Communication Processes, Principles AND Ethics PDF

Title Communication Processes, Principles AND Ethics
Course Purposive Communication
Institution Our Lady of Fatima University
Pages 9
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● It is the sender’s job to CONCEPTUALIZE (form a concept of idea). 2. MEDIUM (message)

The Nature of Communication ● The medium is the ● Communication is derived from the

immediate form which a

Latin word “common” which means,

message takes. For example,

“belonging to many” and

a message may be

“communico” means to confer with

communicated in the form of

others. It is the mutual exchange of

a letter, an email or face to

information, ideas, and

face in the form of a speech

understanding by any effective means.

● Medium is also known as the MESSAGE.

● In other words, communication is a process by which people send


messages or exchange ideas or thoughts with one another in a verbal or non-verbal manner.

● The channel is responsible for the delivery of the chosen message form.

● Communication is the interaction of words from a society and thus gives

For example: post office, internet, television and radio

pleasure and an increased understanding of life. ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION

4. RECEIVER (decoder/listener) ● The receiver or the decoder is responsible for

1. SENDER (encoder)

extracting/decoding meaning from the message.

● The sender also known as the encoder decides on the

● The receiver is also

message to be sent and the

responsible for providing

best/most effective way that

feedback to the sender.

it can be sent.

● It is his/her job to INTERPRET.

Examples of physical noise: ● Loud party at the neighbors while you’re trying to record.

5. FEEDBACK (response)

● Irritating hum of your computer, air conditioner, or

● This is important as it

electric fan.

determines whether or not the decoder grasped the

Physiological noise is created by

intended meaning and

barriers within the sender or

whether the communication


was successful 6. CONTEXT

● Examples of physiological noise on the encoder’s side

● The context of any

are: articulation problems,

communication act is the

mumbling, talking too fast,

environment surrounding it.

talking too slow, forgetting to pause, and forgetting to

● It is also known as the


setting of the communication.

● An example of physiological noise on the listener’s side:

7. NOISE (also called interference)

hearing problems. Maybe the listener can’t hear high tones

● This is the factor that inhibits

as clearly as they used to.

the conveyance of a

For some, low tones are the


problem. Their difficulty in literally hearing words and

● Noise is anything that interferes with

sounds becomes physiological noise.

communication. Psychological noise is mental Physical noise is interference that is

interference in the speaker or

external to both speaker and


listener; it hampers the physical transmission of the signal or message.

● Wandering thoughts, preconceived ideas, and sarcasm can be a kind of

psychological noise. Semantic noise is interference created when the speaker and listener have different meaning systems. The communication process is dynamic, continuous, irreversible, and contextual. It is not possible to participate in any element of the process without acknowledging the existence and functioning of the other elements.


meaningful only to others when you initiate communication with them. 4. Communication is active, powerful, or

1. Communication is Schemata-driven


It begins with your self, you begin

Communication is said to be active

with what you have already stocked

because messages have varied

in your brain or with what you have

effects on all participants in any

already known or understood about

communicative event. It engages

the subject matter of the

speakers and listeners inaction of

communicative act. Transmitted

giving and receiving information.

messages become understandable or meaningful because of your

Communication is powerful and

background knowledge about the

forceful for it elicits different


meanings or reactions; these messages are prone to changes.

2. Communication is an Interpretive Act

Subjected to the changeable and continued existence of the world,

The only person who knows the

communication is dynamic ( a

exact or full meaning of the message

process or system characterized by

transmitted is the sender or speaker.

constant change) as life that goes on

Being the creator or source of the

and on like a river. nothing remains

ideas, he has the absolute

permanent or fixed in the world of

knowledge about his message.


It was called interpretive act

5. Communication is symbolic

because the role of the receiver or the listener is just to interpret, infer,

Symbols, signs, or marks like letters,

or guess the meaning of things

words, sentences, graphs, pictures,

appealing to his sense of hearing.

and other concrete objects represent or stand for ideas that you intend to

3. Communication does not guarantee a

convey verbally.

direct or automatic link between two minds

For non-verbal communication, you resort bodily actions (gestures, eye

movements, posture, facial

9. Communication is developmental or

expressions) voice quality, space


and time elements to stand for the ideas you want to express.

To communicate ideas to go through the different stages of language learning that begins from birth to elementary, high school and college levels. it is not a one-time learning towards communicative

6. Communication always results in


something 10. Communication is a progress It refers to two or more persons participate in any communicative

Several stages of communication

act. The first expresses or sends a

take place when people exchange or

message; the second responds or

share ideas with one another. Each

reacts to the message.

stage involves elements with different functions.

