COM+213+Speech+Outline+Template+Jennifer+Frank+Persuasive PDF

Title COM+213+Speech+Outline+Template+Jennifer+Frank+Persuasive
Course Public Speaking
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
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Persuasive Speech Outline...


COM 213 Speech Outline Template Planning Speech Topic: Working remote has more benefits than working in an office. General Purpose Statement To persuade employees to work remotely. Audience Information: My target audience is anyone who has the option to work remotely. Audience Considerations: Some considerations that I need to keep in mind are that some jobs cannot be converted to remote work. Introduction Attention Getter: Could you imagine simultaneously having more time to care for your family and being more productive at work? Statement of Credibility: I work for a virtual school where I have had some flexibility with being able to work remotely. Due to Covid, I have been working mostly remotely for over a year. I have been able to see the benefits of working remotely. Relevance Statement: 2020 changed the world in many ways, including shifting our work culture. Covid forced many businesses to approach working remotely to keep up productivity. What has been found through this experience is that not only can many companies persevere and succeed with remote work practices, but employees from many companies also have had improved performance. Thesis Statement: Have you ever felt anxiety trying to rehearse what you have to say to your boss because you need to inform them that you are running behind or may not be in that day? Something came up, your child took longer than expected to get ready that morning, the utility guy gave you a fourhour window of when they can come to fix your heater, or perhaps you feel a cold coming on and you are moving at the pace of a turtle in peanut butter. Life happened, as it does to all of us. We have schedules and deadlines that need our attention. Imagine cutting out a huge portion of that pressure and stress by having more flexibility? In this presentation, I will be going over why you should consider working remotely.

Body Main Point One: What is remote work? Sub-point: Remote Work Professionals that work outside a traditional office environment and work in a place of their choosing are considered working remotely.

Sub-point: What is telecommuting? Telecommuting, telework, mobile work, flexible workplace, working from home, work from anywhere are all terms to describe remote work. Transition: No matter what you call it, remote work is increasing in popularity and for very good reason. Main Point Two: Covid has changed the work culture for the better. Sub-point: The world shutting down. During March and April of 2020, the world was in a global pandemic which caused millions of shutdowns across all the continents. Many employers were forced to either shut down or take on a new approach to continue operations. Remote work became increasingly more popular due to the changes the world faced. “The COVID-19 crisis of 2020 has forced millions of workers to quickly transition to remote work, drawing the attention of CEOs and senior managers to remote work policies such as WFA (work from anywhere) Employers started to find that not only could they operate efficiently with remote employees, but they also found an increase in employee productivity.” (Choudhury 2021, p 679) Sub-point: A new normal. Covid has shifted the way that many companies view remote work. Some companies shifted to remote work that had never had the option before. As the pandemic is winding down, they are allowing employees to stay remote several days a week or even continue to do so full time. Transition: The shift from in-person work to remote work has made many more aware of the benefits it has to offer. Main Point Three: The benefits you will find working remotely. Sub-point: Flexibility and saving time. Working remotely allows for more flexibility in one’s work schedule. For example, if your child is running a fever and needs to stay home from school, you can still work while your child is home and not have to call in sick. Working remotely also has the benefit of being present more often and having more time with family. In Work‐from‐anywhere: The productivity effects of geographic flexibility, interviews were conducted from work at home employees. One examiner explained that “WFA, has also allowed me to be closer to my family, such that my children are able to see their grandparents on a regular basis. They also get to play with their cousins often, who are within the same age range. Being closer to family has improved my overall happiness because we are able to spend time together on all holidays rather than just the major ones. “(Choudhury, P. 2021, p 673) There is no commute when you work remotely. Every moment counts and by working remotely you could shave minutes to hours of travel out of each workday.

Sub-point: More incentives.

Working remotely does not limit you to work from home. You could choose to work at your favorite café, the quiet pond down the road, or at a friend’s house. You can customize your office space in any way you desire. It can fit your personality and bring you joy. There is a positive impact on the environment when fewer people are commuting. It reduces foreign oil dependence and slows global warming. You can save money by not purchasing fuel, passes, or paying parking fees. In some cases, people will save on daycare costs. There are fewer traffic jams and fewer accidents. It creates less stress and injuries. According to, “80% of diseases show that stress is a trigger. Because telework reduces stressful commutes and alleviates caregiver separation issues, teleworkers are likely to suffer fewer stress-related illnesses.”

Transition: As you can see, working remotely has the potential to make positive impacts on your life. Conclusion Statement of Closure: Remote work has changed our work culture and has helped many people gain a better work-life balance. Who would not want to save money? Who would not want to add more personal time to their day? Your health, finances, and happiness could all be improved by switching to remote work.

Recap of Thesis/Main Points: Remote work has countless benefits. Not only can it save time and give you more flexibility, but it can also reduce stress and increase wellbeing.


(2013) Pros and cons. Website. Choudhury, P. (Raj), Foroughi, C., & Larson, B. (2021). Work‐ from‐ anywhere: The productivity effects of geographic flexibility. Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), 42(4), 655–683. Orrell, B., & Leger, M. (2020). The Trade-Offs of Remote Work: BUILDING A MORE RESILIENT WORKPLACE FOR THE POST-COVID-19 WORLD. In AEI Paper & Studies (p. 1e+). American Enterprise Wrestler, D. (2020). Change in Work FROM HOME Culture. Quality Progress, 53(7), 12–13...

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