Cloning and why it is inhumane PDF

Title Cloning and why it is inhumane
Author Kresten Herrera
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
File Size 68.6 KB
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this is an essay on cloning and my thoughts on it....


1 Kresten Herrera PHI-105 January 26, 2020 Turk Ciftcikara Cloning is inhumane but should it be illegal Animal cloning is an inhumane and cruel act and should be illegal. Animals who are subjected to cloning are subjected to years of torture and pain. The animals who are used for cloning are born with multiple birth defects and deformities to their organ system. The animals who are subjected to cloning are also subjected to acts of violence and then eventual death from the complications and violence inflicted on them. Animal cloning is an inhumane act, it subjects animals to a lifetime of suffering, death and organ failure. In animal cloning the animals are subjected to a lifetime of suffering. Researchers have shown that the cloned animals are in constant pain and suffer from many deformities and many diseases. In the case that the surrogate does give birth the labor is often so painful and deformed that a cesarean is almost always preformed, and the surrogate usually dies from the birth. “Despite years of research, more than 95 percent of cloning attempts fail. A significant number of cloned animals, as well as surrogate mothers who carry clone pregnancies, suffer serious and painful diseases and deformities to produce each ‘successful’ clone” “Cyarga’s 2008 study found that 37 percent of cloned calves who survived birth had enlarged umbilical cords, a condition that often requires surgery; 19 percent had respiratory problems; 20 percent exhibited signs of depression; 17 percent were hyper- or hypothermic; and 75 percent required antibiotics.21 Almost half of the cloned animals who survived birth died within the first five months, despite access to

2 extensive veterinary care, and despite the fact that any of more than 10 different interventions were performed (p. 23)”. "The bones were very fragile" (Cole, 2011, p. 13). “Of the cloned animals many of them are born with severe deformities as well as many internal organ failures”. Of all the cloned embryos that survive, a huge proportion die in the early days and weeks of life from problems such as heart, liver and kidney failure. In a 1944 study by Mary-Anne Bartlett it was shown that “People might be quite shocked to see the unnatural methods used to produce a genetically-engineered animal or clones. This often involves invasive surgery and the sacrifice of temporary "foster mothers". The usual technique used to clone animals is as follows. Sheep that are to be egg donors are given hormone injections. The eggs are then removed by surgery. After these eggs are cloned, it is common for the cloned embryos to be placed into a temporary recipient sheep using surgery. Later, these temporary "foster mothers" are killed, and the embryos are removed and examined. They are then placed into a surrogate mother, again using surgery” (p.183). The newborn cloned animals are more susceptible to having major heart and kidney failure as well as the calf’s lymphoid tissues, the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes had failed to develop normally. The Lancets 1999 study found that “The organs may be developed at a larger than normal rate causing problems with circulation, breathing and other bodily functions, sometimes leading to early death. Cloned animals often have malformations of various organs and body parts. In addition, their immune systems may fail to work properly, leading to later disease development”. The cloning process seemed to have interfered with the normal genetic functioning of the developing calf, according to the researchers whose findings are reported in the Lancet 1999;353:1489-91. Many researchers and

3 farmers are wanting to clone animals for food production however, that only intensifies the suffering for the foster and surrogate mothers. Cloning animals for food production serves only to intensify suffering for animals. In a 2010 study done by the PETA organization they found that “Selective breeding of animals for food pushes these sensitive creatures to their absolute physical limit as farmers seek to produce animals with rapid growth rates and high yield production. As more animals are cloned, any health problems are simply exacerbated and immunity against diseases is weakened. Cows who are bred to produce excessively high levels of milk often suffer from lameness as a result of the unnatural size and weight of their udders”. The animals that are chosen to be cloned have to go through rigorous testing and the farmers and scientists have to give them many shots and steroids just to keep the traits they want to clone, overall it is very intense and stressful for the animals and many of them die before the actual cloning process begins. These animals tend to have difficulty delivering live young and develop lameness. These illnesses may lead them to be heavily treated with hormones and antibiotics, which can enter the food supply and put human health at risk. Though the prospect of cloned meat sounds like a decent idea it however, is not a good idea you do not know what kind of disease you may possibly get because of the antibiotics and or steroids. In conclusion “cloning is the most recent evolution of selective assisted breeding in animal cloning. Cloning animals is a reliable way of reproducing superior livestock genetics and ensuring herds are maintained at the highest quality possible”. Cloning has been beneficial to the medical field. Researchers and scientists have been able to clone organs and body parts for transplants and infusions. The medical field is making advances in the cloning industry they have

4 been able to clone and attach body parts to animals and are working towards human evolutions. However, animal cloning is inhumane, and it subjects the animals to a lifetime of suffering and a slow and painful death. Animal cloning should be considered illegal on all grounds. Animal cloning is a painful process and subjects the animals to a lifetime of suffering, most cloned embryos and animals will die before they are fully developed or grown, and the animals are born with serious birth defects and organ failures. Animals should not be cloned, it is unethical and unnatural. It hurts the animals and puts them at a higher risk for death and permanent deformation.



Animal Biotechnology: All About Animal Cloning. (2020, October 11). Retrieved from Animal Welfare: End Animal Cloning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cloning Intensifies Animal Suffering. (2015, March 18). Retrieved from Cloning may cause health defects. (8, May). Retrieved from FAILURES IN GENETIC ENGINEERING. (1998, March 19). Retrieved from What Are the Risks of Cloning? (2011, July 8). Retrieved from


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