Chem 1210 lab 8 final main PDF

Title Chem 1210 lab 8 final main
Course general chemistry 1 Lab
Institution Wright State University
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Dr. Lary Sanders Chem 1210 L

Paper chromatography of M&Ms

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Purpose Paper Chromatography used to identify the type of dyes used on many products, but for this experiment M&Ms in particular. There are many factors in determining the types of dyes, but perhaps polarity is the most important detail. We explored paper chromatography in this experiment by using it to detect the various dyes used in M&Ms. To determine what makes M&Ms their colors, we found the Rf values of these colors and compared them and their colors. Chromatography polarity determines how fast the dye is moving up the stationary phase The lower the value of the Rf, the more the dye is nonpolar. The higher the value of the Rf, the more polar the dye will be. The Rf value is therefore directly related to a dye's polarity.


Chromatography is a special technique used for separating mixtures into their individual components, so they can be assessed thoroughly (Coppens, 2016), (Khan Academy, 2017).

Koli 2 The mixtures are deposited in a solution and applied by means of a medium where the components move at different rates. There are various types of chromatography techniques, but paper chromatography is the main one used in this study.

Paper Chromatography is a way to separate a solution's two phases: the mobile phase and the stationary phase Paper is used as the stationary phase of paper chromatography. For chromatography, the mobile phase is a liquid or gas that flows through or through a stationary phase to distinguish the substances it contains. The theory is that when traveling under the capillary action between the pores of the filter paper, the separation results from a difference in affinities towards the water and mobile phase.

In this experiment, paper chromatography is used because it is an effective way to separate food dyes so that it can be analyzed and compared with its matching color. Paper chromatography has two critical components: the stationary phase and the moving phase. The chromatography paper is the stationary phase in this experiment. The mobile stage was the solution of water and NaCl. All the dyes are moving at various speeds. Some were moving faster, others were moving slower.

Essentially, the interactions between different components and the stationary phase are what allows certain analytes to move faster than others. Since both the stationary and mobile phases are polar, this made it possible for the various interactions of the different dyes to travel at different speeds and thus to provide separation.

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The equation that gave us the ratio of the distance traveled by the dye to the distance traveled by the solvent :

Rf =D dye / D sol


Where Ddye represents the distance traveling by dye and Dsol is the distance traveling by solvent. This formula helps find the Rf values that are useful in defining that food dye FD&C matches that color of M&M. The equation of uncertainty will be used to identify uncertainties for the Rf values. The random uncertainty equation :

2 2 δ D dye δ D sol δRf =Rf + D dye D sol



represents uncertainty.

Developing tanks were made using beakers in order to develop the chromatograms. A development tank allows the mobile stage and the components to move up the stationary phase gradually. As the analytes are moving at different speeds, each dye stopped at a different point on the paper to determine the distances covered by each dye. Finding each dye's Rf values and examining the colors developed on the chromatogram made it possible to compare the food colors of FD&C and the colors of M&M candies. Paper

Koli 4 chromatography is an effective way to separate food colors in order to identify colors that create the colors of M&M candies. Method To begin, 20 ml of NaCl and steam, the mobile stage, was poured into a 600 ml beaker. In order to ensure that 20 ml of the mobile phase was in each beaker, graduated cylinders were used for accuracy. Paraffin paper was used to cover the beakers. Two pieces of chromatography paper were collected from and lines were drawn out every 2 cm. Then the food dye That was under the hood into the welled plates. Toothpicks were used for transferring the dyes onto the chromatography paper. The food dye was then put on their designated spots; The chromatography paper was rolled and stapled together to fit into the beaker. The paraffin was removed from one of the beakers to Be able to put the paper in the beaker and the rolled-up chromatography paper was then put in the beaker and analyzed until approximately 1 cm from the top of the paper was found in the mobile phase and the paraffin was also replaced.The paper was extracted when the mobile phase was about 1 cm from the top of the paper and outlined the solvent front with a pencil and given to the TA to put it in the over for drying for 5 minutes. The distances traveled by the dyes and solvent were measured and used to find Rf values after removing the chromatogram from the oven. Again, 20ml mixture of NaCl and water was transferred to a 600ml beaker, covered with paraffin paper, and each team in the laboratory mixed an M&M into an ethanol and water solution. Then each team placed each M&M dye on their own welled plates and placed the dyes on the designated positions of the second piece of chromatographic paper. The second beaker's paraffin was removed, the paper was placed in the second beaker, and the foil was then replaced on the beaker. The foil was removed to remove the chromatography paper out of the beaker when the mobile phase was about 1 cm from the top, and the solvents location was

Koli 5 marked with a pencil and then the paper was given to the TA who put it in the oven for five minutes for drying. The solvent's locations are marked. Every dye's colors were evaluated and calculations were made. The food dyes and the M&M dyes were compared to see which ones matched.

