Cheat Sheet to Bring in Exam PDF

Title Cheat Sheet to Bring in Exam
Course Applied Social Service Work Practice
Institution Algonquin College
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For this course our class was allowed to prepare a cheat sheet that we could bring into the exam. This is mine that you can utilize!...


Strength Based FW-Purpose- Ensures the social service worker is attentive to client strengths/// Application- 1. Intake and Engagement/2.Data collection & Assessment (collect info and assess how they view it)/3.Planning & Contracting/4.Intervention & Monitoring//used in all phases of helping process/helps counterbalance preoccupation w/ clients problems/deficits/Principles-1.belief that evry1 has potention/unique strengths/ capabilities that will determine their evolving story+define who they r& not their limitations/2.focus on client strengths, not labels, see challenges as capacity that creates hope& optimism/3. Language used creates reality (rechange language & how its used)/4.belief that change is inevitable, all indiv have urge to succeed/explore world/make themselves useful to others & community/5.positive change occurs w/ authentic relationships, ppl need to know someone cares & is always there for them/ transactional and facilitating process of supporting change and capacity building – not fixing./6.persons perspective of reality is primary(their story), need to value & start change process with what important to them”their story-not the experts”/7.ppl have more confidence/comfort in journey to future when they r invited to start w/ what they already know/8. Capacity building is process & a goal, lifelong journey that is dynamic as opposed to static/9. Value differences and need to collaborate, effective change is collab, inclusive, participatory process///Deficit Cycle- 1. Negative Experiences, 2. Lower expectations and affirmation of labels, 3.Negative behaviors, 4.Focus on deficits (focus on strength instead), 5.Labels and negative expectation, 6.Prescribed intervention and opportunities blocked///what is the problem?-person not problem/problem robs person of opportunities/separate person from problem-“I have prob and can take responsibility for & change rather/circumstances impact problem(helps to address blame)///Disempowerment- Labeling(you ARE rather than you are experiencing) /focusing on cants rather than cans/not recognizing persons unique capabilities & strengths/failing to recognize potential from adversity/prescribed programming instead of client centered approach/looking for patterns(poverty)to explain difficulties/lack of credibility to show case vs. effect/// Strength based cycle-1. Needed change/2.Identification of strengths/3.Continued Development of Strengths/ Capacity4. Positive and Valued/ Meaningful Experience/5.Opportunities Provided for Successful Development,6.Positive Expectation///Focus on client strengths- believe client, display interest in strengths, assume client is expert in own behavior/ view assessment&service plan as joint client + worker activity/Avoid discussion of blame/ Assume every family and community contains people willing and capable of being helpful and supportive/ Formulate an intervention plan specific to the client and his or her situation///Stories&Challenges- ask open ended questions to invite ppl to share stories and clarify challenges- “whats happening”,”how do you feel about this?”//Picture the future- Q’s to help ppl explore aspirations/dreams/interests/goals “what do you want to be happening instead?”///Strengths/ExpectationsQ’s to help explore strengths & exception to challenge- “what strengths do u have that mite be helpful?””what is happening when challenge is not present?”///Ex of strengths- assuming responsibility for actions, taking reasonable risks to make change, assisting & encouraging others, trustworthy/fair/honest, self-control/thoughtful decisions///Resources- Q’s to help ppl identify resources-“who else mite be able to help?”/// Plans&Next steps- Q’s to help ppl specify concreate steps towards goals- “what steps can b taken given ur pic of the future/strengths/resources?” more SBA theory- indiv ownership & participation in process of change// enable ppl to engage in stretegies/relationships/reflection//ensure power imbalance between resources/client not present//addresses structural/cultural differences///Intervention-1.persons strengths/capabilities supported by resources in their natural networks/2.only if ne-community used community resources added/3.if nec-specialized resources introduced/4.built resilience/empowerment/// Narrative Ther- principles-separate ppl from problem/rely on own skills to minimize prob/experiences become personal stories/give stories meaning/use power of stories to discover life purpose/assign role of narrator to own life/// Process-1. help ppl objectify prob/2. Frame prob in larger sociocultural context/3. Teach person how to make room for their stories/// Goal-frame prob larger sociocontext/ teach how to make room for other stories/transform effect of prob/make space/ how is concern serving person rather than harming///Role of Therap-active facilitator, care/interest/curiosity/, main task to help client construct story line, collab///Techniq/Procedure- 1. Questions(generate new experiences for client),2. Externalizing and deconstructing-(way of speaking so prob looks like distinct entity, separate from person/3. Unique outcomes-(talk to cl about moment of choice/success regarding prob/4. Alternative stories/reauthorizing-(turning point in ther is when client makes choice to stop living in prob saturated story & create alternate story/5. Document ev-(new stories take hold when audience to appreciate/support(letter writing)) Tree of Life-concept-visual metaphor tree represents life & various elements that make up past/present/future.