Code Ethics Activity Handouts PDF

Title Code Ethics Activity Handouts
Course Educational Foundations
Institution University of Nebraska at Omaha
Pages 5
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Dr Shillinstad...


Code of Ethics Anna Schreck Exploration/Research: 1.

What are ‘personal ethics?’ - Personal ethics are what you follow regarding your beliefs and how you want to act as a person.


What are ‘professional ethics/professional code of ethics?’ - Professional ethics are what you as a professional have to hold yourself to so you can be a responsible, caring person in the workplace.


Identify the differences between personal and professional ethics. -The difference between personal and professional ethics is that personal ethics are used all day everyday, but professional ethics only are used during the work day and when you’re doing things regarding work.

Part I: Personal Code of Ethics List 3 personal ethics (personal values or beliefs) below. Who instilled the ethic, and provide an example of the ethic in your life.

Personal Ethic

Who instilled the ethic?

Example of how you follow the ethic

1. Honesty

My mom always practiced honesty and showed me why it’s important

I am always honest (sometimes too honest) no matter what the situation is

2. Acceptance

I did because I saw examples of nonacceptance and I didn’t want to be like that

I show no judgement towards anyone because I don’t know their story

3. Forgiveness

My mom showed me how to be forgiving

I forgive people easy because I understand that things happen

Part II: Professional Code of Ethics Explore each link noted below and take notes: Link 1: National Education Association ‘Code of Ethics’: 1.

What is the NEA? A standards committee to let teachers have a voice. It also involves retired educators, and college students that are working towards becoming a teacher.

Read and review the Principles Principle 1: Commitment to the Student Principle 2: Commitment to the Profession

Link 2: National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC): http:// 1.

What is NASCTE? a. The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification


Locate and review ‘Model Code of Ethics’ for Educators (MCEE)


List the 5 Principles: Principle I: Responsibility to the Profession Principle II: Responsibility for Professional Competence Principle III: Responsibility to Students Principle IV: Responsibility to the School Community Principle V: Responsibility and Ethical Use of Technology

Link 3: Nebraska Professional Practices Commission (NPPC): 1.

What is the NPPC? Nebraska Professional Practices Commission. It controls the ethical conduct of Nebraska educators


On the left of the screen locate ‘Videos’ and choose 3 of the videos to watch and respond to the questions.

Case Studies Case Study 1. Joe: Prescription Drug Abuse A Nebraska Professional Practices Commission hearing has been called for the case of Joe Walsh, a teacher and high school coach, who reported to work under the influence and is believed to be abusing pain medication regularly. As you learn more about the case and the events that led to Joe’s unethical behavior and subsequent hearing, think about the moral dilemma with which the assistant administrator, George, may be faced. Respond to the following questions: 1.

What would you have done in this situation? Have you been in a situation similar to this in which you had to confront a friend who is also your colleague?


How might have George handled the situation with Joe differently after detecting the problem early on and then confronting him?


Do you agree with the decision that was made by the Commission? Why or why not?


Go back and review the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE): Which Principle(s) were violated?

Case Study 2. Annette: Theft The following scene takes place after the Nebraska Professional Practices Commission has made its decision on the case of Annette Morely, a teacher who stole money from the school. As you learn more about this case and the events that led up to the unethical act, try to put yourself in the position of Annette and the moral dilemma she faced. 1.

Do you think the Commission should take individual characteristics, such as “being a nice person” or “good teacher,” into consideration when making its decision? 1.

No, because the person can be good at teacher or seem like a nice person but that doesn’t mean they’re going to follow rules and do good, responsible things. Anyone can seem like a good person when they really aren’t.


Did you find yourself sympathizing with Annette? No, no matter her situation, she shouldn’t have done what she did.


Was the punishment for Annette’s behavior fair? Yes


Go back and review the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE): Which Principle(s) were violated? Responsibility to the School Community and Responsibility to the Profession

Case Study 3. Daphne: Contract Abrogation In this case study, you will see what happens to Daphne Hartford, a teacher who violated her teaching contract. As you learn more about this case and the events that led to her unethical behavior, think about what Daphne might have done differently. 1.

What would you have done in Daphne’s situation? What could she have done differently in her situation?


Do you feel the punishment was too harsh for her?


Why is this behavior unethical? Who was affected?


Go back and review the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE): Which Principle(s) were violated?

Case Study 4. Alan: School Computer Misuse The case of Alan Hill, a teacher found viewing explicit materials on a website, was brought before the Nebraska Professional Practices Commission. As you learn more about this case and Alan’s behavior, think about the internal dilemma he experienced and the way in which he convinced himself that what he was doing was “OK.” 1.

Do you believe that Alan’s behavior was unethical? In what ways? Yes, his behavior was unethical because he should’t look up pornographic things at school or on school computers.


Do you think the punishment fit the “crime”? Yes


Go back to the NEA Code of Ethics: Which code(s) were violated? Commitment to the Profession


Go back and review the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE): Which Principle(s) were violated? Responsibility to the profession

Case Study 5: Wayne: Personal Computer Felony In this case study, two office workers outside the Hearing Room are having a conversation about Wayne Stevens, a principal who used his home computer to chat with and set up a rendezvous with a minor. As you learn more about this situation and the principal’s behavior, think about what you believe should happen as a result of the inappropriate behavior. 1.

In what ways is the principal’s behavior unethical?


Do you think it is the school’s place to punish the principal’s behavior even though it was off school property?


Do you think the punishment was appropriate for his behavior?


Go back to the NEA Code of Ethics: Which code(s) were violated?


Go back and review the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE): Which Principle(s) were violated?

Case Study 6: Robert: Inappropriate Relationship A reporter delivers a breaking news story that the Nebraska Professional Practices Commission has recommended revoking the certificate of teacher Robert Eakins, due to his pursuing an inappropriate relationship with one of his students, Kim. As you learn more about the situation and the events that lead to the revocation of Robert’s certificate, think about how the teacher failed this student, other students, and colleagues. 1.

Do you feel that Mr. Eakins is solely responsible for the development of this inappropriate relationship? Yes


Do you agree with the action Kim's mother took to protect her child? Yes


What action would you take if you suspected a colleague of this type of behavior? If I had any suspicion I would report it right away.


Go back to the NEA Code of Ethics: Which code(s) were violated? Commitment to the profession and commitment to the student


Go back and review the Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE): Which Principle(s) were violated? Responsibility to the profession, responsibility to the students, and responsibility to the school community...

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