Cheat sheet exam 1 PDF

Title Cheat sheet exam 1
Course Criminal Law
Institution University of the West of England
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Cheat sheet to take into exam 1, Cheat sheet to take into exam 1, Cheat sheet to take into exam 1...


Woolmington,burdenof proof. AR continuing act/transaction, thabo(beat up man threw off cliff),fagan(car on foot),brun(dropped wife),church. state of affrs larsonneur(French deported from ire-uk),Winzar(drunk left hospital got arrested for being on street tho police put ther.) . More serious courtie. Omissions – failing to stop etc. CommbyOmm, stone(didn’t call help for ill sis MS)speck(8yrold girl put hand on willy), ahmad,miller83(hobo mattress fire). Special duty to act, gibbinsproctor(didn’t feed 7yr, died from starvation),lowe(didn’t get help when kid ill, died not CON bcause low intel),bonnyman(failed to give wife drugs needed),hood(wife fell, didn’t call help died. Not CON of Mu as not sole reason, so MS). Dangerous sit,miller83,khan(supplied, 15yr needed help didn’t call CON MSbyOM). Contractual Liability,pittwood(failed duty to put gate back down on train),dytham(police saw beating didn stop),adomako(o2 pipe discon patient died). Medical,Airedale(stem alive,no chance,VEG discont treatment ok),adomako. Instan(Aunt got gangrene, D ate all food didn’t call for help con ms) Factual causa (sinequanon but-for)Dalloway(not hold reins child runs notCon)white(poison drink died of heart attack,not Con).3rd party,benge(traintracks tried to blame others Con MS). Legal, hughes13 williams12, conduct must be legally substantial (de minimis non curat lex)cato(injected a friend Con),kimsey. And culpable,marchantmuntz (motorbike on spikes no Con). And operative, (no novus actus). Breaking chain, not by natural, or innocents,Michael(child poison).3rd party,rafferty(drowned victim)pagett(used gf as shield). Escape,Mackie(son fell down stairs died),marjoram(jumped window),Roberts(sex assault jumped conABH). Carey(2groups ran away heartattack notcon).Egg shell skull rule:bad health and conditions(Hayward,wife died from health con),religion(blaue,transfusion),self neglect(Holland),suicide(dear opened stitches) do not break the chain! Selfinjection will(kennedy)! Wont:Malcherek/steel(nobrainstem), smith59(bad treatment,still con),Jordan(wounds heal,treatment wrong not con),chesire(died of tracheotomy Con),Mckechnie(stomach ulcer burst, no help head beat). MR Intention, specific,murder ‘an intention’ or basic,crim damage ‘intentionally or recklessly’. 2 forms of intention: direct/indirect. Motivation doesn’t norm affect intention(are different), hyam(petrol through box, 2 kids died con Mu),hales(escape in policecar, reversed & killed con),yip chiucheung(undercover drugs con conspiracy),gillick(refuse contracep to daught, said docs encour underage sex, not true).Chandler(stopped nucler depot, con) – thought he was doing good. Moloney(shooting comp, hit&die) set that jury should decide. Reworded by Hancock&shankland(hit taximan when blocking road con under 1st moloney, 2nd quashed new rules). After Woollin(3mnth thrown onto hard surface con MS under Nedrick),Nedrick86(paraffin through box,child died. 1st Mu 2nd quashed no VIRTUAL CERTAIN). Direct: good sense of jury(permolo)based on objective view of fact(perchandler). Indirect:jury may find intent when D has subjective apprec of virtual certain(perwool). Smith61(stolen goods, po held moving door and died con). Pearman(stop,reversed into po drove away injured not con foresight not equated w. intent). Matthews allyne (mugged,over bridge drowned). Negligence: eg RTA,intox subs,SOA. Lack of thought and standards of reasonable man. Strict lia(SL)(perGammon) – (doesn’t need much mens rea)regulatorycrime,social concern,public safety, promo of law, quasi-crim,direct intent parlia,wording,small penalty. RTA,Williams(good driver, nolicence,kill someone, con),hughes(same but not con causation). Presumption of MR (persweetvparsely-drugs in rent prop), SL doesn’t prevent presump of innoc (perbarnfather-kids no school). Kumar(honest belief over16 buggery),hobbs(unsound meat),B a minor(15yr bj bus 13yrgirl.)K(26 sex with 14 thought16,con 1st then quashed noMR). Transferred malice: gnango(transf MR not malice),latimer(belt hit someone else),Mitchell(push onto another and they died con),A-Gref98(double transfer not conv baby death). Must be the same MR to transfer,Pembliton(stone at person, hit window not sameMR),ellis(thought 1drug,butnot correct one, same MR con).Recklessness: objective/subjective. RvG 203 is leading authority – sub reck is where reck occurs, not just oap or crim dam. D must have appreciated the risk and then taken it anyway.RvG(2 boys camping, fire to shop newspapers, not reasonable men). Obj reck: D apprec the outcome is reck but does it anyway. parker(missed stop, hit telephone con),Caldwell precedent(unpaid work, set fire,held2 reasonable man test).

