Compare and contrast the methods used for public speaking and for theatrical performance PDF

Title Compare and contrast the methods used for public speaking and for theatrical performance
Author Eli Pa
Course Fundamentals Of Speech
Institution Borough of Manhattan Community College
Pages 4
File Size 32.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Compare and contrast the methods used for public speaking and for theatrical performance...


SPEECH100 Compar eandcont r astt hemet hodsusedf orpubl i cspeaki ngandf ort heat r i cal per f or mance

I fwet hi nkaboutt heat r i calper f or manceandpubl i cspeaki ng,wemaybel i evet hatt he t wo,ar edi ffer entki ndofper f or mance.Theat r i calper f or mancemost l yr equi r esagr oupof peopl eper f or mi ngt oget her ,uni t edbywor dsandact i ons,al ll i nkedt oget her .Publ i cs peaki ng i smost l yper f or medbyoneper son,butnotnecessar i l y ,andr equi r est heknowl edgei nt he t opi c .Buti fweass i stt obot haspeechandat heat r i calshow,wecanseet hatt het woar e qui t esi mi l arast heyar edi ffer ent . Thespeak erhasv ar i oust as kst oaccompl i s hbef or egi vi ngas peech.Fi r stofal lhe/ she needst oknow hi s/ heraudi ence;knowi ngt heaudi encewi l lhel pt hespeak erf ocusont he l anguage t o be used,t hatwi l lbe di ffer entf r om aspeec ht o some k i ds,t oa speech f or bus i nesspeopl e.Thespeak erneedst oknowi ft heaudi encei sexper i encedwi t ht het opi ct hat wi l lbe t al k edabout ,ori ft heyar enew t oi t ;t hatwi l lputt he s peak eri nt he condi t i onof knowi ngt heamountofr esear c heshe/ shewi l lneedt odo.Resear chesar ev er yi mpor t ant whi l ebui l di ngaspeech,t heynotonl yr equi r eknowl edge,butal sos ki l l sandexper i ence.I ti s besti ft hes peak ers peaksnat ur al l y ,wi t houtr esembl i ngsomebodyt hatj ustst udi edhi s/ her

s peechandl ooksl i k ehe/ shei sr eadi ngt ot heaudi ence.Thi swi l lmak ei tdi ffic ul tnotonl yf or t heaudi encet hatwi l lnotf ol l ow t het opi casi tshoul d,butal sof ort hequest i onst hatmost peopl ewi l lhav eatt heendoft hespeech.Knowi ngt het opi cal l owst hespeak ert ok now t he ans wer st oanypossi bl equest i ont hatmi ghtcome.Quest i onsof t encomeatt heendofa s peech,andbecauseoft hi s ,t hes peak erneedst ot i mehi msel f / her s el fpr evi ousl yi nor dert o fi ti nt heamountoft i megi v en.Ner vousnessc anbeabi gdeali nt hes peak er ’ sr ol e.I nor der t ocal m down,t hespeak erc oul ddr i nksomewat erorwar m bev er ages,andmor ei mpor t ant j ustconcent r at eont hespeechandonhi s/ herendofspeec h,i nor dert ost aycal m andj ustgo wi t hi t .Thespeak erfinal l yhast omak eey econt actwi t hhi s / heraudi ence. Si mi l ar i t i est ot hes peechar ef oundi nat heat r i calper f or mance.Notev er ybodyi sgi f t ed wi t ht heabi l i t yt oper f or mi nat heat r e,butev er ybodycoul ddoi t .Ther ear edi ffer entr ol esi na t heat r i calper f or mance,suchast henar r at or ,whower ar el ysee,andmostoft het i me,r eads. Thenar r at or ,of t enav oi cet hatt heaudi encehear st hr oughoutt her oom,hasnott hesame ner v ous nesst hatact or sc anhave,buti t ’ st her e.Thenar r at orneedst obepr epar edf orwhat he/ shei sgoi ngt or ead.I t ’ ski ndofl i k ewhent hepr of ess orask st hes t udentt or eadal oudi n f r ontoft hecl assandt hest udenti saf r ai dt omak emi st ak eswhi l er eadi ng.Thenar r at orneeds t omemor i z et hel ect ur ei nor dert omak easl i t t l emi st ak esaspossi bl e.Thi si seas i es twhen t henar r at ori snotvi si bl e,whi chmeanshe/ s hei smor er el ax edanddoesnothav eal lt heey es onhi m/ her .Ac t or s,ar eanot hert hi ng.Li k ei npubl i cspeaki ng,t heyhav eanaudi ence,an audi encet heyneedt oent er t ai nandpl ease.Thei ract i ngi svi t alf ort hei rpl ayandf ort he peopl es' i nt er est .Anot hersi mi l ar i t yi st hepr epar at i onf ort hepl ay ,donei nadi ffer entwayasi t i si npubl i cspeaki ng,butdoneal t oget her .Act or sneedday sandday sofpr act i cei nor dert o r ememberasbestasposs i bl et het hi ngst heyar egoi ngt osay .

