Collin+Syllabus+-+Speech+1311 PDF

Title Collin+Syllabus+-+Speech+1311
Author Bruno McSilva
Course Introduction to Speech Communication
Institution Collin College
Pages 8
File Size 232.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Presentation Assignment...



Course Number: Speech 1311 Course Title: Introduction to Speech Communication Course Description: Introduces basic human communication principles and theories embedded in a variety of contexts including interpersonal, small group, and public speaking. Course Credit Hours: 3 contact hours Lecture: 3

Prerequisite: Meet TSI college-readiness standard for Reading and Writing; or equivalent Student Learning Outcomes:  State Mandated Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will: 1. Apply the principles of human communication including: perception, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, listening, and audience analysis. (Critical Thinking; Communication Skills; Personal Responsibility) 2. Demonstrate how to establish and maintain relationships through the use of interpersonal communication. (Critical Thinking; Communication Skills) 3. Apply small group communication skills including: problem solving, group roles, leadership styles, and cohesiveness. (Teamwork) 4. Develop, research, organize, and deliver formal public speeches. (Communication Skills; Personal Responsibility) 5. Recognize how to communicate within diverse environments. (Critical Thinking; Communication Skills)  Additional Collin Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to do the following: 1. Demonstrate understanding of the relevance of cross-cultural, co-cultural, gender, and age influences on human communication. (Critical Thinking) 2. Effectively apply communication theories in the analysis and evaluation of communication interactions. (Critical Thinking; Communication Skills) 3. Effectively participate in dyadic and/or group interactions. (Personal Responsibility) Withdrawal Policy: Beginning Fall, 2016, students may drop a course online through the 12th class day See the current Collin Registration Guide for last day to withdraw or course calendar. Repeat Policy: Beginning Fall 2016, Texas residents attempting a course more than twice at Collin College are subject to regular tuition plus an additional $50 per semester credit hour.

Please see the “Repeating Courses” section of the Registration Guide for more information.

Collin College Academic Policies: Scholastic Dishonesty: The College may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts, or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree and/or the submission as one's own work material that is not one's own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve, but is not limited to, one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, use of annotated texts or teacher’s editions, and/or falsifying academic records. Plagiarism is the use of an author's words or ideas as if they were one's own without giving credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to acknowledge a direct quotation. Cheating is the willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination, illicitly obtaining examination questions in advance, copying computer or Internet files, using someone else's work for assignments as if it were one's own, or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course. Collusion is intentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to providing a paper or project to another student, providing an inappropriate level of assistance; communicating answers to a classmate during an examination; removing tests or answer sheets from a test site, and allowing a classmate to copy answers.

NOTE: Any use of another person’s work without appropriate citation will result in a grade of “0” and could result in referral to the dean of students. Collusion on an assignment or test will also result in a grade of “0”. Americans with Disabilities Act: In compliance with applicable law, Collin College provides equal access to education and safeguards against discrimination by offering specialized services and reasonable accommodations to qualified students with a disability. If you anticipate or experience any barriers to learning based on disability, please contact the ACCESS Office ( Note: Instructors will provide reasonable accommodations only to students who present a Course Accessibility Letter issued by the ACCESS Office. CougarAlert: All students are encouraged to enroll in CougarAlert. When an emergency occurs, the CougarAlert system can send email, text messages and voice messages to students and employees as little as 90 seconds. CougarAlerts will be sent in emergencies that require unscheduled closure or evacuation of a campus or the district. This includes but is not limited to weather closures, power outages, police emergencies, catastrophes and/or hazardous exposures. CougarAlerts will not be used for promotional purposes or for scheduled closures, such as holidays. To receive CougarAlert emails/texts, click on the following link to subscribe:

Instructor Information

Instructor’s Name: Sherry Rhodes Office Number: I206 Office Hours: MW – 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., 3:45 – 4:00 p.m., TR – 8:30 – 10:00 a.m., 12:45 – 1:15 p.m., M - 5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Meeting Days Only – See Course Calendar) Phone Number: 972/516-5063 Email: [email protected] – I will respond to emails within 24 hours with the exception of the weekend. All communication should be conducted via Canvas once the semester begins.

Class Information: Section Number: BS1 Meeting Times: Mandatory Orientation – 5:30 – 8:00 p.m., Class Meetings – 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. (See Course Calendar for specific dates.) Meeting Location: I221 NOTE: This class requires attendance at a MANDATORY ORIENTATION. Attendance at the orientation is essential to the student’s success in the course. See date/time/location on the course calendar. Failure to attend mandatory orientation will result in loss of 50 participation points. Minimum Technology Requirement: In order to participate in this course, you need a computer and internet access. A high speed connection (DSL or Cable) is recommended. If you have not taken a blended web course before, please click on the following link to access tutorials for Canvas. Technical Support All technical support for Canvas is provided by Collin College. If you are unable to log on to Canvas or if you have forgotten your password, contact the Help Desk at the following number or email address. 972-377-1777 or e-Collin Support - Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week NOTE: Please do not email me or call me about Canvas problems as I will be unable to help you. All Canvas inquiries or questions should be directed to the above telephone number or email address.

