Company report part 1 PDF

Title Company report part 1
Course Managing Human Resources
Institution University of Wollongong
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Human resources management, company report part 1, interview questions managing the human resources...


Final report about recruitment and selection system in Apple’s Singapore MGMT 206 Zhang Yijing G1372768L

Content 1. Executive Summary------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2. Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 3. Description of the company's HR policies and practices--------------------------------------------------3 3.1 Specialized human resources and systems - Apple's use of professional human resources management system iHR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 3.2 Emphasize culture----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 3.3. People-orientation management------------------------------------------------------------------------3-4 3.3.1. Set Employee Help Center based on people--------------------------------------------------------3 3.3.2. Specialized employees innovation system----------------------------------------------------------4 3.3.3. “Friendship management”------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 4.Analysis of HR policies and practices------------------------------------------------------------------------4-6 4.1. Recruitment method----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 4.2 Recruitment policy--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 4.3 selection process----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 4.4 selection policy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 5.Conclusion and Recommendations-----------------------------------------------------------------------------6 6.List of References--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7. Appendix-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

1. Executive Summary Nowadays, company competition is more and more fierce, Human resource becomes a valuable source in company. Qualitative employees’ responsibility is not only just do well their job, the more important is to promote the development of company. Therefore, it’s necessary to learn how to recruitment and select qualitative employees. In recent years, a rapid development happened in Apple Inc. For that, many people feel amazing how talented employees in Apple! So, based on preliminary report, I conducted my interview about recruitment and selection system of Apple Inc. The interview was conducted on 27th February. Before that, I send the “consent for participation” to interviewee by email on 25th February. On next day, I received their responses, they agreed give me few minutes to ask questions. According to their responses, I found that Apple is very serious about employing compare to other tech company under the influence of Steve Jobs. The recruitment channels generally used in Apple are combine internet and external methods, its depends on the position recruited and selection are complex and varied, it depends on the departments. For different positions, the criterion of recruitment and selection are different. For select policy, Apple always hire the competent and intelligent people although they are imperfect. Generally, recruitment and selection system in Apply is rigorous and perfect, follow the system they can hire more talent to promote company’s development and add company’s value. 2. Introduction A large number of people are eager to work for Apple because of its work environment and the well-being it offer to employee. According to my research, Apple offers equal opportunity to their employer that is committed to inclusion and diversity. It also takes affirmative action to offer employment and advancement opportunities to all applicants. Apple is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to applicants with physical and mental disabilities. And Apple is a drug-free workplace. Therefore, in this report, I am going to present some research results and provide a in-deep understanding based on literature review and the responses from the two interviewees. Combine the study of HR policy and the resources from the two interviewees responses, next section will be described Apple’s HR policies and practices related to Stone(2013) in detail. After that, there will cover a analysis of Apple’s HR policies and practices. In this section, it would be divided into four points to explain. Which two are about recruitment system and other two regard to selection system, concretely speaking, there are recruitment method, recruitment policy, selection process and selection policy. These four issues are the most valuable topics to discuss about Apple’s HR policies and practices. Thought the representation of this four issues, the Apple’s HR policies and practices would be realized fully. At the end will summary the report and give recommendations according Apple’s key challenge. 3. Description of the Apple's HR policies and practices Definition of HR policy: Human resource policies are rule and procedure that related to human resource acquirement, development, maintain and use in order to achieve company’s goal. As a leading company in computer and electronics industry all over the world. A large number of

firms release similar products and solutions in the market, which is a challenge for Apple.Inc to maintain and improve it position in market. Under the situation, human resources play an important role in remaining competitive. To achieve this aim, there are generally a organized and strategic HR policy is established by Apple. Inc. In early Jobs time, Jobs put a lot of energy on seeking excellent talents and stimulating their innovations, maximize mobilize employees’ enthusiasm and creativity. At the same time, Apple.Inc try to make a relax and freedom work environment for employees. Steve Jobs has always been convinced that work can inspire employees potential, while he had to do is make the work looks nice in order to motivate employees competent maximum. In Jobs’s opinion, talent is ranked first position in company development plan. Until now, this perspective is still inherited by Apple’s manager. Apple is a company that make much account of company’s culture, the most human resource policies setting are followed by Steve Jobs. Here are some key points I process a description below. 3.1 Specialized human resources and systems - Apple's use of professional human resources management system iHR iHR human resource management system is a the new human resources management system model based on advanced software system and high-speed, large-capacity hardware. It though centralized repository of core personnel, automated information processing, employee selfservice desktop, internal and external business collaborations and sharing of information, so as to achieve that reducing management costs, improving management efficiency, improving employee service mode as well as enhancing the strategic position of the organization talent management and other goals. Implementation of differentiation strategies, in particular the need for innovative talents. To this end, Apple is unique in building human resources, effort to build a iHR human resources management system. 3.2.Emphasize culture Apple provides a open recruitment system all over the world in order to seek more qualitative talents. In Apple’s recruitment and selection policy, there is a key factor would be considered, that is the degree of fusion with company culture. In the other words, Apple HR must consider that “does the application approve our company?”, there the approval is not just for company product, but also approve of the company whole style and culture mission. Because such the expertise and operational capacity that can be trained things are able to learn anywhere, while only the people who really identify with the company culture would stay long time in the company. Thus, the application’s understanding of corporate culture Ideas was valued by apple managers. 3.3. People-orientation management 3.3.1. Set Employee Help Center based on people Apple.Inc has set up special centers to help employees to daily learning and consult issues. Staffs can fall back on Employee Help Center any time by iPod, iPhone, iPad if they encountered any problem at work or study. After receiving signal for help, Employee Help Center will make timely answer in patience until the questioner is satisfied the response. This policy bring a great convenience for employees in their learning, work and life.

