Child Centred Learning PDF

Title Child Centred Learning
Author Olivia-Grace Marshman
Course The Sociology of Childhood
Institution University of Derby
Pages 8
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This essay critically explores how the child-centred approach to education impacts on both the role of the educator and the learner. Theory and it's influence on contemporary child-centred practice is explored in depth to establish whether or not this approach to education is advantageous to the tea...


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Ol i vi aMar shman


I dent i f yadi st i nct i vef eat ur eofeducat i ont odayandshow how i taffect st he t eacherandt hel ear ner . Thi sess aywi l l i dent i f yanddes cr i behowchi l dcent r edl ear ni ngaffect st her ol eoft heear l yyear s t eacher sandl ear ner s .Chi l dcent r ededucat i onhasal ar genumberofdefini t i onswhi c hhav e evol v edov ert i me duet omul t i pl ei nt er es tgr oupsandsc hol ar samendi ngandr eshapi ngt he meani ngt oaccommodat et hei ri ndi vi duali deas( ChungandWal sh,2000) .JohnDeweydefi ned c hi l dcent r ededucat i onast hepr ovi si onofpr act i cal l ear ni ngoppor t uni t i es whi c haccommodat e t heuni quei nt er est sandabi l i t i esoft hel ear neri nor dert oacqui r enewknowl edge( Pr i ng,2007) . Dewey’ st heor yofchi l dc ent r edl ear ni ngwi l lbeadopt edi nt hi ses say .Thi ses s aywi l lal s oai mt o addr esst headv ant agesanddi sadv ant agesofc hi l dc ent r ededucat i onont het eac herand l ear ner ,andul t i mat el yar guet hatt headv ant agesofchi l dcent r ededucat i onout wei ght hedi sadv ant ages . I n1762,JeanJaquesRous seaui nt r oducedt heconceptofchi l dcent r edl ear ni ngi nhi snov el ‘ Emi l e’ ,whi chdi scuss edhi sar gumentofwhyc hi l dr enshoul dbeabl et ol ear nanddev el opnat ur al l yr at hert hanber egul at edandheav i l yi nst r uct edbyadul t s( Koops,2012) .Rousseauf amousl ysuggest edt hatchi l dr ens houl dbeeducat edt hr oughexpl or i ngt henat ur alwor l dand l ear nt hr ought hei rownuni queexper i ences( Schol z ,2010) .Rouss eau’ st heor ywasl at er adapt edbyJohnDewey ,whoagr eedt hatchi l dr enl ear neffect i v el yt hr oughpr act i cal exper i ences andi nt er act i ngwi t ht hes ur r oundi ngenvi r onment ,obj ect sandpeopl e( Mooney ,2013) .The1967 Pl owdenRepor twasal sos i gni ficantf ori nt r oduci ngc hi l dcent r ededucat i ont omai nst r eam s chool i ng.Ther epor tr ecommendedt hatt eacher ss houl dpr omot epl ay basedandexper i ent i al met hodsofl ear ni ngwhi l stpl anni ngandus i ngani nt er di sci pl i nar ycur r i cul um ( Wood,2007) . Dewey’ sdefi ni t i onofchi l dc ent r edl ear ni ngs t i l l i nfluencespr of essi onalpr act i ce,andt her ef or e hasani mpactonbot ht het eacherandl ear ner( Adey&Di l l on,2012) .Par tofDewey’ st heor yon c hi l dcent r ededucat i onf oc usesuponhowt het eachershoul dacknowl edgeandv al uet hatev er y l ear neri sauni quei ndi vi dual wi t hdi ffer enti nt er est s ,exper i encesandabi l i t i es( Cuffar o,1995) . TheEar l yYear sFoundat i onSt agec ur r i cul um r efl ect st hi spr i nci pl eofc hi l dcent r ededucat i onby emphasi si ngt hateachc hi l di suni queanddev el opsatt hei rownr at e( Br i t i shAssoci at i onf or Ear l yChi l dhoodEducat i on,2012) .TheSt at ut or yFr amewor kf ort heEar l yYear sFoundat i on St ageal sos t r essest hatpr act i t i oner smus tconsi dert hei ndi vi dualabi l i t i esandi nt er est soft he

