Course Outline - Cégep André-Laurendeau PDF

Title Course Outline - Cégep André-Laurendeau
Author Bonjour Maman
Course Langue anglaise et communication II
Institution Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC)
Pages 13
File Size 231.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 35
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Cégep André-Laurendeau...


Winter 2018

Course Outline Langue anglaise et communication II Numéro du cours : 604-420-AL

Discipline : English, Second Language

Weighting : 2-1-3

Programme : Formation générale propre

Teacher : Julia Golden

Courriel : Mio

Office : 2.407.1

Department : Languages

Telephone : 514 364-3320, ext. 6693

Department Coordinator : Fatima Paulo, 2.450, Elizabeth Bulhoes, 2.460

Office Hours : See Léa

General Presentation The course 604-420-AL is part of “formation générale propre au programme” meaning it is compulsory for students of all programmes who have attained the objectives of the corresponding “formation générale commune” course, 604-101MQ. It is designed to consolidate the elements of the competency acquired in the first course, while enriching them with specific input from the student’s field of study. By the end of this course, students must be able to communicate with some ease in English, employing commonly used forms of expression related to the student’s field of study. In order to demonstrate acquisition of the course objectives, students will perform a practical task related to their field of study, including speaking and writing components based on or in reaction to an audio or written source.

Pedagogical planning Overall Objective 

Communicate with some ease in English, employing commonly used forms of expression related to the student’s field of study. At the end of the semester, the student must express himself or herself during an oral presentation, using information from field-related reading and /or listening sources and write a text using information from the fieldrelated reading and /or listening source and produce a text type appropriate to the subject and to the field of study

Specific Objectives 

Listening: Demonstrate comprehension of the meaning of an authentic oral message related to the student’s field of study. o This includes recognition of the overall meaning, key ideas and connections between the elements of a message lasting approximately 5 minutes. o This objective will be evaluated individually at home or in the language laboratory. Students will choose or be given a field-

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related text which they will listen to and identify the general meaning and essential ideas of the text. Students will be asked to show their understanding of the audio task by performing a practical written or spoken task related to the subject of the audio text. In the event that the text includes vocabulary or expressions that go beyond the expected level, the teacher will provide a glossary or the student may be required to research the meaning of field-related vocabulary. 

Reading: Demonstrate comprehension of the useful elements of an authentic text related to the student’s field of study. o This includes recognition of the overall meaning, the validity and reliability of a text, the ability to skim for useful elements in the performance of an appropriate task. o This objective will be evaluated individually, in the classroom, at home or in the laboratory. Students will select and read an appropriate field-related text that is professional and reliable, and will use that text to perform a practical written or spoken task. In the event that the text includes vocabulary or expressions that go beyond the expected level, the teacher will provide a glossary or the student may be required to research the meaning of fieldrelated vocabulary.

Speaking: Deliver an oral message related to the student’s field of study. o Specifically, it must be a clear and coherent message accessible to a non expert, appropriate to the context, making proper use of grammatical code, using terms related to the student’s field of study and showing openness and respect. o This objective will be evaluated individually, in pairs, in groups, in the classroom, in the lab, on audio or video recordings, or in front of the teacher. The student will express a spoken message that is field-related and accessible to a non-expert. The student must use pertinent information and ideas from an audio or written source, and must demonstrate the correct use of grammar and logical structure. The student must also demonstrate the use of presentation strategies appropriate to the task and field of study. During the presentation, students may use support material, including visuals, realia, cue cards, and other papers.

Writing: Write and revise a text related to the student’s field of study. o Specifically, a clear and coherent 350-word text related to the student’s field of study, accessible to a non expert, adapted to the context and purpose, using new ideas and expressions, with

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adequate application of grammar, syntax, and spelling. The text must also also make adequate use of basic terms related to the field of study and of communication procedures related to the writing task as well as appropriate revision procedures. o This objective will be evaluated individually and in the classroom; students will write a field-related text that is appropriate to their field of study in regards to text type, style and language. In addition to using pertinent information from appropriate field-related and reliable audio and written texts, the students must show the use of new ideas throughout the text. The writing text must also show attention to spelling, syntax and the grammatical code, and it must contain appropriate field-related vocabulary appropriate to the task. The student must also demonstrate the use of revision strategies, including working from an outline, draft or model, and editing. Grammar references, models, outlines or other sources deemed appropriate can be used for these tasks. Content 

 

