Chapter V. Hardware Interface Programming C++ CLI PDF

Title Chapter V. Hardware Interface Programming C++ CLI
Author Đạt Nguyễn
Course Kĩ thuật lập trình
Institution Trường Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội
Pages 38
File Size 2.1 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 64
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A hardware interface specifies the plugs, sockets, cables and electrical
signals that pass through each line between the CPU and a peripheral
device or communications network.
 The CPU socket on the motherboard determines which CPU chips can be
used in the computer.
 ...



KỸ THUẬT LẬP TRÌNH TRONG CƠ ĐIỆN TỬ Programming Engineering in Mechatronics Giảng viên: TS. Bùi Đình Bá Đơn vị: Bộ môn Cơ điện tử, Viện Cơ khí Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: Giới thiệu

Hà Nội, 2020


Chapter V. Hardware Interface Programming  1. Introduction  2. Serial Port  3. Read Data  4. Send Data  5. Real-Time Data Transfer  6. Digital Image Processing


1. Introduction  A hardware interface specifies the plugs, sockets, cables and electrical signals that pass through each line between the CPU and a peripheral device or communications network.  The CPU socket on the motherboard determines which CPU chips can be used in the computer.  Peripheral cards, such as a high-end graphics cards, plug into the bus on the motherboard. The most common buses are PCI and PCI Express.


1. Introduction  The most widely used hardware interface for attaching external devices to computers is USB. It connects printers, cameras, music players, flash drives and auxiliary hard and optical drives.  FireWire is also used for camcorders and hard disks.  In addition, SATA is a common hard drive and optical drive interface.  The GPIB IEEE 488 standard is used for process control instruments.  The de facto standard for connecting devices to local networks (LANs) is Ethernet, which is also used to hook up a cable or DSL modem.


2. Serial Port  Serial ports provide an easy way to communicate between many types of hardware and your computer.  They are relatively simple to use and are very common among peripherals and especially DIY projects.  Many platforms such as Arduino have built in serial communication so they are really easy to set up and use.  Many times you may want your project to communicate with your computer in order to have a cool interactive output, a neat sensor that passes data to your computer, or anything else you could possibly dream up.


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control 

Visual Studio has a control that performs serial input and output. It is the SerialPort control and found in the Components toolbox tab.

It is a non visual control. Its main properties are set to a common communications rate and are: BaudRate: 9600, DataBits: 8, Parity: None, PortName: COM1, StopBits: One.

Its main event is: DataReceived which occurs when data is received from the port.


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control: Constructors Description SerialPort()

Initializes a new instance of the SerialPort class.


Initializes a new instance of the SerialPort class using the specified IContainer object.


Initializes a new instance of the SerialPort class using the specified port name.

SerialPort(String^, Int32)

Initializes a new instance of the SerialPort class using the specified port name and baud rate.

SerialPort(String^, Int32, Parity) Initializes a new instance of the SerialPort class using the specified port name, baud rate, and parity bit. SerialPort(String^, Int32, Parity, Initializes a new instance of the SerialPort class using the Int32) specified port name, baud rate, parity bit, and data bits. SerialPort(String^, Int32, Parity, Initializes a new instance of the SerialPort class using the Int32, StopBits) specified port name, baud rate, parity bit, data bits, and stop bit. 7

2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control: Properties BaseStream

Gets the underlying Stream object for a SerialPort object.


Gets or sets the serial baud rate.


Gets or sets the break signal state.


Gets the number of bytes of data in the receive buffer.


Gets the number of bytes of data in the send buffer.


Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. (Inherited from Component)


Gets the state of the Carrier Detect line for the port.


Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. (Inherited from Component)


Gets the state of the Clear-to-Send line.


Gets or sets the standard length of data bits per byte.


Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. (Inherited from Component)


Gets or sets a value indicating whether null bytes are ignored when transmitted between the port and the receive buffer.


Gets the state of the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal.


Gets or sets a value that enables the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal during serial communication.


Gets or sets the byte encoding for pre- and post-transmission conversion of text.


Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. (Inherited from Component)


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control: Properties Handshake

Gets or sets the handshaking protocol for serial port transmission of data using a value from Handshake.


Gets a value indicating the open or closed status of the SerialPort object.


Gets or sets the value used to interpret the end of a call to the ReadLine() and WriteLine(String) methods.


Gets or sets the parity-checking protocol.


Gets or sets the byte that replaces invalid bytes in a data stream when a parity error occurs.


Gets or sets the port for communications, including but not limited to all available COM ports.


Gets or sets the size of the SerialPort input buffer.


Gets or sets the number of milliseconds before a time-out occurs when a read operation does not finish.


Gets or sets the number of bytes in the internal input buffer before a DataReceived event occurs.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Request to Send (RTS) signal is enabled during serial communication.


Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. (Inherited from Component)


Gets or sets the standard number of stopbits per byte.


Gets or sets the size of the serial port output buffer.


Gets or sets the number of milliseconds before a time-out occurs when a write operation does not finish.


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control: Methods Close()

Closes the port connection, sets the IsOpen property to false, and disposes of the internal Stream object.


Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject)


Discards data from the serial driver's receive buffer.


