Commencement- Exercises-2021 Script for a Host/Emcee PDF

Title Commencement- Exercises-2021 Script for a Host/Emcee
Author Ramer Cardeño
Course Education
Institution Asia Pacific College
Pages 4
File Size 74.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 112
Total Views 156


Commencement- Exercises-2021 Script for a Host/Emcee. please enjoy the script for free....





Apl easantaf t er noont ooneandal l .I tgi vesusi mmensepl easur et owel comeyoual l t ot hegr aduat i oncer emony .

Thi si sa much awai t ed eventi n everyst udent ’ sl i f e,asi tgi vest her et ur nst ot he effor t sputi n byt hest udent st hr oughoutt hei racademi cendeavor .Saygoodbyet o t hecomf or t abl eandsecur el i f ewi t hi ncol l egewal l s.Getr eadyt omar cht ot hebeatof t hebusi nesswor l d.

Todayi st hedayf ul lofj oy ,t hedayaboutpr i deand accompl i shment ,t heday t hat event hi spandemi ccannotst opource l ebr at i on.

Ladi es and gent l emen,We l come t ot he 17TH Commencement Exer ci ses oft he


A.PROCESSI ONALMARCH Ever ybodyi sr equest ed t o pl easest and f ort he Pr ocessi onalMar ch!Aswewe l come t heCandi dat esf orGr aduat i on,Cl assof2021escor t edbyt hei rr espect i veMar shal s. St ar t i ngwi t h… t heHonorGr aduat es,wi t ht hei rChi efMar shal–Mr .___________. Fol l owedby… The Bachel or of El ement ary Educat i on ( BEED) wi t h t hei r Mar shal s, Mr . _________________ andMr ._________________


Tai l i ngnext … The Bachel or

of Secondary Educat i on ( BSED) escor t ed _________________,andMr ._________________ ,mar shal s.


Mr .

Ladi esandGent l emen,t hePr of essi onalEducat i on & Teachi ngPr ofici ency( PEPT) gr aduat i ng cl ass wi t h t hei r mar shal s, Mr . _________________ and Mr . _________________. And now,t he Pi l l ar s oft hi sI nst i t ut i on,t he ever vi br antand compe t entf acul t y member sof_________________…  _________________  ___ ________ _______ ____  _________________  _________________ –OI C,BSEdDep’ t .  _________________ –Chai r ,Engl i shDep’ t .  ___ ________ _______ ________  _________________ –St udent Teachi ngSupervi sori nSecondaryDepar t ment Ri ghtnextt ot hem,ar et hehar dwor ki ngandeffici entmember soft heAdmi ni st r at i on Depar t ment …

_________________,Vi cePr esi dentf orAdmi ni st r at i on


  

_________________,SchoolRegi st r ar _________________,OI C,Pr of essi onalEducat i on

_ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _

   

_________________Dean,Col l egeofEducat i on, _________________,Vi cePr esi dentf orSoci alSer vi ces, _________________,Vi cePr esi dentf orResear ch,Eval uat i on& Gui dance _________________,Vi cePr esi dentf orAcademi cAffai r s,

___ ________ _______ ________ ________ ___

And now, t he mar chi ng of our Guest Speaker f or t hi sj oyous event , Hon. _________________ accompani ed by our bel ov ed Pr esi dent /CEO of _________________,Dr ._________________.Ladi esand gent l emen,l etusal lgi ve t hem at hunder i ngr oundofappl ause!

B.ENTRANCE OFCOLORS Att hi spoi nt ,everyonei sr equest ed t ost and t opayr espectand honort oourflags. Ladi esandgent l emen,behol dt heent r anceofcol or s. Pl ease r emai n st andi ng and putourr i ghthand overourhear tf ort he si ngi ng of Nat i onalAnt hem t obel edbyMr s._________________. ThankyouMadam,YouMaynow beseat ed. Tal entand ski l l s ar et he cr ops t hatar e nur t ur ed,gr oomed and gi ven al lpossi bl e oppor t uni t i est ogr ow andbl oom.Gr aduat i on dayi st hec el ebr at i on oft heharvestoft hi s cr op.

C.PRESENTATI ON andCONFI RMATI ON OFGRADUATES At t hi sj unct ur e, May I cal l on Dr . _________________– Dean, Col l ege of Educat i on, Mr s. _________________– OI C, BSED Depar t ment , and Dr . _________________– OI C, Pr of . Ed. Depar t ment t o pr esent t he candi dat es f or gr aduat i on,and t he confir mat i on ofgr aduat es wi l lbe pr ocl ai med by our v er y own Pr esi dent /CEO of_________________,Dr ._________________ .


Ladi esandgent l emen,ar oundofappl auset oourgr aduat esofbat ch2021!

D.PRESENTATI ON OF AWARDSTO OUTSTANDI NG GRADUATES Andnow,wear eal sogat her edt opayr ecogni t i ont ot heoneswhohavedoneverywe l l and have been much per sever ant al lt hr oughout t hei r st udi es. May I cal lon t he Pr esi dent /CEO t ogi vet heawar dt oourout st andi nggr aduat esassi st edbyt hei rpar ent s.

D.DI STRI BUTI ON OFDI PLOMAS Movi ng on!Themostawai t ed moment–t hef r ui tofhar d wor k and di sci pl i newi l l final l ybeear ned. To cal lt he names oft he gr aduat es may I r eques t our Col l ege Regi st r ar , Mr s. _________________.Fort hei mposi t i on ofhoods,l etuscal lon t heVi c ePr esi dentf or Soc i alSer vi c esDr ._________________ t obeassi st ed byt hepar ent soft hegr aduat e. To offici at et he di st r i but i on ofdi pl omas,may we al so r equestourVi c e Pr esi dentf or

Ac ademi c

Affai r s,

Mr s.


assi st ed


t he

Mr ....

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