Chapter TWO Literature Review SAX AH PDF

Title Chapter TWO Literature Review SAX AH
Author Ahmed Osman
Course Pirate Study
Institution University of Southern Somalia
Pages 11
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The cardiovascular diseases are regarded as the high ranking diseases and cause the millions of deaths every year all over the world. With the changing environment, and the growing old of population, these diseases will cause various difficulties for the human beings in following years. Heart disease is the most common among all diseases which results in various disorders affecting the heart as well as blood vessels. In traditional medical decision systems it was not possible to provide the intelligent decisions prior to the knowledge about the disease but now forecast of the diseases related to heart is possible and it is easy for the medical experts to give better and smart decisions. As per the report from World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the reason for 12 million deaths yearly, all over the world. 17.3 million Humans died in the year 2008, because of Heart problems. And WHO has made a prediction according to which around 23.6 million people may die because of heart problems. Also the data mining schemes are used to extract the data from reports and results verify the effects of disease. This data mining plays a significant role in predicting the diseases in biomedical field. Nowadays a patient generally suffers from various diseases under the same category so it becomes quite uneasy for the doctor to diagnose the disease. However the prediction about the diseases can be made by using the Data Mining having intelligent algorithms from the data patient having numerous inputs. Artificial neural network is usually used to deal with such difficult jobs. A lot of patient’s data is used to train the neural network model; according to the past data of diseases of patients predictions about the diseases are made. The feed forward neural network is trained using back propagation.


With passing time, this has establish itself as a standard scheme for the tasks related to classification and prediction about diseases in medical areas and others fields as well. Many types of cardiovascular illness can be identified or diagnosed by taking into account family medical history and other variables. However, it was rather hard to predict heart disease without medical exams. The main of this paper was to diagnose various cardiovascular conditions and take any necessary precautions to avoid them at an affordable pace at an early point. In' data mining' technology, characteristics for prediction of cardiovascular disease are fed into SVM and RF. This method was used in the preliminary measurements and surveys to detect cardiovascular disease at an early point and can be totally healed by appropriate diagnostics. In past some of the researchers tried to discover the optimal approach for risk prediction model. The survey and comparison is made on the basis of the researcher’s discoveries and optimal model is selected. A literature survey of the several data mining techniques was done to foresee the heart disease is done in this paper. The survey make it is easy to know about the methods nowadays used to foresee the heart related diseases with the help of data mining classification of data.

2.1 THEROTICAL AND CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT I will agitate this section about the idea of Design & Implementation of web based Heart Disease Prediction Management System. Design Software design is a process to transform user requirements into some suitable form, which helps the programmer in software coding and implementation. For assessing user requirements, an SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document is created whereas for coding and implementation, there is a need of more specific and detailed requirements in software terms. The output of this process can directly be used into implementation in programming languages.


Software design is the first step in SDLC (Software Design Life Cycle), which moves the concentration from problem domain to solution domain. It tries to specify how to fulfill the requirements mentioned in SRS. Implementation Implementation is the process of converting design as a program, also implementation is the process that actually yields the lowest-level system elements in the system hierarchy (system breakdown structure). System elements are made, bought, or reused. Production involves the hardware fabrication processes of forming, removing, joining, and finishing, the software realization processes of coding and testing, or the operational procedures development processes for operators' roles. If implementation involves a production process, a manufacturing system which uses the established technical and management processes may be required. Web Web based application refers to any program that is accessed over a network using HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). Web based application often run inside a web browser. We can often say that web based application are user based as we can download some part of the application to view it on the desktop. But we cannot make any kind of changes to them. To make any changes we have to open that over the web browser. Web based applications are also known as web apps. Common web applications include web mail, online retail sales, online auctions, wikis, instant messaging services and many other functions.

Heart Our heart beats 100,000 times a day, pushing 5,000 gallons of blood through our body every 24 hours. It delivers oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to our tissues and carries away waste. Here, we explain how this amazing organ carries out this vital work.

The heart is a muscular organ roughly the size of a closed fist. It sits in the chest, slightly to the left of center.