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c hi l dwhenpl anni nganddel i v er i ngl ear ni ngoppor t uni t i es( Depar t mentf orEducat i on,2017) . Wi t houtt heneedsori nt er est sofchi l dr enbei ngconsi der edi nt hel ear ni ngenv i r onment ,t hei r s el f est eem andmot i v at i ont owar dsl ear ni ngwi l l det er i or at e.Whenl ear ner sbecomeawar et hat t hei ri nt er est sandneedsar eac commodat ed,t heyar emor el i k el yt oengagedur i ngl essons,est abl i shaposi t i v er el at i onshi pwi t ht hei rt eacherandt her ef or el ear nmor eeffect i v el y( Mur doch& Wi l s on,2008) .Thr oughpr omot i ngchi l dcent r edl ear ni ngi nt heear l yy ear ss et t i ngchi l dr encan becomemor es el f awar eandasar esul toft hi s ,wi l lbecomemor econfidenti nt hei rabi l i t i esand ut i l i set hei ri ndi vi duali nt er est seffect i v el yt os hapet hei reducat i onalout comes( Doddi ngt on& Hi l t on,2007) . Dewey’ sappr oac ht ochi l dcent r ededucat i onal soeffect sc hi l dr eni nawaywhi c hal l owst hem t ot ak eowner shi poft hei rownl ear ni ng ( Bl andf or d&Knowl es,2016) .Deweypr oposedt hatc hi l dr enshoul dbeact i vei nt hei rownl ear ni ngandconst r uctt hei rownk nowl edget hr ought hei rexper i ences ,r at hert hanpassi v el yr ec ei v eknowl edgef r om t hei rt eacher s( Par dj ono,2016) .Byf ac i l i t at i ngac t i v el ear ni ngoppor t uni t i eswhi chmeett hedev el opment alneedsoft hel ear ner ,t he l ear nerwi l lbet aughthowt ot hi nk,pr obl emsol v eandov er comebar r i er si ndependent l y ( Br endt r o&St r ot her ,2007) .Chi l dr encannotbeexpect edt ol ear nandengageeffect i vel yi ft he act i vi t i est heyar epar t i ci pat i ngi nar eheavi l ydi r ect edbyt heear l yy ear st eac her( Lumpki n& Achen,2015) .Whenpar t i ci pat i ngi nact i v el ear ni ng,c hi l dr eni nt er actwi t ht heenv i r onmentand di ffer entr esour cesandasanout c ome,t heyacqui r enewknowl edgeaswel l assel f efficac yand f ul fil ment( Gl av eneauetal . ,2013) .I ft heear l yy ear seducat orpr ovi desheavydi r ect i onandi ns t r uct i on,t hec hi l di satr i s kofbecomi ngadependentl ear nerr at hert hanani ndependent l ear ner ,andwi l l notbedr i v ent oac hi ev especi ficout comesandover comechal l engi ngexper i ences( Hut c hi n,2012) . Des pi t et hes epos i t i v eeffect s ,chi l dcent r ededucat i onhasr ecei v ednumer ousc r i t i ci sms.Bennet t( 1976,ci t edi nYul e)concl udedf r om hi sr esear c ht hatc hi l dc ent r ededucat i onhi nder sover al l academi cper f or mance.Ther esul t sf r om hi ss t udyi ndi cat et hatchi l dr enwhopar t i ci pat ei n k nowl edgebasededucat i onper f or m atamor edesi r abl el ev el i nsubj ec t ssuchasl i t er acyand mat hemat i cs .Young( 2013)al soar guest hatsubj ect basedl ear ni ngpr ovi desmor es t abi l i t yf or l ear ner st hanc hi l dc ent r ededucat i on.Thi si sbecausesubj ect swi t hi nt hecur r entNat i onal Cur r i cul um haves peci fiedout comesf ort hel ear nert oobt ai n,wher easchi l dc ent r ededucat i oni s pr edomi nant l ybasedupont heneedsandi nt er est sofeachi ndi vi duall ear ner .Howev er ,al t hough t heNat i onal Cur r i cul um haspr escr i bedsubj ect sandex pect at i ons ,t hegov er nmentdonotr egul at ehowt eacher swi sht odel i vert hecur r i cul um t ot hei rl ear ner s( Sewel l ,2015) .Ther ef or e,a

