Consumer Decision Journey PDF

Title Consumer Decision Journey
Course Management international
Institution Université Toulouse I Capitole
Pages 7
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Cons umerDec i s i onJ our ney MostSt ar t ups,of t enf or getaboutt hedeci si onmaki ngpr ocessi nv ol v edi npur c has i ng.Theydev el op t hei rMar k et i ngSt r at egi est hi nk i ngt hatc ust omer sar eal way sr eadyt obuy .Ther eal i t yi sdi ffer ent . Dev el opi ngMar k et i ngSt r at egi eswi t ht hi si deai nmi ndcanbev er ydanger ous .Al ll eadsar enot c r eat edequal .Somehav ej ustdi sc ov er edy ourpr oduct swhi l eot her sar er eadyt obuy .Wehav et o t r eatal l oft hem di ffer ent l y . Yet ,s omef unnel sar enotopt i mi z edf ort hi ski ndofpar amet er .Thi sar t i c l egi v esy ouanov er vi ewof howt odes i gny ourConv er s i onFunnel&Mar k et i ngSt r at egi esi nor dert oeffect i v el yr eac hc us t omer s andt oconv er tt hem easi l y .

Youdon’ tusei t ? Thi nkabouti tf orones econd.Wheny oumak eapur c has e,y ougot hr oughmanydi ffer ents t eps . Dependi ngont hedur at i onoft heSal esFunnel ,y oudon’ tj ustendupl ooki ngf orapr oductandbuyi ng i tj us tbecaus ei tpl eas esy ou.Youst ar tby“ suffer i ngf r om aneed” ,l ook&compar esol ut i ons ,and fi nal l y ,mak ey ourdec i s i on. Noti nt egr at i ngt hi ski ndoff r amewor ki nsi dey ourMar k et i ngSt r at egi escansi gni fic ant l yl owery our ROI .I nor dert obeeffect i v e,y ouhav et oc ons i derCust omer sasI ndi v i dual s .Cus t omer st hatj ust di s c ov er edt hesol ut i on,ar enotasr eadyt obuyasot her s ,y ouhav et ocons i dert hem di ffer ent l y . Consi der i ngal lcons umer sequal ,what ev erst ept heyar ei n,canr esul ti nav er yi neffect i v emar k et i ng. Youdev el opst r at egi est hatdon’ tfi tt hei rst at eofmi nd.They ’ r enoty etr eadyt obuy .Don’ tsendt hem di s c ount s.Tr yt ocr eat ear ealc onnect i onwi t ht hem. YourMar k et i ngAct i onswi l ll eadt onoResul t .Youwon’ thav easmanyc ust omer sasy oucoul d. They’ r ej us tt oobr oadl yt ar get ed,y ourmess agedoesn’ tr esonat eandappeal t ot hem. Thi nki ngt hatal l Cus t omer sar eont hes amewav el engt h,c anr eal l yhur ty ourbusi nes s .Al l c ust omer s ar edi ffer ent .They’ r ei ndi vi dual s .Tar geteachoft hem i ndi v i dual l yandt r eatt hem accor di ngt ot hei r posi t i oni nt hef unnel .

TheOl dAppr oach

Bef or ebuyi ng,Cust omer sgot hr oughnumer ouss t eps .Onef r amewor kt hats i mpl i f yt hi spr ocess , gener al i z eConsumer si nt o4s t eps .Theygof r om notknowi ngy ourpr oduct ,t opur c has i ngi t . Awar eness:Consumer sdon’ tk nowy etabouty ourpr oduct .Theymaynotev enbeawar et hatt hey hav eapr obl em.Theydi s cov ery ourpr oduc t st hr oughonewayoranot her .Theyknowy ourbr and. Consi der at i on:t heys t ar tbyl ooki ngatal l t hepar amet er sbehi ndy ouroffer i ng.Theyl ookf or i nf or mat i onwher ev ert heycan.Theynowt hi nky ouroffercanf ul fil t hei rneeds .

Pr ef er ence/I nt ent :t heyl ook edf ori nf or mat i onandcont ender s ,t heyar enowr eadyt omak et hei r deci si on.Theyhav eal lt her equi r edi nf or mat i onandev al uat edt hepr osandconsofal l t hepos si bl e s ol ut i on.Theypr ef eronesol ut i onov eranot her . Pur chase:t heyar epur chasi ngy ourpr oduct .Youcannowedi tanI nv oi c eandcountt hecas hi ny our bankacc ount .Theyf ul l yunder s t andwhaty ouar es el l i ng,y ouaddv al ue.Theyar ecus t omer s !

