Combo of test and online 2021-07-10 at 11.43.34 AM PDF

Title Combo of test and online 2021-07-10 at 11.43.34 AM
Course English
Institution Evergreen Valley College
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Download Combo of test and online 2021-07-10 at 11.43.34 AM PDF


Introduction 1. How does the author spell subpoena a. Suhpeena 2. Why does the author wrote the text a. To tell her truth and give what she can 3. How does California define sexual assault? a. Rape is narrowly defined as the act of sexual intercourse 4. What role did she play in the school safari play? a. grass 5. What did she want to be when she grew up? Why? a. Mascot so no one can see her dancing 6. What does she count in a. tigers 7. Where does she wake up after the fraternity party? a. Santa Clara Valley Medical center 8. Who is with her? a. Stanford dean and officer 9. When did it become real for the author? a. When she found herself alone in the sterile room, one toilet, with no underwear 10. What does SART stand for? a. Sexual assault response team 11. What are the names of the two nurses that make her feel comforted? a. April and joy 12. What hospital is she in? a. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 13. What worry would come to mind when she finds out how she arrived there? a. How she would pay for the ambulance 14. How long does she think she must have spent in the shower? a. 40 minutes 15. Why did she not want to go home? a. Chanel needed time to think. “When you tell your parents, there is fuss.” She did not want fuss, she wanted everything to go away. 16. Where did she go instead? a. In n out 17. What metaphor does she employ to explain how well she dealt with acknowledgement of what happened ? a. Jars in basement cabinet 18. Within 24 hours what happened? a. Brock turner on 150,000 dollar bail Chapter 2 1. What did she do at her job? a. Startup, educational apps for kids 2. What happened to my dream? a. Died from a car hitting the cat 3. How does she find out what happened to her? a. An article


What is she holding while talking to the deputy district attorney and the advocate from YWCA? a. A green crayon 5. What was the first comment she read about what happened to her? a. What was a grad student doing at a frat party 6. What was happening at Gunn highschool when she was a student? a. Suicides by Caltrain 7. What did her mother do to her sister when she was 6 & her sister was 4? a. Saved her sister from drowning in a pool 8. At the end of the chapter, what parking lot does she pull into inorder to call the Stanford hotline number? a. IKEA Chapter 3 1. Why did the author refuse therapy? - She didn’t think she would need it, she told herself she wouldn’t need it 2. What does she do to combat her swollen eyelids? - She would put frozen spoons on her eyes 3. What does she call the courthouse waiting room? - Victims closet 4. What are her mom's primary forms of communication? - her mom's primary forms of communication are touch and food 5. What did Brock's defense attorney tell alaleh? - He told her that his client would be receiving a misdemeanor for disturbing the peace 6. How did she meet Lucas? - She met him at a wedding party that took place at a bar 7. What struck the author as strange about the importance placed on her being in a relationship? - Her own autonomy was not respected when she was alone 8. Rape test can be kept so long what will happen to them? - They mold 9. What response did her boss have to be told what had happened to the author? a. She cried 10. What does the author do when she is upset? a. Draw Chapter 4 1. Where is her new home? a. Providence, Rhode Island 2. What did the administration office tell her when she said there was a mistake? a. Can’t change class, too late 3. What did taking this class allow the author to teach herself? a. It’s okay to receive help, ask questions, she developed confidence 4. Why didn’t she want to say yes to bowling with her roommate? a. She thought they asked her out of pity 5. What do the Craiglist woman and the author know, that the Craigslist man does not? a. Be careful of death, rape, etc. from Craigslist people 6. Why does Lucas want her to rent a car? a. She keeps getting catcalled and sending videos


What is wrong with saying Seven in terms of the victims? a. They have their own names, shouldn’t be grouped together 8. Why doesn’t she give the victims’ names? a. They’re sacred; she doesn’t want them to be known just because of the mass murder 9. What does she draw as an omen of protection? a. Two bikes for the Swedes who found her 10. What did the author walk into the middle of the empty street to do? a. Scream because she got catcalled Chapter 5 1. How does Lucas react when the author screams at him before her phone call? a. Offers phone, goes downstairs, scared of her 2. What does she agree to do after the phone call? a. Make it up to Tiffany bc trial was moved again? idk 3. What does she wear every day? a. Lucas’s black jacket 4. Why does the DA tell her not to get on her flight? a. Cancelled trial 5. Why doesn’t she want her mother in the room while she testifies? a. Her focus would shift to protecting her 6. Who should she look at if she gets nervous? a. The court reporter 7. Where does Brock look when the author answers questions regarding her interest in hooking up with anyone? a. His lap 8. What does she write in her small red notebook, illuminated by her phone? a. I feel like I’ve already won. 9. What instinct do we need to raise in others? a. Right and wrong 10. Inspired by the Swedish men who testified, what does the author feel she needs to be able to face her attacker and say? a. What the fuck are you doing? Chapter 6 1. Who is Big B? a. “He introduced me to Big B, who sat with a chess set every day in the park, showed me his favorite place to get roast beef sandwiches. ” b. Some dude who played chess in the park 2. What did the narrator call all the things she had hoped to do? a. Sugar cube ideas 3. As of the one year anniversary of the assault, how much time had the narrator spent testifying in court? a. One day 4. How does the narrator fill the days her boyfriend leaves for his rugby tournament? a. Hair, brows, & nails 5. What spot does the narrator get in the comedy show? a. Last 6. What does Lucas tell the narrator after her show? a. I didn't recognize you


