Course Outline PDF

Title Course Outline
Author Lakshana Jeewoonarain
Course Principles of Business
Institution Brock University
Pages 13
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Course Syllabus for MGMT 1P93 - Principles of Business...


Brock University - Goodman School of Business Department of Marketing, International Business and Strategy (MIBS) MGMT 1P93 – Principles of Business Fall 2020 Course Syllabus Part 1: Course Information Instructor Information Instructor: Office: Offline Office Hours: Online Office Hours: Section # 1: Section # 2: Office Telephone: E-mail:

Jacqueline Glenney, MBA GSB 443 Via Messages in the Course Sakai Site Via MS Teams per Section Time (below) Mondays/Wednesdays 3:30PM to 5:00PM Tuesdays/Thursdays 5:00PM to 6:30PM 905-688-5550 x 3900 [email protected]

Course Description Course Delivery Method: ASYNC Online Office Hours: SYNC This online course provides an introduction to the functional areas of business. Over a twelve-week period, students will examine such areas as the business environment, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, finance, operations, accounting, business ethics and the globalization of the business world. The intent is to enable students to discover various areas of business that are of interest to them which will encourage students to explore these areas with greater interest throughout the rest of their undergraduate academic career.

Textbook & Course Materials Required Text: Ferrell, O.C., Hirt, Geoffrey A., Ferrell, Linda, Iskander, Suzanne, and Mombourquette, Peter. Business: A Changing World, Seventh Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, Canada, 2020. Note: This is a new textbook adoption that is being used in MGMT 1P93 for the Fall 2020 semester. Students have a choice to purchase a print textbook ($99.95) or an electronic textbook ($90.00). Either option can be purchased through the Brock University Campus Bookstore. Please note that I do not require students to complete any assignments, activities or exams via the McGraw-Hill Ryerson Connect platform. Please note that if you purchase an Brock University, Niagara Region

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electronic textbook, the instructions on how to register your access code to gain access to the textbook are available under the Resources Tab on Sakai. Suggested Text: Sabin, William A., Strashok, G. Wendy, Gardner, Linda C., and Millar, Wilma K The Gregg Reference Manual, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, Canada, 2014. Note: This is a new resource adoption for MGMT 1P93 for the Fall 2020 semester. It is a suggested resource only with reference to its contents being made periodically throughout the semester. Students have a choice to purchase a print textbook ($99.95) or an electronic textbook ($80.00). Either option can be purchased through the Brock University Campus Bookstore. Please note that I do not require students to complete any assignments, activities or exams via the McGraw-Hill Ryerson Connect platform. Please note that if you purchase an electronic textbook, the instructions on how to register your access code to gain access to the textbook are available under the Resources Tab on Sakai. Although I indicate that The Gregg Reference Manual is a suggested textbook purchase, I would encourage all students to give some consideration to investing in this resource. As you will see in the Course Objectives Section of this syllabus, developing strong communication skills is a secondary objective of MGMT 1P93; a skill set that is necessary to master for the successful completion of your educational years and your future business career.

Course Technology Requirements •

Internet (broadband) connection

Access to SAKAI

Access to a Desktop or Laptop

Note that a significant number of resources on Sakai are accessible via a mobile device


Your Online Classroom and Procedures This course will be delivered entirely online through the course management system SAKAI. You will use your Brock STUDENT LOGIN and PASSWORD to login to the course from the SAKAI login page. ( Each Module begins on a Sunday (12:05AM) and ends on a Saturday (11:55PM). Some modules will run for one week while others will run for two weeks. The following areas of the online classroom will be accessible when you are logged into MGMT 1P93 on Sakai.