Whataboutt hi s“Ol dAppr oach” ? Thi smodelhasfi r s t l ybeendev el opedi nt heear l y20t hcent ur y .Qui t eal ongt i meago… Al t houghi t hasal otofweak nes ses,pl ent yofcompani esc ont i nuet ous ei t . Mar k et i ngev ol v edal otdur i ngt hi st i me.Act ual l y ,t her ei sal mos tnos i mi l ar i t i esbet weennowaday s Mar k et i ngandt hi s“ ol d”Mar k et i ng.Sowhys houl dweuset hes amemodel ?I tst i l lwor k,buti tdoes n’ t t ak ei nt oaccountal l t hepar t i cul ar i t i esofc ur r entmar k et i ngpr ac t i ces . Thi sappr oachi sonl ydes i gnedt ot ak ei nt oacc ountt hepr epur chas edeci si onpr oc ess .Howev er , Mar k et i ngdoes n’ tendt her e.Wehav et odesi gnt heex per i encewhi l epeopl euset hepr oduct .Wehav e t oencour aget hem t opur c has eagai n. Newappr oacheshav ebeendesi gnedi nor dert or esol v et hosei s sues .Appr oac hesal l owi ngust o c r eat er ecur r i ngpur chas eandt oencour agel oy al t y .

TheNew Appr oach Mar k et i nghasev ol v edal otdur i ngt hel as tf ewdec ades .Cust omer sev ol v edaswel landt hei rBuyi ng Dec i s i onPr ocesswi t hi t .Mar k et i ngcons ul t ant s ,l i k eFor r est erandMcKi ns eydes i gnednew appr oachest ot heCust omerBuyi ngDec i s i onPr ocess . Fr om McKi ns ey ,t hi snewappr oachs t at est hatCust omer sgot hr ough4st eps:

I ni t i al consi der at i onset :Cus t omer sc onsi derones etofpot ent i al br andst hatcoul df ul fi lt hei rneeds . Theyal r eadyhearabouti tf r om v ar i ouss our cesandar eabl et oci t enames . Act i veeval uat i on:t heynowev al uat eal l t hepos si bi l i t i esandt hepr os&c onsofeachopt i ons.They basi cal l yr educet hel i s tof“ pot ent i al br ands”t oami ni mum. MomentofPur chase:t heydec i det ogof oronespec i fi cbr andandact ual l yex ec ut et hei rpur c has e. They’ r enowy ourCus t omer s . Post pur chaseexper i ence:t hey’ r eus i ngy ourpr oductf orawhi l e.Theyex per i enc ev ar i ousemot i ons &f eel i ngsabouty ourbr and&pr oduct . For r est eral sodesc r i bedt hei rownappr oac h,t heCust omerLi f eCy cl e.Ir ecommendy out or eadabi t abouti tandt ochooset hemodelt hatbes ts ui t sy ou.

Fort hi sar t i c l e,I ’ m nowonl ygoi ngt ot al kaboutMc Ki ns ey’ smodel .It hi nki t ’ seas i ert ounder st andt han For r est er ’ s .

Ti mi ng Consumer smaygot hr ought hose5s t epsi naf ewsec onds .I fy ou’ r es hoppi ngi namal l ,y oucan di s c ov eranews hop,buyonenewpai rofj eansi naf ewseconds .Youar egoi ngt hr oughal lt hes t eps ex t r emel yf ast . Onanot heri ndust r y ,peopl ecangot hr oughal l t hoses t epsi nsev er al mont hs.Thi nkabouty our pr oduct&y ourcust omer s ,howar et heyl i k el yt opur chas ei t ?I si tamus t hav epr oduct ,sol vi ngar eal c r i t i calbusi nes spr obl em? SomeSal esCy c l ecanl astf oraf ews econds.Ot herl astf ormont hs .Don’ tmak et hemi s t ak et hat peopl ewi l lnecess ar ybuyi naf ewmi nut es .

I mpl ement at i on I ni t i alConsi der at i onSet Reacht hem t hr oughI nboundMar k et i ngoranyot herway .Theyhav et oknowy ouofferbef or et hey s t ar tconsi der i ngopt i ons .You’ l lt her ef or egot hr ought hef ol l owi ngs t epandbei ngconsi der eddur i ng t hei rbuyi ngdeci si on. Col l ectt hei remai lwi t hf r eeaddedv al ue.Wi t houtt hei remai l ,y ouc an’ tr eal l yr eac ht hem.Wi t ht hei r emai l ,y oucans endt hem f r eer es our cest hey ’ l ll ookatandenj oy .Thoser esour ceswi l l st ar tt ocr eat e ar el at i onshi pwi t hconsumer s .

