Chegg Expert Check 69887 PDF

Title Chegg Expert Check 69887
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Institution Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Nicaragua
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Expert feedback February 20, 2021

Hi, I read your paper on the Eucharist and its religious significance. Below is a brief critique of the assignment.

Nice work, Your Chegg Expert

Overall Score: 4/5 Topic










Word choice


Grammar and spelling


Please note that the score provided above only represents the Expert’s judgment of your writing and in no way makes any promises or assurances concerning your actual grade.

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Topic You have introduced the topic clearly and set its relevance in the introduction quite effectively—"Analogous to the receiving of Christ, The Eucharist, formed a central rise of Christian worship.” However, your introduction is too long. In the introduction, you could pertain to “Analogous to the receiving…sanctification of Christ.” Also, you could define ‘the Eucharist’ in the simplest terms to introduce the topic precisely.

Development Your paper has a good development of ideas and the conclusion sums up the main points as well. To illustrate, “The Eucharist/communion is the source and apex of the Christian life because…” and “There is a rich and deep elegance…for generations” in the conclusion reiterate the significance of this Christian ritual. Further, you have used relevant references and explained them well throughout the length of the paper. Good job!

Audience The tone of your paper is informative. However, you need to ensure that all your ideas are coherent for your readers. For example, the sentence “Further modifications to…the form of thin wafers” could be reframed as “There have been further modifications to the Eucharist over time, starting with the shift from having a meal to celebrate the day, to now using unleavened bread in the form of thin wafers.” Furthermore, when you quote from sources other than the Bible, such as ‘the Oxby textbook’ (which may not be widely known), you could specify the author or establish the background of the text to ensure that its reference is credible.

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Organization Your paper has an introduction-body paragraph-conclusion format, which is good. However, you could further segregate your ideas in at least two body paragraphs. For example, begin the first body paragraph with “The Communion symbolizes…assurance of perpetual life.” Then, include more information about the covenant in this paragraph. Furthermore, the next body paragraph could contain the discussion on the Eucharist—“The Eucharist practice not only reminds one of the…there was the Passover.” Lastly, the third body paragraph will be “The Eucharist is a descendant…transcribe things differently.” This will ensure clearer organization and progression of your ideas.

Cohesion You have maintained a clear link between ideas in your paper. However, in order to ensure smoother transitions in your paper, include sufficient transition words and phrases like ‘moreover’, ‘additionally’, ‘finally’, ‘to sum up’, ‘in fact’, etc. For example, “[Moreover,] it explains that through the Eucharist…”, “[In fact,] the bible also advises that Christ…”, “[On the whole,] the Eucharist/communion is the source…”, etc.

Wordchoice Your paper has relevant use of religious terminology such as, ‘sanctification of Christ’, ‘covenant’, ‘communion’, ‘repentance’, etc. However, you could define terms like ‘covenant’, ‘Holy Thursday’, etc., concisely in order to ensure that your readers understand the relevance of these terms. Moreover, in “The Eucharist, formed a central rise of Christian worship”, the word ‘rise’ seems incorrect. Instead, you could use ‘part’, ‘aspect’, etc., to make clearer sense.

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Grammar and spelling Your paper has an adequate use of grammar. However, there are instances where certain terminology is written without capitalization. For example, “The bible [Bible] also advises…”, “…who wrote in the bible [Bible] about the last supper [Last Supper]”, etc. Furthermore, there are minor errors in grammar that could be avoided with thorough proofreading. For example, “The Eucharist practice not only reminds one of the sufferings of Christ[,] but also...", “…one should examine themselves [oneself]…”, “The lamb was then roasted and eaten [with] bread”, “…one to have an incline [inclination] towards eternal…”, “…and shows one [one’s] intimate union with Christ”, etc. Also, be careful with the use of tenses. For example, in “It was established on Holy Thursday then lead on to become one, if not the most vital thing in Christianly ”, ‘was established’ is in past tense but ‘lead’ is in the present tense. This could be written as: “It was established on Holy Thursday, then lead [led] on to become one [of the], if not the most vital thing in Christianly Christianity.” Alternatively, you can run your essay through the Chegg Writing grammar checker to avoid minor errors in writing and punctuation (

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Next Steps Fix what you agree with, ignore what you don't, and then resubmit to get another expert check! The best way to improve your paper is to keep writing, revising, and considering outside feedback.