As the heart contracts, it pumps blood around the body. It carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it loads up with oxygen and unloads carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism. The heart, blood, and blood vessels combined are referred to as the circulatory system. An average human has around 5 liters (8 pints) of blood, which is constantly pumped throughout the body. In this article, we will explain the structure of the heart, how it pumps blood around the body, and the electrical system that controls it. Disease A disease is an abnormal condition affecting a living organism. Diseases are generally understood to be medical conditions that involve a pathological process associated with a specific set of symptoms. Localized diseases affect specific parts of the body; disseminated diseases spread to other parts of the body; and systemic diseases affect the entire body. Each disease process has an origin, or etiology, but some diseases may present with different or confusing symptoms, making them difficult to diagnose or determine. The physical symptoms of disease may be accompanied by emotional symptoms, and some diseases that affect the chemical balances of the nervous system may manifest in physical symptoms. Categories of diseases include autoimmune, bacterial, blood, cancer, digestive, heart, nerve (or neurodegenerative), sexually transmitted or thyroid. Diseases may be communicable or no communicable. External sources that can cause disease include acquired viruses or bacteria, and internal causes of disease include autoimmune or genetic dysfunction. Some diseases are chronic, meaning that they are continually present and may present symptomatically during a long duration. Humans generally associate disease with pain, distress or social problems. Atypical variations of structure and function, deviant behaviors, disabilities, disorders, injuries, infections and syndromes may be the signs of disease or may be confused with actual disease processes.


Disease may be prevented or avoided using a number of strategies, including proper sanitation, proper nutrition, frequent exercise and vaccination. Treatments for disease range from medication and medical devices to surgery to self-care. Diseases may be cured simply by time, whereas others require a set of treatments that reverse the disease processes or end the root medical problem permanently. Some diseases may not be cured, in which case the symptoms of the disease may be treated using pain management therapy or palliative care. Prediction A prediction or forecast is a statement about the way things will happen in the future, often but not always based on experience or knowledge. While there is much overlap between prediction and forecast, a prediction may be a statement that some outcome is expected, while a forecast is more specific, and may cover a range of possible outcomes. Although guaranteed information about the future is in many cases impossible, prediction is necessary to allow plans to be made about possible developments; Management Many management thinkers have defined management in their own ways. For example, Van Fleet and Peterson define management, ‘as a set of activities directed at the efficient and effective utilization of resources in the pursuit of one or more goals.’

Megginson, Mosley and Pietri define management as ‘working with human, financial and physical resources to achieve organizational objectives by performing the planning, organizing, leading and controlling functions‘. Kreitner’s definition of management: ‘Management is a problem-solving process of effectively achieving organizational objectives through the efficient use of scarce resources in a changing environment.’ According to F.W. Taylor, ‘ Management is an art of knowing what to do, when to do and see that it is done in the best and cheapest way ‘.


According to Harold Koontz, ‘Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform and individuals and can co-operate towards attainment of group goals. ‘ System Simply put, a system is an organized collection of parts (or subsystems) that are highly integrated to accomplish an overall goal. The system has various inputs, which go through certain processes to produce certain outputs, which together, accomplish the overall desired goal for the system. So a system is usually made up of many smaller systems, or subsystems. For example, an organization is made up of many administrative and management functions, products, services, groups and individuals. If one part of the system is changed, the nature of the overall system is changed, as well. PHP PHP is one of the most widely used and recognizable technologies in use on the internet. Originally PHP stood for "Personal Home Page", though more recently it has been changed to stand for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". However, no matter what it is called, PHP is a fundamental part of any dynamic web page. PHP development began in 1994 as a personal project of Rasmus Lerdorf, who had created a series of Perl scripts which he referred to as his "Personal Home Page Tools" for the maintenance of his personal web page. In 1995 these tools were packaged and released as CGI binaries as the "Personal Home Page/Forms Interpreter", which included support for web forms and communication with databases. PHP 3 was released in 1998, with PHP 4 and PHP 5 following in 2000 and 2004, respectively. PHP 5 is the version currently in use on most websites and included several new features such as support for object-oriented programming, a consistent interface for database access, and several major performance enhancements.


