Compressed-Curriculum-Guide-in-Understanding-Culture-UCSP-final PDF

Title Compressed-Curriculum-Guide-in-Understanding-Culture-UCSP-final
Author Elma Quisel
Course theories of crime causation
Institution Western Mindanao State University
Pages 20
File Size 807.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 631
Total Views 980


FIRST QUARTERCompressed Curriculum Guide in Understanding Culture, Society and PoliticsDay Essential LearningCompetenciesTeaching and Learning HowVery brief description of Activities, Approaches/ Strategiesto be usedRef Expected Performances/Performance/Written OutputsAssessment,Strategies andSchedu...


FIRST QUARTER Compressed Curriculum Guide in Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Day

Week 1

Essential Learning Competencies

Teaching and Learning How Very brief description of Activities, Approaches/ Strategies to be used


Expected Performances/ Performance/Written Outputs

Assessment, Strategies and Schedule

A. Starting points for the understanding of culture, society, and politics

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 1. human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities Day 1

1.1. articulate observations on human cultural variation

School based: Hello, love ,goodbye challenge

Articulate observations on human cultural variation presenting hello, love and goodbye in 3 different ways.

Socratic Seminars

Class discussions about observations on human cultural variations

Home Based:

articulate observations on human cultural variation by making your own literary work such as poem, essay, song composition, short story, speeches and etc inspired by this quotation

Mystery quotation

““We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. We all share the same basic values.”Kofi Annan FORMER SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS”

https://www.slideshare. net/LexterIvanCortez/an thropology-sociologyand-political-science

Make one literary work that articulating cultural variation inspired by Kof Annan’s quote

Creative group presentation about cultural differences through different ways of articulating hello, love and goodbye.

Performance -based task

Articulating observations on human cultural variation through responding to questions

Performance-based task

Make one literary work that articulating cultural variation inspired by Kof Annan’s quote



School based: Day 2

1.2. articulate observations on, social differences and social change

Write down the most striking lines or actions during the presentation and discussion that articulate observations on social differences and social change.

Write down what a student says, thinks, does and feels after the presentation and discussion.

Group Discussion

Group presentation

Presentation of output

Performance based task

Home Based: Real-time reactions

Articulate observations regarding social differences especially gender and social change by doing a reaction paper about this article

Make a reaction paper and articulate observations regarding social differences and social change

Written Output

Empathy mapping

Day 3

1.3. articulate observations on political identities

Wisdom from another

After a creative activity, call for volunteers who found others work to be interesting or exemplary who articulate observations on political identities

Misconception check

Checking misconceptions through answering questions



Articulate/express the message of other group performance that showcase political identities in the Philippines

Short quiz

Written Output

Performance -based task

Written Output

Home Based: Product Brace map graphic organizer

Read the article and articulate your observations on political identities presented by the writer using brace map graphic organizer. Make a conclusion whether you agree or disagree on the writer and justify


Make a brace map graphic organizer regarding political identities being mentioned in the article and articulate your observation whether you agree or disagree.


Essential Learning Competencies

Teaching and Learning How Very brief description of Activities, Approaches/ Strategies to be used


Expected Performances/ Performance/Written Outputs

Assessment, Strategies and Schedule


Week 2 and 3

A.Starting points for the understanding of culture, society, and politics

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 2. the signifcance of studying culture, society, and politics 2.1 analyze social, and cultural change

Day 1

School-based New Normal Scenes

Analyze social and cultural change amidst Covid 19 through role playing

https://www.yout v=1WlFzBhzGzg

Group Presentation

Analyze social and cultural change amidst Covid 19 through role playing Performance-based task Presentation of output

Group Discussion Performance-based task Home-based Analogy Organizer

Day 2

2.2 Analyze political change

School-based Buzz Session

Analyze social, and cultural change and make an analogy organizer that shows society and culture past and present.

Participants come together in session groups and analyze how Covid 19 pandemic change our society and politics. Make a resolution that could help the society.

Group Discussion Group Presentation Home-based Analyze the scene


Essential Learning Competencies

Watch the movie entitled contagion. Choose a scene and analyze how it changes the politics and how it affects the society.