3.3.2. Specialized employees innovation system To produce the most innovative products, it is required the most creative employees, Apple created the "Apple Fellow Program" to motivate employees bold innovation. "Apple Fellow" is the highest honor awarded to electronic scientists, who are the employees make outstanding contributions to company. "Apple Fellow" is not just an honor, but also means that a large number of high salaries and share options. Moreover, the "Apple Fellow" has the right to freedom of doing things, which means they can do anything they interested in. Through the implementation of "Apple Fellow program”, Apple. Inc supports a greater convenience to research and development personnel in their work and life. Because Apple believed that the key to Apple's future research and development of new products is stabilize those technicists’ heart, eliminate their idea of job-hopping. 3.3.3. “Friendship management” In addition to focusing on incentives than, Apple also emphasis on the communication within employees. In Apple, the purpose of management is not to manege, and there is no any hierarchy. Because Apple focus on close cooperation between employees, and it think that people communicate together will open the mind and it benefit to eliminate communication barriers with peers in internal Apple. 4.Analysis of HR policies and practice Based on the literature review and the date gained from interviews, next part will analyse four key issues from Apple’s recruitment method, recruitment policy, selection processes and selection policy. 4.1. Recruitment method According to two interviewees response and recruitment method theory, Apple.Inc prefers to recruiting employees by job promotion in a large recruitment, which is called internal resource methods. On a early study presented, around 80 per cent organisations considered to fill their vacancies via internal promotion. There are some reasons to support this result. (1) Organisation has more details information about candidates, it allow company processes a indeep evaluation on candidate’s strengths and weakness. (2). Candidates are more familiar with the organization, the process of understanding and adaptation will be greatly shortened and they can quickly into the role after they taking office. (3). Organisation can save a lot of time cost and capital on many selection steps. (4). Internal promotion can bring hope to every employee, enhance employee morale and motivation, improve work passion, mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, stimulate their ambition. As Apple such big company, although it tend to fill vacancies by internal promotion, but for research and development position, Apple always seek more qualitative talent overseas. This method is called external resource method. The key advantage is getting more chance to hire the talented employees to innovate more effective products. Because as a tech company, innovation ability is the most important skill to exist. The competitive market is in who can create new product efficiently. Thus, Apple needs more creative technicians to promote their product

development and the most suitable method to achieve that is external resources method. Under this method, the key channels Apple used are recommendation of headhunting company and web recruiting. The headhunting company is one of employee agencies that provides a consulting platform to senior level talent and companies. Different from normal employment agency, headhunter is more responsible. Like before headhunting company introduces application to Apple, the application must pass one to two interviews This greatly improves the quality of the candidate's, and satisfied Apple’s recruitment requirement. and as the two interviewees responses, web recruiting is the most effective external method approach to hire employees in Apple. It can target global or local pool of labour, short the times and comparatively low cost. 4.2. Recruitment policy Definition of EEO: Equal employment opportunity (EEO) legislation requires fair treatment for all members of the community and the elimination of discrimination. According to two interviewees responses, Apple is a equal employment opportunity company, there is equal and fair treatment of the Company's workforce and potential, regardless of gender, ethnicity, origin, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, marital status or any background which prohibited discrimination. Apple prohibit any discrimination and unfair treatment phenomenon within the company. When candidate worker is submitted the application for a vacancy, Apple recruitment can not discriminate unlawfully. While Apple Recruitment will ensure that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with the candidate's strength, qualifications and skills to perform the relevant duties required by the particular vacancy. Here is a news in 2013, the title is “ Apple CEO Tim Cook is a gay.” This is a best demonstration about Apple’s anti-discrimination policy. In 2014, Apple announced a set of new welfare, one of welfare is about women for extend pregnant maternity leave, it is described that pregnant women can leave up to four weeks in the prenatal and postnatal can leave 14 weeks. Thus it can be seen that Apple is fire and equal in human resource. Apple Recruitment will accordingly make career opportunities available to all people with disabilities, women, older employees, minorities and every practical effort will be made to provide for the needs of staff, candidates and clients. 4.3. Selection process There is not a invariable selection procedures in Apple employment, every department is individual and has different selection processes. Generally, in Apple selection process, candidates must experience at least 4 interviews before receiving the offer. There is a model of Apple selection processes: at first, candidates submit their application; then, HR department select some candidates and process a telephone interview; next are some onsite interviews following by hiring manager, peers, leader, top manager. During these interviews, there would be individual interviews or group interviews. Here individual interview means interview one by one. Only a candidate and interviewer in a limited space. In individual interview, the interviewer would ask you to introduce self and some random questions, the questions are mixed simple and difficult. The goal of simple question is aim to know more candidates’ basis characteristics. Further, the difficult question is to give candidates some cases to let them solve it immediately. This part is to test candidates’ ability to