Where did the narrator’s parents meet? a. New year’s party 8. What does her mother tell her to do? a. “You have to hold out to see how your life unfolds, because it is most likely beyond what you can imagine. It is not a question of if you will survive this, but what beautiful things await you when you do. I had to believe her, because she was living proof. Then she said, Good and bad things come from the universe holding hands. Wait for the good to come.” b. Excerpt From: Chanel Miller. “Know My Name.” Apple Books. 9. What does the narrator realize about her body through scuba diving? a. She needs to listen to it Chapter 7 1. What is the name of her new advocate? a. Myers 2. When will her sister testify? a. Spring break of senior year 3. Who did Alaleh tell the narrator would be on Brock’s side of the courtroom during trial? a. Family (dad and grandma) 4. What did she and her high school friend go to while she was wearing a parka? a. “One evening a few old friends from high school were getting tapas. I joined them wearing my floor-length snow parka, they poked fun, I didn’t mind.” b. Tapas= spanish cuisine c. Excerpt From: Chanel Miller. “Know My Name.” Apple Books. 5. Why can't she get angry on the stand? a. She’ll look too defensive 6. What does Alaleh say Brock gets to do? a. Write up his own story/statement 7. What is ironic about the sign “People of the State of CA vs. Brock Allen Turner” taped to the courtroom door? a. Chanel feels outnumbered 8. What day of the week did the trial begin? a. Monday 9. Why arent women preferred on juries on rape victims? a. Can't empathize 10. What did Lucas do after every breakdown he witnessed the narrator have? a. Run 11. What does the narrator have to eat before she goes to the courthouse to testify? a. Bagel 12. What topic always makes the narrator smile no matter what? a. Tiffany 13. Abandoning calm, collected, centered, strong what does the narrator think instead? a. Release 3x 14. What did the defense attorney make the narrator feel? 15. guilty 16. What about tiffany;s testimony does the defense want to use? a. She thought Chanel would be fine 17. What mistake does the narrator feel the defense attorney made? a. He underestimated her love for Tiffany

Chapter 8 1. How much did Brock’s side pay Dr. Fromme? a. $10k 2. How did Brock violate the narrator again? a. He said Chanel consented 3. What was the only time Brock cried during the trial? a. During his ex-gf’s testimony 4. Why didn’t the narrator’s grandfather go to China a. Typo in name 5. What evidence does the defense use to begin his closing statement? a. “Let me explain why, he said. When I left Kappa Alpha, Chanel appeared to be fine, so I wasn’t worried about leaving her there. Who told us that? That was Tiffany, her sister. Who knows her better than Tiffany out of all the people that testified at this trial? Nobody. Tiffany knows her the best. . . . That was how she described her sister whom she has known her whole life.” b. Excerpt From: Chanel Miller. “Know My Name.” Apple Books. 6. According to Alaleh, what burden does Brock have? a. Guilt 7. How much time would the narrator have to get to the courtroom to hear the verdict once notified? a. 15 minutes 8. What personal information was written in the Mercury News? a. Her name Chanel Doe 9. Why did she watch Mr. Rogers when she couldn’t sleep? a. See his routine of changing 10. Who beings wailing in the courtroom? a. Brock’s mom 11. What does the narrator realize when Athena kisses her on the cheek? a. “That must mean we have won two counts, we’re at two. I feel the emotional tides of the room swelling on each side. There is grief and suffocated celebration, muffled cries, the air brimming with indistinguishable sound.” b. Excerpt From: Chanel Miller. “Know My Name.” Apple Books. Chapter 9 1. What did the Washington Post article claim critics thought of the verdict? a. “critics argued that the jury was harsh on Turner and treated an ambiguous and alcohol-fueled moment with black-and-white certainty. It said, With sentencing June 2 and an appeal possible, Turner’s once-promising future remains uncertain. But his extraordinary yet brief swim career is now tarnished, like a rusting trophy. His was still the notable loss.” b. Excerpt From: Chanel Miller. “Know My Name.” Apple Books. 2. What was the maximum prison time Brock’s felonies added up to? a. 14 years 3. How much prison time did the DA recommend? a. 6 years 4. What did the DA ask the narrator to write? a. Victim impact statement 5. What conclusion did the probation officer draw?

