Contributor Personality Development-1990001 PDF

Title Contributor Personality Development-1990001
Course Contributor Personality Development
Institution Gujarat Technological University
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Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ 1

(a) When my college is hosting a conference, I will help out wherever people need help in organizing it. (b) When my college is hosting a conference, I will help out as long as it doesn’t affect other plans which I have already made.


(a) I like the teacher who uses different methods to teach.‛ (b) I like the teacher who helps me to learn.‛


(a) ‚When I am present in office, my juniors do not get stuck in their work‛ (b) ‚When I am present in office, my juniors work sincerely.‛


(a) ‚Our team has to play really well together in order to be worthy of winning the Championship.‛ (b) ‚Only if I score a goal today will be the worth winning the Championship.‛


Why do you think it is important to give credit to each team member after the success of a project? (a)…because every team member has put his/her best effort in the task (b)…because the team members will feel motivated to do better in future. (c)…because it would not have been possible without each of the team members.


During the final match of the inter-college cricket tournament, while chasing the target, who among the following was a contributor? (a) Yatin – ‚Whatever we win or lose, I have to support the teamto the best of my abilities.‛ (b) Nirup – ‚When I get to bet, I have to coordinate with my co-batsman so that our partnership contributes the maximum runs.‛ (c) Azzad – ‚If i get a chance to bat, I have to score a century.‛


When given some work by the team leader, who among following is a contributor? (a) Rishab, who says ‚I have to put my 100% effort.‛ (b) Karim, who says ‚I have to get it done.‛ (c) Lata, who says ‚I have the necessary skills to do the work.‛


In a team project, Vikas wishes to include as many students willing to work with him as possible, while Dharmesh choose only those whom he considers good at work. What can you say about Vikas?

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (a) Vikas is confident of his abilities to make everyone work. (b) Vikas want to include more people because he believes that ‚more people equals to more work done.‛ (c) Vikas values each person and his/her capacity to work. 9

Who would you identify to be a contributor? (a) Michael who worries about fulfilling the teacher’s expectations when doing assignments (b) Shaun who decides that he will submit an excellent assignment and goes all out to do so (c) Melvin who wants his assignment to be better than others


There is a mistake in Ms. Arya’s insurance policy document. She goes to the agent’s office (who needs to talk to the insurance company to correct the mistake). How would a contributor agent think? (a) It is the insurance company’s mistake. I cannot do much about it. (b) I will make a phone call to the insurance office and find out what can be done. (c) I will send the office boy to the insurance office right away and make a phone call later to check, so that the mistake can be corrected.


The Contributor focuses on (a) I (b) We


Who works proactively? (a) Contributor (b) Non-contributor


The contributor is committed to the responsibilities of his role. He is (a) a clock watcher (b) not a clock watcher


Contributors have a work well. (a) wider (b) narrow


_ focuses on the goal being achieved, not just routine work. (a) Contributor (b) Non-contributor


(a) ‚I play volleyball well. I represented the college in the State Level Championship.‛



view of their work and thus take pride in doing their

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (b) ‚I play volleyball well. I was a part of the team that participated in the State Level Championship.‛ 17

(a) A degree enables people to find suitable jobs through which they can contribute. (b) A degree is essential for people to be contributors.


(a) When arguing with friend, your priority is to convenience him/her with confidence about your point of views. (b) When arguing with your friend, your priority is to give him/her a chance to change your views.


Premal has joined a company after completing his software engineering course. How should he view himself? (a) As a qualified engineer who has the necessary technical knowledge to handle his job well. (b) As a person becoming capable of designing new technical solutions to real challenges. (c) As a person who has achieved a lot by completing his difficult engineering studies.