While PHP has remained under development, the current development process which will eventually lead to PHP 6 has been slower than anticipated due to the difficulty of adding Unicode support. In 2010 it was decided to move Unicode support to a branch while moving all other features under development to the main trunk of the PHP code. However, in version 5.4 PHP finally added Unicode support, without a major version change. PHP is released under the PHP license, which is similar to the GNU General Public License except that any derivative software may not be called "PHP" and may not have the name "PHP" in their name. PHP also has the capability of being embedded directly into a web page or being used from the command line, making it a powerful tool that can handle anything from displaying information pulled from a database to performing system tasks in a scheduled manner. One important thing to remember about PHP is that it is a pre-processor, which means that any PHP scripts in a web page are executed before the page is displayed. This means that any PHP scripts in a page are unable to change that page after it has been displayed. There are multiple ways to work around this limitation, such as AJAX (Asynchronous Java Script and XML), which will allow you to change what is on a page without refreshing the entire page, but these technologies and methods are beyond the scope of this article. The most common use of PHP is to access a database, parse the results from that database, and display the results on a web page. This is why PHP is the final part of the common acronym "LAMP", which stands for "Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP". A LAMP installation is one of the most common configurations for a web server and combines the powerful Apache web server with PHP and MySQL to allow for amazingly robust web pages and data management. In fact, these tools are frequently tuned to work together with little to no additional configuration. It is important to note to anyone who uses PHP on a regular basis is that PHP most commonly executes with the same permissions as the web server software. From a security standpoint, it is important to remember that if something resides in your web directory on your server, an improperly written PHP script may be able to access it.


To conclude, PHP is a powerful language that has become one of the driving forces of the internet, and anyone who is considering a career in web development should make learning PHP a priority. MySQL MySQL is an open source database product that was created by MySQL AB, a company founded in 1995 in Sweden. In 2008, MySQL AB announced that it had agreed to be acquired by Sun Microsystems for approximately $1 billion.

The project of MySQL was started in 1979, when MySQL's inventor, Michael Widenius developed an in-house database tool called UNIREG for managing databases. After that UNIREG has been rewritten in several different languages and extended to handle big databases. After some time Michael Widenius contacted David Hughes, the author of MySQL, to see if Hughes would be interested in connecting MySQL to UNIREG's B+ ISAM handler to provide indexing to MySQL. That's the way MySQL came in existence. MySQL is named after the daughter of Michael Widenius whose name is "My". MySQL is used by many database-driven web applications, including Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, and WordPress. MySQL is also used by many popular websites, including Facebook, Flicker, MediaWiki, and Twitter & YouTube.

2.2 CASE STUDY OF THE RESEARCH Located within heart of Mogadishu along the Digfeer Road, Kalkaal Specialty Hospital remains one of the most easily and securely accessible private hospitals within the city. It’s location within the Km4 area allows for a quick and safe access by both the corporate class and general public without undermining both security and the quality of health care provided. Mission


Providing affordable healthcare to the communities of Somalia without compromising safety and the quality of services provided. Vision Kalkaal Specialty Hospital envisions being the health care center of excellence where the people living in Somalia can get the highest quality and most affordable healthcare. Values The Hospital pledges to the community, patients and staff that; all its activities, governance and decision making will always be based upon: Integrity, respect, innovative processes, ethical foundations and continual self-improvement. 2.3 COMPARE BETWEEN EXITING SYSTEM There were a lot of online Heart Disease Prediction System, although it’s not much but there some differences between the characteristics of their works so here we compare some of them with our system.


The system will take different inputs like Admin/User, teachers, Add/view doctor, feedback, view user as well as checking your heart condition, it will create feasible detail information about both physicians and patients, making excellent system of all resources in a way which will be best suited for the constraints. A suitable system is then chosen from the optimal solutions generated. The Heart Disease Prediction application is an end user support and online consultation project. Here, we propose a web application that allows users to get instant guidance on their heart disease through an intelligent system online. The application is fed with various details and the heart disease associated with those details. The application allows user to share their heart related issues. It then processes user specific details to check for various illness that could be associated with it. Here we use some intelligent data mining techniques to guess the most accurate illness that could be associated with patient’s details. Based on result, the can contact doctor accordingly for further treatment. The system allows user to view doctor’s details too. The system can be used for free heart disease consulting online.





Admin Login Add Doctor Add Training





View Doctor View Training View Feedback Logout User Login Registration Heart Analysis View Doctor View Feedback Logout

2.4 CHAPTER SUMMARY We talk about this chapter introduction, theoretical and conceptual development, case study of the research, compare between existing system and chapter summary.


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