Comm Project Report - A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrants to travel on course. PDF

Title Comm Project Report - A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrants to travel on course.
Author Shezan Ahmed
Course Electronic Device
Institution University of Dhaka
Pages 9
File Size 279.8 KB
File Type PDF
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A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrants to travel on course. Birds, bees, and other species can keep track of time without any sensory cues from the outside world, and such “biological clocks” clearly contribute to their “compass sense.” For example, they can use the position o...


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Communication Laboratory Date Of Submission



 EEE 310 Communication Laboratory Project Report 

Protection, detection, and analysis of intentional and unintentional jamming of WiFi using IoT module  Team Members (Authors) :

Sheikh Asif Imran

Student ID #1506042

 Student ID #1506043 

Naveed Ishraq

Rayhan Hayther Samrat

Student ID #1506044

Student ID #1506045

Section A2, Lab group 3, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering .

Raihan Ali

WiFi Jamming Analysis and Detection

Introduction It  has  long  been recognized that complete jamming of wireless networks can be realized  by  generating  continuous  noise with sufficient power in the vicinity of the wireless  network.  There  are  many disadvantages of this approach including high energy  requirements  and a  high probability of detection. Researchers show that similar jamming effectivenesscanbe achieved with very low energy requirements and low probability  of  detection.  We would studied various measures of performance for jamming and the role of authentication in denial of service attacks. With  rampant  deployment  of  wireless technologies such as WLAN, information leakage is increasingly becoming a threat for its serious adopters such as enterprises. Research  on  antidotes has been mainly focused on logical measures such as authentication  protocols  and  secure  channels, but an inside collaborator can readily circumvent  such defenses and wirelessly divert the classified information to a conniver  outside.  A  novel  approach  to  the problem that forges a walled wireless coverage, a secure Wi-Fizoneinparticular, employs a defensive jamming. Inspired by the fact that jamming asanattackisinherentlydifficult to defeat, this approach turns the table  and  uses  jamming itself as a defensive weapon to fend off the covert illegal access from outside. Such  works  motivate us to study jamming techniques, protection and detection mechanisms devised for various protocols,andtheWiFicommunication system itself. There could be situations  where  a  Wifi jammer is useful, desirable, and even ethical, according to Thierry Durand, COO, Comsis. Spectrum sharing and limitation of EM exposure can result in unwanted interruption, too. Hence, it is necessary to study security parameters and employing them.

Theory IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi devices are designed based on IEEE 802.11 standards. It is a set of medium access control andphysicallayerforimplementing WLAN in a computer network. It is the  most widely used wireless computer networking standard. The 802.11 family consists  of a series of half-duplex modulation techniques. 802.11b and 802.11g uses the  2.4  GHz  band  which is much prone to interference from microwaves, Bluetooth devices,  telephones  etc. For controlling their interference it uses Direct sequence spread  spectrum  (DSSS)  and  Orthogonal  frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) methods respectively.

WiFi Jamming Analysis and Detection

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) In  DSSS technology the data stream is combined with pseudo random numerical sequence  (PRN) by XOR function. This PRN is a 11-chip Barker sequence which is 10110111000. This XOR output is modulated using BPSK and QPSK for 1Mbps and 2 Mbps signals  respectively.  Complementary code keying (CCK) is used to encode data for 5 Mbps and 11Mbps. It uses 64 eight bit code words for encoding. These code words have  unique  mathematical  characteristics to distinguish them in presence of noise and interference. Thus the data spectrum widens in the frequency domain due to DSSS which  helps  secure communication and makes it resistant against jamming and interference.

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) In  OFDM  the  communication channel is divided into many subcarrier channels. Each of  these  subcarriers carry part of the information and they are orthogonal to each other  i.e independent of each other. So these subchannels don’t interfere with each other.  In  OFDM  the  data stream is divided into n-bit patterns by using serial to parallel converter. These n-  bit patterns are passed throughnsubchannels. Generally narrow  bits are  susceptible to noise and inter-symbol interference. In OFDM this narrow bits are divided into n wider bits in each subchannel. Thus it has less bit error rate (BER). OFDM reduces BER by sending the information in multiple sub-channels.

