso-

atri/o- and atheroangio- and phlebo-

7. ____ is the presence of an elevated number of mononuclear leukocytes in the blood.

septicemia mononucleosis cardiomyopathy 8. The combining forms that mean "sound" are: phaso- and lactovibro- and vaso-

teno- and myo-


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9. The suffix -graph in the term cardio/graph means: formation to separate

abnormal reduction in number 10. Angina Pectoris literally means: vessel : clot vein : pain

artery : pain

11. A non-controllable risk factor for heart attack is: obesity smoking

alcohol 12. The diagnostic term Aortic Stenosis means: pain in the heart

hardening of the arteries ballooning of the aorta


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13. The diagnostic term Coronary Isch/emia actually means: tumor composed of blood vessels abnormal condition of a clot in a blood vessel of the heart

inflammation of the lymph glands 14. The diagnostic term that means hardening of the arteries is:

cardio/valvul/itis angio/card/itis coronary thromb/o/sis

15. The literal meaning of the diagnostic term Cardio/myo/path/y is: heart/muscle/blood/condition

poor blood flow/trauma circulation/problems 16. The inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and organs is called: coronary occlusion congenital heart disease coronary thrombosis


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17. The diagnostic term Ar/rhythmia means: obstruction of an artery in the heart heart abnormality present at birth vascular inflammatory disorder

18. The diagnostic term used to refer to a dilated or varicose internal and/or external vein in the rectum is:

hemo/philia leuk/emia embol/us 19. The diagnostic term for the ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall is: varicose vein myocardial infarction

embolus 20. The diagnostic term that means rapid, quivering, non-coordinated contractions of the atria and/or ventricles is:

angina pectoris hypertensive heart disease thromboangiitis obliterans


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21. A controllable risk factor for heart attack is: age genetics homocysteine

22. Which of the following isn't a vital sign? respiration rate blood pressure

heart rate

23. The diagnostic term An/emia means:

increase in RBC numbers, with varied shapes "crenated" increase in hemoglobin and iron levels in RBCs decrease in numbers of WBCs and crenated WBCs 24. The surgical term for the incision into a vein to remove blood, to give blood, or to give intravenous fluids is: phleb/ectomy

spleen/opexy angio/plasty


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25. What is obstruction of blood vessels by a clot or any foreign substance called? aneurysm

ischemia hemorrhage 26. The surgical term Angioplasty means: surgical excision of a vein

suturing of a blood vessel surgical fixation of the spleen

27. Which of the following isn't an antihypertensive drug?

calcium channel blockers cardiotonics diuretics 28. The surgical technique that brings a new blood supply to heart muscles by detouring around blocked atherosclerotic coronary arteries is called a(n):

cardiac tuning venal bypass mitral commissurotomy


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29. ____ is local or generalized swelling caused by excessive tissue fluids. hypotension

congestive heart failure aneurysm 30. The procedural term for X-ray of the blood vessels after an injection of contrast medium dye is:

lymphangiograph/y arterio/gram aorto/gram 31. The procedure for making a record of the structure and motion of the heart using sound waves is called: electrocardiography

electrocardiograph phonocardiogram

32. A stroke is also known as: ecchymosis

cardiac arrhythmia patent ductus arteriosus


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33. Macro/phage literally means:

Big/suction Larger/cell Large/bacteria 34. The device or instrument that is used to measure arterial blood pressure by hand is a: cardiac catheterization treadmill stress test


35. The study that uses ultrasound to determine the velocity of the flow of blood within a vessel is: Cardiac Scan Cardiac Catheterization Treadmill Stress Test

36. The medical term Cardiology means: physician who studies and treats disease of the heart

pertaining to the heart physician who studies and treats diseases of the blood


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37. The medical term that means body temperature below normal, or 98.6 F., is:

infra/hemato/graphic sub/hemato/poietic hypo/thermo/graphic 38. Which of the following is not a congenital heart defect? atrial septal defect

tetralogy of Fallot ventricular septal defect

39. Irregular and large hemorrhages under the skin is called: angina pectoris

edema pulmonary artery thrombosis 40. What is coagulated or clotted material that develops inside the vascular system?