Subj reck: reasonable man test, Stephenson(hobo,set fire to hay. Not con ill mind), Cunningham precedent(ripped gas meter off, almost killed, con). Elliot v C1983(14yr old set fire to shed, culpable under Caldwell). Non fatal OAP: Common39CA: ARmust be apprehe,immedia,unlaw MRintent/reckl. Collins/Wilcock(merest touch),read(verbal con),fagan(con),logdon(fakegun con),Tuberville(contradicted),meade823(wordsnotenough),constanza97(wrotewords),Ireland(calls),li ght(contrad),lamb(roulette not con),ramos(state of mind of V).Batterys: actual infliction (percollins) of unlawful,brown(s&m) contact not necess, thomas(touchcoat)haystead(pushed lady child hurt). K(acid dryer con),smith206(hair),Dhaliwal(must be recog if psychiatric),ireland(con),ommi santa berm(needle). ABH27:AR, CA/B+causa+abh level. Miller54(maritalrape,any hurt to interefere,intent or foresight. GBH20:ARwounding/gbh. Break skin(perwood),inside skin(smith837),scratch no(morris),hickey(Eisenhower). Totality(birmigham),depend on V(bollom),infection(dica).intent18: intent/resist arrest. Murder: common law, 15yrs min, result, act or omission(gibbins&proctor –didn’t feed child). Person with capacity,injurisdiction, malice aforethought, grievously wound.Under10 is doli incapax (cant take respons). AR=D kills V. Causation + unlawful kill (adebolajo – both D and V must be in conflict) +human(not foetus, CP foetal alcohol synd)=Mu. Person is legally alive when their body in world (perpoulton),brain(baby found off ferry),reeves(cord attached beat on wall) ALL CON, independent circul, enoch(fork head). Cant withdraw treatment for minimally conscious but can for pers veg(resus prevent order).NHSvL(min consc(Mc) state, fam wanted alive, hosp said no), wvm(mc state, W said turn off, hosp saidno), inglis(ambulance, mum OD’d mercy con Mu),conjtwins2001(killed 1 in interest of other),pretty(didn’t want to choke,appeal not allow,died), ReB(rup blood vess, allowed to ref treatment as had mental capacity). Vickers(burgle beat beyond recognition conMu), cunningham81(Dbeat man w.chair. con gbh) Involun MSconstructive ms:newbury/jone(paving slab train leading auth), no fores, mallet(neighbour punch con),intent act(not omm)lowe, unlaw(have ar&mr of base) lamb(no appreh not con)slingsby(ringsex not con), Dhaliwal(not con),carey(not cause),meeking(handbrake con) ,dangero,church(van sex,drowned), causedeath, goodfellow(arrears fam died con). Def(Larkin). Shock,JM&SM(doorman con),dawson(petrol not con), Watson(old burglary heart attack con),bristow(remote burgl con). Gross neg ms:reasonable man, bateman(doctor pregnant death not con), adomako(lead auth) - Does duty exist,owe a care to V (wacker,58 china con), breach of duty, cause death. Winter(fireworks con),Lichfield(boat bad weather con), misra(knee infect) Reckless Ms:Lidar historical. Volun Ms: if conv of Mu, u could lower to MS. 3 special defen: dim respons s2 homicide57,amended s52 cja209 New law: recog medical cond, doesn’t understand conduct or have judgement. Byrne(impulses,old law not con ofMu), foye(brain eater,medic cond MS), dowds(not alcy, voluntary intox Mu),jama(asberger pc games MS),vinagre(Othello,Ms but judge reluctant), Reynolds(post natal,hammer mum MS), Ahluwalia(set fire 2bed, man abused her,not con), hobson(stabbed V,battered wifeMS), brennan(homo escort stab,MS bullied), seers(stab wife,chronic depressi MS),tandy(alcy,strangled daughter Mu no organic evidence),wood209(hobo alcy, oral,hammer. No organic evidence but allwed under new law, ms).,loss control,suicide pact. REVERSE ONUS. Loss of control:s54cja09. Must be evidence for LofC(6),burden proof on P(5),Mu2MS(7),2nd parties(8),cant act on cheats/revenge(4) Duffy(def of provocation Sudden and temp. wife hanged, axe),ibrams/gregory(V abused couple, killed when drunk,police no help con Mu).New law:slowburn. Qualifying trigs s55: fear(3),anger(4),combo(5),incite events(6) DAWES(sofa bottle fight). Reasona react: D’s sex and age (camplin, 15yr abuse pan con ms, holley,2 alcys axe kill wife con ms), normal tolerance and self-restraint, in D circumstances. Voluntary intox not ok. Acott(murdered mother, plead not guilty, found guilty, tried to raise defence con Mu), thornton(man abusive, stabbed him, claimed battered woman con ms), pearson(2 brothers, sledgehammer), Clinton/parker/evans(clinton had other issues, but sexual infidelity didn’t constitute LofC)....

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