Medium Access Control (MAC) A media access control address (MAC address) of a device is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC) for communications at the data link layer of a network segment. MAC addresses are used as a  network address for most IEEE 802 network technologies, including ethernet and wifi. MAC addresses are used in MAC protocol sublayer. The 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol has been designed to take care of the following needs: ● ● ● ● ●

Reliable delivery mechanism for user Data over noisy and unreliable wireless media Requires participation of all nodes Fair distribution of wireless bandwidth among all nodes Dealing with hidden node problem

Control Frames Control frames facilitate in the exchange of data frames between stations. Some common 802.11 control frames include: ●

Acknowledgement (ACK) frame: After receiving a data frame, the receiving station will send an ACK frame to the sending station if no errors are found. If

WiFi Jamming Analysis and Detection

the sending station doesn't receive an ACK frame within a predetermined period of time, the sending station will resend the frame. Request to Send (RTS) frame: The RTS and CTS provide an optional collision reduction scheme for access points with hidden stations. A station sends a RTS frame as the first step in a two-way handshake required before sending data frames. Clear to Send (CTS) frame: A station responds to an RTS frame with a CTS frame. It provides clearance for the requesting station to send a data frame. The CTS provides collision control management by including a time value for which all other stations are to hold off transmission while the requesting station transmits.

Difference between Jammer and Deauther: While  a  jammer  just  creates  noise  on  a  specific frequency range (i.e. 2.4GHz), a deauthentication attack is only possible due to a vulnerability in the WiFi (802.11) standard. The deautherdoes not interfere with any frequencies, it is just sending a few WiFi  packets  that  let certain devices disconnect. It just bursts repeated deauthentication  packets  to  jam  WiFi  access points. It includes a deauthenticating command  which  causes WiFi clients to stop using an access point and attempt to reauthenticate  themselves.  That enables you to specifically select every target.On the other  hand a jammer just blocks everything within a radius and is therefore highly illegal to use.

What is a packet? Each  piece  of  information transmitted on a network following any of the IEEE 802 seriesstandardsissentinsomethingcalled a p  acket. A packet is simply a chunk of data enclosed in one or more wrappers that help to identify the chunk of data and route it to the  correct  destination.  D  estination in this sense means a particular application or process  running  on  a  particular machine. These wrappers consist of h  eaders, or sometimes headersandt railers. Headers are simply bits of data added to the beginning of a packet. Trailers are added to the end of a packet. Packets are created at the machine sending the information.  The application generating the data on the sending machine  passes the data to a  p  rotocol stack running on that machine. The protocol stack breaks the data down into chunks and wraps each chunk in one or more wrappers  that  will  allow  the packets to be reassembled in the correct order at the destination. At the receiving end, the process is reversed.

Sniffer Attack: A sniffer isanapplicationthat can capture network packets. Sniffers are also known as network protocol analyzers. Sniffing refers to the process used by attackers to capture network  traffic using  a sniffer. Once the packet is captured using a sniffer, the

WiFi Jamming Analysis and Detection contents of packets can be analyzed. When data is transmitted across networks, if the data packets are not encrypted, the data within the network packet can be read using a sniffer.  Using  a  sniffer  application, an attacker can analyze the network and gain information to eventually cause the network to crash or to become corrupted, or read the communications happening across the network. 

Materials Implementation and Their Impact ESP8266 is a low-cost  Wi-Fi  microchip  with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability.  It  is  a  self-contained SOC (system-on-a-chip). Different versions of the ESP8266  firmware  communicate at different baud rates and have subtly different commands. We possess a NodeMCU and a WeMos board with ESP8266 mounted on them. Open-source ESP8266 WiFi deauther projectsshowcasemultiple approaches of jamming techniques.The802.11WiFi conventioncontainsanalleged deauthentication outline.  It  is  utilized to detach customers securely from a remote system. The ESP8266 is an exceptional microcontroller  with implicit  WiFi. It contains a capable 160 MHz processor, making it suitable for such studies.

Outcome Measures  Results of deauther and jammer techniques, along with protection and detection schemes, would be analyzed in terms of jamming attack metrics suggested by David Thuente, while categorizing and detecting their aspects.

Data Collection and Analysis  We might employ IoT capability of ESP8266 and collect the data over MqTT servers, as we have done before for IoT projects. However, while employing other approaches, we might need to collect the data using serial communication between ESP8266 and a laptop.

Potential Impact In  Bangladesh,  spreading  WiFi zones would require scrutinization of intentional and unintentional  interferences  prior  to  setting up mass WiFi availability. Studying various  techniques  to  deal  with latest protocols would, henceforth, provide us an opportunity  to  inspire  the  research  in this field. Wireless communication, without verified security measures, cannot fulfill public  needs. Webelieve,ethical jamming or defensive  jamming can also help build secure WiFi zones. Our study and demonstration  would help gathering knowledge in this regard in a systematic manner.

WiFi Jamming Analysis and Detection

Future Plans 1. Working with specific protocols such as IEEE 802.11ac (5 GHz) or 802.11g (2.4 GHz). 2. Improving the aspects of jammer detection and protection by means of power efficiency or other parameters.