Teaching and Learning How Very brief description of Activities, Approaches/ Strategies to be used

https://www.youtu v=1WlFzBhzGzg

Make an analogy organizer that shows society and culture before and present


https://web.facebo ctivaplus/videos/5 92524854695749/ UzpfSTEwMDAwM TI4NDc3MjI4Njoz MjE1MTc4NTQ1Mj AxNjA2/

Analyze how politics change in the Philippines during this Covid 19 pandemic. Make a resolution that could help the society

Written Ouput

Presentation of output

Performance-based task

Draw a picture of the scene and write down all the details about political change.

Written Output

https://web.facebo v=2136665232436 07&external_log_i d=fc1e2e27cbbe9b ba9fb957fe02cec0 eb&q=contagion %20movie%20eng %20sub


Expected Performances/ Performance/Written Outputs

Assessment, Strategies and Schedule


Week 2 and 3

A.Starting points for the understanding of culture, society, and politics

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 3. the rationale for studying anthropology, political science, and sociology

Day 1

3.1.Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology

School Based: Gallery Walk

Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives of anthropology based on the pictures and text posted.

Group Discussion

Presentation of the output ulturalanthropolog y/chapter/anthrop ology/


Day 2 3.2.Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of sociology

Cluster Chart

Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives of anthropology and make a cluster chart about it.

https://www.slides /module-3anthropology-andthe-study-ofculture

School Based: Building a New tomorrow “My Ideal Society”

Discuss the nature goals and perspectives of sociology (Make a creative output like poster, song, poem, skit, role play and etc “entitled my ideal society”)

https://www.asane fles/savvy/introtos ociology/UnitPages /UnitISociolPerspe ctive.html

Group discussion

Group presentation

Home-based KWL Chart

Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives of sociology and make a KWL chart about it. the society.

https://www.slides nature-of-sociology

Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives of anthropology based on the pictures and text posted in every station. Write comments and responses

Written Output

Output Presentation

Performance-based task task

Make a cluster chart about the topic

Written Output

Make a creative output after the discussion on the nature, goals and perspective of sociology.

Written Output

Output Presentation

Performance-based task

KWL chart making

Written Output

Day 3

3.3.Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of political science

School Based: Teach-ok

Teacher will discuss the topic (nature, goals and perspectives in/of political science) , then the students will discuss to their partner.

Peer discussion

Make a flowchart about the topic.

https://www.slidesh mmad/naturescope-andsubfelds-ofpolitical-science

Classroom discussion from teacher to partner. Teacher will say teach, class will say ok.

Performance-based task

Flow chart making Written Output

Home Based: Cluster Diagram


Essential Learning Competencies

Week 4 and 5

B. Defning Culture and Society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology

Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives of sociology and make a cluster diagram about it. (power point presentation, doc and etc.)

Teaching and Learning How Very brief description of Activities, Approaches/ Strategies to be used

https://www.slides Hammad/naturescope-andsubfelds-ofpolitical-science Ref

Cluster diagram making

Expected Performances/ Performance/Written Outputs


Assessment, Strategies and Schedule

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 4. culture and society as anthropological and sociological concept Day 1

4.1 explain anthropological perspectives on culture and society

School based: Informance

Explain anthropological perspectives on culture and society through informance.

Exit Slips

One-minute paper explaining anthropological perspectives on culture and society

https://www.slideshar ardo/anthropologicaland-sociologicalperspective-onculture-and-society108546279

Present an informance explaining anthropological perspectives on culture and society

https://www.slideshar ardo/anthropologicaland-sociologicalperspective-onculture-and-society-

Diary making

Performance- based task

Write a one-minute paper “what was the most important thing you learned today” Written output

Home-based Diary Entry of a Future Self

Explain anthropological perspectives on culture and society through envisioning the future of society. Make a diary entry of future self. (Design your future diary)



108546279 Day 2

4.2 explain sociological perspectives on culture and society

School Based: Role Play Scenarios for the next 10 years

Bring in real-world application by having students role play common scenarios explaining sociological perspectives on culture and society for the next 10 years.

https://www.slideshare. net/syaochan/sociologic al-perspective23968629 https://web.facebook.c om/watch/? v=3058309214215542

Role play scenarios making

Performance -based task

Performance -based task Group presentation of output

Group presentation Group discussion

Home Based: Be excited for the next 10 years (Set the scene)


Week 4 and 5

Essential Learning Competencies

After watching the video, explain sociological perspectives on culture and society for the next 10 years. Make a “set the scene essay” write a paragraph and use descriptive language to set the scene for the next 10 years

Teaching and Learning How Very brief description of Activities, Approaches/ Strategies to be used

https://web.facebook. com/watch/? v=3058309214215542


Write an essay about the world for the next 10 years.