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c hi l dcent r edappr oachcans t i l lbeappl i edt opr act i cei nor dert omeett heneedsandabi l i t i esof t hel ear ner s ,sol ongast hecont entoft heNat i onalCur r i c ul um i scov er ed( Depar t mentf orEduc at i on,2014) . Chi l dcent r ededucat i onhasal sobeencr i t i c i sedduet os omeoft henegat i v eaffec t st hati thas ont het eac her .Deweysugges t st hatal lt eac her smus tval ueandaccommodat et heuni queness ofeachl ear nerwi t hi nt heset t i ng( Gr ay&Mc Bl ai n,2012) .Buti ncont empor ar ypr act i ce,ear l y y ear seducat or shav et opr ovi deeducat i onandcar ef orl ar gegr oupsofc hi l dr en.Fort hi sr eason, i twoul dbees peci al l ychal l engi ngf ort eacher st of aci l i t at ei ndi vi dual i sedact i vi t i esandas sessment st omoni t ort hedev el opment al pr ogr es sofev er ychi l d( Conkbayi r&Pascal ,2014) .When c hi l dr enengagei nact i v el ear ni ngoppor t uni t i es,ear l yy ear st eacher smustal s oactasgui desf or t hec hi l dr eni nor dert ohel pt hem mak esenseofwhatt heyar el ear ni ngandt hewor l dar ound t hem ( Al i ust a&Öz er ,2017) .Moni t or i ngandpr ovi di ngassi st ancef oreac hchi l dwi t hi nt heear l y y ear ss et t i ngwi l l al sopr es enti t schal l engest oear l yy ear seducat or si ft her ear emor ec hi l dr en t hans t affwi t hi nt hes et t i ng( Dar l i ng,1994) . I nspi t eoft hesecr i t i ci sms,t her ehasbeenadvancesi nr ecenty ear swhi chmakechi l dcent r ed educat i onmor eachi ev abl ei ncont empor ar year l yy ear spr act i ce.Theuseoft echnol ogyi sbec omi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul arf ort eac her st ot r ackt hedev el opment al pr ogr es sofeachl ear ner , pl anf ur t herl ear ni ngoppor t uni t i es,andal sot ocommuni cat ewi t ht hef ami l i esofeachl ear ner andot herr el ev antpr of ess i onal s( Jeong&Ki m,2017) .Equi pmentsuchascamer asands mar t phonescanbeusedt oconductdet ai l edobser v at i onsofchi l dr en,asear l yy ear seducat or scan c ar ef ul l yanal ysewhathasbeenr ecor dedandcr eat eanaccur at econcl usi onont hechi l d’ s pr ogr essandwhatt hei rnextl ear ni nggoal sar e( Ar nol d,2015) .Teac her sar eal soabl et oc r eat e i ndi vi dual i sedl ear ni ngact i vi t i esusi ngt echnol ogywhi chc hi l dr encancompl et eusi ngv ar i ous pi ecesofsof t war e.Oncet heseact i vi t i esar ecompl et e,t heear l yy ear st eac herwi l lt henbeabl e t or ev i ewt hei rr es ul t sandus et heset opl ananact i vi t ywhi chwi l lac commodat et heabi l i t i esand needsoft hechi l dwhi chhav ebeenhi ghl i ght edi nt heact i vi t y( Hei t i nketal . ,2016) . Whencombat t i ngt hebur eauc r ac i esofpr ov i di ngeachchi l dwi t hani ndi vi dual i sedl ear ni ngexper i ence,ear l yy ear seducat or snol ongerhav et ocompl et eobser v at i on,pl anni ngassessment t as ksi ndependent l y .TheDepar t mentf orEducat i on( 2017)emphasi set hateachchi l ds houl d hav eak eywor k erdur i ng ear l yy ear seducat i ont oens ur et hatt hechi l d’ seducat i oni sadapt ed t ot hei ri ndi vi dualneeds .Bydi vi di nganear l yy ear scl assi nt os peci ficgr oupswi t hak eywor k er , t hi swi l l r educet hec ompl i cat i onsofcompl et i ngi ndi vi dual document sandassessment sf oran ov er al l l ar gegr oupofc hi l dr enandal l owst eacher st ohav eas mal l ergr oup‘

