Content Areas Notes PDF

Title Content Areas Notes
Author Christina Wilson
Course Family Life Education
Institution East Carolina University
Pages 5
File Size 112.7 KB
File Type PDF
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FLE Content Areas Notes ...


NCFR FLE Cont entAr eas FLE i spr event i onf ocused( upst r eam t hi nki ng) TheLevel sofPr event i on

TheSpect r um ofPr event i on

Chapt er2|1

10cont entar easofCFLE 1.Fami l i esandI ndi vi dual si nSoci et alCont ext s 2.I nt er nalDynami csofFami l i es 3.HumanGr owt handDeve l opmentacr osst heLi f espan 4.HumanSexual i t y 5.I nt er per sonalRel at i onshi ps 6.Fami l yResour ceManagement 7.Par entEducat i onandGui dance 8.Fami l yLaw andPubl i cPol i cy 9.Pr of essi onalEt hi csandPr ac t i c e 10. Fami l yLi f eEducat i onMe t hodol ogy Fami l i es& I ndi vi dual si n Soci et alCont ext s Anunder s t andi ngoff ami l i e s& t hei rr e l at i onshi pst oot heri ns t i t ut i ons, suc hast heeducat i onal ,g ov ’ t ,r e l i gi ous,heal t hcar e,andoc cupat i onal i ns t i t ut i onsi nsoc i e t y FLES: 1.Li f eexper i enc esr edefineoppor t uni t i e si ns oc i ali ns t i t ut i ons a.Fami l i ess hapesoc i e t yj ustassoc i e t ys hapesf ami l i e s i . Exampl e :Copi ngw/pov er t yasac hi l d→ c hal l enge s becomi ngsuccess f ul l yeducat ed& empl oyedasanadul t 2.Li vesandsoc i ali ns t i t ut i onsar emovi ngt ar ge t s a.Changei scons t ant ;don’ tassumet hatr e l at i onshi psb/w s ys t ems &i ndi vi dual swi l ls t ayt hesame 3.Syst e msi nt er ac tw/eac hot her ,wi t hf ami l i e s,& wi t hi ndi vi dual si n i mpor t antways a.Pr omot eflexi bi l i t yofs oci ali nst i t ut i onst hatdon’ twr kw/dynami c f ami l yl i f e I nt er nalDynami csofFami l i es Anunder s t andi ngoff ami l yst r engt hs& weaknesses& how f ami l i esr e l at e t oeac hot her 1.Maynotal waysbeobvi ouswhi c h& how i nt er nalf ami l ydynami c sar e@ pl ay 2.Usepr edomi nantf ami l yt heor i e st ogui deyourwr k 3.I dent i f yf ami l i e ss t r engt hs& c hal l enges& he l pf ami l ymember seffec t i v e r e l at et oeac hot her Human Gr owt h & Devel opmentAcr osst heLi f espan Anunder s t andi ngoft hede ve l opment alc hanges( bot ht ypi c aland at ypi cal )ofi ndi vi dual si nf ami l i e sacr osst hel i f e spanbasedonknowl edgeof phys i cal ,emot i onal ,cogni t i v e ,soci al ,mor al ,andper s onal i t yas pec t s FLES: 1.Under s t andi ngwhyape r s onbehav est hewayheors hedoeswi l lhe l p yout ohe l pot her sunde r s t andwhy ,andhe l pyout eac hf ami l i e show t o effe ct i v e l yaddr e sst heor i gi nsofbe havi or s 2.Le ar ni ngabouthumandeve l opmental soal l owsust ol e ar nmor eabout Chapt er2|2

our s e l v es,whi c hi nfluenceshow wewor kwi t hot he r s 3.St r ongf oundat i oni nhumandev e l opmenthasr ec i pr ocali nfluenc et hat dev e l opmentpl aysonf ami l yl i f eandvi c ev er sa Human Sexual i t y Anunder s t andi ngoft hephysi ol ogi c al ,ps ychol ogi cal ,andsoci alas pect s ofs exualde ve l opmentacr osst hel i f es pan,soast oac hi e v eheal t hysexual adj us t ment FLES: 1.Focusoneducat i ont hatbegi nswi t hy oungchi l dr e n 2.Paymor eat t e nt i ont oadul ts exual i t y 3.Desi gnsexedpr ogr ammi ngt hatpr ovi desac cur at ei nf or mat i on,t he i mpor t anc eoft eac hi ngc hi l dr ent ot r eatot he r swi t hr espec t ,andf e el i ngs ofc omf or twhendi s cussi ngsexuali ssuesandans wer i ngc hi l dr e n’ s que st i ons I nt er per sonalRel at i ons hi ps Anunder s t andi ngoft hede ve l opmentandmai nt enanceofi nt er per s onal r e l at i ons hi ps FLES: 1.Youcanpl ayani mpor t antr ol ei ne ducat i ngandadvi s i ngf ami l i es, par ent sgr oups ,ci vi cassoci at i ons ,andyoungpeopl eaboutt hepot ent i al v al ueandpi t f al l soft heI nt er ne tandsoci alme di a 2.Re l at i onshi psar enotsynonymouswi t hr omant i cr e l at i onshi ps 3.Thi nkabouthow r e l at i onshi psandt he i rmeani ngsc hangeov ert he l i f e s pan Fami l yResour ceManagement Anunder s t andi ngoft hedeci s i onsi ndi vi dual sandf ami l i esmakeabout dev e l opi ngandal l ocat i ngr esour ces ,i nc l udi ngt i me ,money ,mat e r i alasse t s , ener gy ,f r i e nds ,nei ghbor s,ands pace ,t omee tt hei rgoal s FLES: 1.Si mpl yt el l i ngt hei ndi vi dualorf ami l ywhatt ododoesl i t t l et oeffec t c hangeanddoesnotgi v et hem owner s hi pi nt hede ci si ons 2.Thepr oc essofhe l pi ngf ami l i esmanaget hei rr esour cesr equi r essome pr epar at i on 3.Bei ngagoodl i s t enerhel psy out oheart hec hal l engesandhel pf ami l i e s t omakebe t t erc hoi c es Par entEducat i on & Gui dance Anunder s t andi ngofhow par ent st eac h,gui deandi nflue nc ec hi l dr e n andadol e scent saswe l last hec hangi ngnat ur e ,dynami cs,andneedsoft he par ent c hi l dr e l at i onshi pacr osst hel i f e span FLES: 1.I nv ol v epar t ner s–par ent s,adol e scent s,t eac her s ,soci als er vi ce pr of e ssi onal s–ac t i v el yi nt hepr ocessofpr ogr ammi ngandassessment 2.I nv ol v epar ent sascol l abor at i v eandac t i v epar t i c i pant sandpar t ner si n t hei rownl ear ni ng 3.See kt ounder s t andyourownbel i e f sr at hert hanmaki ngassumpt i ons Chapt er2|3

