COM2800Exam4 - Lecture notes 22-30 PDF

Title COM2800Exam4 - Lecture notes 22-30
Course Intro To Org Communication
Institution Western Michigan University
Pages 10
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Lecture notes for unit 4...


11.26.2018 

Conflict o Expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals  Elements of definition  There “I’s” o 1. Interdependent o 2. Incompatible goals (perceived) o 3. Interference (perceiving) o All three are necessary in a conflict  Perceived scarce resources o Any positively perceived consequence  Physical consequences  Ex: Money, oil  Social consequences  Ex: Self-esteem; power  Expressed o Unless both sides know there is something wrong, it is not conflict o Can be in your head but must be verbal or nonverbal expression to the other side to considered conflict  Levels of Organizational Conflict  Intrapersonal Conflict o Personal, in one’s own self  Interpersonal Conflict o Conflict between people  Intragroup Conflict o Conflict between groups  Intraorganizational Conflict o Conflict in the organizations  Interorganizational Conflict o Conflict between organizations o Ex: Pepsi vs. Coke  Phases of Organizational Conflict  1. Latent o Conflict hiding under the surface waiting to happen o Has not yet been triggered o Unaware of the conflict  2. Initiation o Trigger event  Something triggers the conflict

Ex: Discussion about who wants or does not want children between spouses  3. Balancing Power o Active conflict o Discuss/express the conflict  Argue/take sides  4. Balance of Power o Resolution o Usually Compromise  Agreeing to disagree  5. Disruption o Conflict triggered o This phase does not always occur  Can end at Balance of Power Styles of Conflict Management  Style o Way a person usually responds o Set of specific behaviors  Based on Two Dimensions o 1. Concern for self/outcome  Assertiveness  Winning your argument/task o 2. Concern for others/relationship  Cooperativeness  Wanting to win but keep the other happy  Creates Five Different Styles o Based on assertiveness and cooperativeness o 1. Competing  High assertiveness/low cooperativeness  I win/you lose  You do not just want to win, you want the other to lose  Can be appropriate  Politics – Presidential election  Sports games  Job interviews  Bird metaphor: Hawk (powerful – go for what they want) o 2. Collaborating  High assertiveness/high cooperativeness  Win/win  Best way to resolve most conflicts  Least common – hard to do  Can be INappropriate  Lack of time 




 Lack of resources  Does not work against a competitive person  Bird metaphor: Own (Wisdom) 3. Compromising  Moderate assertiveness/moderate cooperativeness  Mini-win/mini-lose  I get PART of what I want and you get PART of what you want  Lazy way to collaborate  Can be appropriate  Lack time  Lack of resources  Lack of creativeness  Bird metaphor: Penguin (fathers take care of egg for 6 months and mothers take care of the eggs for 6 months 4. Avoiding  Low assertiveness/low cooperativeness  Lose/lose  Can be appropriate  Cases of extreme anger  Consequences are too high/bad  Inappropriate time/place --> Avoid conflict for now  Bird metaphor: Ostrich (hides head in sand) 4. Accommodating  Low assertiveness/high cooperativeness  I lose/you win  Let them know it’s a “gift” o You’re letting them take the win  Accommodating now and expecting other to reciprocate next time  “Your needs are more important this time”  Can be appropriate  When trying to avoid conflict ^^^  Bird metaphor: Dove (Peacemakers – give in)

11.28.2018 

Styles in Action o Original Theory o New Interpretation (reality) o Effectiveness of styles Diversity Management Processes

