Chapter 9 - HR Development Quiz PDF

Title Chapter 9 - HR Development Quiz
Course Managing People
Institution James Cook University
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Chapter 9 Human resource development Multiple choice questions - Factual 1. Keep argues that the reason many Australian organisations spend little on HRD is because: a. there is little evidence that HRD has a positive impact on productivity. c. of the superior skill level of many employees. d. the lack of trade union support for training and development activities. General Feedback: Page 356. 2. In today's business environment, training and development is required to:

b. maintain employee commitment and loyalty. c. ensure an adequately skilled workforce. d. manage workforce diversity. General Feedback: Page 357. 3. McLagen has identified six key areas of organisational change that are impacting on HRD. Which of the following is NOT one of those key areas? a. Pressures for workforce productivity have intensified. c. Organisations continue to shift their focus to the customer and quality. d. Work structure and design are changing dramatically. General Feedback: Page 358-59. 4. Orientation is likely to be more successful if: a. it is conducted by professional external orientation specialists. b. it involves all levels of the organisation including the CEO. c. it is completed in a concentrated and short time frame.

General Feedback: Page 380. 5. Activities that involve preparing an employee for future responsibilities are described as: a. training. c. orientation. d. vocational.

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

General Feedback: Page 362. 6. Training and development activities provide the most benefit to an organisation if they are: a. low cost, short-term programs conducted in-house. b. well attended by employees and managers. c. conducted by outside specialist consultants.

General Feedback: Page 362. 7. Training for new employees that provides them with the skills necessary to meet the performance standards of the job is known as: a. basic training. b. training orientation. c. group training.

General Feedback: Page 362. 8. Training and development is very closely linked to performance appraisal because: a. both functions are carried out by the same people in most organisations.

c. training and development activities are only provided for those employees whose performance is considered to be below an acceptable standard. d. both functions seek to gather and use the same employee-related data. General Feedback: Page 362. 9. Which of the following is not part of the systematic approach to training and development? a. Evaluation b. Assessment c. Activity

General Feedback: Page 365. 10. The knowledge, skills, and abilities of an organisation's employees are known as: a. human resources. b. human relations. c. employee relations.

Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

General Feedback: Page 365. 11. Task variables can be identified through an examination of which of the following documents: a. business strategy and employment contract. c. HR plans and performance appraisal results. d. job specifications and sales records. General Feedback: Pages 366-67. 12. The stage in the training and development process that involves making decisions about the content and process of the training and development activities is called the: a. design phase. b. consolidation phase. d. operational phase. General Feedback: Page 367. 13. Case studies, in-basket exercises, role plays, and gaming are often used in: a. job rotation. c. technical services training. d. orientation. General Feedback: Pages 368-69. 14. An assignment to gain exposure to some specific knowledge and/or skills in order to prepare an employee to fill a particular job, is a training methodology known as: a. mentoring. b. coaching. c. role play.

General Feedback: Page 370. 15. On-the-job training might make use of all of the following EXCEPT: a. secondments. b. job rotation. c. action learning.

Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

General Feedback: Page 369. 16. A developmentally-oriented relationship between senior and junior colleagues or peers that involves advising, role modelling, sharing contacts and giving general support is:

b. coaching. c. collaboration. d. team management. General Feedback: Page 370. 17. The process of learning from other people's experience by simulating (copying) their behaviour is: a. coaching. c. secondments. d. vestibule training. General Feedback: Pages 370-71. 18. The on-the-job approach to training where trainees are formed into a small group and asked to work on a defined project taken from their own organisation is: a. in-basket exercises. b. project assignments. d. role plays. General Feedback: Page 371. 19. Which of the following is NOT one of the steps involved in competency based training? a. Assessing the competency b. Capability profiling c. Selecting training programs

General Feedback: Pages 371-72. 20. Training technologies include all of the following EXCEPT:

b. computer-based training. c. audiovisual presentations. d. programmed instruction. Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

General Feedback: Pages 374-75. 21. Very few organisations measure training and development effectiveness. Those that do tend to: a. be more concerned with the costs associated with training and development. c. monitor attendance and time-away from regular duties. d. assess trainers' delivery style and teaching techniques. General Feedback: Page 375. 22. The effectiveness of training can be measured by all of the following EXCEPT: a. behaviour. b. learning. d. reactions. General Feedback: Page 377.

23. If training effectiveness was evaluated by measuring the effects of the training on the achievement of the organisation's objectives, this effectiveness measure would be known as:

b. behaviour. c. learning. d. reactions. General Feedback: Page 378. 24. If training effectiveness was evaluated by measuring changes in attitudes, interpersonal relationships and motivation that could be attributed to that training activity, then this effectiveness measure would be known as: a. results. c. learning. d. reactions. General Feedback: Page 377. 25. If training and development add __________ ______, management will regard them as being as essentially to the organisation's success. If not, they will be viewed as an overhead expense and cut. a. high profits. Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

b. low turnover. c. good reputation.