Act i veEval uat i on Cus t omer snowc ons i dery ouroffer .Theyhav eaneedf ort hi ski ndofs er vi ce.Theywantt ol ear nmor e abouty ours er vi c e,t hey ’ r ei nt er est ed.Theyar ePr os pect s/Leads . Si nc ey ouacqui r edt hei remai l dur i ngt hefi r stphas e,y oushoul dcont i nueus i ngt hi sass etandsend t hem gr eatc ont ent .Mak euseofst r ongLeadNur t ur i ngi nor dert omak et hem j umpt ot hePur c hase. Cont actt hem of t en.Emphasi sey ourcompet i t i v eadv ant age.Showhowy oudi ffer ent i at ef r om ot her s . Theys houl dc hoos ey oubecaus ey ou’ r ebet t ert hancompet i t i on.Showt hem how. Don’ tl oosecust omeratt hi sst epf r om al ac koff ol l owup.They’ r ehotpr os pectr i ghtnow.Don’ tmi s s ont heoppor t uni t yofl oos i ngcus t omer sf r om l azi ness .

MomentofPur chase Consumer snowchoosey ouroffer .Youwont hebat t l e.They’ r enowpayi ngc ust omer s.I t ’ sonl yt hefir st s t epi ny ourj our ney ,soc ont i nuet ot ak ecar eoft hem. Reducef r i ct i oni ns i det hepr ocess .Pur c has i ngshoul dbeeas y .Don’ taskf ort oomuc hi nf or mat i on. Reducet hepr oces st ot hemi ni mum. Ri ghtnow,af t ert hei rpur c has e,t heyar ei namoment um.They’ r el i k echi l dr eni nf r ontofanewt oy . Us et hi smoment um t oy ouradv ant age.Youcanaskt hem t or ef ery out oaf r i end,f ol l owy ouonTwi t t er , Fac ebook… Tobes uc ces sf ulatt hi sst ep,mak ei teas yt obuy .Tak eadv ant ageoft hei rmoment um i nor dert obui l d ar el at i onshi pwi t ht hem t haty ou’ l lnur t ur eov ert i me.

Post Pur chase Af t ert hePur c has e,Cus t omer swi l ls t ar tt ousey ourpr oduct .Theywi l lexper i encey ourwhol eoffer i ng. Pl ent yoff eel i ngswi l lc omeal ongt hi sex per i ence.Mak esur et odel i ghtt hem i nor dert ok eept hem as c ust omer sf ort hel onges tposs i bl e. Don’ thes i t at et ocont actcus t omer sper s onal l y .Di s cov erwhot heyar e.Howt heyenj oyy ourpr oduct . Howy oucanhel pt hem t ot ak et hef ul l adv ant ageofy ourpr oduct . Sur v eyt hem.As kf orTes t i moni al s .Recommendat i ons .They ’ r ev er yl i k el yt ohel py out obui l dabet t er s of t war esi ncet heyc anal s obenefitf r om i t .Tr yt obec l oset ot hem andcr eat eagenui ner el at i ons hi p.

Loyal t yLoop Dependi ngont hepos t pur c has eexper i ence,cus t omer smay ,ormaynot ,deci det opur chas eagai n f r om y ou.Thi si swhyy ouneedt omak et hemos toft hepur c has ephase. I ft heys t i l lhav et heneedandy oudi dy ourwor kcar ef ul l ydur i ngt hePur c has ephase.They’ l l wantt o buyagai nf r om y ou.Theydon’ tev enwantt ogoel sewher ebecaus eofy ourr el at i onshi pwi t ht hem. Thi si sv er ypower f ulasy oucoul dusey ourexi st i ngc us t omeri nor dert obr i ngmor el eads& r i ngmor ec us t omer s.Ret ai ni ngexi st i ng pr os pect s .Al t houghy ouwoul dst i l lneedt of oc usonAcqui onesi sgener al l yc heaper .

Tr i gger s Tr i gger sar eev ent st hatmak eCus t omergot hr oughonest ept oanot her .Theygof r om I ni t i al Consi der at i onSett oAct i v eEv al uat i onaf t erat r i ggerhasoc cur r ed. Tr i gger sar ev er yi mpor t antt ot ak ei nt oconsi der at i onwhi l edes i gni ngy ourst r at egi es .Youcoul ddes i gn Tr i gger sf ory ourspeci ficCust omer si nor dert omak et hem pur c has ey ourpr oduct . Let ’ st ak eanex ampl e.Younowhav ey ourol dMac booksi nce2006.Yout hi nki tl ack sper f or mance. Appl ei ssendi ngy ouamess ager egar di ngt hei rbr andnewMac bookpr oemphasi si ngoni t s per f or mance.Theyhav et r i gger edt heneedf ory out obuyi ngt hi sMac book .