solve problems and their reaction capacity. And group interview means divide whole candidates into few groups, then each group will be interviewed by one interviewer. In group interview, the interviewer would ask group to do a case study, sometimes will be required to do presentations to share ideas. This part can test the candidate’s cooperative spirit of group and show their presentation and speaking skills. The theme of Apple selection is to hire the best suitable employees. The selection process is very rigorous and complete in every step, it is benefit for company to achieve that hire the best employee in every position. Therefore, selection process plays an very important role in human resource in Apple. 4.4. Selection policy Selection decision must be consistent with company policy in order to achieve its human resource objective. As we know, Apple is a company that is emphasis on employee selection. According to literature review and the two interviewee responses, I found that apple are committed to hiring employees based on their intelligence, personality, talent and expertise. As a leading tech company, Apple needs smart and innovative employees to create more high technical products. Furthermore, a high IQ employee is able to learn quickly and are the best established predictor of job performance. In Apple, all employees must sign the contract about company’s secrecy system. Employees can not reveal any thing about work to anyone, including their lover, children, parents. For this reason, Apple must select creditable employees to avoid exposing of company. Thus, in selection process, HR manager must evaluate the candidates’ personality. A talent hired is not just do well their job, the more important thing is to help company to improve. And the expertise is an important characteristic in a tech company. In today’s market, a large of tech companies are established and the products and solutions are similar. Some companies even sale the product in imitation of other company. In order to maintain Apple’s position, Apple HR manager has to select people with expertise. The above four key job-related characteristics are conditions for to be Apple employee, whatever candidates are women, minorities, older employees or people with disabilities, there is a equal employment opportunity in Apple. 5. Conclusion and Recommendations Based on the description and analysis of human resource policy and practice, there is a deeply understanding in Apple human resource. Apple's human resources strategy is very closely connected with corporate culture. Employees are very respect Steve Jobs, the current human resource policy is following by Steve Jobs times. Steve Jobs appealed to develop a peopleorientation human resource policy. They are very fire and equal to treat anyone, treat peers as their families. Specially, Apple is a anti-description workplace and it always take care the weak people. Generally speaking, there is a wonderful human resource policy in Apple. However, none of the management system is truly perfect, Apple is no exception. In 2011, the death of Steve Jobs caused a sharply down in the share of Apple, this challenge has to let us process a reflection. From the point of view of human resource management, the company leading position is vital during the company development, but it can not rely solely on the leader. While from the point of view of Apple, Steve Jobs to be personally involved from product development and marketing recruitment extend to business strategic positioning. While if an

entrepreneur, whether strategic level or executory level, even to the operational level to be personally involved in the case, will undoubtedly weaken the subordinate management capabilities. Then once a situation occurs to leader , this company will be difficult to deal with the crisis. Therefore, every business should establish its own human resource risk control system, cultivate excellent management team. To rescue elite out from the daily business transactions of complex high-speed operation, let system management replace people management, so that outstanding management personnel, not only able to manage well the enterprise, but also manage their own health. 6.List of References Muscalu, E., 2015. Sources of Human Resources Recruitment Organization. Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre, 20, 3, pp. 351-358. Cooke, W, N. (Ed.). 2003. Multinational Companies and Global Human Resource Strategies. London: Greenwood Publishing Group. Stariņeca, O 2015, 'Employer Brand Role in HR Recruitment and Selection', Economics & Business, 27, pp. 58-63. Bhattacharyya DK. Human Resource Management. New Delhi: Excel Books, 2010. Burack EH. Human Resource Planning, 1980. Cappelli P. Making the most of Online Recruiting. Harvard Business Review 2001; 139-146. French GR. Recruitment and Selection. Managing and Developing ...

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