Chcmgt 005 Learner Workbook PDF

Title Chcmgt 005 Learner Workbook
Author Leesa Michelle
Course Community Services - Case Management
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 35
File Size 853.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 642
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Instructions to LearnerAssessment instructionsOverview Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any ques...


CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes Learner Workbook

Instructions to Learner Assessment instructions Overview Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If any assessment task is not fully addressed, then your assessment task will be returned to you for resubmission. Your trainer/assessor will remain available to support you throughout the assessment process. Written work Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that you address the following criteria:  Address each question including any sub-points  Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly  Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

Page |1  Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed  Your assessment tasks include your full legal name on each and every page. Active participation It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is completing all the assessment tasks on time. Plagiarism Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner’s exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a learner can be accused of plagiarism:  Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally  Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner  Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work  Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet. If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be organised to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly. Collusion Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and, as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other learners is not permitted and will result in a “0” grade and NYC. Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS Office. Handwritten assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the trainer/assessor to confirm). Competency outcome There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more training and experience). Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency. If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and will be given another chance to resubmit your assessment task(s). If you are still deemed as “Not Yet Competent” you will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency. Additional evidence If we, at our sole discretion, determine that we require additional or alternative information/evidence in order to determine competency, you must provide us with such information/evidence, subject to privacy and confidentiality issues. We retain this right at any time, including after submission of your assessments. Confidentiality We will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict confidence, in accordance with the law. However, you are responsible for ensuring that you do not provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer, colleagues and others, that they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you to provide information or details about aspects of your employer and workplace, you are

Page |2 responsible for obtaining necessary consents and ensuring that privacy rights and confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in supplying us with such information.

Page |3 Assessment appeals process If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not happy with your assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the right to lodge an appeal. You must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed further with the request after discussions with your trainer/assessor, you need to lodge your appeal to the course coordinator, in writing, outlining the reason(s) for the appeal. Recognised prior learning Candidates will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on request.

Special needs Candidates with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required adjustments as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the identified needs immediately.

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Assessment requirements Assessment can either be:  Direct observation  Product-based methods e.g. reports, role plays, work samples  Portfolios – annotated and validated  Questioning  Third party evidence. If submitting third party evidence, the Third Party Observation/Demonstration document must be completed by the agreed third party. Third parties can be:  Supervisors  Trainers  Team members  Clients  Consumers. The third party observation must be submitted to your trainer/assessor, as directed. The third party observation is to be used by the assessor to assist them in determining competency. The assessment activities in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance criteria, skills and knowledge and performance requirements of the unit of competency. To demonstrate competence in this unit you must undertake all activities in this workbook and have them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. If you do not answer some questions or perform certain tasks, and therefore you are deemed to be Not Yet Competent, your trainer/assessor may ask you supplementary questions to determine your competence. Once you have demonstrated the required level of performance, you will be deemed competent in this unit. Should you still be deemed Not Yet Competent, you will have the opportunity to resubmit your assessments or appeal the result. As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment policies as provided during induction. If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or that this assessment is unfair, please contact your assessor to discuss your options. You have the right to formally appeal any outcome and, if you wish to do so, discuss this with your trainer/assessor.

Candidate Details Assessment – CHCMGT005: Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer/assessor for marking. This forms part of your assessment for CHCMGT005: Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes. Name: Md Toriqul Islam Mozumder Address: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Email: [email protected] Employer: _____________________________________________________________ Declaration

Page |5 I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I also understand the assessment instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed. Signed: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________ If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below: This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person. Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________ Signed: ____________________________________________________________ Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________ Signed: ____________________________________________________________ Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________ Signed: ____________________________________________________________

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Activities Activity 1A Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to monitor stress and emotional wellbeing of colleagues, and where issues arise, take appropriate action in accordance with organization standards and procedures.

Activity 1. Read the following paragraph. Identify areas where the manager could have taken more effective action to promote emotional wellbeing. Sarah’s manager noticed she was becoming more irritable in the office but decided to see if the behaviour went away on its own. After a few weeks, she came to him and said she thought she had stress. Not knowing what the symptoms were, he told her she was probably just tired and to take some holiday time. Soon after that, she went off sick with stress.

Manager should make a move when he saw something as opposed to leaving it to perceive how it will form into; the administrator's activity ought to be timelier; When Sarah 's demonstrating side effects of being peevish, the director ought to have the option to tell this is indication of stress/burnout or different issues; the supervisor's information with respect to representative's prosperity ought to be refreshed; As the chief perceived the indication, he should screen Sarah's work circumstance to see whether there are factors that lead to her side effect, assuming this is the case, they ought to examine techniques to oversee it; the administrator ought to have some arrangement or convention to follow when circumstance like this occurs; If there is nothing identifying with work that make Sarah's state, chief could sort out HR or prosperity party in the association to check whether there is any factor in Sarah's own life that lead to her disturbance; After the chief realizes that Sarah had pressure, he should make a move or follow strategies to limiting elements that make Sarah's pressure; if the pressure is brought about by Sarah's own life, he ought to have suitable proposals for Sarah to maintain a strategic distance from further mischief

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from worry for Sarah. Furthermore, the supervisor should audit this stir occurrence and think of trainings, arrangements, and conventions for business related worry later on.

Activity 1B Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to use practices that acknowledge and accept differences and accurately identify diverse needs of colleagues.

Activity 1. A manager decides the company’s next social trip should be to a pub or bar. List people who this might be inappropriate for.     

People with AOD issue; People's religion is Muslim; Young colleague who s underage; Team part who’s breastfeeding or pregnant; People who decide not to drink.

