CIMA P1 Performance Operations Study Text PDF

Title CIMA P1 Performance Operations Study Text
Author Luong Tran Trong
Pages 697
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CIMA S T U D Y OPERATIONAL T PAPER P1 E X T PERFORMANCE OPERATIONS Our text is designed to help you study effectively and efficiently. In this edition we: • Highlight the most important elements in the syllabus and the key skills you will need • Signpost how each chapter links to the syllabus and t...




Our text is designed to help you study effectively and efficiently. In this edition we: •

Highlight the most important elements in the syllabus and the key skills you will need

Signpost how each chapter links to the syllabus and the learning outcomes

Provide lots of exam alerts explaining how what you're learning may be tested

Include examples and questions to help you apply what you've learnt

Emphasise key points in section summaries

Test your knowledge of what you've studied in quick quizzes

Examine your understanding in our exam question bank

Reference all the important topics in the full index




First edition 2009 Fifth edition June 2013

A note about copyright Dear Customer

ISBN 9781 4453 7132 0 (Previous ISBN 9781 4453 9608 8) e-ISBN 9781 4453 7177 1 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place London W12 8AA Printed in the United Kingdom by Polestar Wheatons Hennock Road Marsh Barton Exeter EX2 8RP Your learning materials, published by BPP Learning Media Ltd, are printed on paper sourced from sustainable, managed forests. All our rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of BPP Learning Media Ltd. The contents of this book are intended as a guide and not professional advice. Although every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this book are correct at the time of going to press, BPP Learning Media makes no warranty that the information in this book is accurate or complete and accept no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material in this book. We are grateful to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants for permission to reproduce past examination questions. The suggested solutions in the exam answer bank have been prepared by BPP Learning Media Ltd. © BPP Learning Media Ltd 2013

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Contents Page

Introduction How our Study Text can help you pass Features in our Study Text Streamlined studying Syllabus and learning outcomes Studying P1 The exam paper

iv v vi vii xiii xvii

Part A Managing short-term finance 1 2 3 4 5

Working capital and the operating cycle Cash flow forecasts Cash management Receivables and payables Managing inventory

3 23 53 83 119

Part B Cost accounting systems 6a 6b 7a 7b 7c 8 9 10 11 12

Basic management accounting techniques Absorption and marginal costing Standard costing Variance analysis Interpretation of variances Further variance analysis The modern business environment Modern costing techniques – throughput and backflush accounting Modern costing techniques – activity based costing Environmental costing

133 159 173 193 217 239 279 307 323 341

Part C Forecasting and budgeting techniques 13 14

Budgeting Preparing forecasts

355 391

Part D Project appraisal 15 16 17 18

Investment decision making DCF techniques of investment appraisal Taking account of taxation and inflation Further aspects of investment decision making

425 439 471 487

Part E Dealing with uncertainty in analysis 19

Risk and uncertainty in decision making


Objective test question bank Objective test answer bank


Exam question bank Exam answer bank


Appendix: Mathematical tables and exam formulae


Index Review form






How our Study Text can help you pass Streamlined studying

Exam expertise

Regular review

We show you the best ways to study efficiently

Our Text has been designed to ensure you can easily and quickly navigate through it

The different features in our Text emphasise important knowledge and techniques

Studying P1 on page xiii introduces the key themes of the syllabus and summarises how to pass

We highlight throughout our Text how topics may be tested and what you’ll have to do in the exam

We help you see the complete picture of the syllabus, so that you can answer questions that range across the whole syllabus

Our Text covers the syllabus content – no more, no less

We frequently summarise the key knowledge you need

We test what you’ve learnt by providing questions and quizzes throughout our Text

Our other products BPP Learning Media also offers these products for the P1 exam: Practice and Revision Kit

Providing lots more question practice and helpful guidance on how to pass the exam


Summarising what you should know in visual, easy to remember, form

Success CDs

Covering the vital elements of the P1 syllabus in less than 90 minutes and also containing exam hints to help you fine tune your strategy


Providing computer-based testing in a variety of formats, ideal for self-assessment