Bot ht hespeak erandt het heat r i calper f or merneedt odel i v ersomet hi ngt osomeone. Thei rwor ds and t hei ract i ngs t ot he audi ence.And t hi si s commonl y bel i ev ed t o be t o memor i z ewhatonei sgoi ngt osayt ot heaudi enceandf ami l i ar i z ewi t ht hespeech,ort he wor dsusedi nt henot esf ort hespeechi t sel f .Del i v er i ngi sv er yi mpor t anti ft het heat r i cal per f or merort hespeak erwant st osucceed.Ofcour sewewantt heaudi encet ounder st and whati sbei ngsai dandf ol l ow t hear gument ,t het opi c,ort heact .Bot hapubl i cspeakanda t heat r i calper f or mance ar ev er yi nt er est i ng per f or mances t o at t end t o,and bot h oft hem r equi r eknowl edge,butmostofal l ,ex per i encei nor dert obeper f or med.Themor es omeone t r i es,t hemor et hatsomeonewi l ll ear nf r om mi st akesandexpandsexper i enceandski l l s . Mor econt r ast sar ef ound,howev erbet weenpubl i cspeaki ngandt heat r i calper f or mance. I nt heat r i calper f or mance,t heact or sdonotnecessar i l yneedt omak eaney econt actwi t ht he audi ence.Foral lt hatmat t er s ,t heycoul dper f ect l ypr et endt heyar et heonl yonepr esenti n t her oom,andest r anget heaudi encei nor dert oper f or m bet t er .Theydonotneedt omak e r esear ches on whatcoul d be ofi nt er estt ot he audi ence,butt hei rt ask i s mor e about memor i z i ngt hei rpl ayandactdur i ngt hei rper f or mance.I ft heyf or getsomet hi ng,notbei ng abl et or eadnot es ,t heycoul di mpr ovi sebecauset heyknow t hest or yanddonotneedt o r ememberex act l yev er ywor d.Ev ent hought heyar e ner v ous,t heycoul dc oncent r at et he s ameener gyi nt hei rpl ay ,asmostoft hem dance,si ng,andconst ant l ymov e. Thet heat r i calper f or mer s,won’ tr ecei v eanyquest i ons,butt heycoul ddi r ectt hei rat t ent i ont o t heaudi ence,mostofal l ,i fi t ’ sasmal lgr oup,andl ett hem par t i c i pat ebr i ngi ngt hem i nt he pl ayt hemsel v es ,oraski ngopi ni onsaboutanot herchar act eri nt hepl ay .Thi si sagr eatwayof i nt er act i onswi t ht heaudi ence,t hatwi l lwi nov ert heaudi encei t s el f .Bei ngi napl ayi sauni que exper i ence,butbei ngconsi der edi napl ay ?Ev enbet t er .

Themosti mpor t antpar toft hepl ayi t sel f ,i smak esur et hatev er ybodyi sont hesamepage. The audi ence does notl i k et o see act or st hatar e conf used ort hatwantt o getal lt he at t ent i ons .Theact or sneedcooper at i onandcol l abor at i on.I ti sacombi nat i onofwor kgr oup asi ti sani mpr ov ementononesel f . Publ i cspeaki ngandt heat r i calper f or manceuse,ofcour s edi ffer entmet hodsf r om one anot her ,buti ti si mpr essi v et os eehowt wocompl et el yorbet t erseemi ngl ycompl et el y di ffer entper f or mancecanhav es omuchi ncommon....

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