2. How may a person’s gender change their needs in the workplace? For Men:  More prone to be utilized as hard work in this manner should be cautious with manual taking care of peril;  Based on numerous investigations, male sorrow and wellbeing issue, for example, cardiovascular ailment is twice as likely as ladies to react to negative emotions; Man are bound to utilize medication and liquor under work pressure; so, to figure out how to manage work pressure and significant preparing is increasingly significant for men;  Due to the shame of connecting for help, men need more ways to deal with find support at working environment;  As basic desire for men's vocation to be fruitful, they believe they have to accomplish more at working environment. For ladies:  Since ladies destined to assume liability for family obligations, ladies need greater adaptability at working environment,  Women are bound to get sexual orientation separation, for example, less inclined to get proficient turn of events, advancement, senior jobs; they need their voice to be heard

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or heard all the more truly; Women have more sexual orientation needs than men, for example, during bosom taking care of time, pregnancy, or PMC; le

For GLBTIQ:  Separation and profiles are more probable transpire, so they need working environment to have strategies and conventions to ensure their privileges

Activity 1C Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to Identify required professional and personal performance standards and use to monitor stress and emotional wellbeing.

Activity 1. What professional and personal performance standards apply to you in your role?  Professional execution norms of multicultural assistant: 1. Demonstrate information and comprehension of global understudy's physical, mental, economic wellbeing; 2. Able to perceive markers for every single distinctive sort of issues; 3. Demonstrate information that are receptive to requirements of understudies with various foundation (semantic/social/strict/financial.) 4. Demonstrate fundamental directing aptitudes to develop relationship with understudies; 5. Arrive deal with time; 6. being aware to different associates; 7. keep appropriate appearance; 8. follow conventions and arrangements of the association.  Personal execution measures of multicultural helper: 1. Able to get a handle on understudies' issues/worries through ordinary find universal understudies; 2. Students are glad to convey and open up with multicultural assistant; 3. advocate

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Activity 1D Estimated Time Objective

40 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to regularly use self-assessment and reflective behaviour strategies to monitor performance.

Activity 1. Write a stress diary for the previous day. Record stressful periods, the reasons and symptoms you felt. Reflect on why these happened.  Positive state of mind journal: 1. Woke up with my child cuddling into my bed, at that point my little girls came in also, felt warm and adored; 2. At school, developed relationship with one new understudy, feel extremely cheerful and feeling of accomplishment; 3. Have morning tea with partners, cheerful and solid feeling of things; 4. Finishing work feel incredible; 5. Went to bed read book and telephone, feeling loose.  Stress journal: 1. Having breakfast with kids, kids put spread blade on the seat which caused me to feel worried because of the wreckage; 2. Getting prepared for school, attempt to leave on time is unpleasant; 3. Dropping my child to kinder at 8:30 in Seville and afterward drop other two children to class and afterward attempt to get the opportunity to work at 8:45 in Lily dale which is exceptionally testing; while there is traffic or difficult to turn right, I got extremely pushed; 4. At work, when my director asked me for what reason I didn't accomplish something, I got focused; 5. Try to get the chance to class on schedule for get, carpark is terrible, which is distressing; 6. Helped kids with additional schoolwork feeling truly pushed; 7. Got home get ready lunch box for tomorrow while planning supper, feel occupied and unsupported;

Activity 1E Estimated Time

20 Minutes

P a g e | 10 Objective

To provide you with an opportunity to regularly seek formal and informal performance feedback and act upon it as appropriate.

Activity 1. Seek formal or informal feedback from a colleague. Explain how you will apply it to your work, giving an example. I mentioned my boss to have an input meeting month to month with me this year, so I could have better proficient development. Prior to going to the meeting, I ought to enable myself by the reason for the criticism meeting:  take an inquisitive and open mentality and don't think about negative input literally;  make sure I can share my point of view also since it could be an open door for the association to make improvement too;  proactively look for answers for improve individual professionality. Through the meetings, I have gotten inputs, for example, feedbacks reasons actions Explain to student Potential injury Should not drive and stop the action. and liability not students to train covered by station after school insurance; Keep it up while be Gentle caring nature Good at building careful with for students connection with boundaries, students particularly considering the Asian cultural difference. Considering it was More training Didn’t contact AP on after work hour, so regarding reporting time after student’s only sent email but policies incident no phone call

Activity 1F Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to plan appropriately to identify current and potential areas of need within organization and develop proposals to support these areas.

Activity 1. Identify an area of need in a current or former organisation that harmed employees’ wellbeing. Explain what the problem was and give a proposal on how to support the employees.

P a g e | 11 In one school I worked in, the ES (instructive care) staff don't go to the day by day early daytime preparation meeting, which just held for educators. This prompts all the ES staff don't have the chance to comprehend what occurs around their job, don't give them the certainty to manage the circumstance they are confronting, deny their feeling of things and proprietorship. School ought to send the instructions notes to all staff so everybody recognizes what's happening in the earth.

Activity 1A to 1F checklist – for assessor This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required. Learner’s name Assessor’s name Unit of Competence (Code and Title) Date(s) of assessment Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? The learner’s performance was:

Not yet satisfactory

If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment: Feedback to learner:




(Please circle)



(Please circle)

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Learner’s signature Assessor’s signature

Activity 2A Estimated Time Objective

30 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to plan, prepare and conduct debriefing in line with organisation standards and procedures.

Activity 1. Imagine a scenario where one employee has threatened another in the workplace. How would you plan and prepare for the debriefing? ...

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