Results Table1.The following table displays the result of the developed chromatograph. Dye

Dye Color

FD&C Red #3


Distance Dye Traveled (Ddye) (mm)a 7±2


FD&C Red #40 FD&C Blue #1 FD&C Blue #2 FD&C Yellow #6 FD&C Yellow #5 FD&C Green #3


Distance Solvent Traveled (Dsol) (mm)b 70±5

0.1± 0.030








0.34± 0.96


1.0±0.07 6




0.5±0.10 4

Light or-




0.7±0.08 8


48.1 ±5


0.8±0.08 8

Bluegreen / teal



0.9±0.09 9

The table lists the various dye used and the dye colors when put on the chromatographic paper. The D dye and D sol are the dye and solvent distances moved up the chromatography sheet on that particular dye. The Rf value and Uncertainties was determined by the equation [1] and [2] in the introduction.

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Table 2. The following table displays the result of the developed chromatograph of the M&M dyes. dyes. M&M Color

Dye Color



10. ±5





Yellow Faint Blueis h green

Distance Dye Distance SolTraveled. (D vent Traveled a (D sol) (mm)b dye) (mm)

Matching Rf of Matching FD&C Food Dye c Rf±__ Food Dye

64.2± 0.157±0.14

Red #3


5 66.1±


Yellow #5





Yellow #5





Green #3





Blue #2




Yellow #6




Red #40




Yellow #6





Yellow #5



5 67.9±


Blue #1

8 1.0±0.07



5 Blue


5 Orange Orange

29±4. 5



Light Pink





5 Yellow


5 Light Blue

Koli 7 4



The table shows the color of the M&M and the colors of the dye when put on the paper. The D dye and D sol are the lengths that the dyes and solvent traveled up the chromatography paper on that particular dye. The Rf value and Uncertainties was determined by the equation listed on listed under introduction, equation [1] and [2], respectively. The matching FD&C food dye and Rf of the matching food dye was found by using table 1.

Discussion The higher the Rf, the greater the polarity of the dye. The lower the value of the Rf, the less polar the dyes. FD&C green # 3 and FD&C blue # 1 were the dyes with the highest polarity. We were able to match each M&M color with an FD&C food dye because each of these colors was created using food dye. Many M&M colors combined more than one food dye as they blended different food dye colors to create the right M&M color. The brown and blue M&M shades were the M&M coatings with the highest polarity. No food dye produced these exact colors so yellow and blue were used to make green and red, orange, and blue were all used to make brown. As they moved up the stationary phase, they split into several colors. The statement that paper chromatography is an efficient way to determine what food color was used to produce each M&M color was proven to be correct in this experiment because

Koli 8 it was possible to determine that chromatograms, shades of colors and Rf values made it easy to match each M&M color to the appropriate food color.

Works Cited Sanders, L. J. General Chemistry I: CHM 1210, 2nd ed.; Van-Griner: Cincinnati, OH, 2018. Laboratory Manual for CHM 1210, 2nd ed.; Sanders, L. J., Underwood, K. A., Clark, T. B., Eds.; Van-Griner: Cincinnati, OH, 2018. Using the Power of Chromatography to Identify the Dyes Used in M&M Candies. In Laboratory Manual for General Chemistry I CHM 1210, 2nd Ed.; Sanders, L.J.; Underwood, K.A.; Clark, T.B.; Van-Griner: Cincinnati, OH, 2018; pp 25-32, 149-162. Khan Academy. (2017). Principles of Chromatography. Retrieved from (accessed Oct 16, 2019). (accessed Oct 16, 2019). (accessed Oct 16, 2019).

Koli 9 Paper Chromatography Ascending Method (accessed Oct 16, 2019)....

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