20 Snigdha has been promoted to the post of quality supervisor in the factory where she works. As a contributor, how she view her role? (a) ‚My role is t conduct quality checks.‛ (b) ‚My role is to protect company’s reputation.‛ (c) ‚My role is to ensure that our products meet the quality requirements.‛ 21

Medha has been made the class representative. As a contributor, how can she view her role? (a) ‚I must ensure that all class activities are conducted smoothly.‛ (b) ‚I have to keep the welfare of my class in mind in whatever I do.‛ (c) ‚I should meet my teachers’ expectations and do the tasks assigned me well.‛


Raghuram is a young teacher who has won the Best Science Teacher award. (a) ‚I will prepare my students to do well in their science exams.‛ (b) ‚I will discourage superstitious (unscientific) thinking in my students.‛ (c) ‚I will think of new ways to spread scientific thinking amongst my students.‛

23 Pramod worked hard on a project that had never been taked up by his company before. The project failed but Pramod got a lot of appreciation from everyone. What could be the reason? (Rank in order to most likely to least likely reason) (1) Many people were involved in the project and they recognized how much effort Pramod had put in.

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (2) People were appreciating the fact that Pramod took up a challenge in a new area and worked hard at it. (3) He made a good presentation on the project and hence people liked that. (4) He must be in a senior position. Hence people were being nice to him (a) 2-1-4-3 (b) 1-2-4-3 (c) 2-1-3-4 (d) 1-2-3-4 24 Which identity contributors choose? (a) Static Identity (b) Dynamic Identity 25 Whose image of self is not defined by ‚power and position‛? Rather, they focus on the ‚responsibilities‛ of their roles. (a) Contributor’s (b) Non-contributor’s 26 Find contributor’s statement. (a) I am useful only for my specialization. (b) I can useful in many ways – my specialization is only one such way to being useful. 27 Find the Static Identity. (a) ‚Without money I am worth nothing‛ (b) ‚I am a man with inner strength and the capacity to earn money‛ 28 Find the Dynamic Identity. (a) I = ‚My degree and awards‛ (b) I = ‚My power to contribute in the current situation‛ 29 Who is a contributor person from given below? (a) Ketan : ‚I am capable of learning all kinds of new things in my job‛ (b) Ritesh : ‚I can do only those things which I have done before‛ 30 Find contributor’s statement. (a) Static Identity – ‚I = my knowledge and expertise I gained‛ (b)Dynamic Identity – ‚I = my willingness to learn and grow‛ 31

(a) One needs to achieve success at any cost. (b) One needs to becomes worthy of success.

32 (a) My team captain is successful because he is able to handle difficult situations (during the game) well. (b) My team captain is successful because he plays well and we win most of the time. 33 When can you say a person has achieved success?

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (a) When he has many awards to prove it. (b) When he reaches a high position after going through a long period of learning and growing. (c) When he starts believing that ‚I can‛. 34 Mr. Rane was the Engineering Physics professor in a college. After his retirement, he says he experiences greatest happiness when his students, who have now become successful in their chosen career and come to meet him. Why should we consider him successful? (a) Since he must have made a difference to many students’ lives during his career. (b) Since he must have been known as a good teacher of subject. (c) Since he must have earned the respect of his students through his teaching. 35 Ram, Megha and Aditya are three team leaders in an IT company. Who among them in your opinion have the broadest vision of success? (a) Aditya wants his team to take on different types of projects and continuously upgraded their capabilities. (b) Ram wants his team to get the best rating in the performance appraisal. (c) Megha wants her team to be known as the innovative team. 36 (a) ‚During the Mumbai Marathon I won the Bronze medal last year. For this year’s Marathon, I should practice to improve my stamina and speed.‛ (b) ‚During the Mumbai Marathon I won the Bronze medal last year. For this year’s Marathon, I should get a medal again this year.‛ 37 Manas is working as an intern in a prestigious company. How would you define success for him? (a) When he is able to apply his previous knowledge in his work. (b) When his boos says that he learns from every opportunity. (c) When he does whatever work is assigned to him sincerely. 38 Four friends were talking about their bosses. Which of them you want to have as your boos? (Rank from the most preferred to least preferred choice) (1) ‚My boss shares the team goals with the team and support us to work together to reach the goals,‛ (2) ‚My boss gives me a goal but support me if I get stuck.‛ (3) ‚My boss mentors/guides us to take up larger responsibilities and to develop our capabilities.‛ (4) ‚My boss instructs me about what work I should do.‛ (a) 1-3-4-2 (b) 2-3-1-4 39 Find the Contributor’s vision of success.