infarction atheroma embolism


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41. The medical term which means to enter a vein in order to remove blood, instill medication, or start an intravenous infusion is: vaso/dilator dia/stole dys/crasia

42. What is coronary artery disease most commonly caused by?

infarction edema congestive heart failure 43. The _____ is a double membranous fibrous sac that encloses the heart. myocardium epicardium

visera 44. The medical term Sy/stole actually means: agent or nerve that enlarges the lumen of blood vessels

abnormal or pathological condition of the blood agent or nerve that narrows the lumen of blood vessels


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45. The phase in the cardiac cycle in which chambers relax between contractions is called: lumen

auscult/ation oc/clus/ion

46. What is a stricture of the carotid arteries in the neck that can lead to stroke called? carotid edema carotid athroma carotid prolapse

47. The medical term for the phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles contract is: auscultation diastole manometer

48. The word part conio- means: heart watery vessel


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49. Cardiomyopathy refers to having a problem with the ___________ of the heart.

valves coronary arteries purkinje fibers 50. The medical term Hyper/tension means: to close tightly blood pressure that causes a rapid heart rate blood pressure that is below normal

51. An Em/bol/ism literally means: state of oxygen deprivation within

state of a localized clot state of a moving clot 52. A Pulmonary Infarction actually means: pulmonary incompetence slowed blood flow

pulmonary valve stenosis


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53. The term _________________ refers to the lack of development of normal numbers of erythrocytes in the blood. Sickle Cell An/emia Iron Deficiency An/emia

Sidero/blastic An/emia

54. A Macro/phage can also be classified as a/(an): Erythrocyte

Thrombocyte Blastocyte 55. Athero/sclerosis is a type of: Coronary Ischemia

Lymphangitis Angina Pectoris 56. The word part atelo- means:

arteriole blood serum vein


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57. The word part phlebo- means: blood artery vessel

58. Coronary Thrombosis may be a cause of: mitral valve insufficiency pulmonary valve atresia aortic valve stenosis

59. The most important longitudinal heart study in the world is being conducted in what American City since 1946: Dallas, Texas

Chicago, Illinois Knoxville, Tennessee 60. The leading Cardiac Risk Factors are:

aging and loss of libido hyperglycemia and anoxia hypo/tension and high fat diets


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61. Tiny blood vessels in the back of the ________ are viewed with a Ophthalmo/scop/e to help diagnosis Arterio/sclerosis, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, and many other diseases.

bladder mouth rectum

62. A Stethoscope is placed over the heart to listen to the: electrical impulses blood pressure coronary thrombosis

63. Sickle Cell Anemia includes the: overproduction of platelets overproduction of white blood cells clumping of platelets vessels causing ischemia, infarction, and tissue necrosis

64. Your patient has a "pericardial" tamponade. The term pericardial indicates that the tamponade is located in the:

great blood vessels of the heart heart muscle inside the serous layer of the heart


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65. Your patient was reported to have a "serosanguinous" drainage from their surgical wound site. This drainage would resemble:

phlegm pus stool

66. The erythropoietic tissue in adults is primarily located in:

kidneys liver spleen 67. A defect in the sinoatrial node is most likely to result in a/an:

cardiomyopathy endocarditis myocardial infarction 68. A patient diagnosed with "orthostatic hypotension" must be in what position in order to be diagnosed? lying flat lying with feet above head level sitting


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69. A patient with an "infarction" due to "stenosis" leading to "necrosis" means that the patient has a: blockage leading to new blood vessel formation

hemorrhage leading to tissue death tumor leading to new blood vessel formation

70. An embolism results from:

a stenosis an occlusion edema 71. A patient may display an ecchymosis after a/an: arrhythmia cerebral thrombosis

myocardial infarction 72. Ischemia of the myocardium may result in: aneurysm

atheroma ecchymoses


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73. The Epstein-Barr virus causes a disease whose literal name is "one/nut or kernel." This disease is: malaria

rheumatic fever trypanosomiasis

74. The term for a patient with the condition which literally means "heart/muscle/disease/process of" has:

endocarditis lymphoreticulosis rheumatic fever


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