Minimum Student Skills:

Technological skills should include the ability to access a Web site when given an address, use the features of your Web browser, download files, attach files to emails, and use word processing software. Computer skills will not be taught in the classroom. You will also need to be able to access the LRC databases or other scholarly databases via the Internet. You may also need Adobe Acrobat to read articles via the Internet.

Course Resources: Text: Adler, Ronald B, Rosenfeld, Lawrence, Proctor, Russell (2017). Interplay (14th ed) ISBN 9780190646257Attendance Policy: Attendance: Students are expected to attend all class meetings, arrive when the class begins and remain until the class is over. If the student is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to learn about assignments or any class work missed, either from other members of the class or the instructor. The student’s participation in this course is essential to the success of the learning experience. If the student has questions about the concepts, projects, labs, or presentations, the student is encouraged to communicate with the instructor during the class, schedule a personal appointment or contact the instructor by phone. The student is also encouraged to communicate with other class members for clarification. It is also the responsibility of the student to keep up with points accrued throughout the semester. Final points will be available at the end of the course. NOTE: TO CERTIFY ATTENDANCE IN THE COURSE, STUDENTS MUST DEMONSTRATE ATTENDANCE IN THE COURSE. IN ORDER FOR ME TO CERTIFY YOUR ATTENDANCE, YOU MUST POST A SELF-INTRODUCTION ON CANVAS AND ATTEND THE MANDATORY ORIENTATION. STUDENT ATTENDANCE WILL NOT BE CERTIFIED IF STUDENT DOES NOT ATTEND THE ORIENTATION AND POST THE SELF-INTRODUCTION AS INDICATED ON THE COURSE CALENDAR. SEE DATES ON THE COURSE CALENDAR. Participation: Class participation, involvement, and discussion are essential to the success of Speech 1311. Each student is expected to attend five class sessions for oral / group presentations and group work as well as engage in group discussion. To encourage student success in Speech 1311, students will earn points per each class session. Student absence from class is considered unexcused with the exception of: personal or family illness requiring physician assistance/hospitalization, Collin school-sponsored activity, religious holy day or death of a family member. Documentation must be provided either via email or at the next class session with the exception of a religious holy day. If a student is going to miss a class for a religious holy day, student must provide documentation within the first two days of class to be considered for any make-up work. A verbal explanation is appreciated but will not suffice as sufficient documentation for consideration. Please advise instructor prior to absence from class (if possible) and provide appropriate documentation for the absence. If student does not attend class, points will be deducted from participation grade: 50 Points for failure to attend mandatory orientation, 20 points for each class session and an additional 20 points for failure to attend any student presentation day. The Participation Grade is assigned by the professor at the end of the semester and is based on the following. 

Classroom behavior - respectful treatment of professor, class members, and classroom environment.

  

Attendance at class meetings, including final exam day. Student must arrive in class at the beginning of class and stay until the end. Participation in class discussions, class activities, and class projects. Support of group members when involved in group process.

Behavior: It is the responsibility of the student to engage in behavior that is respectful and supportive during classroom instruction and interaction. Any behavior that impedes the learning process of other students or the instruction of the class could result in referral to the Dean of students. (See Student Code of Conduct.) NOTE: CELL PHONE USAGE: Respect for the classroom environment is an essential component for student engagement and success. Cell phone usage in class is highly disruptive to the professor and other students. All cell phones must be turned off while class is in session except as approved by professor. Unfortunately, some students choose to ignore this request. Any cell phone usage during class will result in loss of 20 participation points per usage. Cell phone usage during student presentations will result in double point loss. NOTE: No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom with the exception of water or drink bottles that have a cap/lid to prevent spilling. Netiquette Expectations: Students are expected to demonstrate respect for professor and other students either via the web or email. Student discussions via Canvas are to be respectful, supportive, and are not to contain any offensive language or comments.

NOTE: Any behavior, in class, via the web, or email that is disrespectful to the professor or other students will result in total loss of participation points. If the professor deems that the behavior is disruptive, the student will be asked to leave the classroom and an incident report will be filed with the Dean of students. Method of Evaluation: All presentations and assignments are based on a point system. See point/grading scale below. Students will receive a thorough description of assignments, requirements, and grading during Mandatory Orientation and/or on-site class meetings. Instructions for each assignment are also located on the Assignments Page. Grades for all assignments, including online group discussion, will be posted on My Grades on Canvas within one week after completion of the assignment. Speech critiques will be returned during the following class session. If student wishes to receive critique before the next class session, student must provide a self-addressed stamped envelope. The grades for the Service Orientation Project Reflective Summaries and Personal Evaluation will be posted within two weeks. All papers, including outlines and evaluations, must be typed, and students are encouraged to retain a copy of all assignments, including rough drafts, in the event of lost or missing papers. No handwritten assignments will be accepted. Written and oral assignments are at the beginning of class (within first 15 minutes) and are due on the date noted on Course Schedule and will not be accepted after

