Comparative Essay PDF

Title Comparative Essay
Course English Composition — Stage I
Institution Concordia University
Pages 3
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Comparative Essay The Prince & Thomas Shelby In the twenty-first century, the word "machiavellian" is used to describe one who is cunning and deceitful. However, Niccolò Machiavelli's concept in the novel The Prince indicates personality ...


Comparative Essay ThePr i nce&ThomasShel by In the twenty-first century, the word "machiavellian" is used to describe one who is cunning and deceitful. However, Niccolò Machiavelli's concept in the novel The Prince indicates personality traits found common in the ultimate leader he named The Prince. Whether he is acquiring or maintaining power, by using tactics of manipulation, deception and exploitation to carry out his plans. It is the analysis of the cutthroat execution of political will while using the mentality that the end will justify the means. Comparably, many pop culture characters nowadays portray Machiavellian traits just as The Prince. In The Peaky Blinders the protagonist Thomas Shelby, is proven to posses many characteristics described in The Prince. Throughout the television series, Thomas grapples with learning and mastering tactics of maintaining power, the use of manipulation and bending the rules as well as the importance of his appearance towards others, demonstrating how truly Machiavellian he is. The story of Agothcoles, is an example in The Prince of a man who massacred 10,000 of his rivals with an army of ruthless mercenaries which resulted in him assuming and maintaining power of Syracuse, Sicily. "The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him" (Machiavelli Chpt.22) With the help of his army, it not only gained him land, but the fear and obedience of his citizens that set the tone for his ruling. "His being loved depends upon his subjects, while his being feared depends upon himself, a wise Prince should build on what is his own and not what rests with others" (Machiavelli 45) This is demonstrating that The Prince must be cunning, exemplified by always being ready for future threats by taking preemptive measures. However he must also be frightful in order to maintain control. "[…]be a fox to discern toils, and a lion to drive off wolves"(Machiavelli 46) By having his citizens simultaneously obey, fear and trust him as he protects them, they develop a sort of loyal relationship that allows a healthy living environment. Correspondingly, The Prince follows the rule that states, "A prince need not keep his word all the time." Therefore he can be a man of integrity although he must also know when to bend the rules to favour his agenda. "He ought not to quit good courses if he can help it, but should know how to follow evil courses if he must." (Machiavelli 46 )

Thomas Shelby is the head of a family of gangsters from Small Heath, Birmingham named The Peaky Blinders. He is the second oldest of three brothers (Arthur, Thomas and John) who had all just served in France during WW1. Thomas' family success is dependent on his wit and craftiness as he excels in dominating his competitors, his enemies and exploiting the

consumer industry. "I think Arthur. That's what I do. I think. So that you don't have to." (Episode 1) His army consists of strictly those he can trust such as his family along with soldiers who have served. By having such small numbers, the motivation to succeed and perform the cutthroat execution of dirty deeds when necessary is augmented. In order to maintain power, he manipulated his younger brother into marrying a rivals daughter in order to avoid war between the two bloods. "But if you marry her, our family, and the Lee family will be united forever. And this war will be over." (Episode 4) Upon returning from the war he opened up a parlour which served as an illegal betting shop for the horse-race, as the series progresses, Thomas leads their take over of Small Heath's business corporations as well as surrounding cities with use of manipulation, as well as deception. "I can charm dogs. Gypsy witchcraft. And those I can't charm, I can kill with my own hands." (Episode 2) An example would be when he turned on Billy Kimber, the biggest crime leader in the UK, once he received a legitimate betting license. Billy coincidentally had control of racecourses in Birmingham and London and not only did Thomas' army physically immobilize them, but they also destroyed their legitimate betting licenses.Thus leaving The Peaky Blinders to be the sole bookmakers in all of Birmingham. Thomas demonstrates these same cunning qualities for the longevity of the series, maintains power and dominates the business industry. Overall, Niccolò Machiavelli's, The Prince and The Peaky Blinders character Thomas Shelby share an exceeding number of similarities regarding their approach to leadership. Whether it be through fear, force or manipulation, the goal was to attain power, respect, and in turn obedience from the citizens. Thomas Shelby draws a perfect comparison to the Prince, highlighting the characteristics they share, which encompass what truly makes a Machiavellian leader.

Works Cited

"Episode 1" Peaky Blinders: Season 1. Writ. Steven Knight, Toby Finlay and Stephen Russell. Netflix 2013 "Episode 4" Peaky Blinders: Season 1 Writ. Steven Knight, Toby Finlay and Stephen Russell. Netflix 2013 "Episode 2" Peaky Blinders: Season 3. Writ. Steven Knight, Toby Finlay and Stephen Russell. Netflix 2013 Harley Therapy. What is Machiavellianism in Psychology? Harley Therapy 8 January 2015. Web. Machiavelli, Niccolò.The Prince: Dover Publications , 1992. Print. The Mojo Company. 8 Characteristics of a Machiavellian Leader. The Mojo Company 29 August 2013. Web.

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