Expected Performances/ Performance/Written Outputs

Written Output

Assessment, Strategies and Schedule

B. Defning Culture and Society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 4. the role of culture in human adaptation School based: 4.1 Identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Anthropology

Panel Discussion

Group Presentation

A panel discussion shall be made to process gained knowledge and insights. Students will identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Anthropology Presentation of output that identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Anthropology

Group discussion that identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of anthropology

Written Output

Output Presentation

Performance – based task


Home based: Photo Essay

Photo essay through PowerPoint presentation

Make a photo essay through power point presentation that identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Anthropology


School based: Identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Political Science and Sociology

Picture perfect

Prepare illustrations that identifes the subjects of inquiry and goals of Political Science and Sociology Political Science and Sociology

https://www.slideshar Illustration making that identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Political anthropologyScience and Sociology sociology-and-politicalscience-102745908


Group Presentation Presentation of output that identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Political Science and Sociology

Output Presentation

Performance – based task

Search an article that talk about the subjects of inquiry and goals of Political Science and Sociology. Identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Political Science and Sociology. Draw an expanded diagram about it

Draw an expanded Venn diagram

Written Output

Home based:


Essential Learning Competencies

Week 4 and 5

B. Defning Culture and Society from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology

Teaching and Learning How Very brief description of Activities, Approaches/ Strategies to be used


Expected Performances/ Performance/Written Outputs

Assessment, Strategies and Schedule

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 5. Perspectives in/approaches to the study of culture and society (i.e., comparative,historical, structural functional,interpretive,critical) Day 1

School based: 5.1 describe society and culture as a complex whole

“The music deep within me”

Choose a song (compose a song) that describe your society and your culture.

https://www.slideshar nny-maribaosocietyamp-culture-as-acomplex-whole

Song composition and song presentation by group

Performance – based task


Five-minute informal writing

Give the four of society and culture as a complex whole and describe it

Home based:

Make an artwork that describe society and culture as a complex whole Make a short description about it

School based: Day 2

5.2 Identify forms of tangible and intangible heritage and the threats to these

Analogy graphic organizer

Group discussion

Identify forms of tangible and intangible heritage and the threats to these. Give its similarities and differences.

https://www.slideshare.n et/dan_maribao/dannymaribaosociety-ampculture-as-a-complexwhole ble-and-intangiblecultural-heritage/

Group presentation

Informal writing

Written Output

Artwork making that describe society and culture as a complex whole


Analogy graphic organizer making

Written Output

Presentation of output

Performance based task

Make a blog about our cultural heritage and post in on facebook


Home Based: LET’S GO ONLINE! E-learning activity on identifying Filipino treasure #mycountry,mytreasure


Week 6 and 7

Essential Learning Competencies

Look online for the modern treasure of our country and identify its forms (tangible or intangible) and the threats to these. Make a blog about appreciation of our cultural treasures.

Teaching and Learning How Very brief description of Activities, Approaches/ Strategies to be used ble-and-intangiblecultural-heritage/


Expected Performances/ Performance/Written Outputs

Assessment, Strategies and Schedule

C. Looking back at Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of: 6. human origins and the capacity for culture School based: 6.1 trace the biological evolution of early humans to modern humans

Stop, Look, Listen and Learn

Trace the biological evolution of early humans to modern human. Students rotate between stations that involve. *Watching a video *Creating output


Make an artwork that traces the biological evolution of early human to modern human.



*Listening to the teacher Make an artwork about it. Home based: Evolutionary scheme

Make an evolutionary scheme that traces the biological evolution of early humans to modern humans. Site a short description in each stage.

School based: 6.2 trace the cultural evolution of early humans to modern humans

The sound of Humans

Make a jingle that traces the cultural evolution of early humans to modern humans.


Make an evolutionary scheme that trace the biological evolution of early humans to modern humans

Written Output

Jingle making that traces the cultural e...

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