6. 7.

8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

a. “She explained the probation officer had offered a lenient sentence, had said I only cared about treatment, not incarceration, suggesting Brock didn’t belong in prison.” b. Excerpt From: Chanel Miller. “Know My Name.” Apple Books. What comedian did the narrator meet? a. Margaret Cho How many pages was the first draft of what she wrote? a. “ I had written twenty-eight incoherent pages, my first draft.” b. Excerpt From: Chanel Miller. “Know My Name.” Apple Books. How much time did she leave the judge to read it? a. One week Where did they go for Lucas's graduation dinner? a. “Fogo de Chão, a Brazilian steakhouse,” b. Excerpt From: Chanel Miller. “Know My Name.” Apple Books. How did the narrator feel about what Lucas wrote? a. drescher said embarrassed disturbed but touched What surprised the narrator about what her sister wrote? a. She was defiant and Chanel depend on her How long did the narrator think Brock would get? a. Two years Where did brock sit during the sentencing in relation to the narrator? a. His back was facing her Why did the narrator think Brock’s father stood up after the narrator spoke? a. To apologize to Chanel What freed Brock of Moral Culpability? a. The fact that he was drunk How much time was Brock ordered to serve? a. 6 months (but three with good behavior) Where did the narrator go after leaving the courthouse? a. Frozen yogurt What did the judge give Brock that would never be extended to the narrator? a. Empathy What did the narrator write in her notebook over and over? a. I am worth more than 3 months

Chapter 10 1. What did the narrator tell Katie JM Baker she wanted to add? a. She wanted the judge to know that he ignited a tiny fire 2. According to Tiffany, what did it take to make the ambiguous, mean, and victim-blaming comments disappear? a. Chanel’s voice 3. How was Emily Doe honored in Glamour? a. One of the 2016 Women of the Year 4. What did the letter from Joe Biden say? a. I see you 5. If the assault is never personal, what is? a. The blaming 6. On the narrator’s 24th birthday and Stanford’s graduation, what did the students do?

a. They held up signs & the commencement speaker/documentary filmmaker made a small speech 7. When was the last time a judge was recalled? a. 1932 8. How many signatures did they need in Santa Clara County to get the recall on the ballot? a. 58,634 9. What percentage of the vote would they need? a. 50% at least 10. Who did the narrator ask for guidance? a. Novelist, Anne Lamott Chapter 11 11. What did the narrator and Lucas call their home in the SF foothills? a. Tissue box 12. What about sleeping alone at night caused the narrator to barricades and booby trap the house and remain on the couch? a. The fact that she was unconscious 13. At most, how many consecutive days would the narrator sleep alone? a. 3 14. What is the difference between sex and sexual assault? a. Sexual assault is stealing, but real sex is a playful exchange with power shifting back and forth 15. After seething with anger from reading a rape story, how does the narrator feel? a. I need to slice a dick off 16. When was the first time the narrator began wearing dresses? a. College 17. What does the white token mean in yoga class? a. Don’t touch me 18. How many dogs did they foster over the year? a. 6 19. What did they name the dog they adopted? a. Mogu 20. Who does the narrator relate to in her mother’s favorite joke about the hungry spider? a. Centipede Chapter 12 21. Five months after she read her statement in court, what happened? a. Trump elected 22. What did the sound of Tic Tacs do to the narrator? a. ? 23. On June 16, 2017, what verdict did the jury return for Philando Castile? a. Not guilty verdict 24. What advice does the narrator give young men worried about their reputation? a. Don’t assault people 25. Erasure is a form of what? a. Oppression 26. How long was the appeal brief?