(c) 3-1-2-4

(d) 3-2-4-1

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (a) External success (b) Inner success 40 A contributor seeks success for the (a) Deeper (b) External 41


Awards, beating competition, financial incentives and promotion are called success. (a) External success (b) Inner success

42 The excitement of overcoming challenges, stretching one’s boundaries as a human being, success. building capabilities and self-confidence are called (a) External success (b) Inner success 43 Which success is the most important? (a) Financial success only. (b) All around success. 44 Who is a contributor person from given below? (a) Perform well and Win at any cost (b) Perform well and be a worthy of success by stretching own boundaries 45 Which statement you choose as a contributor? (a) Keep trying until you covert your dreams into reality. (b) Try a little to reach to your goal. 46 (a) I want to start a library of rare books for people who are interested since there are no such libraries in this locality. (b) I want to start a library of rare books for people in this locality can get chance to read such books and revive interest in reading. 47 (a) A cleaner at a shopping complex puts signs wherever the floor is wet, otherwise he will be scolded for not doing his duty. (b) A cleaner at a shopping complex puts signs wherever the floor is wet, otherwise people may slip and fall down. 48 (a) I will feel satisfied when I learn something new every day.

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (b) I will feel satisfied when I have learnt a lot after years of experience. 49 Which of these options would a contributor adopt to grow in his career? (a) Try to do new kinds of work and be open to new experiences. (b) Always be in good terms with his seniors and see that he doesn’t upset them in any way. (c) Accept every task that is assigned to him and impress all with his ability. 50 Which of the following is most likely to happen when a company, which is currently a market leader, is not ready to make necessary changes in the way the business is run? (a) Its customers will prefer to go to other competitors who are more innovative. (b) Since this company is the leader, they are not affected in any way. Business goes on as usual. (c) The company misses out on valuable opportunities to grow because of their traditional mindset. 51

Disha has completed her degree in Ayurveda. While she is thinking of setting up her own clinic, she get the opportunity to work as an assistant to an experienced doctor. Although the pay is low, she takes u the offer. What do you think is the reason? (Rank in order of most likely reason to least likely reason) (1) ‚I can learn a lot from the experience of that doctor.‛ (2) ‚Working with somebody else will give me the confidence to practice on my own later‛ (3) ‚Setting up my own practice will be difficult. Patients may not come to a new doctor like me‛ (4) ‚I’m afraid that I will do something wrong if I practice on

(a)1 -2-3-4 (b) 2 -1-3-4 (c) 2 -1-4-3 (d) 1-2-4-3 52 Sudhir has two job offers. What questions should he ask himself before taking a final dision? (Rank in order of most likely reason to least likely reason) (1) Am I interested because this is the type of work that I can enjoy doing? (2) Am I interested because this is a good brand name to have on my CV? (3) Am I interested because the pay is good and the money will help me fulfill my dreams? (4) Am I interested because this is the type of job where others can benefit through my work? (a) 4-1-3-2

(b) 4-1-2-3

53 While choosing your career, your focus should be on…

(c) 4-3 -1-2

(d) 1-4- 3-2

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (a) High salary and high perks. (b) What are the typical challenges and responsibilities in that role? 54 In a job environment, how do you choose amongst assignment opportunities? (a) Choose the main stream project with senior experts. (b) Choose a new cutting-edge work that the organization is experimenting. 55 How should you respond your promotion? (a) Worry about the new challenges with the new role. (b) Excite for the new role with new responsibilities. 56 Find the correct statement for the contributor. (a) Willingly try out and learn new things and step out of comfort zone. (b) Can do the things well which they do regularly. 57 Which is contributor’s statement? (a) Ready to do multi-tasks. (b) Not ready do the work beyond the stated job description. 58 As a contributor person find the correct statement. (a) Create growth opportunities in a career. (b) Do just routine work and not willing to come out of comfort zone. 59 Which career contributors choose? (a) Acquisitive Career (b) Contributive Career 60 Find the Non-Contributors’ Career strategy. (a) High salary and perks. (b) Opportunities to face new challenges & develop new skills. 61

Find the Contributors’ Career strategy. (a) Can work in the field that have been trained in. (b) Can learn whatever is needed to perform well in given role.

