Commercial Review Paper PDF

Title Commercial Review Paper
Author SeekNDstroy555 .
Course English Composition 1
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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Commercial Review Paper for Eng-105...


1 Noah Sheftal Eng-105 11 March 2020 Dr. Santos Doritos Dance Off: Commercial Review Picture this, you’re at home watching the Super Bowl with your friends. All of a sudden, the most overplayed song of 2019 starts blasting through your television. Lil Nas X is riding a horse in a place called Cool Ranch. He tips his hat to Billy Ray Cyrus, and then Lil Nas X and Sam Elliot have a dance off with the song, Old Town Road playing in the background. You and you’re friends are looking at each other very weirdly because of the bizarre scene happening on the television. Now you’re all stuck listening to a song you hate, while having no clue what kind of commercial it is you’re watching. Based on the evaluation of this commercials lack of branding, plot, and cast, the Dorito’s Superbowl commercial should be taken off the air. The branding in the Doritos commercial is ineffective because the product is rarely displayed throughout the commercial and doesn’t catch the audiences attention. Branding is a signinfcant factor in commercials because it keeps the audience interested and shows what the product has to offer. Branding is important because “the most successful campaigns were those that made a claim about something unique offered by the advertised product” (Taylor, Wilson, & Miracle, 1994, p. 31). A bag of Doritos is only shown three times throughout the minute and thirty seconds its on air, which is not enough times to allow the audience to remember it with everything else going on. In the beginning of the commercial it shows Lil Nas X riding in on his horse under a sign that states, “Cool Ranch” (Doritos, 2020). It was a very subtle addition to bring attention to Doritos that most audience members won’t notice because it is before Doritors

2 are introduced. The focus is continually taken off of Doritos and onto the dance battle the celebrities are having in the commercial. It would be beneficial to add more ways to engage the product with the audience. The plot in the Doritos commercial is ineffective because it barely promotes the product and steers the auduence’s attention onto other things. A plot is important to the commercial because it adds a storyline to help entertain the audience while following along with the advertisement. According to Stern (1994) “these claims are relevant to plots only, for they require the audience to comprehend both a chain of events (linearity) and a causal link between product and change (causality)” (p. 604). Effective plots help audience members remember the the commercial and the product it is trying to advertise. The Doritos commercials plot is easy to follow along, but does not add much value in advertising the product. It starts with Lil Nas X riding his horse into a ranch and then running into Sam Elliot. Then they start to have a dance battle, and end the commercial with Lil Nas X riding away eating Doritos (Doritos, 2020). Sam Elliot says, “New Doritos Cool Ranch just got cooler,” which is the only time the product gets mentioned. Right when Doritos gets the audience’s attention, they switch the commercial back to Billy Ray Cyrus. The commercial is a series of the product getting a second of attention, and then it going back to something else. Unfortunately, when commercials use popular celebrities to endorse their brand, the focus then becomes taken off of the product to that celebrity rather than vice-versa. According to Chaubey, Subramanian, and Saini (2009) “The goal is to give those products credibility. The hope is that people will imitate the celebrity by purchasing the product” (p. 10). The majority of the commercial is Lil Nas X and Sam Elliot having a dance off to the song Old Town Road. This could be very entertaining and comedic to the audience, but could also take the spotlight off of

3 Dortitos and make it more about the celebrities. Members of the audience who are fans of these celebrities will enjoy it, but for the audience members that do not know or like the celebrities could be annoyed of how much attention the commercial gives them. At the end of the commercial it shows Lil Nas X eating Doritos which is good because people might want to mimic him and eat Doritos as well (Doritos, 2020). When using a celebrity there should be more caution because it could end up being very uneffective. The product should always be the spotlight of the commercial and the celebrity should only be there to promote the product. Conclusively, the Doritos 2020 Super Bowl commercial was very ineffective in persuading viewers to be interested in buying Doritos. Since the commercial shines toom large of a spotlight on the various celebrities, the audience could eaily miss the purpose of the advertisement. Overall, the should be taken off the air because its lacks qualities in all of the criterion. The commercial has failed to persuade viewers to want to buy Doritos. If this commercial is not taken off the air, viewers will eventually get sick of this commercial and steer away from the Doritos brand completely.

4 References Chaubey, D. S., Subramanian, K. R., & Saini, S. S. (2013). Consumer behavior towards celebrity endorsement of products and services. CLEAR International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 4(6), 10-16. Retrieved from url= direct=true&db=bth&AN=119727947&site=eds-live&scope=site Doritos. (2020, February 2). Doritos® | The Cool Ranch Long Form feat. Lil Nas X and Sam Elliott. Ad [Video file]. Retrieved from Stern, B. B. (1994). Classical and vignette television advertising dramas: Structural models, formal analysis, and consumer effects. Journal or Consumer Research. 20(4), 601-615. Retrieved from url= direct=true&db=bth&AN=9409162883&site=eds-live&scope=site Taylor, C. R., Wilson, R. D., & Miracle, G. E. (1994). The impact of brand differentiating messages on the effectiveness of Korean advertising. Journal of International Marketing, 2(4), 31-52. Retrieved from url= direct=true&db=bth&AN=4452642&site=eds-live&scope=site...

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