Chapter II Evolution of Management Thinking PDF

Title Chapter II Evolution of Management Thinking
Author Seint Seint Aye
Course Economics
Institution Meiktila University of Economics
Pages 3
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This document provides the answers to the learning outcomes of Chapter II of Management 12 edition by Richard L Daft....


Chapter II Evolution of Management Thinking (Study Note)

Summarize Historical Forces influence the practice of Management (1) Historical Forces mean social, political and economic forces. Social forces refer to those aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationship among people. Political forces refer to the influence of political legal institutions on people and organizations. Economic forces refer to the availability, production and distribution of resources in a society. Management practices and perspective vary in response to social, political and economic forces in the larger society. We observed that the Management perspective vary over time. According the studies, the managers were struggling to balance “the things of production” with the humanity of production” since 19 th Century. The Management perspectives were changed from classic perspective to People Driven Workplace eventually. Managers can have a broader perspective for interpreting and responding to current opportunities and problems.

(2) How social business is bridging the historical struggle between managing the “things of production” and “humanity of production”.

Social business refers the use of social media technologies for interacting with and facilitating communication and collaboration among employees, customers and other stakeholders. Social business is a thing of production which adds directly to the humanity of production and it can improve efficiency, productivity and facilitate faster and smoother operation by improving communications collaboration within and across firms. (3) Major components of the classical and humanistic management perspective

Classical Perspective A rational, scientific approach to management and it is a early study of management. This perspective contains three subcomponents : Scientific Management: One of the most significant innovations in management. In this approach, traditions were replaced with precise procedures after careful study of individual situation to improve efficiency and labour productivity. Bureaucratic organizations: An impersonal, rational basis through elements such as clearly defined authority and responsibility, formal recordkeeping and separation of management and ownership. Administrative principles: This approach focused on the total organization rather than individual.

Humanistic Management Perspective It emphasizes the importance of understanding human behaviours, needs, and attitudes in the workplace. It has three subcomponents: Human relations movement: It said that truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control. It stresses the satisfaction of employees. Human Resources Perspective: It suggests that jobs should be designed so that tasks are not perceived as dehumanizing or demeaning but allow the workers to use their full potential. Behavioural Science approach: It draws from psychology, sociology and other social sciences to develop theories about human behavioural sciences approach.

(4) Discussion of management science approach and its current use in organizations.

Managerial decision makers needed more sophisticated tools than ever before to handle the massive and complicated problems. Thus it used mathematics, statistical techniques, and computer technology to facilitate decision making. The three subsets of management science are operations research, operations management and information technology (IT). The example of its use case is usage of IT system in Walt Disney Company to solve the problems of long lines.

(5) Major concepts of systems thinking and the contingency view System Thinking and Contingency view are two new concepts rated to the humanistic perspective. System Thinking is the ability to see the distinct elements of a system or situation and the complex and changing interaction among those elements. Contingency means that one thing depends on other things and the successful resolution of organizational problems is depend on managers’ identification of key variations in the organizational situation. The contingency view tells us that what works in one setting might not work in another. Management’s job is to search for important contingencies.

When managers learn to identify

important patterns and characteristics of their organizations, they can then fit solutions to those characteristics.

Important contingencies that managers must understand include the industry,

technology, the environment, and international cultures.

(6) Example of Contemporary management tools and why these trends change over time

Contemporary management tools include the things such as benchmarking, strategic planning, mission and vision statements, customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management, outsourcing, total quality management (TQM). Management trends change over time primarily because managers need to respond to customer needs and the demands of environment which are changing over the time.

(7) Management changes brought about by a technology driven workplace (including the role of big data and supply chain management)

Companies are using technology (such as big data analysis, supply chain management, etc) to keep in touch with customers and collaborate with other organizations on an unprecedented scale. Big data Analysis refers to technologies skills and processes for searching and examining massive, complex set of data that traditional data processing application cannot handle to uncover hidden patterns and correlations. Example of big data analysis can be found in one of social media, Facebook. It uses big data i.e. personal data you put on your page ands tracks and monitors your online behaviours to identify and suggest potential friends. Another example of big data analysis can be found in decision making way by Walmart. Walmart collects customer transactions data and uses those data to make better decision. Supply chain management refers to managing the sequence of suppliers and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers. Many organizations manage the supply chain with sophisticated electronic technology. Example of usage of Supply Chain Management is the IT system of Walmart which electronically links famers and small manufactures directly to the stores to maximize the value to both ends. Thus these system can help managers be more accurate in their sales forecasts, coordinate sales and service staff more easily, improve product design and marketing, and act quickly to respond to shifting customer needs and desires and be more efficient in decision making.

(8) How organization are implementing ideas of bossless workplaces and employee engagement Some organizations implement the bossless workplace by allowing the employees to work from home with the access to the information. As the result, the organization can reduce the cost and speed up the response time. Mangers are implementing Employee engagement by uniting people aroung a compelling purpose that encourages them to give their best....

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