62 Choose the success as per contributor’s mindset. (a) Success means more money, more power, and more position. (b) Success means external growths combine with growth in capacities, leadership skills and contribute effectively. 63 (a) Leaders ensure that tasks are understood and accomplished by workers.

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (b) Leaders ensure that people seek and take responsibility for what needs to be accomplishment. 64 (a) ‚I need to be a contributor so that I can serve the society, poor and the needy.‛ (b) ‚I want to be a contributor so that I strengthen myself and others.‛ 65 (a) A senior must guide a new employee so that s/he is able to improve his/her salesmanship. (b) A senior must motivate a new employee so that s/he meets his /her targets. 66 Nano, the world’s cheapest car, was launched in the Auto Expo at New Delhi in January 2008. How do you view this contribution? (a) The company will make tremendous profits because it will have many buyers. (b) The company has brought out a car within the reach of common man. (c) It is a big achievement for the engineers who have succeeded in cutting down the cost of the car. 67 Anju is a successful online writer. Recently, she has started mentoring online writers, in return for a small fee. According to you, what is the likely reason for Anju to take up mentoring? (a) ‚This forum will help the creation of an online writer community, who will assist and guide each other.‛ (b) "I don't want other writers to struggle like had to." (c) "Interacting with other online writers will enrich my understanding of online writing." 68 Smita runs a day-care facility for young children in a residential locality. As a contributor, how can she view her work? (a) As a mode of regular income while being at home. (b) As being able to provide services and support to the working mothers of the locality. (c) As being able to utilize her caring skills for children. 69 Kavita works as a receptionist in a big organization. What is the highest contribution that Kavita can make to her organization? (a) She should inform her colleagues when visitors come to meet them. (b) She should proactively help all visitors in getting their work done. (c) She should be alert to whatever is happening around her. 70 Rank the following project leaders from most contributive to least contributive. (1) The one who is only concerned about achieving project targets on time. (2) The one who carefully assigns work such that each team member also gets to develop new capabilities.

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ


(3) The one who delegates work such that every team member has a clear idea of his role. (4) The one who discusses the project with the team and supports the team members to complete it effectively. (a) 4-2-3-1 (b) 3 -2-4-1 (c) 2 -4-3-1 (d) 4-3-2-1 (a) Building capability of my team is as important as my own development. (b) Personal development is more important than team development.

72 Which statement contributor chooses? (a) chasing immediate sales targets (b) Building customer’s trust in the organization is more important for the long-term business 73 Which statement contributor chooses? (a) Tough circumstances are an opportunity for making more contributions (b) I hate the problems and tough circumstances 74 (a) Change can take place only when the circumstances are suitable. (b) Change can take place only when you decide to change. 75 (a) ‚I have to convince my friend to go to the library to explore the difficult concepts in Maths together." (b) ‚My friend can motivate me to accompany him to the library to understand difficult concepts in Maths.‛ 76 (a) I can learn new things only if I get a good teacher. (b) I can learn new things if I decide to. 77 Kiran has just graduated. The Association of his building has asked him if he is willing to handle the accounts of the Association as their accountant has quit and hiring a new one will be expensive. Kiran does not like accounting at all, but he accepts this honorary post. What do you think is the likely reason? (a) He can use this opportunity to develop a liking for accounting. (b) The elderly members of the Association have requested him to do the work, so he cannot refuse. (c) The Association will save the money that it used to pay the accountant. 78 Vibha started her business 10 years ago. Over the years, her business has grown.Her friends were talking about what could be the reasons behind such growth. With whom do you agree the most? (a) Shyamal: - "Such growth is possible if one is committed to the goal and does what it takes."

Contributor personality Development (3990001) MCQ (b) Rachna: - "Such growth is possible when you know the 'right' people to support the business a crucial time." (c) Rohan: - "Such growth is possible when one is smart and willing to work hard." 79 Archana has got a job as a teacher in a foreign country. How should Archana act in such a situation? ...

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