Interactive Passcards

Allowing you to learn actively with a clear visual format summarising what you must know

Strategic case study kit

Providing question practice with specially written questions, based on the preseen issued by CIMA

You can purchase these products by visiting

CIMA Distance Learning BPP's distance learning packages provide flexibility and convenience, allowing you to study effectively, at a pace that suits you, where and when you choose. There are four great distance learning packages available. Online classroom live Online classroom

Basics Plus Basics Online

Through live interactive online sessions it provides you with the traditional structure and support of classroom learning, but with the convenience of attending classes wherever you are Through pre-recorded online lectures it provides you with the classroom experience via the web with the tutor guidance and support you’d expect from a face to face classroom A guided self study package containing a wealth of rich e-learning and physical content A guided self study package containing a wealth of rich e-learning content

You can find out more about these packages by visiting


Features in our Study Text Section Introductions explain how the section fits into the chapter

Key Terms are the core vocabulary you need to learn KEY TERM

Key Points are points that you have to know, ideas or calculations that will be the foundations of your answers KEY POINT

Exam Alerts show you how subjects are likely to be tested

Exam Skills are the key skills you will need to demonstrate in the exam, linked to question requirements Formulae To Learn are formulae you must remember in the exam

Exam Formulae are formulae you will be given in the exam

Examples show how theory is put into practice

Questions give you the practice you need to test your understanding of what you’ve learnt Case Studies link what you’ve learnt with the real-world business environment CASE STUDY

Links show how the syllabus overlaps with other parts of the qualification, including Knowledge Brought Forward that you need to remember from previous exams Website References link to material that will enhance your understanding of what you’re studying Further Reading will give you a wider perspective on the subjects you’re covering

Section Summaries allow you to review each section




Streamlined studying What you should do

In order to

Read the Chapter and Section Introductions

See why topics need to be studied and map your way through the chapter

Go quickly through the explanations

Gain the depth of knowledge and understanding that you'll need

Highlight the Key Points, Key Terms and Formulae To Learn

Make sure you know the basics that you can't do without in the exam

Focus on the Exam Skills and Exam Alerts

Know how you'll be tested and what you'll have to do

Work through the Examples and Case Studies

See how what you've learnt applies in practice

Prepare Answers to the Questions

See if you can apply what you've learnt in practice

Revisit the Section Summaries in the Chapter Roundup

Remind you of, and reinforce, what you've learnt

Answer the Quick Quiz

Find out if there are any gaps in your knowledge

Answer the Question(s) in the Exam Question Bank

Practise what you've learnt in depth

Should I take notes? Brief notes may help you remember what you’re learning. You should use the notes format that’s most helpful to you (lists, diagrams, mindmaps).

Further help BPP Learning Media’s Learning to Learn Accountancy provides lots more helpful guidance on studying. It is designed to be used both at the outset of your CIMA studies and throughout the process of learning accountancy. It can help you focus your studies on the subject and exam, enabling you to acquire knowledge, practise and revise efficiently and effectively.


Syllabus and learning outcomes Paper P1 Performance Operations The syllabus comprises: Topic and Study Weighting A B C D E

% 30 10 25 15 20

Cost Accounting Systems Forecasting and Budgeting Techniques Project Appraisal Dealing with Uncertainty in Analysis Managing Short-Term Finance

Learning Outcomes Lead



Cost accounting systems


Discuss costing methods and their results







compare and contrast marginal (or variable), throughput and absorption accounting methods in respect of profit reporting and stock valuation; discuss a report which reconciles budget and actual profit using absorption and/or marginal costing principles; discuss activity-based costing as compared with traditional marginal and absorption costing methods, including its relative advantages and disadvantages as a system of cost accounting; apply standard costing methods, within costing systems, including the reconciliation of budgeted and actual profit margins; explain why and how standards are set in manufacturing and in service industries with particular reference to the maximisation of efficiency and minimisation of waste; interpret material, labour, variable overhead, fixed overhead and sales

Syllabus content

Marginal (or variable), throughput and absorption accounting systems of profit reporting and stock valuation.

