Author Jhasmin S Ortega
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CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article I: Scope and Limitations Section 1. The Philippine Constitution provides that all educational institution shall offer quality education for all competent teachers. Committed to its full realization, the provision of this Code shall apply, therefore, t...


CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Article I: Scpee and Limiaatipnds Section 1. The Philiippione oiontttution priviieet that alili eeucationali iontttution thalili ioer rualiiti eeucation fir alili cimpeteont teachert. oimmitee ti itt fulili realiiaation, the priviitiion if thit oiee thalili applii, therefire, ti alili teachert ion tchiilit ion the Philiippionet. Section 2. Thit oiee civiert alili pulliic aone priviate tchiili teachert ion alili eeucationali iontttutiont at the pretchiili, primari, eliemeontari, aone tecioneari lievielit whether acaeemic, viicationali, tpeciali, techonicali, ir onion-firmali. The term "teacher" thalili ioncliuee ioneuttriali artt ir viicationali teachert aone alili ither pertiont perfirmiong tuperviitiri aone /ir aemionittratvie fuonctiont ion alili tchiili at the afiretaie lievielit, whether ion fulili tme ir part-tme latit. Article II: Thee Teacheer and ahee Saaae Section 1. The tchiilit are the onurteriet if the future citaeont if the ttate; each teacher it a truttee if the culiturali aone eeucationali heritage if the onation aone it uoneer illiigation ti traontmit ti liearonert tuch heritage at welili at ti elieviate onationali miraliiti, primite onationali priee, culitviate liivie if ciuontri, ionttlili aliliegiaonce ti the ciontttution aone fir alili eulii ciontttutee authiritet, aone primite ileeieonce ti the liawt if the ttate. Section 2. Evieri teacher ir tchiili ifciali thalili actvielii helip carri iut the eecliaree piliiciet if the ttate, aone thalili take aon iath ti thit eoect. Section 3. Ion the ionterett if the State aone if the Filiipioni peiplie at much at if hit iwon, evieri teacher thalili le phiticalilii, meontalilii aone miralilii ft. Section 4. Evieri teacher thalili pittett aone actualiiae a fulili cimmitmeont aone eeviition ti euti. Section 5. A teacher thalili onit eongage ion the primition if aoni piliitcali, reliigiiut, ir ither parttaon ionterett, aone thalili onit, eirectlii ir ioneirectlii, tiliicit, reruire, cililiect, ir receivie aoni mionei ir terviice ir ither vialiuallie materiali frim aoni pertion ir eontti fir tuch purpitet. Section 6. Evieri teacher thalili viite aone thalili exercite alili ither ciontttutionali rightt aone retpiontililiiti. Section 7. A teacher thalili onit ute hit pitition ir ifciali authiriti ir ionlueonce ti cierce aoni ither pertion ti fililiiw aoni piliitcali ciurte if action. Section 8. Evieri teacher thalili eonjii acaeemic freeeim aone thalili havie priviiliege if expiuoneiong the prieuct if hit retearchet aone ionviettgationt; priviieee that, if the retulitt are ionimicali ti the eecliaree piliiciet if the State, thei thalili le lriught ti the priper authiritet fir appripriate remeeiali action....

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