Grammar o Revision of elements covered in 604-101-MQ and new elements, as required o Appropriate application of the grammatical code Vocabulary building o Terms and expressions from the field of study Listening o Methods to learn how to identify and use pertinent elements of a field related message in order to complete a practical task o Methods to deduce new vocabulary and expressions from a field related task Reading o Methods to learn how to identify and effectively use the pertinent ideas of a field-related text Speaking o Using new ideas and expressions o Using field-specific terms and expressions o Expressing a message with openness and respect Writing o Choosing and effectively using writing forms and revision strategies related to field-related topics o Idea development appropriate to field-related topics and text types o Using new ideas and expressions o Using field-specific terms and expressions

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Pedagogical Activities At the beginning of the session, students will learn how to write a process essay and how to do a process presentation about a topic that is related to this field of study. These formative evaluations will require students to build on their reading and listening skills (identifying main and supporting ideas) through the assimilation and synthesis of teacher-supplied articles and audio texts. They will also practice and reinforce grammatical concepts introduced in 604-101 by presenting and leading an activity about a chosen concept (one topic will be presented by a different group every week). For the summative evaluations students will design and conduct a survey related to a topic in their field of study. They will analyze at least one external source to help them develop their hypothesis and survey questions. Next, students will conduct their survey using an online platform and write a technical report to analyze and interpret their findings. The formative and summative evaluations will lead the students to succeed in the certificative evaluations, as they will apply the skills learned to help them read a short biography of an influential person in their field of study and write a compare/contrast essay about their influential person and another student’s chosen person. The students will also present this information as an oral presentation. Evaluation Formative Evaluation (30%)  Listening (5%) o The student must incorporate audio/video information into their process presentation.  Reading (5%) o The student must incorporate information from a written source into their process essay.  Speaking (10%) o The student must prepare a presentation about the process their wish to describe.  Writing (10%) o The student must a process essay (5%) and conduct a grammar presentation on a chosen topic (5%). Summative Evaluation (30%)  Summative evaluations will allow the student and teacher to assess the student’s progress in incorporating receptive skills into an expressive task.

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Summative evaluations will resemble final evaluations in format and timing (see below for more details). Final Evaluation (« certificative ») (40%) In order to demonstrate their acquisition of the four elements of the competency, students will be required to:  express himself or herself during an oral presentation, using information from field related reading and /or listening sources and write a text using information from the field-related reading and /or listening source and produces a text type appropriate to the subject and to the field of study Evaluation criteria and conditions to pass the course: Listening and Reading: Demonstration of the comprehension of the meaning of a field-related message, recognition of the overall meaning, key ideas and connections between the elements of written and audio texts. Evaluation criteria for speaking and writing are specified in 604-420-AL marking descriptors, which are compulsory for evaluating summative and “certificative” evaluations. Below is a summary of categories evaluated : Speaking: Language (Grammar accuracy, Vocabulary, Pronunciation); Presentation / Delivery (Structure, Flow, Interaction); Content (Ideas, Evidence, Task). Writing: Word level (Word form, Spelling, Word choice); Sentence level (Punctuation, Verb tenses, Question formation, Subject-verb agreement, Modals, Word order, Nouns/pronouns, Sentence clarity); Text level (Introduction and conclusion, Idea logic and linking, Paragraph structure, Transitions, Content, Completion of task) 

Students must obtain a mark of at least 60% on the final evaluation to be considered competent in the course.

Required material Sufficient printing quota

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Payment of all school fees in order to ensure access to Omnivox at all times

Media Internet use Video ad audio recordings Magazine and newspaper articles Extrait des modalités départementales d’application de la Politique institutionnelle d’évaluation des apprentissages

Présence aux activités d’apprentissage La présence et la participation aux activités d’apprentissage sont obligatoires. Après 9 heures d’absence, l’élève doit rencontrer son professeur pour justifier la poursuite de son cours et signer un contrat qui décrit les conditions de son engagement à poursuivre son cours. Si l’élève ne contacte pas et ne rencontre pas son professeur ou si les conditions du contrat ne sont pas respectées, l’élève pourrait se retrouver dans une situation d’échec. Un retard au début du cours ou après la pause ou un départ avant la fin du cours est considéré comme une absence (minimum une heure) aux activités d’apprentissage. L’élève a la responsabilité de participer aux activités d’apprentissage en classe et, à défaut d’être présent, de récupérer par lui-même les apprentissages manqués. L’élève qui cumule 20% et plus d’absence ne peut se prévaloir des mesures suivantes : • la possibilité d’un incomplet temporaire (IT) et éventuellement l’accès aux centres d’aide incluant le Service de tutorat par les pairs; Seuil de réussite L’élève doit avoir obtenu 60% au cours et doit avoir réussi l’examen certificatif pour réussir le cours. Les conditions de réussite de

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l’examen certificatif seront expliquées à la lecture des plans de cours conformément aux plans-cadres.

