China test practice PDF

Title China test practice
Author Xin Ying Chen
Course Understanding Contemporary East Asia
Institution University of Calgary
Pages 8
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China test study questions What added to China’s downfall in the 19th and early 20th centuries? In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. When did the Communist Part of China come to power? After World War II...


China test study questions 1. What added to China’s downfall in the 19th and early 20th centuries? In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. 2. When did the Communist Part of China come to power? After World War II 3. When did China begin market-oriented economic development? After 1978 4. What borders China on the North? Mongolia, Russia 5. What borders China and South Korea? Yellow Sea, North Korea? 6. Which country forms part of the southern border of China? India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, and Vietnam 7. Which country is slightly larger than China in land mass? US 8. Which metal is naturally found in China? Coal, iron ore, helium, petroleum, natural gas, arsenic, bismuth, cobalt, cadmium, ferrosilicon, gallium, germanium, hafnium, indium, lithium, mercury, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, antimony, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, selenium, strontium vanadium, magnetite, aluminum, lead, zinc, rare earth elements, uranium, hydropower potential (world’s largest), arable land 9. How much of China’s land is used for agricultural production? 54.7% 10. What produces acid rain in China? Air pollution (greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide particulates) from reliance on coal produces acid rain. 11. In China, what does poor land management lead to? Leads to soil erosion, landslides, floods, droughts, dust storms, and desertification. 12. What is the largest ethnic group in China? Han Chinese (91.6%)

13. How many ethnic groups are recognized in China? 56 14. Which religion has the larger number of followers in China? Unaffiliated 52.2%, Folk religion 21.9%, and Buddhist 18.2% 15. . Which city in China has the largest population? Shanghai 27.058 million 16. What percentage of the population are between the age of 25-54 yrs old? 46.81% (male 333,789,731/female 318,711,557) 17. What is the median age of females in China? 39.4 years 18. What percentage of the population live in urban areas? 61.4% of total population 19. What is the total population’s life expectancy at birth in China? 76.1 years 20. When did the government announce allowing more than one child per couple? October 2015 21. Which country had an influence on the Chinese legal system? Civil law influenced by Soviet and continental European civil systems. 22. How is Chinese citizenship determined? Citizenship by descent only: at least one parent must be citizen of China Citizenship by birth: No No dual citizenship recognized 23. When did Xi Jinping first get elected as President of China? Since March 14, 2013 24. The National People’s Congress elects the president. Which of the following can elect the members of the congress? Members indirectly elected by municipal, regional, and provincial people’s congresses, and the People’s Liberation Army; members serve 5-year terms. 25. Which of the following is a national symbol of China? Dragon, giant panda; national colors: red, yellow 26. When did China become the world’s largest exporter?

China became the world’s largest exporter in 2010. 27. What year will China peak its carbon dioxide emissions according to the Paris Agreement? Between 2025 and 2030 28. How has China’s leaders undermined market-oriented reforms? 29. What was the 2017 GDP of China (purchasing power parity/in US$)? $23.21 trillion 30. What was the poverty line in 2011? China set a new poverty line at RMB 2300 (approximately US$400) 31. In which industry does China lead the world (as gross value)? World leader in gross value of industrial output. Mining and ore processing, iron, steel, aluminum, and other metals, coal; machine building; armaments; textiles and apparel; petroleum; cement; chemicals; fertilizer; consumer products (including footwear, toys, and electronics); food processing; transportation equipment, including automobiles, railcars and locomotives, ships, aircraft; telecommunications equipment, commercial space launch vehicles, satellites. 32. How many people are in China’s labor force? 806.7 million 33. What percentage of China’s labor force is in services? 43.5% 34. What was the value of exports from China in 2017? $2.216 trillion 35. Six percent of China’s exports goes to which country (2017)? Japan (5.9%) 36. What is the value of China’s imports (est.) in 2017? $1.74 trillion 37. From which country does China import the most? South Korea (9.7%) 38. How much foreign exchange and gold does China hold? $3.236 trillion (December 31, 2017 est.)

39. How much of China’s electric energy production is from fossil fuels? 62% of total installed capacity 40. How much of China electricity is produced from nuclear fuels? 2% of total installed capacity 41. How much refined petroleum products did China consume (2016) in bbl/day? 12.47 million bbl/day 42. In 2017 how much carbon dioxide emissions did China produce from consumption of energy? 11.67 billion Mt 43. Where does China rank in comparison for the production of carbon dioxide emissions? 1 44. How many broadcaster companies are not owned by or affiliated with the Communist Party of China or the government? 0 45. How many km of crude oil pipelines does China have? 30400 km 46. How many of the world’s largest container ports are in China? Seven 47. What percentage of the GDP did China spend on its military in 2017? 1.9% of GDP 48. What is the English name of China’s strategic missile force? Rocket Force 49. With which country is China in dispute over Aksai Chin? India 50. Where has China interrupted Vietnamese hydrocarbon exploration? South China Sea 51. Japan administered Senkaku Islands are claimed by China and which other government? Taiwan 52. Which of the following countries is a source of prostitutes in China? Africa, Americas and neighboring countries 53. China is a source for which illegal drug?