that date. Students may also submit some assignments via Canvas or email prior to the on-site meeting or deliver written assignments in advance to instructor in I206 or to instructor mailbox in B189. NOTE: The Service Orientation Project may not be submitted via Canvas or email due to the length of the paper. It is the responsibility of the student to follow the format of the course as indicated in the course schedule and meet the course requirements. If the student is unclear about an assignment, then student is expected to communicate with the professor via email, phone, or by appointment. It is also the student’s responsibility to keep up with grade points. Student is responsible for keeping up with the course assignments and due dates. All instructions for assignments are in the Assignments Folders. All due dates for assignments are listed on the course calendar. It is not the responsibility of the professor to inform you about due dates for assignments or tests.

Assignments: The following are the required assignments for the semester. Project - Based Learning 

Skill Mastery/Concept Comprehension -

Service Orientation - Student will view the film, Pay It Forward, and engage in a service orientation project based upon the concept of “pay it forward”. Student will develop a plan of action outlining goals for project and write a paper outlining goals. Student will be expected to engage in four communication interactions with a significant person in his/her life and be of service to that person or work to improve the relationship. Student will also write a paper that outlines communication concepts and skills that were applicable to the communication interaction, provide a critical analysis of the outcome of the service, and write a personal evaluation. Plan of Action – 25 Points, Reflective Summaries – 100 Points, Personal Evaluation – 25 Points. TOTAL POINT VALUE – 150 POINTS.

 Communication Projects / Peer Review -

Group Project - Students will be divided into groups, and each group will select a topic (provided by the professor) to study throughout the semester. Students will be expected to view films, videos, read articles/books, and develop activities to present to the class. Each group will be given an assigned day to teach the topic to the class and engage the class in discussion, activity, and / or exercises. Individual members of the group will prepare an oral presentation and support with visual aids/film clips, videos, Power Points. All members of the group must be involved in the development of the group activity/discussion. See instructions on Canvas. POINT VALUE - 170 POINTS


Group Peer Review Surveys – Students will engage in a written peer review of self and members of the project group. Students will review the Teamwork Evaluation Rubric and use the rubric as a guideline to evaluate all members of the group. Students will fill out the Peer Review Survey for each member of the group. All surveys must be typed and

submitted via email. See due dates and instructions on Canvas. POINT VALUE 30 POINTS

Oral Presentations -

Communications Project Speech – Students will prepare a 3 - 5 minute oral presentation to support the group presentation for the Communications Project. Student must prepare an outline, works cited page, Power Point slides, and deliver the speech extemporaneously using a key word outline in a folder. See instructions in the Communications Project Folder on Canvas. POINT VALUE – See Point Value in Communications Project.


NOTE: Due to time constraints, there is no make-up of the communications project presentations. No oral presentations can be presented via videotape, webcam, Skype, or at any other time than the designated dates as noted on the course calendar. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Written Assignment – Final Exam 

What I Have Learned Paper – A paper reflecting on what students have learned, how they have applied what they have learned in their personal and/or professional lives, the benefit of what they have learned, and how they can use what they have learned to benefit themselves and others. See instructions on Canvas. POINT VALUE: 70 POINTS

Discussions / Tests - Self-Introduction – Students will post a self-introduction on Canvas within the first week of class. POINT VALUE: 10 POINTS -

Online Group Discussion – Students will participate in 2 online group discussions throughout the semester. Students will have one week to complete the discussions. Students are expected to participate in each discussion and post two comments and two responses for each discussion. Student postings will be graded based on the breadth and depth of the discussion. See instructions and grading criteria for online group discussion and instructions for Posting I, II, and III on the discussion board. Click on discussion to post comments and responses. POINT VALUE: Posting I – 25 Points, Posting II – 25 Points. TOTAL POINT VALUE – 50 Points - Tests - Two multiple choice tests will be administered during the semester. All tests are taken online in Canvas. See instructions and study guide for each test on Canvas. POINT VALUE - 100 Points Each = 200 POINTS.


Participation Students will receive an attendance/participation grade for the semester. This grade is based upon contribution to the class discussions, daily assignments, group projects, behavior, and class attendance. Student must be present at beginning of class and remain until end of class to receive points per day. See Participation policy. POINT VALUE =120 POINTS.

Collin Events / Extra Credit - Students are encouraged to attend specific Collin Events during the semester to enrich their learning experience. See instructions and list of events on Canvas. GRADING SCALE POINTS 700 - 800 600 - 699 500 - 599 400 - 499 000 - 399

GRADE = = = = =


NUMERIC 90 – 100 80 – 89 70 - 79 60 – 69 0 - 59

NOTE: Please do not ask me to add points to your final grade. It is unethical for the professor to add points that have not been earned at the end of the semester to change a final grade....

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