Clinical Review Questions Ch9 PDF

Title Clinical Review Questions Ch9
Course Clinical Psychology
Institution Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Pages 6
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These are chapter review questions that are given to students in the beginning of the semester, and then random questions are plucked and put into an exam. They are the exact same questions and answer choices so they are extremely useful. In my document I have highlighted all of the correct answers....


Pomerantz, Clinical Psychology, 5e SAGE Publishing, 2020

Chapter 9: Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ______ tests measure a client’s intellectual abilities, whereas ______ tests measure what a client has accomplished with those intellectual abilities. A. Objective personality; projective personality B. Intelligence; achievement C. Neuropsychological; intelligence D. Intelligence; personality 2. The notion of “g,” as proposed by Charles Spearman, suggests that, essentially, ______. A. intelligence is one thing B. intelligence is not one thing, but is many separate, unrelated things C. intelligence tests for children must be fundamentally and structurally different than intelligence tests for adults D. intelligence remains stable throughout the life span 3. Spearman created the concept of ______, an individual’s general intelligence or global, overall intellectual ability. A. fluid intelligence B. g C. crystallized intelligence D. s 4. A ______ model of intelligence proposes that specific abilities exist and are important, but they are all somewhat related to each other and to a global, overall, general intelligence. A. topical B. hierarchical C. fluid D. multiple 5. ______ is to intelligence is one thing, as ______ is to intelligence is many things. A. Louis Thurstone; Charles Spearman B. Charles Spearman; Louis Thurstone C. James Cattell; John Carroll D. John Carroll; James Cattell

Pomerantz, Clinical Psychology, 5e SAGE Publishing, 2020

6. The three-stratum theory of intelligence is a contemporary theory that proposes a single, overall ability that contains eight broad factors, each of which contains many more specific abilities. This theory was proposed by ______. A. Charles Spearman B. Louis Thurstone C. John Carroll D. James Cattell 7. According to Cattell, ______ intelligence is intelligence accumulated as a result of life experiences. A. fluid B. crystallized C. marginal D. majority 8. According to Cattell, ______ intelligence includes the ability to solve novel problems. A. fluid B. crystallized C. marginal D. majority 9. Which of the following is TRUE regarding current editions of the Wechsler intelligence tests? A. There are separate tests for three different populations: adults, children, and preschoolers. B. There is a single test that is appropriate for all clients ranging from preschool age through adulthood. C. There is a single test, and it is appropriate for adults only. D. There are separate tests for five different populations: adults 65 and over, adults 35– 64, adults under 35, children, and preschoolers. 10. The WISC is an appropriate test for a client who is ______ years old. A. 68 B. 25 C. 11 D. 3 11. The WAIS is an appropriate test for a client who is ______ years old. A. 72 B. 4 C. 10 D. 14 12. The WPPSI is an appropriate test for a client who is ______ years old. A. 81 B. 13

Pomerantz, Clinical Psychology, 5e SAGE Publishing, 2020

C. 52 D. 4 13. The Wechsler intelligence tests yield all of the following EXCEPT ______. A. a single full-scale intelligence score B. several index scores C. about a dozen specific subtest scores D. an age quotient score 14. The index scores of the Wechsler intelligence tests, which correspond to the underlying factors in the test, include ______. A. Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Reasoning B. Working Speed and Processing Memory C. Fluid Intelligence and Crystalized Intelligence D. Normative Quotient and Ipsative Sum 15. The Wechsler index score that measures fluid reasoning, spatial processing, and visual-motor integration is the ______ Index. A. Verbal Comprehension B. Perceptual Reasoning C. Working Memory D. Processing Speed 16. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales? A. This test of intelligence has not been revised since the 1960s, and as a result, its content and normative groups have been widely criticized. B. There are four separate versions of this test corresponding to four different age ranges. C. Despite its misleading name, the Stanford-Binet was actually created by David Wechsler. D. The test is to be administered face-to-face and one-on-one. 17. For the current editions of the Wechsler intelligence tests and Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, the mean score for full-scale IQ is ______. A. 50 B. 75 C. 100 D. 125 18. The WAIS features ______ factors, each of which yields an index score. The SB5 features ______ factors. A. four; four B. four; five C. five; four D. five; five

Pomerantz, Clinical Psychology, 5e SAGE Publishing, 2020

19. The ______ is a recently developed test of intelligence that represents an attempt to measure IQ in a culturally fair way. A. Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test-2 B. Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test C. Halstead-Reitan D. Flanagan Assessment of Globalism 20. ______ is what a person can accomplish, while ______ is what a person has accomplished. A. Intelligence; achievement B. Achievement; intelligence C. Scholastics; performance D. Performance; scholastics 21. Honore receives psychological testing. Although her intelligence falls in the low average range, a discrepancy is still identified between her achievement and intelligence test scores (such that achievement falls significantly below expectations based on intelligence). This discrepancy will likely be the basis for a diagnosis of ______. A. premenstrual dysphoric disorder B. specific learning disorder C. giftedness D. intellectual disability 22. The WIAT is ______. A. currently in its second edition B. a lengthy neuropsychological test designed to localize neurologic damage following stroke C. a recently developed intelligence test that involves no verbal instructions or responses, thus enhancing cultural fairness D. an individually administered test of language, reading, writing, and mathematics achievement 23. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the WIAT? A. The WIAT-III measures achievement in four broad areas. B. The Oral Language Composite score is derived from the Pseudoword Decoding and Numerical Operations subtests. C. The WIAT-III measures the broad areas of reading, math, written language, and oral language. D. The WIAT-III can be administered to clients age 4–50 years. 24. The ______ is a brief neuropsychological screening device that involves copying geometric shapes with pencil and paper, takes only about 6 min to administer, and is appropriate for any client above 3 years of age. A. Bender-Gestalt II B. Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery

Pomerantz, Clinical Psychology, 5e SAGE Publishing, 2020

C. Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery D. Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test 25. The ______ is a thorough and lengthy battery of eight standardized neuropsychological tests. A. Bender-Gestalt II B. Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery C. Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery D. Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test 26. Dr. Young, a clinical psychologist, is conducting an assessment of a client who experienced a head injury in a car accident. She uses the Halstead-Reitan battery to determine impairment of the functioning of specific components or structures of the brain. Dr. Young is conducting ______ testing. A. intelligence B. neuropsychological C. achievement D. personality 27. The ______ is a brief neuropsychological screening device that involves copying a single geometric figure with pencils of different colors, as well as a memory component in which clients are asked to reproduce the figure from memory after a delay. A. Bender-Gestalt II B. WPPSI-IV C. NEO-PI-R D. Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test 28. The ______ is a memory test that can be used to assess individuals who are suspected to have memory problems due to brain injury, dementia, or substance abuse. A. WPPSI-III B. WMS-IV C. NEO-PI-R D. RBANS 29. When the Wechsler intelligence test scores are interpreted, which of the following best represents the sequence in which particular scores should be considered? A. full-scale IQ score, index scores, and subtest scores B. subtest scores, index scores, and full-scale IQ score C. index scores, full-scale IQ score, and subtest scores D. full-scale IQ score, subtest scores, and index scores 30. The RBANS is a(n) ______. A. IQ test for preschool-aged children B. neuropsychological screener that focuses on a broader range of abilities than the Bender-Gestalt C. achievement test

Pomerantz, Clinical Psychology, 5e SAGE Publishing, 2020

D. completely language-free test of intelligence...

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