Communication studies IA DOCX

Title Communication studies IA
Author Alan Rambharose
Pages 8
File Size 25.6 KB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 176
Total Views 226


Introduction Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect. Being a science oriented student and having the experienced first-hand of the effects of Global Warming I feel an obligation to share information ...


Introduction Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere generally atributed to the greenhouse efectt eing a science oriented student and having the experienced frst-hand of the efects of Global Warming I feel an obligaton to share informaton about the topict Global Warming has afected the natural climate of the Caribbean, fipping seasons and atributng to the unpredictable state of the eeathert aaving a personal connecton eith farming, the efects it has on agriculture is notceablet As a student also doing Environmental Sciences this is a major concern academicallyt Future endeavours in the farming industry eill be greatly afected by the drastc climate changes; causing a shortage in food for the overall naton and Caribbeant Researching the reasons for Global Warming can give us an insight on hoe to prevent any further increase of the Earth's atmospheric temperaturet My reasons for choosing this topic are not only, the personal efect it has on me but that it efects on a global scalet oot only afectng agriculture but also mankiind and other living organisms and the existence of Earth as a eholet Global Warming is a eell sought afer topic, alloeing an abundance of informaton and facts to be at my disposalt...

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