o Taking advantage of what ALL people have to offer Organizational “Realities” o A. Opportunities o B. Degrees versus Upper Level Jobs o C. Fortune 500 Companies  Most do not employee women on upper levels o D. Earnings  For every $1.00 earned by white male managers in 2017, European American women earned $.80  African American women earned $.61  Latina American women earned $.53  Women straight out of college make 80% of men with same education and experience o E. Salary trends  If women were paid equally in our country, the poverty level would be cut in half  U.S. economy would be 512 billion dollars bigger o F. Leaving big business  Women are starting their own businesses because they can’t get to the top o G. Backlash to affirmative action  AA levels the playing field o H. New workforce Possible Explanations? o Why don’t women/minorities do as well as Anglo Males? o H1: Women/minorities are different than white males  Behavioral differences  Attitudinal differences  Stereotypes  Skill differences  There are certain things that men do better, and women do better o H2: Systemic barriers are blocking them  Limited access to informal networks  Limited access to mentors  Tokeism  They need to have a woman or minority  Types of work assigned  Yes, there is support for this hypothesis o H3: Discrimination still exists  Overt  Was going away, but is coming back  Prejudice  Covert  Coming alive Opportunities of Managing Diversity Well o Cost savings

o Resource acquisition o Marketing o Creativity o Problem Solving o Systems Flexibility Challenges to Diversity o Self-view of competence o Stigma o Injustice Affirmative Action Phases of Acceptance o 1st generation AA  Just following the rules. Not buying into what you’re doing o 2nd generation AA  “wow these people actually have something to offer us, we need to provide different forms of support” o Multicultural Organization  Everyone’s just there and everyone is embraced

12.03.2018 

Strategies for Handling Diversity in Organizations o 1. Separation  As a strategy  Maintain unique group identities  Problems?  Not a suggests strategy  Group can turn on each other o Separate but equal never usually ends up being equal o Ex: Native Americans  Living separate but not very equal  Ex: Lots of poverty o 2. Diversity through Civility  As a strategy  Civil: Being polite  Surface level – not what you believe but how you act  How done?  1. Managers focus on common goals and interests  2. Training on civility o How to be polite, respectful o Only changing outward behavior – how you act, not how you feel  3. Concrete guidelines on what it is to be civil o Ex: Outlaw sexists, ageist, racists comments/jokes  4. Behavior not labeled as sexist/racist, rather as rule breaking

Do not state employees/group members are “racist” or “sexist” but state they are rule breakers of the concrete guidelines made  5. Promotions/reward are based on performance alone  Advantages?  Easy to administer  Lower resistance  Disadvantages?  Does not try to change attitudes or their inherent influence  Does not change systematic problems 3. Assimilation  Strategies and problems  1. Fit in thru Language Choice  Commonly studied for women trying to conform to typically male dominated organizations  Problems o Powerful/powerless speech – same behavior viewed differently o Ex: Men are expected to talk powerfully but women are bitches when using powerful speech  2. Demonstrate Loyalty (say “yes”)  Problems? o Women’s roles with families  Ex: Childcare time; household duties may conflict with saying “yes” to traveling for the company o Perceptions do not change  3. Perform Exceptionally  Problems? o Glass house syndrome  If you are different than others you are usually notice more  Ex: Mistakes are focused on o Communication prefs (bragging)  Bragging: Taking credit for what you do  Men usually take credit and let you know when they do something well  Women are taught not to take credit but to share credit o Evaluation Bias  Rate people who are like us, higher o Attributional Differences  4. Cultivate Mentors  Problems o Sex-role stereotypes o Cross sex/race relationships  5. Network o


Problems? o Numbers o Access  6. Obtain High Power Positions/Assignments  Problems? o Staff people positions o Staff helper positions o Anglo/male dominated positions o Sexism/racism  General Problems  Places burden on victim  If successful (rare), lose the benefits of diversity o Managing Diversity  As a strategy  Metaphor: fire  Can make it bigger or smaller  1. Foster Supportive Attitudes  Adopt goal of equity not equality  Organizations adapt to workers  Focuses on outcomes, not means  Develop high level of awareness and positive view of diversity  2. Capitalize on Resources of Diversity  Manger and reward performance  Match people and jobs  Support diverse work styles and life needs Sexual Harassment o “Quid Pro Quo” Definitions  Unwelcome sexual advances, requests, or conduct when:  1. Submission is key to getting or retaining a job  2. Personnel decisions are based on submission or rejection  3. Conduct created and intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment  Individual Costs form harassment?  Emotional problems  Physical Symptoms  Psychological Consequences  Organizational Costs from Harassment  Direct Economic o Paying for harassment lawsuits  Indirect Economic o Paying them sick days when they are not actually sick but do not want to come to work  Coworker Response 