Activity-based costing as a system of profit reporting and stock valuation.

Criticisms of standard costing in general and in advanced manufacturing environments in particular.

Integration of standard costing with marginal cost accounting, absorption cost accounting and throughput accounting.

Manufacturing standards for material, labour, variable overhead and fixed overhead.

Price/rate and usage/efficiency variances for materials, labour and variable overhead.

Further subdivision of total usage/efficiency variances into mix and yield components. (Note: The calculation of mix variances on both individual and average valuation bases is required.)

Fixed overhead expenditure and volume variances. (Note: the subdivision of fixed overhead volume variance into capacity and efficiency elements will not be examined.)




Learning Outcomes Lead

Component variances, distinguishing between planning and operational variances; (g)

prepare reports using a range of internal and external benchmarks and interpret the results;


explain the impact of justin-time manufacturing methods on cost accounting and the use of ‘back-flush accounting’ when work in progress stock is minimal.

Syllabus content •

Planning and operational variances.

Standards and variances in service industries (including the phenomenon of ‘McDonaldization’), public services (eg Health), (including the use of ‘diagnostic related’ or ‘reference’ groups), and the professions (eg labour mix variances in audit work).

Sales price and sales revenue/margin volume variances (calculation of the latter on a unit basis related to revenue, gross margin and contribution margin). Application of these variances to all sectors, including professional services and retail analysis.

Interpretation of variances: interrelationship, significance.


Back-flush accounting in just-intime production environments. The benefits of just-in-time production, total quality management and theory of constraints and the possible impacts of these methods on cost accounting and performance measurement.


Explain the role of MRP and ERP systems


explain the role of MRP and ERP systems in supporting standard costing systems, calculating variances and facilitating the posting of ledger entries.

MRP and ERP systems for resource planning and the integration of accounting functions with other systems, such as purchase ordering and production planning.


Apply principles of environmental costing


apply principles of environmental costing in identifying relevant internalised costs and externalised environmental impacts of the organisation’s activities.

Types of internalised costs relating to the environment (eg emissions permits, taxes, waste disposal costs) and key externalised environmental impacts, especially carbon, energy and water usage. Principles for associating such costs and impacts with activities and output.


Learning Outcomes Lead


Syllabus content


Forecasting and budgeting techniques


Explain the purposes of forecasts, plans and budgets.


explain why organisations prepare forecasts and plans;

The role of forecasts and plans in resource allocation, performance evaluation and control.


explain the purposes of budgets, including planning, communication, co-ordination, motivation, authorisation, control and evaluation, and how these may conflict.

The purposes of budgets and the budgeting process, and conflicts that can arise (eg between budgets for realistic planning and budgets based on ‘hard to achieve’ targets for motivation).

Prepare forecasts of financial results.


calculate projected product/service volumes employing appropriate forecasting techniques;


calculate projected revenues and costs based on product/service volumes, pricing strategies and cost structures.

Time series analysis including moving totals and averages, treatment of seasonality, trend analysis using regression analysis and the application of these techniques in forecasting product and service volumes.

Fixed, variable, semi-variable and activity based categorisations of cost and their application in projecting financial results.

Mechanics of budget construction: limiting factors, component budgets and the master budget, and their interaction.

Alternative approaches to budget creation, including incremental approaches, zero-based budgeting and activity-based budgets.

The process of investment decision making, including origination of proposals, creation of capital budgets, go/no go decisions on individual projects (where judgements on qualitative issues interact with financial analysis), and post audit of completed projects.

Identification and calculation of relevant project cash flows taking account of inflation, tax, and ‘final’ project value where appropriate.



Prepare budgets based on forecasts.


Project appraisal


Prepare information to support project appraisal


prepare a budget for any account in the master budget, based on projections/forecasts and managerial targets;


apply alternative approaches to budgeting.


explain the processes involved in making longterm decisions;


apply the principles of relevant cash flow analysis to long-run projects that continue for several years;


calculate project cash flows, accounting f...

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