Computer Lab 1 (Week 1) - Lab 1 PDF

Title Computer Lab 1 (Week 1) - Lab 1
Author Long Vu
Course Networked Information Systems
Institution Australian National University
Pages 15
File Size 1 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 60
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Lab 1...


Computer Lab 01 Creating Virtual Machines Networked Information Systems (COMP2410/ COMP6340), 2020 Semester 1

[email protected] (+61 2 6125 6188) [email protected] (+61 4 3191 3826)

Research School of Computer Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) The Australian National University Canberra ACT 2601 Australia

CRICOS Provider No. 00120C

Contents Virtual Machines (VMs)..........................................................................................................1 Summary.............................................................................................................................1 Learning Objectives............................................................................................................1 Creating a Virtual Machine (VM)............................................................................................2 Removing any existing VM from VirtualBox.......................................................................2 Creating Linux VM..............................................................................................................3 Troubleshooting Host-only Adapter....................................................................................7 Creating two Linux Virtual Machines (VMs)...........................................................................8 Creating first Linux VM........................................................................................................8 Creating second Linux VM..................................................................................................8 Creating a Linux VM in Win 10 or macOS.............................................................................9 Requirements......................................................................................................................9 Procedures..........................................................................................................................9 Reflective Questions............................................................................................................13

Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines (VMs) Summary Virtual machines (VMs) are computer files that provide functionality of a physical computer. They behave like a separate computer systems. The operating system (OS) running on the physical computer is called host and any OSs running inside VMs are called guests. VMs allow to experiment with another OS without having to install in actual physical hardware. They are safe place to test apps or websites seem suspicious as they are separated from the physical hardware. In this lab, we will learn how to create a VM in Linux, Windows, and/or MacOS.

Learning Objectives After completing this lab, students should ● be able to learn how to remove any VMs from VirtualBox, ● be able to install VMs in Linux, Windows, and MacOS, and ● be able to communicate with VMs.

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Creating a Virtual Machine (VM) Removing any existing VM from VirtualBox To delete any VM from VirtualBox on Mac, Windows, or Linux, do the following steps: 1. Open VirtualBox and go to the VM VirtualBox Manager screen. 2. Select the VM and OS you want to delete. 3. To completely delete the VM from VirtualBox, choose “Delete all files” *.

* If you choose “Remove only” than the virtual machine is simply removed from the VirtualBox VM manager, but none of the actual files or associated VM, OS, VDI, or anything else is deleted. To delete the VM and associated files, choose ‘Delete all files’. 4. Delete “VirtualBox VMs” folders.

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Creating Linux VM 1. VirtualBox and Copy xenial64.ova (or Ubuntu16_04.ova) from ANU network to your scratch area (108 GB Folder)

2. Start VirtualBox

3. Import xenial64.ova (or Ubuntu16.ova)

4. Select location for the Linux VM The Australian National University | 3

Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

 Path: Add /scratch in front of /students/u….  Reinitialize the Mac address of all network cards

5. Click on Import button

6. Launch the xenial64 VM (Create a host adaptor by clicking File-Preferences, and then press start button)

7. Ubuntu 16.04 has started The Australian National University | 4

Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Username: vagrant Password: vagrant

8. Activate the network in the VM

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

9. Enable Host-only Adaptor by clicking Enable and pressing OK (See Troubleshooting below if you are not able to enable Adapter 2)

10. IP address of the VM


Verify that the host can communicate with the VM by using ping command

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Troubleshooting Host-only Adapter If you are not able to enable Network Adaptor 2 - Host-only Adapter, create Host-only Adapter through File->Host Network Manager

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Creating two Linux Virtual Machines (VMs) Creating first Linux VM Do the tasks given above at the Creating a Virtual Machine (VM)

Creating second Linux VM Do the tasks given above from 3. Import xenial64.ova (or Ubuntu16.ova) at the Creating a Virtual Machine (VM) Ping VM1 to VM2

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Creating a Linux VM in Win 10 or macOS Requirements Linux virtual machine appliance (Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit; Ubuntu16_04.ova) Windows 10 or macOS computer (4GB or 8GB RAM)

Procedures 1. Download Oracle VirtualBox software from

2. Install Oracle VirtualBox

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

 Click on Allow in Security and Privacy, if installation error occurs in macOS.

3. Start VirtualBox

4. Import Ubuntu appliance

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

 Reinitialize the MAC address

 Launch the Ubuntu 16 VM

5. Ubuntu 16.04 has started

Username: vagrant Password: vagrant

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Troubleshooting : macOS  File->Host Network Manager shows no Host-only Adapter and then create one.

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Computer Lab 01: Creating Virtual Machines

Reflective Questions a) What are the benefits of creating VMs? b) What are the limitations of VMs? c) How do you communicate with VMs?

The Australian National University | 13...

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