Mar ket i ngSt r at egi es Tor i ght f ul l yi mpl ementt hi smodel ,y ouhav et oi nt egr at ei ti ns i dey ourov er al l s t r at egy .I t ’ sev enbet t eri f y oucanusei tt ocr af ty ourc ompany ’ sDNA. Des i gnMar k et i ngMess aget hatappealt oCons umer sdependi ngont hei rst at eofmi nd. Us et her i ghtchannel si nor dert ot ar getus er sdependi ngonwher et heyar e.Youdon’ tr eac hpeopl e whodon’ thav eaneed,t hes amewayy our eachex i s t i ngcus t omer s . Pr omot i oni sav er yi mpor t antpi eceofal l Mar k et i ngSt r at egi es.Us et hem effec t i v el yt oencour age us er st opur s uey ourr el at i onshi pt oget herandt opur c has ey ourpr oduct .Agai n,andagai n.

Concr et el y

Af t erf ul l yr eadt hear t i cl e,It houghti tmi s seds omepr act i c al andconcr et egui dancet ohel py oumov e t heneedl e.SoIdeci dedt oaddt hi spar agr apht ogi v ey ousomepr ec i s eandcl earpoi nt si nt ot he i mpl ement at i onoft hef r amewor k .Keepi nmi ndt hatt her ear emanyot herway st oi mpl ementi t .

Websi t e Mos tst ar t upsbui l dt hei rwebsi t eswi t hot her si nmi nd.Theydes i gnt heexper i enceast heyseei t .They al mos tc opyot her s ,t hi nki ngt hey ’ l lbeass ucces s f ulast heonet hey’ r ecopyi ng. Themai ni s suei st hatCus t omer smaynotbeasusedt ohearf r om Bas ecampast hey’ r eus edt ohear f r om y ourser vi ce.Br andi ng.Andt her ei spl ent yofot heri s sues . Yourwebsi t e–y ourmai ns t or ef r ont–hast obef ul l yi nt egr at edi ns i dey ourMar k et i ngSt r at egy . Meani ngt hat ,bes tpr act i cesmaynotappl yt oy ourownbusi nes s .Desi gny ourwebsi t ebyk eepi ngi n mi ndy ourc us t omer sandt hei rposi t i onont heDeci si onJ our ney . Manywebsi t eonl yf eat ur esmacr oconv er si on( si gnup) ,howev er ,Cus t omer smaynotber eadyt o pur c haseont hei rfi r s tvi si t .Set t i ngupmi c r oconv er si on( l i ght erconv er si on,l i k enewsl et t er ) ,al l owy ou t ok eept her el at i ons hi pgoi ng.

TouchPoi nt Yours al esc y c l emaybecompr i sedofmanyt ouc hpoi nt .Sel l i ngsof t war ef ol l owat r uec y c l e.Ev en mor ei nB2B,mor eandmor ec ust omer sneedt obec ont act edper sonal l yi nor dert ocl os et hes el l . Her ei sanonexhaust i v el i stofposs i bl et ouchpoi nt s :  

Emai l Whi t epaper

 

Webi nar Meet i ng Des i gni ngt hewr ongt ouc hpoi ntcanhar my ourbusi ness .Onebadt ouc hpoi ntcoul dbet os end di s c ountt oy ouruserbef or et heyev ens i gnup.I fuser sar enotr eadyt obuy ,t her ei sj ustnor easont o s endt hem di s count s. Keepi nmi ndt hest ageuser sar eat .Whenpeopl ej ustsi gnedup,sendt hem mor ei nf or mat i on.When t heypur c has e,sendt hem t i ps&t r i cksofhowt ogett hemostoutofy ourpr oduc t …

Concl usi on Keepi nmi ndt hi smodelwhi l edesi gni ngy ourSt r at egy&Company ’ sDNA.You’ l l t her ef or eens ur et hat y ou’ r er i ght f ul l yt ar get i ngc ons umer sdependi ngonwher et heyar et owar dsbuy i ng. Nev erf or gett hatCust omer sgot hr oughst epswhi l ebuy i ngpr oduct s .Yourmai nai ms houl dbet o del i ghtt hem,expl ai ni ngy ouroffer i ngsandmaki ngt hepur c has eeas y .Af t eral l ,y ou’ r ef ul fil l i ngt hei r needs,i ts houl dbeeas yt os el l … Dev el opy ourMar k et i ngMess ageacc or di ngt ot hei rs t at e.Don’ tsenddi sc ount st opeopl ewhodon’ t k nowy ou.Showt hem howy ours ol ut i onc anhel pt hem s ol v et hei rpr obl ems .

Fi nal l y ,k eept hi smodeli nmi nd.I t ’ sv er yhel pf ulwhi l edesi gni ngSt r at egi es&c r af t i ngt heMar k et i ng Mes sage.Al wayst r yt omi mi cc us t omer sandunder s t andt hem.Wi t houtunder s t andi ngcus t omer s c l ear l y ,y ou’ l l s t r uggl et ogety oursol ut i onoutt her e....

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