a. 172 pages 27. How many pages were about the narrator being intoxicated? a. 60 28. What is the question we should be asking rather than “Why didn’t she report?” a. Why would you? 29. Who started the Me Too movement? a. Tarana Burke 30. Who quoted the narrator in their concession speech? a. Hillary Clinton Chapter 13 1. How many gymnasts faced Larry Nassar? a. 169 2. If as a survivor, the narrator is made up of the same fibers/threads as the gymnasts, then what does that make her? a. Unshakeable 3. What did Judge Aquilina make the narrator question? a. Short time given when reading statement 4. How was Judge Aquilina a different captain to the one the narrator had? a. Aquilina turned their ship, pointing them towards the horizon, while her captain sunk her ship 5. What did Jennifer J. Freyd coin Stanford’s congratulator & defensive stance as? a. Institutional betrayal 6. What was the catch to Stanford’s offer to pay for the narrator’s therapy? a. No instigation 7. How much did Stanford offer the narrator? a. $150k 8. According to Michelle, what is social change? a. A marathon 9. What is the stomach cramping a sign of? a. Anxiety 10. How do people respond to the idea that Stanford is more about self preservation than caring about a person? a. No shit 11. What did Chanel want to title her proposed art piece for the center of campus? a. Construction 12. What type of quote did Appleseed want for the garden plaque? a. Uplifting, inspiring 13. What headline did The Fountain Hopper run after finding out about the rejected quotes? a. Stanford’s last “Fuck You” to Brock Turner’s victim 14. How does the narrator view what she has written about Stanford? a. Love note 15. What is the place to be remembered? a. Not where she was assaulted, but where he fell, where she was saved and 2 men declared stop Chapter 14 1. How does the narrator process the world?

a. Through writing What does the narrator hope will happen in twenty years? a. Victimhood will be unfamiliar 3. Where does Gong Gong go every year to select a gift for the narrator and her sister for Christmas? a. Walmart 4. Why did they need to trim the bushes below the narrator’s window? a. She received threats; it could hide 4 to 5 people 5. Who did Julia Ioffe think wrote the Victim Statement? a. Michelle Daubet 6. According to the narrator’s mother, what would coming to America be like? a. Being born again 7. How old was the narrator when she signed her first book contract? a. 24 8. What happened June 5, 2018? a. Persky recalled 9. What according to the narrator, is a better word than the Judge’s “expressed” in terms of what women need? a. Acknowledged 10. What did Brock’s appellate attorney claim had been Brock’s intention a. Outercourse 11. What happened on August 8, 2018? a. Appeal denied 12. How did the narrator celebrate? a. Buying Oreos, pouring in bowl of milk, letting them sit, scooping out the remains 13. Though the book does not have a happy ending, what is the happy part? a. She gets to move forward 14. What happened on September 23, 2018? a. Candlelight vigil held for Christine Ford when it was confirmed she would testify before Senate Judiciary Committee 15. How did the narrator survive? a. She remained soft, she listened, she wrote, and because she huddled close to her truth Acknowledgments 1. What does the narrator say to her math and English teachers? a. Sorry failed to math teacher; Thank you, hope I made English teachers proud/happy Victim Statement 1. Who does the narrator address for the majority of her statement? a. Brock 2. Instead of voiced consent, what was provided as evidence for the narrator supposedly “liking it”? a. Back rub 3. In his story, how many words did the narrator say? a. 3 4. How did Brock use his attorney as a scapegoat? a. Said he didn’t want to victimize her at all, it was just his attorney and his way of approaching the case 2.

The Disturbing Romanticism of Bonnie and Clyde this paper will compare and contrast the romanticism of Bonnie and Clyde with the reality of Bonnie and Clyde with some insight about prohibition and great depression The birth and relevant info about their life prior to criminal activities. Bonnie Parker was born on October 1st, 1910 in Rowena, Texas. (McGasko, 2013) She was the middle child of Henry and Emma Parker. (McGasko, 2013) In school, she enjoyed music and performed in school pageants, talent shows, singing Broadway hits or country favorites. (McGasko, 2013) Clyde Barrow also loved singing and playing on his guitar. He was born on March 24, 1909, into a family of poor farmers in Telico, Texas. His parents; Henry Basil Barrow, Cumie T. Walker and his siblings; Elvin Wilson “Jack” Barrow, Artie Adelle Barrow Keys, Marvin Ivan “Buck” Barrow, Nell May “Nellie” Barrow Francis, Leon C “L.C.” Barrow, and Lillian Marie Barrow Scoma. (Find A Grave) Barrow taught himself how to play the saxophone & thought of pursuing a music career. Bonnie had also planned to become a famous actress. In 1914, Bonnie’s father died and her family moved to Cement City in western Dallas where poverty levels was really high. (ABC-CLIO) Due to her situation, she married at 16 to Roy Thornton. Roy was an abusive criminal who got caught and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. (ABC-CLIO) Bonnie worked at a cafe until the Great Depression bankrupted the business in November 1929. (ABC-CLIO) Bonnie and Clyde met in January of 1930. They were head over heels for each other. Parker was 19 and married to an imprisoned man, while Barrow was twenty-one and unmarried. (McGasko, 2013) The start of Bonnie and Clyde After they had met, Clyde was sentenced to 14 years at Eastham Prison Farm in the same year. (M...

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