General Feedback: Page 375. 26. The core concepts of learning are:

b. orientation, relevance, transferability of training. c. induction, systems approach to training, relevance, activity versus passivity. d. training needs analysis, distribution of learning, whole versus part learning. General Feedback: Page 384. 27. The process of spacing out training activities to produce more rapid learning and better retention is: a. transfer of training. b. knowledge of results. d. practice and learning. General Feedback: Page 384. 28. Adult learning places emphasis on:

b. one-way communication. c. improving employee knowledge of technology advances. d. learning by doing. General Feedback: Page 385. 29. Training that takes place away from the production area on equipment that closely resembles the actual equipment used on the job is known as: a. interactive simulation. c. machine simulation. d. adventure training. General Feedback: Page 368. 30. As a form of the off-the-job training, business games:

b. are more frequently used in public than private sector organisations. Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

c. are more effective when all management levels in an organisation are involved. d. are motivating because they have intrinsic interest and high trainee involvement. General Feedback: Page 368. 31. The main aim of adventure or wilderness training is to:

b. give employees the opportunity to spend time outside of the organisation. c. allow employees to mix with senior managers from a range of organisations. d. enable employees to appreciate the external environment within which their organisation operates. General Feedback: Page 368. 32. The action learning approach to training and development is based on the assumption that people learn best when: a. they are working in a team solving a case study from another organisation. b. they are closely supervised and encouraged by their supervisor. d. they are continually undertaking new action-based tasks. General Feedback: Page 371. 33. With regard to the evaluation phase of human resource development activities, research evidence suggests that: a. Australian managers are much more systematic in conducting effective appraisals than overseas managers. b. new and better instruments for evaluation are continually being developed and utilised.

d. public sector organisations are more committed to evaluation improvement than private sector organisations. General Feedback: Pages 375-76. 34. In some situations, the costs and risks involved in training on real equipment are unacceptably high. In such cases, which type of training method would be employed? a. Case studies b. Role plays d. Project assignments. General Feedback: Page 368. Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

35. Which technique is designed to give employees work experience in various parts of the organisation, allowing them to broaden their skills and knowledge? a. Secondments b. Action learning d. Competency-based training General Feedback: Page 370. 36. A US study found that the costs associated with online teaching: a. can usually be offset by improvements in productivity. c. may be lower than the cost of face-to-face teaching. d. are basically the same as the costs involved with face-to-face teaching. General Feedback: Page 375. 37. Web-based instruction is seen as inappropriate for training in: a. computer skills. c. degree level qualifications. d. legal requirements of jobs. General Feedback: Page 375. 38. A recent innovation in the measure of training effectiveness has been: a. customer feedback. b. focus groups. d. observation of performance. General Feedback: Page 377. 39. In the new information-based economy, the most important intellectual property;

b. is obtained through knowledge management. c. needs to be patented as soon as it is developed. d. comes from the long service of faithful employees. General Feedback: Page 356.

Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

40. A study found that most Australian companies believe technology and innovation are important: a. and have steadily increased budgets allocated to training and development over the years. b. and this is reflected in the creation of learning laboratories in many companies. d. so CEOs of these same companies support knowledge management endeavours. General Feedback: Page 361. 41. The distinction between training and development: a. is determined by organisational culture. b. is a function of the cost of the HRD program. d. is determined by whether the program is conducted internally or externally. General Feedback: Page 362. 42. The systematic introduction of new employees to their job, their colleagues, and the organisation is known as:

b. job placement. c. job alignment. d. on-the-job training. General Feedback: Page 380. 43. Planned orientation activities should commence: a. once the employee has finished training. c. as early as the job interview. d. after their probationary period ends. General Feedback: Page 380. 44. What is one of the major benefits of conducting formal orientation programs? a. It is a relaxed method of orientation c. It increases the anxiety of the individual d. It clearly indicates which employees do not 'fit in' General Feedback: Page 382. 45. The purpose of follow-up interviews with new employees is NOT to: Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

a. answer any unanswered questions. b. clarify any misunderstandings. c. evaluate the effectiveness of the orientation program.

General Feedback: Page 383. 46. The art and science of helping adults to learn is known as: a. pedagogy. c. transfer of training. d. training and development. General Feedback: Page 385.

Multiple choice questions - Applied 47. Group processes, such as action learning, reduce the effectiveness of individual training but promote: a. transfer of training. c. distribution of learning. d. knowledge of results. General Feedback: Page 371. 48. Employees from high power distance cultures (such as China and Japan) are more likely to prefer which training method?

b. Adventure or wilderness training c. Role plays d. Group discussion General Feedback: Page 359. 49. Which of the following methods would be the LEAST effective in transferring training to the workplace? a. Job rotation b. Coaching d. Understudy assignment Chapter 9 HRD

Managing Human Resources, 4th edition

General Feedback: Page 370. 50. Which of the following statements is true of adult learners? a. Adult learners do not need to understand the benefits of a training program in order for them to learn effectively. c. Because adults have more experience, training does not have to be tailored to account for individual differences in background. d. Adults are more comfortable with a subject-oriented approach to learning. General Feedback: Page 385.

Chapter 9 HRD...

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