// Roots-where u come from(culture, home town, club)/Ground-things choose to do on weekly basis (gym, knit)/Trunk-skills/values- (creative, family/friends)//Branches-hopes, dreams, wishes(make diff in society)/Leaves-names of significant ppl who benefit u in positive way(family friends, pets)//Fruits-(legacies passed onto u(attributes like courage, kindness)//Flowers/seeds- legacies u wish to leave others//would use in strength based approach)/// CBT-Principles- //goal oriented& problem focused//emphasizes the present// collaboration&active participation//change mood,thinking, behavor//educative//ever-evolving formulation///cog misperceptions-conclusion based on habits rather than external evidence(involve misperceptions ppl have bout themselves/others/life///Reason for it- cl does not have info necessary to manage situation/ A person’s personal schemas or systematic patterns of thinking, acting, and solving problems are too rigid to manage new situations appropriately./// Rational Thinking-Based on external evidence/Life preserving/Keeps the person directed to personal goals/Decreases internal conflicts///Irrational Beliefs- cog distortions clinically observed& r seen to be root of most neurotic disturbances//Neurotic Disturbance- any mental imbalance that cause distress/prevents or effects ability to think rationally//Clients can be helped by…1. Cognitively- teaching them to identify/change distorted thinking, 2. Behaviorally- offering skills training to improve coping ability/3.Experinentally- help cl set up natural experiments to test extent which beliefs about event are rational// Past-Present relationship-past importa for discovering origins of thinking patters, present thinking important bc it is what motivates current behavior./// Assessment- 1. Examine the client’s thinking patterns, 2.Identify faulty thinking patterns or cognitive deficits using an “irrational beliefs” inventory,3. Consider the evidence that supports the client’s conclusions about his life situations///SSW help by- 1. inviting clients to question basic assumptions, 2.inviting clients to consider alternatives, 3. modeling desired behaviors and cognitions, 4.coaching clients while they learn new behaviors and cognitions, 5.being the trusted representative of objective thinking///Role of Cl- responsible for implementing agreed on strategies, (involves doing homework)//Unhelpful thinking styles- All or nothing- (black and white thinking) “if im not perfect, I have failed”///Over generalizing- seeing a pattern based upon a single event or being overly broad in the conclusions we draw, “nothing good ever happens”///Mental Filter- only paying attention to certain types of evidence, example- noticing our failues but not seeing our successes///Disqualifying the Positive- discounting the good things that have happened or that you have done “that doesn’t count”///Jumping to conclusions- 2 key types- Mind reading (imagining we know what others are thinking) and Fortune telling (predicting the future)///Magnification (catastrophizing and minimizing) blowing things out of proportion or inappropriately shaping something to make it seem less important///Emotional Reasoning- assuming that because we feel a certain way, what we think must be true (I feel embarrassed, I must be an idiot)///“should, Must”- using critical words like should, must, ought, can make us feel guilty or like we have already failed///Labeling- assigning labels to ourselves or others “im a loser”///Personalization- blaming yourself or taking responsibility for something that wasn’t completely your fault OR blaming others for something that was your fault

Feminism Approach-may be useful when the client is a female and always when there is a reason to believe that gender discrimination or sex-role stereotyping is related to client concerns///is especially important during the phases of problem definition and assessment/// Assumptions and Principles-seeks to balance out the patriarchal view by validating the feminine dimensions of the human person, client expected to be active participant in helping process, focus is on clients strengths rather than deficits, emphasizes empowerment by educating client about social and historical factors that have affected attitudes toward woman including: Sexism- an ordering of roles and responsibilities and social and economic structures, benefits and opportunities according to gender/ Sex-role stereotyping: a persons role depends on their sex (woman clean and cook, men make money)//Gender discrimination- only allowing certain genders into places//Androcentrism: belief that male is inherently more important and worthwhile than the female //Male characteristics- rational, competitive, authority, leadership, decisive, courageous, fortitude, honor//Female char- relationships, compassion, caring, cooperation, intuition, sharing, openness, loyalty/// Socialist Feminism- recognized the fundamental oppression of women particularly in a patriarchal society./ -emphasize the economic basis of inequality/ true equality is impossible in a society whose structure was fundamentally flawed (patriarchal)/class and gender are inseparable - one cannot be addressed without taking the other into consideration/Goal: work with men to achieve a level playing field for both genders./ -integrate their struggle against women's oppression with the struggle against other injustice based on race, class, or economic status. Socialist feminists wanted to work with men to correct the inequities between men and women.