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1. Overview: Basic course title information, instructor information and delivery method information are displayed here. 2. Resources: The course outline and other important course housekeeping documents are posted here. 3. Calendar: All assignment dates and test dates will be displayed on the Sakai site course calendar. 4. Announcements: Current/time-critical information is posted here. 5. Messages: Please ensure that all written communication with me is through this messages tab on Sakai. 6. Forums: From time to time, I will post a question in the forums tab. If interested, you can share your thoughts regarding my questions. A course grade is not attached to this forum discussion. However, the more active you are in MGMT 1P93 by posting your responses/ideas/feedback to these questions, the better prepared you will be for the Final Exam. These forum questions are designed to get you to think about the course material in greater depth. 7. Lessons: Contains information pertaining to the Course Introduction, Business Grammar, the seven separate Modules/Lessons and the Course Conclusion. Each module will be made available to you on the Sunday morning of the corresponding week(s). Once the modules are made available on Sakai, they will remain available until the end of the semester. 8. Assignments: All instructions for written assignments are posted here. Your completed Individual Lesson Assignments are submitted here. 9. Tests and Quizzes: Your Business Grammar Tests and Final Exam are completed here. 10. Gradebook: Your course grades will be posted here. 11.MS Teams: If you would like to speak with me during office hours, please access this tab and I will invite you in to my virtual office hours. Please note that these virtual office hours coincide with the class times for the section that you are registered in. I will only be online waiting in my ‘virtual office’ during these times as specified on Page 1 of this course outline. Feel free to ‘stop by’ sometime to say “Hello” and to introduce yourself! There are other tabs that will be visible to you on Sakai: Site Info, Statistics, Roster, Order Textbooks and Library Research. These tabs will be used less frequently (if at all).

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Part 2: Course Objectives The primary objective of this course is to present an overview of the contemporary business environment. Students should gain an understanding and appreciation of the forces operating within society that influence today’s business managers. Overall, students are provided with a comprehensive overview of the various functional areas of business. A secondary objective of this course is to improve written communication skills. Communication is one of the five key skills that the Goodman School of Business has chosen to focus on as part of its Assurance of Learning program. A.A.C.S.B. accreditation as a business school requires that there is a continuous improvement process with respect to these five skills. Good communication skills will help you throughout your university program; good communication skills will also help you when you are actively involved in your job search or when you have begun your business career. In addition, by its very nature, this course will help you improve your time management skills and your decision-making skills. Target Market: This course is designed entirely to help first-year students develop skills and knowledge that will enhance their business education and their business careers. If you are not a first-year student, you will still benefit from this course; however, you should understand that you are not part of the primary target market for this course. You will meet the objectives listed above through a combination of the following activities in this course: 1. Individual Lesson Assignments (50%): There is an Individual Lesson Assignment that will be made available with each lesson or module. You are required to complete any FIVE (5) of the SEVEN (7) assignments throughout the semester. Each of these assignments is worth 10% of your final course grade. Complete instructions for each Individual Lesson Assignment will be released with the Lesson/Module itself. Failure to submit any chosen assignment by the deadline date and time will result in a grade of ZERO. Marks (1 mark for each error) will be deducted for spelling, grammar and format errors to a maximum of 10 marks. Be sure to PROOFREAD and EDIT all written work. Refer to the Assignments Tab on Sakai for specific instructions pertaining to these Individual Lesson Assignments. 2. Business Grammar Tests (15%): There are two Business Grammar Tests to be completed via the Tests/Quizzes Tab on Sakai. Each test will consist of 30 multiple-choice questions. The first BGT will take place on Friday October 23, 2020. The second BGT will take place of Friday November 20, 2020. Each BGT will open at 10:00AM and will close at 4:00PM. Once you start a test you will have 30 minutes to complete it.

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Please refer to Page 9 and Page 10 of the course outline for further information regarding the Business Grammar Test. 3. Final Exam (35%): There is a Final Exam in this course. This Final Exam will be both open book and comprehensive in nature. As a result, it is extremely important that you keep up with all course material throughout the semester. The Final Exam period for the Fall 2020 semester runs from Thursday December 10, 2020 to Tuesday December 22, 2020. The exact date/time of the Final Exam for MGMT 1P93 will be announced sometime closer to the Thanksgiving break. The exact format (multiple choice and/or short answer) of the Final Exam will be announced when the date/time of the Final Exam has been made available by the Registrar’s Office. All assignment grades will be posted to the Gradebook tab in the SAKAI website once the grading of the assignment has been completed.

Part 3: Topic Outline/Schedule Important Note: Assignment details will be explained in detail within each week's corresponding Modules/Lessons. Remember it us up to you to choose any FIVE (5) of the SEVEN (7) Individual Lesson Assignments. A tip: base your choice on the topics and due dates of these assignments within each lesson.