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Ethical Communication o The “right” way to communicate with your employees Ethical Issues and Behavior o Value judgments in human conduct  Concerning right or wrong, good or bad o A value system that serves as a guide for judging one’s own and other’s behaviors Why is Ethical Behavior Important in Orgs? o Associated with positive outcomes o Ethical errors end careers o Empowers workers o Intrinsically valuable o Karma? Ethical Perspectives o Religious  Application of religious standards  Problems?  Not all religions will agree with one another  Can be twisted o Legal  Your judgment is based on the law  If it’s legal, its ethical. If it’s illegal, it is not ethical.  Problems  Superficial o We don’t have laws about everything  Stop negative, doesn’t encourage positive. o Utilitarian  Any action is right or ethical if it produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people  Usefulness  Consequence  Ends, not names  If a drug company has a potentially lifesaving drug, but they must test it on animals, meaning the animals would die. Utilitarian would say that is alright because it is for the greater good. o Universal  Focuses on the fact that people have universal duties in how to deal with one another.  Universal = All the time, general, across the board  Focus on intentions  It isn’t about what happened, it’s about why you did it.  If your intent goes along with your universal duties, you’re good.  Legal system uses this  First degree vs Second degree vs Manslaughter murders are separated by intentions and are punished as such.

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Situational  There’s no universal standards, it always depends on the situation  Based on circumstances/context  If your friend asks you how they look and they look like shit, you’re supposed to lie and say they look great  Slippery slope (can justify almost anything) o Humanist  Isolate unique characteristics of human nature that should be valued.  The idea is that those things are ethical, and anything that stops those things are unethical.  Symbol using, rational choice, etc.  Unethical if it hampers these  Comes from Aristotle’s philosophy o Economic  If it maximizes revenues and cuts costs, its good, because society benefits.  Impersonal market forces  Doesn’t care about unequal treatment/benefit  Doesn’t exclude questionable practices Ethical Communication o Facilitates ability to make sound choices (Humanist) o Complete and accurate information so we can make choices o To do that, you must create a supportive communication environment o Supportive/Ethical Communication Behaviors  Descriptive  Means you describe behaviors, you don’t evaluate the person  Problem – Oriented  You want to cooperate with the other person  Believe in defining problem mutually  Spontaneous  Above board/straight forward/no hidden agenda  Respectful  You treat others like they are equal to you  Empathic  Try to see things from the other person’s point of view  Provisional  “I’m going to be willing to change my mind, I’m persuadable” Typology of Unethical Communication in Organizations o Coercive  Abuses of power, takes away autonomy/choice and voice  Intimidate, threaten, stifle discussion/voice o Destructive o

First degree = Planned/intended to kill them Second degree = Just kind of “snapped,” didn’t plan it out Manslaughter = Absolutely no intent, total accident.

 Attacks self-esteem, reputation, or values  Abusive, aggressive, put down o Deceptive  Reflects willful perversion of truth to deceive or defraud.  Lie, evade, euphemisms, ambiguity o Intrusive  Communication initiated without clear knowledge it’s happening  Spy, invade privacy, hidden camera/mics o Secretive  Nonverbal- Silence and unresponsiveness not following rational choice  Hoard info, hide info o Manipulative/Exploitative  Conceal true intent of the source thus inhibiting rational choice  Demagoguery (exploit people’s fears, biases, ignorance) Some Ethical Issues for Organizations o A. Social Responsibility  What do they owe society?  A. Environment  B. Fair Profit o B. Service vs Profit  Charity o C. Employee Rights  1. Safe and healthy work place  2. Right to privacy  3. Right to balanced life  4. Right to blow the whistle if we see unethical/illegal things happen in our organization...

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