Cpe speaking part 1 Useful Phrases PDF

Title Cpe speaking part 1 Useful Phrases
Author Giulia Mancosu
Course Lingua Inglese
Institution Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Pages 3
File Size 100.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 66
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Cpe speaking part 1 Useful Phrases...


CPE Speaking Part 1 – Speaking about yourself Where you live On the outskirts of the city Just round the corner from… A stone’s throw from… A ten-minute walk from… A sleepy/peaceful neighbourhood… An old apartment block where everyone knows everyone else. A leafy street/avenue Bang splat in the middle of… It’s not much to write home about. Our place can be a bit chaotic Places you’ve travelled to I’ve definitely got the travelling bug. …(The TajMahal) blew me away. I’ve never seen anything like it. Awe-inspiring Breath-taking I couldn’t believe my eyes/ears. The first place that springs to mind is… I had the time of my life/a whale of a time. I’ll never get bored of… Soaking up the culture/atmosphere/sun Catching some rays Going for a dip in the pool/sea Towering skyscrapers Mind-blowing skyline Snowy peaks Rolling hills Scorching heat Miles of golden sands Little secluded coves Crystal clear water Golden sands as far as the eye can see Sleepy villages Bustling towns/cities/marketplaces Learning languages I’ve been studying English for as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a knack for learning languages. I try to really immerse myself in the language. Learning languages comes quite easily to me. I’ve always had a curiosity for other cultures and languages. I spent (a year) living in (England)

Your aims for the future I’ve got a burning ambition to… It might sound silly but I’ve always wanted to… I’ll probably follow in my Mum/Dad’s footsteps and become a… Working in… kind of runs in our family. With any luck/hopefully, in … year’s time I’ll be… I haven’t got it all mapped out but I’d like to… I have absolutely no clue what I wanna do, something to do with… … is a field which interests me. Provided I get the grades I’d like to be/study… If all goes to plan I’m gonna… … is on my bucket list. Your occupation I’m in the middle of my (2nd) year of... I’m in the (2nd) year of a 3-year (psychology) degree. I’m juggling my studies at… with working at… I’m completely snowed under with coursework. I’m up to my eyeballs in assignments. It’s nonstop at the moment. It’s a steep learning curve. I’m getting a lot out of the course. It’s not really living up to my expectations. I’m hoping to get into… to study.. I’m finding it pretty challenging but definitely worthwhile. I take several extra-curricular subjects such as… and..on top of my studies. At the start it was tough but I’m getting the hang of it now. I’m working every hour of the day.

Preference in the arts I’m squeamish so I don’t like horror films. I’m easily (scared) so I don’t like... I make an effort to see …’s films as soon as they come out. I’m into big blockbusters/more obscure art-house films. One artist I really look up to is… I do my best to see (art/films) by … whenever I get the chance.

Spare time activities I’m a keen/avid + personal noun (skier/surfer/skater/reader/swimmer etc.) I dabble in… I’m an amateur + personal noun I like nothing more than to… I’m really in to… I’ve hardly got a spare minute these days but when I get the time I like to… I can be a bit of a party animal… I sometimes burn the candle at both ends. I live for the weekend. I like to go for a stroll around… I hang out with friends. My guilty pleasure is… I’m a little ashamed to admit it but I’m a big fan of… I’m doing evening classes in… I’m a bit of a  film buff  geek  bookworm  foody  tech-head  rocker/metal head  culture vulture

Your Personality I’m not the (superlative most sociable/tidiest) person in the world. I’m easy-going/happy-go-lucky I can be a bit (negative adjective) My friends/family would probably say I was… At times I can be the typical moody teenager. Were you to ask my Mum, she’s probably say I was… I’ve got a short attention span. I procrastinate a lot. I’m a bit of perfectionist/motor mouth I’m a bit of a daydreamer. I sometimes drift off into my own little world. I tend to (worry about things)

Negative Positive Lazy Hard-working Unsociable/reserved Sociable Closed-minded Open-minded Pessimistic Optimistic Sensitive Active Moody Carefree Absent-minded Talkative Distracted Reliable Uptight Ambitious Well-organised Thoughtful Focused Laid-back Family Friends and social life Chalk and cheese I prefer to keep myself to myself. Two peas in a pod I’ve got a really close circle of friends. … runs in my family I’ve got a great support network. I take after my Mum/Dad My social life is non-existent at the moment; I’m up to my We’re a close-knit family eyeballs/here in coursework. We’re always having family getMe and my best friend are real kindred spirits. togethers/gatherings I can really count on my friends; they’re always there for me. I’m the baby of the family/the middle child. If I’m feeling blue/down, they always know how to cheer me I’m the eldest so I get to boss my siblings up/lift my spirits around. We’ve been through a lot together. I’m the eldest so I was the guinea pig. We met in (primary school/kindergarten) and we’ve been I’ve got a sprawling extended family. inseparable ever since. I’ve got a kid brother/sister who really gets I confide in my best friend. on my nerves/drives me up the wall at times. We hangout all the time. I don’t know how my parents with us. We’re always taking the mickey out of each other. I really look up to my… Sometimes people drift apart. My family’s originally from… but my greatI do my best to stay in touch with old friends. granddad settled her in … If I’m not with them, I’m glued to my phone texting them most We’re (Catalan) through and through. of the time. My siblings are pretty competitive; we’re I know he/she/they have got my back. always trying to outdo each other. My sister’s the brainy one, I’m the artistic

one, my little brother is the sporty one. Media I’m completely hooked on (series name) at the moment. I can watch a whole boxed set in a weekend. I don’t watch a lot of tele, I stream everything online nowadays. I like to keep up-to-date with the news. I have to admit I watch a lot of trashy tele, shows like… and… are my guilty pleasures. I’m completely hooked on/addicted to facebook/twitter/instagram. I can’t do anything without tweeting/posting it. I’m trying to get into (video) blogging/photography. I can waste hours bingeing on funny cat videos on you-tube....

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