Introduction to MGMT 1P93 Access Course Introductory Webinar - Welcome to Principles of Business Read the MGMT 1P93 Course Syllabus Note: The course introduction webinar will be available on the first day of D2 Lectures on Wednesday September 9, 2020.

Lesson 1:

An Introduction to the World of Business

Note: Module 1 will be open on Sunday September 13, 2020. Required Readings: ü ü ü ü

Chapter # 1: The Dynamics of Business & Economics Chapter # 2: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Chapter # 3: Business in a Borderless World Instructor Commentary under Lessons for Module # 1

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Required Activities: ü Access the PowerPoint webinars for the three chapters from this lesson ü Review PowerPoint Slides of the Virtual Grammar Workshop provided by Academic Zone ü Access the Assignments Tab and read the instructions for Individual Assignment One. If you decide to complete Assignment One, be sure to submit by 11:55PM on Saturday September 26, 2020 Lesson 2:

Entrepreneurship & Business Ownership

Note: Module 2 will be open on Sunday September 27, 2020. Required Readings: ü Chapter # 4: Options for Organizing Business ü Chapter # 5: Small Business, Entrepreneurship & Franchising ü Instructor Commentary under Lessons for Module # 2 Required Activities: ü Access the PowerPoint webinars for the two chapters from this lesson ü Access the Assignments Tab and read the instructions for Individual Assignment Two. If you decide to complete Assignment Two, be sure to submit your completed assignment by 11:55PM on Saturday October 3, 2020 Lesson 3:

Management & Workplace Communication

Note: Module 3 will be open on Sunday October 4, 2020. Required Readings: ü Chapter # 6: The Nature of Management ü Chapter # 7: Organization, Teamwork and Communication ü Instructor Commentary under Lessons for Module # 3 Required Activities: ü Access the PowerPoint webinars for the two chapters from this lesson ü Complete Business Grammar Test # 1 on Friday October 23, 2020 ü Access the Assignments Tab and read the instructions for Individual Assignment three. If you decide to complete Assignment Three, be sure to submit your completed assignment by 11:55PM on Saturday October 24, 2020

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Please note that Thanksgiving Day and Fall Reading Week fall in the middle of Lesson 3. There are no assignments due during Fall Reading Week. Please ensure that you take the time to Enjoy Thanksgiving Day on Monday October 12, 2020 Enjoy Fall Reading Week from Monday October 12, 2020 to Friday October 16, 2020 Lesson 4:

Human Resources

Note: Module 4 will be open on Sunday October 25, 2020. Required Readings: ü Chapter # 9: Motivating the Workforce ü Chapter # 10: Managing Human Resources ü Instructor Commentary under Lessons for Module # 4 Required Activities: ü Access the PowerPoint webinars for the two chapters from this lesson ü Access the Assignments Tab and read the instructions for Individual Assignment Four. If you decide to complete Assignment Four, be sure to submit your completed assignment by 11:55PM on Saturday October 31, 2020 Lesson 5:


Note: Module 5 will be open on Sunday November 1, 2020. Required Readings: ü ü ü ü

Chapter # 11: Customer-Driven Marketing Chapter # 12: Dimensions of Marketing Strategy Chapter # 13: Digital Marketing and Social Networking Instructor Commentary under Lessons for Module # 5

Required Activities: ü Access the PowerPoint webinars for the three chapters from this lesson ü Access the Assignments Tab and read the instructions for Individual Assignment Five. If you decide to complete Assignment Five, be sure to submit your completed assignment by 11:55PM on Saturday November 14, 2020

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Lesson 6: Operations and Supply Chain Management Note: Module 6 will be open on Sunday November 15, 2020. Required Readings: ü Chapter # 8: Managing Operations & Supply Chains ü Instructor Commentary under Lessons for Module # 6 Required Activities: ü Access the PowerPoint webinar for the one chapter from this lesson ü Complete Business Grammar Test # 2 on Friday November 20, 2020 ü Access the Assignments Tab and read the instructions for Assignment Six. If you decide to complete Assignment Six, be sure to submit your completed assignment by 11:55PM on Saturday November 21, 2020 Lesson 7:

Accounting and Finance

Note: Module 7 will be open on Sunday November 22, 2020. Required Readings: ü ü ü ü

Chapter # 14: Accounting and Financial Statements Chapter # 15: Money and the Financial System Chapter # 16: Financial Management and Securities Market Instructor Commentary under Lessons for Module # 7

Required Activities: ü Access the PowerPoint webinars for the three chapters from this lesson ü Access the Assignments Tab and read the instructions for Assignment Seven. If you decide to complete Assignment Seven, be sure to submit your completed assignment by 11:55PM on Saturday December 5, 2020

Conclusion to MGMT 1P93 Access Concluding Course Webinar - Using Principles of Business Outside the Online Classroom Complete the Online Course Evaluation for MGMT 1P93 Note: The course conclusion webinar will be available on Sunday December 6, 2020.

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Important Note: This syllabus, along with course assignments and due dates, are subject to change. It is the student’s responsibility to check SAKAI for corrections or updates to the syllabus. Any changes will be clearly noted in course announcements or through the messages tab on SAKAI.

Part 4: Grading Policy Graded Course Activities Visit the Assignments link in SAKAI for details about each assignment listed below. Click on Tests/Quizzes to access all quizzes and tests. Assignment Individual Lesson Assignments Business Grammar Tests Final Exam

Grade Weight 10 Points Each 7.5 Points Each 35 Points

Total 50 Points 15 Points 35 Points

Business Grammar Tests Information The Business Grammar Tests (BGT) will be 30 minutes in length and will take place via Sakai on Friday October 23, 2020 and Friday November 20, 2020. You must complete both Business Grammar Tests. Each test will include 30 multiple-choice questions, covering several aspects of business grammar as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Subject-Verb Agreement (Section 10) Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement (Section 10) Adjectives and Adverbs (Section 10) Effective Sentence Structure and Writing Mechanics (Section 10) Punctuation – Major Marks and Other Marks (Section 1 and Section 2) Abbreviations, Plurals and Possessives (Section 5 and Section 6) Capitalization and Numbers (Section 3 and Section 4)

BGT # 1 will cover the first four aspects of business grammar – Subject-Verb Agreement, Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, Adjective and Adverbs and Effective Sentence Structure and Writing Mechanics. BGT # 2 will cover the last three aspects of business grammar – Punctuation, Abbreviations, Plurals and Possessives and Capitalization and Numbers. Many multiple-choice questions will provide you with three or four options, and you must select the alternative that is a correct sentence. Other questions will show you a sentence and ask you to indicate if the sentence is correct or not. These tests will cover material from the virtual workshop provided by Maggie Whitfield from A-Z Learning Services, from the Academic-Zone Grammar Tutorial, and from The Gregg Reference Manual. I have included the section

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number(s) above (in brackets) that corresponds to the topic from the The Gregg Reference Manual for your reference. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, to help you prepare for the Business Grammar Tests, I have arranged for a representative from Academic Zone Learning Services to provide you with a virtual workshop (webinar) that will be available on Sunday September 13, 2020. As well, completing the AcademicZone Grammar Tutorial will help you to succeed on this test. The Academic-Zone Grammar Tutorial, available through Sakai, extends beyond identifying awkward sentences or sentence structure errors like runon sentences. Students will also learn how to improve their writing and develop a deeper understanding of grammar rules. Grammar Zone helps students identify differences between proper and improper grammar and covers specific problem areas that students of all writing levels encounter. In order to access the Academic-Zone Grammar Tutorial please click on the following link: If you have any problems, concerns, or comments regarding Academic Zone registration or the module content, please contact Sara Kiley at [email protected]. Note: A grade of 70% or higher is your goal when writing the Business Grammar Test. This goal of 70% is a benchmark; if you achieve a grade of 70% or higher you are well positioned to be more successful in the business program and in the business world. Note: There are two self-assessment tests available on Academic Zone along with the grammar modules. You are encouraged to take both the pre-test and the post-test to track your improvement after completing the grammar modules. The resources on Aca...

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