Travaux d’équipe Les travaux d’équipe ne doivent pas compter pour plus de 40 % de la pondération. Pour les évaluations certificatives, lorsqu’il y a travaux d’équipe, chaque élève sera évalué individuellement.

Remise des travaux Un 5% de la note globale par jour sera soustrait à tout travail remis en retard jusqu’à concurrence de 7 jours ou jusqu’au moment où les copies seront remises en circulation. Les travaux remis par courriel ne seront pas acceptés.

Correction et délai de correction Le délai de correction pour tout travail remis à temps est de 2 semaines de calendrier scolaire. Pour toute autre activité écrite ou orale évaluée, l’enseignant ou l’enseignante fournira une grille de correction détaillée comprenant les mêmes critères que la grille pour l’évaluation certificative, et la distribuera en même temps que les consignes sur le travail en question. La grille de correction pour l’examen certificatif sera utilisée au plus tard lors des évaluations sommatives.

Rétroaction significative en cours de session Afin d’aider les élèves à juger de leurs progrès, il y aura au moins une activité évaluée par élément de compétence avant les évaluations sommatives. - 8 -

Afin d’aider les élèves à comprendre leurs points forts et les points à améliorer, les travaux écrits et oraux seront évalués avec des grilles de correction détaillées. Par ailleurs, les enseignants et enseignantes fourniront des commentaires écrits lors de la correction.

Évaluation certificative L’évaluation certificative évalue l’atteinte de la compétence et vaut 40% de la note finale pour les cours d’anglais de la formation générale et pour les cours d’espagnol de la formation complémentaire. L’élève doit obtenir une note de passage (60%) à chaque partie de l’évaluation certificative pour réussir le cours. Toute exception à cette règle sera expliquée dans le plan de cours.

Absence à une évaluation Si un élève doit s’absenter lors d’une évaluation, dans certains cas, la reprise de l’activité sera possible si l’élève contacte son enseignant ou son enseignante au moins 2 jours avant le cours suivant. L’enseignant peut exiger qu’un élève lui remette une pièce justificative. Si le report d’une évaluation n’est pas possible, la note sera de 0%.

Plagiat La politique du Collège concernant le plagiat sera strictement appliquée dans les cours de langues.

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604-420 Weekly Calendar – Winter 2018


Grammar Presentations






- introduce the course

- find homework assignments on Léa

- brainstorm ideas of a process you could show the class


- partner interviews


Present tenses (model)


- sign up for grammar presentations (5%)

- grammar activity: person shift

-diagnostic writing

- how to make a classic gin martini

-correct diagnostic writing

- finalize your process essay/presentati on topic

- process essay outline

-prepare to write a process essay in class next week

- reading: “How to Use Less Communication”

- language of process presentations (transition words, no jargon) - presentation instructions for class 5

3 process/how-to


- how to give peer feedback - practice mini process presentations (in small groups, using my preselected topics) and give peer

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feedback - sample process essays 4

Past tenses


write process essay in class (10%)

- type process essay

- prepare your process presentation - reading: “Giving and Receiving Feedback”


- process presentations (15%)


- process presentations - peer feedback

- peer feedback


Present perfect tense


- practice survey: social networking sites

- work on research analysis

- research analysis due at the start of class next week

- work on website analysis

- take at least 5 other surveys

- review survey project instructions - form survey groups & choose topics 7

Future tenses


- review process essay - finalize hypothesis - question formation

- finalize surveys on Survey Planet

- types of survey questions - formulate survey questions 8 survey


- how to interpret survey results

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- analyze results on Survey Planet

- prepare to go on job interviews in

- how to organize your presentation 9 survey 10 survey


- work on survey report

Midterm exam: writing (15%)

class next week - prepare your survey presentation

Midterm exam: speaking (15%)



- peer feedback on survey presentations

-research famous/influenti al person

- sample biography essays


Adjectives and adverbs



- note taking - compare/contrast essay structure

Grammar Review


- introduce and set up final exam - note taking (in groups) -course wrap up

14 (final exams) biography

Final exam: writing (20%)

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- finalize article and notes

-prepare essay outline

- print and bring your famous person’s bio to class next week

15 (final exams) biography

Final exam: speaking (20%)

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