aboutpar ent i ngi nf ami l i e swi t hbackgr oundsandc har ac t er i s t i c s di ffer entf r om yourown 4.Usi ngs ki l l e d,posi t i v e ,andpur posef ulbe havi or si nyourt eac hi ngmode l s t hesef orpar ent s St r engt hs-Based ● Fami l yLi f eEducat or sassessneedsoft heaudi enceandadaptc ont ent andme t hodst omee tt hatneed: ○ Whatne edsmi ghtt hef ami l yhav e ? ○ Whatar et he ydoi ngwe l l ?Whatcanwei mpr ov eon? ○ How c anweappr oacht hi sf ami l yusi ngast r engt hsbased appr oac h? Fami l yLaw & Publ i cPol i cy Anunder s t andi ngofl e gali s sues , pol i c i e s,& l awsi nfluenci ngt hewe l l bei ngoff ami l i e s FLES: 1.Useyourknowl e dgeoff ami l i e st odev el opl ocalandst at epol i ci est o s t r engt henandsuppor tf ami l i e s 2.Teac handpr omot emor ef ami l yc ent er edanal y si sandpr ac t i c et oc ombat pol i ci e sandpr ogr amst hatar ei nsensi t i v et of ami l yneeds Pr of essi onalEt hi cs& Pr act i ce Anunder s t andi ngoft hec har ac t e randqual i t yofhumansoci alc onduc t , andt heabi l i t yt ocr i t i cal l ye xami nee t hi calques t i onsandi s suesast heyr e l at e t opr of e ssi onalpr ac t i c e FLES: 1.Youar el i ke l yt oencount erdi ffic ul te t hi cals i t uat i onswhenwor ki ngwi t h f ami l i e s 2.Et hi csi snotacodeofbe havi or ,butapr ocesst hatmus tc hangewi t h ev ol vi ngf ami l yneeds,changi ngboundar i esofpr ac t i ce,andnew r esear c h onf ami l i e sandFLE Fami l yLi f eEducat i on Met hodol ogy Anunder s t andi ngoft hege ner alphi l osophyandbr oadpr i nci pl esofFLE i nc onj unct i on wi t ht heabi l i t yt opl an,i mpl ement ,ande val uat esuc h educat i onalpr ogr ams FLES: 1.Ev ent hemos tt hor oughl yt hought outpr ogr am wi l lhav eunf or eseen ci r c ums t anc est hatmayr equi r eshor t t er m orl ongt e r m change s 2.Pr ogr am desi gni sacycl i cal ,notal i nearpr oc ess.Adj us tpr ogr am c ont entorappr oac heswhenyouge tnew i nf or mat i on 3.Useeval uat i ondat at oc hangey ourpr ogr am Phi l osophyForFLE Whyi si ti mpor t antt oev al uat eandunder st andourphi l osophi calappr oac ht o FLE? Needt oc ons i der : ● Be l i e f saboutt hef ami l yandt henat ur eandqual i t yoff ami l yl i f e . ● Be l i e f saboutt hepur poseofFLE. Chapt er2|4

● Be l i e f saboutt hecont entofFLE. ● Be l i e f saboutt hepr ocessofl ear ni ngf orf ami l i esandi ndi vi dual swi t hi n f ami l i e s. BestPr act i ces Wewantt opr ov ewhatwor ks: Ter mi nol ogy ● Evi denc ebasedpr ogr ammi ng;evi dencebasedpr act i c es;r esear c hbase d; out c omebased,bes tpr ac t i c e;evi dencei nf or med Whi chdoFLEsc hoose ? ● Evi denc ebased ● Ev al uat i onshowsposi t i v er esul t s ● Re sul t sat t r i but edt ot hepr ogr am ● Peer r evi e wed ● Endor sedbyagov er nmentage ncy Soundsgr eat !Butwhati ft hi spr ogr am doesn’ tmee tt heneedsoft he par t i ci pant s ?? ● Anecdot al :Basedont hee xper i enc es& ski l l soft heeducat or ● Evi denc ei nf or med:Ami xt ur eofbot h Seven Di mensi onsofPr ogr ami ng ● Cont e nt :Whati st aught ? ● I nt e nsi t y:Whati st hedosage ? ● Me t hods:How i si tl e ar ned? ● Ti mi ng:Whendoesi toccur ? ● Se t t i ng:Wher edoesi tt akepl ac e ? ● Tar ge t :Whor ecei v e si t ? ● Del i v er y:How i si tdi ssemi nat ed?

Chapt er2|5...

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