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ofchi l dr enwhot heycanbui l dar el at i onshi pwi t hands uppor tonamor eper sonal l ev el ( Ear l y Suppor t ,2004) .Speci al educat i onal needscoor di nat or s( SENCO)ar eal s oar equi r ementi n ear l yy ear ss et t i ngsandschool s ,ast heypl ayacr uci al r ol ei ni dent i f yi ngt hespeci aleducat i onal needsofi ndi v i dual l ear ner sandar eabl et ocar r youtl ear ni ngoppor t uni t i esandasses sment s whi c har emor esui t abl ef ort heseneeds( J ones,2007) .TheSENCO i sabl et osuppor tt he t eacheri nensur i ngt hatt heNat i onal Cur r i cul um i sachi ev abl eandaccommodat est hei ndi vi dual needsofl ear ner swi t hs peci aleduc at i onalneeds( Wear mout h,2012) .Whent eac her swor ki n par t ner shi pwi t hk eywor k er sandSENCO’ s ,chi l dcent r ededucat i oni smor eat t ai nabl eandcan bedel i v er edi nc l assr oomssuccessf ul l yasmul t i pl epr act i t i oner sar eav ai l abl epr ov i demeani ngf ull ear ni ngexper i enc esf oreachchi l d( Gas per ,2010) . Toconcl ude,i ti sevi dentt hatt her ear ebot hadv ant agesanddi s adv ant agesofchi l dcent r ed educat i ont hataffectbot ht het eacherandt hel ear ner .Chi l dr enar eabl et ot akeowner shi pof t hei rownl ear ni ngt hr oughpr act i t i oner spr ovi di ngt hem wi t hact i v i t i est hatsuppor tt hei ri ndi v i dual i nt er est s ,needsandabi l i t i es .Ast eacher spr ov i det heseoppor t uni t i eswhi l s tus i ngt hec hi l dc ent r edappr oacht oeducat i on,c hi l dr enwi l lbeabl et odev el opsel f efficac yandbecomeconfi dent i nt hei rabi l i t i est ol ear ni ndependent l y .Ul t i mat el y ,c hi l dc ent r ededucat i onpr ovi desl ear ner s wi t hani ndi vi dual i sedanduni queeducat i onalexper i encewhi ch,i fpl annedi nl i newi t ht heNat i onalCur r i c ul um,wi l l equi pchi l dr enwi t ht hees sent i al ski l l sneededf ort her es toft hei rl ear ni ng j our ney .Fort eacher s ,bur eaucr ac i eswi t hi nt hec hi l dc ent r edappr oac ht oeducat i onhav ebeen i dent i fi edwhi chcanmak et hei rr ol emor ec hal l engi ngt hannecessar y .Forex ampl e,pl anni ngt o accommodat et heneedsofl ar gegr oupsofchi l dr enaswel lasassess i ngt hei ndi v i dual l ear ni ng pr ogr essofeac hchi l dwi t hi nt heset t i ng.But ,t hepr ov i si onofaddi t i onal andspeci al i stst affand r i sei nus eoft echnol ogywi t hi neducat i onal set t i ngsar ewaysi nwhi cht eacher scaneffect i v el y f ul filt hei rr ol eswhenpr ovi di ngac hi l dcent r edenvi r onmentt osuppor tt hel ear ni nganddev el opmentofchi l dr en.

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