Discards data from the serial driver's transmit buffer.


Releases all resources used by the Component. (Inherited from Component)


Releases the unmanaged resources used by the SerialPort and optionally releases the managed resources.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object)


Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object)


Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject)


Gets an array of serial port names for the current computer.


Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. (Inherited from Component)


Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object)


Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject)


Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object)


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control: Methods MemberwiseClone(Boolean) Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject) Open() Read(Byte[], Int32, Int32) Read(Char[], Int32, Int32)

Opens a new serial port connection. Reads a number of bytes from the SerialPort input buffer and writes those bytes into a byte array at the specified offset. Reads a number of characters from the SerialPort input buffer and writes them into an array of characters at a given offset.


Synchronously reads one byte from the SerialPort input buffer.


Synchronously reads one character from the SerialPort input buffer.


Reads all immediately available bytes, based on the encoding, in both the stream and the input buffer of the SerialPort object.


Reads up to the NewLine value in the input buffer.


Reads a string up to the specified value in the input buffer.


Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. (Inherited from Component)

Write(Byte[], Int32, Int32)

Writes a specified number of bytes to the serial port using data from a buffer.

Write(Char[], Int32, Int32)

Writes a specified number of characters to the serial port using data from a buffer.


Writes the specified string to the serial port.


Writes the specified string and the NewLine value to the output buffer.


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control: Events DataReceived

Indicates that data has been received through a port represented by the SerialPort object.


Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. (Inherited from Component)


Indicates that an error has occurred with a port represented by a SerialPort object.


Indicates that a non-data signal event has occurred on the port represented by the SerialPort object.


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control: Remarks •

Use this class to control a serial port file resource. This class provides synchronous and event-driven I/O, access to pin and break states, and access to serial driver properties. Additionally, the functionality of this class can be wrapped in an internal Stream object, accessible through the BaseStream property, and passed to classes that wrap or use streams.

The SerialPort class supports the following encodings: ASCIIEncoding, UTF8Encoding, UnicodeEncoding, UTF32Encoding, and any encoding defined in mscorlib.dll where the code page is less than 50000 or the code page is 54936. You can use alternate encodings, but you must use the ReadByte or Write method and perform the encoding yourself.


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control: Remarks •

You use the GetPortNames method to retrieve the valid ports for the current computer.

If a SerialPort object becomes blocked during a read operation, do not abort the thread. Instead, either close the base stream or dispose of the SerialPort object.


2. Serial Port  Serial Port data over USB


2. Serial Port  Serial Port data over USB


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control in C++/CLI


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control in C++/CLI  Find Ports


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control in C++/CLI  Initialize Port


2. Serial Port  Visual Studio Serial Port control in C++/CLI  Close Port


3. Read Data  Visual Studio Serial Port control in C++/CLI  Read Data


3. Read Data  Example: Read data from Arduino • Arduino code


4. Send Data  Visual Studio Serial Port control in C++/CLI  Send Data


4. Send Data  Example: Turn led ON/OFF • C++/CLI code


4. Send Data  Example: Turn led ON/OFF • C++/CLI code // grab text and store in send buffer String^ message = "ON"; // write to serial if (this->serialPort1->IsOpen) this->serialPort1>Write(message); else this->textBoxSendData->Text = "Port Not Opened";

Turn led ON

// grab text and store in send buffer String^ message = "OFF"; // write to serial if (this->serialPort1->IsOpen) this->serialPort1>Write(message); else this->textBoxSendData->Text = "Port Not Opened";

Turn led OFF 25

4. Send Data  Example: Turn led ON/OFF • Arduino code


4. Send Data  Example: Turn led ON/OFF • Arduino code


4. Send Data  Example: Turn led ON/OFF • Circuit Diagram


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Serial Data Received Event Handler  Example: Read and Display Temperature


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Serial Data Received Event Handler  Example: Read and Display Temperature • C++/CLI Code

private: System::Void serialPort1_DataReceived(System::Object^ System::IO::Ports::SerialDataReceivedEventArgs^ e) { // check if port is ready for reading if (this->serialPort1->IsOpen) { // Reset the text in the result label. this->labelTemperature->Text = String::Empty; // this will read manually try { this->labelTemperature->Text = this->serialPort1->ReadLine(); } catch (TimeoutException^) { this->labelTemperature->Text = "None"; } // Disable the init button // the asynchronous operation is done. this->buttonInitialPort->Enabled = false; } else // give error warning this->textBoxReceivedData->Text = "Port Not Opened"; }



5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Serial Data Received Event Handler  Example: Read and Display Temperature • Arduino Coding


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Serial Data Received Event Handler  Example: Read and Display Temperature • Circuit Diagram


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Timer  Example: Read and Display Temperature • C++/CLI Code


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Timer  Example: Read and Display Temperature • C++/CLI Code


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Timer  Example: Read and Display Temperature • C++/CLI Code


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Multithreading  Example: Read and Display Temperature • C++/CLI Code


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Multithreading  Example: Read and Display Temperature • C++/CLI Code


5. Real-Time Data Transfer  Multithreading  Example: Read and Display Temperature • C++/CLI Code


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