Resubmit my paper

After you’ve got your paper reading just right, submit it for a Plagiarism and Grammar check to add that final polish and catch any remaining issues!

Check Plagiarism and Grammar

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Your paper Analogous to the receiving of Christ, The Eucharist, formed a central rise of Christian worship. Its believers would agree that it is a memorial gathering that allows one to recollect the sanctification of Christ. The Communion symbolizes the new covenant given by Christ to his disciples. The former covenant was "consecrated by God to Israel" when Israel liberated his people from bondage in Egypt (Pitre & Hahn, 2016). The new covenant embodies freedom from the bondage of misdeed and assurance of perpetual life. The Eucharist practice not only reminds one of the sufferings of Christ but also indicates the quantity of love he possessed for man. In the Bible, Jesus announced to his disciples, "unless [they ate] the flesh of the son of [God] and [drank] his blood, [they] have no life in [them] (John 6:54). The scripture would express humanity's fate if they denied the blood and body of Christ. It explains that through the Eucharist, one can connect with Christ in the memory of his death and the spiritual life he provides for his fellow followers. The bible also advises that Christ is prone to contact and heighten his worshipers in the Eucharist experience. The Challenging Communion article also laid information on "the apostle Paul" who wrote in the bible about the last supper in the first Corinthians (Little 2018, p.477). Paul expressed that "whoever [ate] the bread or [drank] the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the blood and body of the Lord…. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on [themselves] (Corinthians 11:23- 29). To partake of the bread and the cup in an unworthy manner means disregarding the actual significance of the bread and the cup and forgetting the tremendous price Christ paid for man's salvation. According to the apostle Paul, one should examine themselves before eating the bread and drinking the cup. The Eucharist's principal significance is the remembrance of the body and blood of Jesus that was broken and poured for man. Before Jesus created the Eucharist, there was the Passover.

The Eucharist is a descendant of the Passover. The Passover was the most sacred feast of the Jewish year. It commemorated the final plague on Egypt when the Egyptians' firstborn died, and the Israelites were spared because of the blood of a lamb sprinkled on their doorposts. The lamb was then roasted and eaten bread. God commanded that "for the generations to come [man] shall celebrate it as a festival to the lord" (Exodus 12:14). During the last supper, a Passover celebration, he utilizes two of the frailest elements as symbols of his body and blood, as he established them to be a monument to his death. The Passover was fulfilled in the last supper, and the Eucharist was created. Further modifications to the Eucharist over time is the shift from having a meal to celebrate the day to now unleavened bread in the form of thin wafers. Furthermore, Communion was also altered in the way it was to be given. It was forthwith to be taken on the tongue with the communicant kneeling to show repentance and orderliness. However, still divers depending on what area a person is present in. In the Oxby textbook, it was expressed that immigration "will certainly lead to more changes in [Christian]

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life in the next generation (Hussian 2016 p. 229). The Passover is a substantial illustration of how the Eucharist has changed over time and will continue to change as humanity evolves and transcribe things differently.

The Eucharist/communion is the source and apex of the Christian life because it is how one is freed from sin by the recollection of the cross's sacrifice and is cleansed, which then allows one to have an incline towards eternal life in heaven. The Communion gives an illustration of one's faith and shows one intimate union with Christ. It was established on Holy Thursday then lead on to become one, if not the most vital thing in Christianly. It developed from the Passover to its participation be the commemoration of the sanctification of Christ. There is a rich and deep elegance to this religious ritual. Its perseverance and allurement are why people still exercise and will contusion to practice Euctrist/Commuinong for generations....

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