7. Communication is irreversible 11. Communication is ethical You are free to talk to about anything under the sun. but once

Any communication event is

you utter something, the things you

expected to apply rules, moral

have said remain as it is susceptible

values, and beliefs agreed upon by

to different interpretations or

societal members. Guided by these


standards determined by the cultural group you belong to, your

8. Communication is contextual

community communication becomes ethical, good or desirable.

An exchange of views, ideas, or feelings doesn't only involve the

12. Communication is influenced by media

sender and receiver, but also other

and technology

aspects of the communication setting like type, place, topic,

Now, you are in the era of

occasion, purpose, and manner of

knowledge explosion or modern


technology. This period is characterized by an instant global

exchange of knowledge, services and technology. using modern electronic communication devices, an exchange of ideas occurs just in seconds or minutes regardless of the distance between or among the participants. With the speedy turn out of varied modern media and devices of communication like the email, cellphone, webcam, internet and other computer-run gadgets find interaction with anyone in any corner of the world easily and quickly.


the “palm up” gestures that signals a person would like something or needs help (Martin & Nakayama, 2010). Smiling is also a universal

Verbal Language

non-verbal behavior, but the triggers that lead a person to smile vary from

Verbal language consists of symbols

culture to culture. The expansion of

such as letters, words, and other

media, particularly from the United

marks that you need to subject to

States and other Western countries

language or grammar rules for a

around the world, is leading to more

coherent or organized means of

nonverbal similarities among

understanding or expressing ideas.

cultures, but the biggest cultural

this verbal or spoken language

difference in nonverbal

becomes a written language once

communication occur within the

you put on paper or any surface the

categories of eye contact, touch,

marks or prints symbolizing or

and personal space (Pease & Pease,

representing the ideas you intend to

2004). Nonverbal communication

convey or have spoken to others.

like other forms of communication is influenced by context and varies

Verbal symbols refer to the use of

among individuals within a

speaker language (Antonio,, p.

particular cultural group as well.

30) The idea you want to convey Non-verbal Language

through this non-verbal communication are symbolized or

As with other aspects of

represented, not by words but by

communication, norms for non-

the following nonverbal non-verbal

verbal communication vary from

language symbols:

country to country and also among cultures within a particular country.

1. Body Movements

Some non-verbal communication

Also known as body kinetics.

behaviors appear to be somewhat innate because they are universally

Big and small movements of your body like

recognized. Such universal signals

gestures, facial expressions, posture, and

are the “eyebrow flash” of

eye behavior expresses meanings.

recognition when we see someone

Kinesics derived from the Greek term

3. Time

“kinesis” meaning “motion” which refers to

There are two kinds of people based on

the study of body movements.

time; punctual and late

2. Paralanguage

Your willingness, hesitance, or

Refers to the ways of saying something

hatred to wait for a long time speaks of your trait of patience or

These are extra sounds that go with

impatience. Likewise, this reflects

your spoken words and a study of these

your manner of valuing your

special sounds accompanying your words is

relationship with the object of your

called Paralinguistic.

waiting. Your trait of optimism is also proven by your fondness of

Examples of paralanguage are the

talking about your goals, dreams, or


plans for the future. Chronemics is the term that refers to your act of

a) Speaking voice produced by your voice’s

studying the impact or effect of time on your behavior.

❏ highness and lowness (Pitch) ❏ loudness or softness (Volume) ❏ speediness and slowness (Duration/Rate)

4. Proxemics It concerns the way a person uses the space around him as well as the distance where he stands.

❏ rising and falling (Intonation) ❏ Pleasing or unpleasing

a. Intimate distance

sound - shrillnes, huskiness,

In this situation, people are in

breathiness, mellowness, etc.

direct contact with each


other or are in no more than 18 inches apart as in mother

b) Vocalization or voice’s special usage

and child.

like crying, giggling, moaning, growling, yawning, sighing and groaning.

b. Personal distance People may stay anywhere from 18 inches to 4 feet


vocal pauses or boosters like

from each other as in casual

and personal conversations.

ny others.

This distance is close enough to see each other’s reactions

but fair enough not to

represented by dressing styles, body

encroach on the person’s

types, body appearances like size or

intimate distance.

shape, architectural designs or structures, art objects, graphic

c. Social distance

materials, lightning effects, aromatic

When talking to persons

or smelly objects, and other

unknown to the speaker, he

environmental factors that influence

must keep a distance of 4 to

or affect any communicative event.

12 feet. Mostly done in impersonal business and social gatherings or interviews which is expected to be more formal. d. Public distance It is the distance of more than 12 feet typically used in public speaking. There is a need for the speaker to speak loudly and to use exaggerated gestures for the audience to understand what he is trying to convey. Furthermore, there is a necessity for the availability of gadgets to aid in the sound projection. Haptics is the term used to refer to your acts of studying the effects of your touch on people 5. Physical Appearance and Object Language Meanings in this kind of non-verbal language, are symbolized or...

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