 Pipeline of Our Developed System

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WiFi Jamming Analysis and Detection The functional detector portion (we wrote more than 300 lines of code to implement this) has been stored on Google Drive: t

 Workflow and Further Improvements 1. Analysing Stefan Kremser’s WiFi deauthentication tools. 2. Using promiscuous sniffing mode of ESP8266 to detect deauth packets sent using any of the approaches of Stefan Kremser, which spans a wide range of operational importance in academic interest. 3. Calculating time duration of attack from packet detector end. 4. Logging attack history in a given area (mailing ‘time durations’). Furthermore, we would extend our study in future as we learn more about WiFi, which seems an intriguing topic from our perspective as an undergraduate team:  5. Detecting SSID specific packets to sniff out fake (‘Beacon’) or deauth-packet sending individual networks. 6. Jamming that specific network so that data theft or phishing does not occur, as a protective measure. 

Result Analysis We developed a system where attack duration data would be immediately logged and sent as notification to owner’s email address. We expected a 3 second delay in attack beginning point detection and 10 second pessimistic safe window for detecting clean end of an attack section. Some of our gmail logs are attached to demonstrate trials and tweakings. Since we were familiar with Google SMTP server, we used that knowledge to send email from emails created by us : [email protected] to [email protected] .

 Code analysis Gmail SMTP server To set up a mail client it’s necessary to configure  an SMTP server that will take care of the delivery of emails. We simply have to our email software and add the right S  MTP parametres in the settings windows. We have to fill the appropriate parameters of the SMTP server settings. This can be found in the GMAIL sender cpp file in the shared drive file containing all our codes. Since we used SMTP previously for alias mails (e.g. ), we were familiar with the API.

WiFi Jamming Analysis and Detection 

Detector ESP8266 famously allows “sniffing” number of packets sent from various SSIDs. We have simply enabled this settings (“promiscuous”), and detected any suspicious packet injection peak. Furthermore, we look forward to implement a rigorous protector with this basic idea only for academic interest. 

Demonstration A Wi-Fi deauthentication attack is a type of denial-of-service attack that targets communication between a user (STA or Station) and a Wi-Fi wireless access point (AP). It has long been recognized that complete jamming of wireless networks can be realized by generating continuous noise with sufficient power in the vicinity of the wireless network.

Limitations of existing Wifi network Generally WiFi network supports two type of technology: infrastructure mode and Ad hoc mode. In Ad hoc mode it is possible to connect to internet without any third party access point or routers. Therefore mostly user prefer Ad hoc mode to over infrastructure mode.. The configuration of ad hoc device never disables SSID access while infrastructure mode does. In ad hoc mode existing network attackers will not requisite a lot effort. When you are experienced an Ad hoc mode signal problem may occurs in fact infrastructure mode offers full strength signals. 802.11g standard require ad hoc mode in WiFi network with the bandwidth of 11Mbps. When a user build up WiFi network on infrastructure mode then the rate of transfer data is up to 54 Mbps on the other hand when configuration held on ad hoc mode then only 11 mbps data can be attained. Ad hoc mode is very slow as compared to infrastructure mode.There are some security issues which may cause of wifi limitation because the setting of WiFi network is really very easy but to maintain security need lots of efforts, because there is no encryption methods organize on access point of WiFi network. Some time WiFi network become more vulnerable when hacker attacks on WiFi network and steal your important data and reduce the performance of your network traffic. The slow transfer rate of videos and audios pushed further than their restrictions. When lots of users are getting access to internet via same network then the speed of transfer data came down. When more than few devices are connected to wireless network then this problem is irritated and if you think to download heavy files at the same time you never do this because of division of bandwidth to all equipment’s reduce the speed and sometime makes network unresponsive. 

WiFi Jamming Analysis and Detection On the whole no doubt there are some limitations in WiFi network but including all limitations WiFi have excellent features of connectivity which helps to forget the limitation. Therefore in coming days everyone demand for WiFi network to get quick access to internet everywhere and want to get benefit from WiFi hotspots to make their business more profitable and successful beside all limitation of WiFi network. 

Acknowledgement References 1. Yu Seung Kim, Patrick Tague, Heejo Lee, Hyogon Kim. Carving Secure Wi-Fi Zones with Defensive Jamming. 2. David J. Thuente, Mithun Acharya. Intelligent Jamming in Wireless Networks with Applications to 802.11b and Other Networks. 3. Abderrahim Benslimane, Abdelouahid El Yakoubi, Mohammed Bouhorma. Analysis of Jamming effects on IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks. _____________ ...

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