Source country for methamphetamine and heroin chemical precursos. 54. Which country has a capitalist market system besides Japan? South Korea 55. How many times as big is Japan to China? 0.04 56. What two philosophical systems do all countries in E. Asia share? Confucianism and Buddhism 57. In Confucianism which of the following does “Propriety” encompass? Religious ceremony The proper interaction between family and society The outer embodiment of inner humanity Custom in Chinese society 58. Before you can regulate your family what must you do according to Confucianism? Filial piety Proper deportment Virtue/function 59. What was the Buddha’s first name? Siddhartha Gautama 60. Which of the following is an essential principle in Buddhism according to class lectures? Impermanence, no-self, and nirvana 61. What is a Bodhisattva? One training to be Buddha 62. Which type of Buddhism became popular in China? Tantric Buddhism 63. Which is a school of Chinese Buddhism according to lecture? Tien Tai, Hua Yen, Ch’an/Zen, Pure Land 64. In which years did Marco Polo visit E. Asia? 1271-1295 65. Which dynasty in the second millennium banned Christianity in China? Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) 66. When did Jorge Alvares sail to China?

1513 Jorge Alvares sails to China from Burma 67. Why did Saint Francis Xavier go to Japan? To spread Christianity in the country. 68. One of the missionary’s ideas to save the souls of the Chinese was to do what? Destroy the culture to save souls 69. Which ideas was seen as true because of loss of country by some Chinese in the mid1800s? Self proclaimed “higher” teaching Chinese as inferior 70. In what years was the first Opium War? 1839-1842 71. Which major country did not have a Concession in China?

72. When was the Sino-Japanese War? 1894 to 1895 73. During WW II a conference was held in Cairo between the UK, USA, and China. Who was president of China and attended this meeting? Chiang Kai Shek 74. What happened to the KMT members when they lost China to the Communists? KMT flees to Taiwan 75. According to your readings, which is NOT a “Starch Staple” in China? Starch staples: millet, rice, kao-liang, wheat, maize, buckwheat, yam, sweet potato. Not starch staple: potatos 76. Which is a popular Legume in China? Soybean, broad bean, peanut, mung bean 77. Sweet potatoes were an import food originally that became popular, Which import food did not become popular in China? Milk and dairy products 78. How is rice cooked in a modern Chinese kitchen? Use rice cooker (dian fan guo) and wok (cai guo) (Steam) 79. Which is NOT a way the Chinese preserve food traditionally?

Cold storage Food is preserved by smoking, salting, sugaring, steeping, pickling, drying, soaking in many kinds of soy sauces. 80. Which dialect is the most spoken in China? Mandarin 81. When where the first Chinese characters used? Earliest form of Chinese writing, used rom the Middle to Late Shang Dynasty. (approximately 1500 BCE to 1000 BCE) 82. What form of writing was the earliest Chinese characters? Pictographs. (Oracle bone)/(Oracle bone script) 83. What do humans need to know about the life force (qi)? Believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity. The Chinese viewed qi as both an essential energy unit that could be obtained from food, but also a gas or pressure that promotes movement in the body. 84. What is China’s National Day? Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China 85. What type of housing was once common in Beijing? Siheyuan 86. What is one thing that has a huge impact on male-female relationships according to the video? Young afferent Chinese are asserting their independence and choosing their own partners. 87. The wedding in the video said what about food customs at the wedding? Must be six starters ate fried dishes for steam and for stewed dishes along with many delicacies by the end of day 300 relatives will have eaten to their heart’s content. 88. What is the cornerstone of Chinse society? Confucianism is the cornerstone 89. What is one of the fastest growing sectors of Beijing’s population? Clothing 90. Traditionally Chinese found marriage partners by what means according to the video? Through their families 91. A new idea has been introduced into the Chinese wedding. What is it?

Confucian wedding rituals 92. What is the ultimate passport to success in China according to the video? Graduate from Beijing University 93. Who pays for university education in China? Students themselves. 94. Where do Chinese aspire to work?

95. According to the video, what opportunities are there for women in business? 96. What is the bedrock of the Chinese education system? 97. In what year was the People’s Republic of China declared? 1949 98. What is the name of the leading center for Daoism in Beijing? Baiyun Temple / White Cloud Temple 99. How many Daoist monks and nuns are in China?


Law and order in China is based on what?...

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