///Cultural Feminism--focused on the unique nature of women/emphasizes essential differences between men and women, based on biological differences in reproductive capacity/highlighted the need for woman-affirming culture/ Believe the root of social problems lies in the devaluing of women's "natural" tendencies/reject the idea that oppression of women is based on the class power exercised by men/ argue that women are biologically or inherently more kind, caring, nurturing, and cooperative/ want more inclusion of women in decision-making processes in society and in particular fields within society/ led to building alternative communities and institutions for women/ tried to keep women's music, women's art, and women's studies apart from mainstream culture/Goal: equal valuing of “female” occupations including parenting/Respecting child care in the home/paying wages/salaries so that staying home is economically viable/respect female values (caring/kindness/nurture)/creating rape crisis centers and womans shelters///Liberal Fem-- equality for women in all institutions of society, including government, law, and education/ believe that true equality was impossible in a society whose structure was fundamentally flawed.. So focused on changing institutions in society/focuses more on issues like equality in the workplace, in education, in political rights (ie equal access to education, equal pay, ending job sex segregation, better working conditions)// Radical Fem--root of problem is believed to be the oppression& sexual discrimination of women/ opposes existing political and social organizations because they are tied to patriarchy/ recognized the fundamental oppression of women particularly in a patriarchal society./differences are cultural, not genetic or biological/ the traditional family is seen as an institution of patriarchy Goal: Focus on separatism - building alternative communities and institutions/reproductive rights (birth control abortion)/ breaking down traditional gender roles/ pornography as an industry causing harm to woman/understanding rape as an expression of patriarchal, not as seeking sex/prostitution as oppression of woman/critique of motherhood, marriage, nuclear family/// Separatist & Lesbian- -a form of radical feminism that does not support heterosexual relationships/-argue that the sexual disparities between men and women are unresolvable. /Separatist feminists generally do not feel that men can make positive contributions to the feminist movement and that even well-intentioned men replicate patriarchal dynamics. / valuing of female connectedness, women-centered relationships, and a woman-centered culture.///Motivational Interviewing- Rationale- assumes responsibility & capacity for change is within cl/ SSW task to create set of conditions that will enhance cl’s own motivation and commitment to change///Values- empathetic, create discrepancy between clients presenting behaviors and goals, avoid confrontation, adjust to confrontation, support self efficacy and optimism// 5 Principles- Express and Show Empathy,(through reflective listening)/ Develop Discrepancy(between clients goals and values vs. current behavior), Avoid argumentation- counterproductive, make client defensive, may need to change strategy/Roll with Resistance-(use resistance to help build motivation, reframe statements, acknowledge ambivalence as natural)Support Self-Efficacy-(communicate optimism/ explore past successes in other problems to appyly to current situation//client responsible for choosing/carrying out personal change)///Frames- Feedback(Give feedback on the risks and negative consequences of problem. Seek the client's reaction and listen), Responsibility- (Emphasize that the individual is responsible for making his or her own decision about changing.), Advice: Give straightforward advice on modifying problem), Menu- (Give menus of options to choose from, fostering the client’s involvement in decision-making.) Empathy(respectful, non-judgemental), Self-efficacy- Express optimism that the individual can modify his or her substance use if they choose. Self-efficacy is one's ability to produce a desired result or effect.//Phase 1- Build motivation for change- assess client current situation, identify pro/ issues, evoke self motivational statements///Strategies for phase 1- open ended questions, reflective listening, affirming, summarizing, eliciting self motiv statements///Phase 2Strengthening commitment to change- Signs of readiness- decreased resistance, decreased questions about problem, resolve, self mot statements, increase questions about change, envisioning/experimenting///Steps for Phase 2- Repopulation (summarize cl’s current situation in order to decide what to do next/ Key questions: ask cl what they want to do, open ended Q’s, encourage to reflect &talk bout change/ Info+ advice- provide info in response to cl Q’s, wait for cl invitation to provide advice/Negotiate plan- set goals, consider options, arrive at plan/ Hazards- understand ambivalence natural and doesn’t go away asap/Overprescription- developing plan not suitable for cl/ Insufficient direction- too lil guidance/direction///stages of change model- precontemplation-(not ready, raise doubt and increase need for change)/Contemplation-(getting ready-weigh pros/cons, explore ambivalence, increase confidence/(preparation(Action, Ready- clear goal setting, devel realistic plan & steps), Maintenance-(sticking to it- help cl identify and use strategies to prevent relapse), Relapse(learning- renew processes of contemplation & action w/o becoming stuck)///SBT vs MI- Goal oriented-SBT goal oriented, individuals values defined and goals articulated//MI- exploration of goals and values/explore goals and envision achieving them///Strengths assessment- SBT has systematic means of assessing strengths/to overcome issues and obtain goals, must use strengths and talents/MI- assess cl confidence in ability to make behav change, affirmation skills devel and methods used to show cl the strengths they used in past///Relationship- SBT hope inducing, attuned to create optimism/ hope, increase perception of abilities/confidence/ MI- hope, confidence and motivation for change, positive& supportive relationship emphasizes evocation of ideas, increase autonomy and collaboration///Meaningful choice- BOTH support autonomy and right to choose own path//Collaboration- essential aspect for both theories///MI- would use for mother of 3 children w anorexia(motivate them to do it for children, husband, career)//SBP...

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