Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 Philippine Law Reviewers PDF

Title Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 Philippine Law Reviewers
Course Criminal law
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Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 Philippine Law Reviewers...



Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 | Philippine Law Reviewers

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Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 DEC 20 Posted by Magz Art. 11: Justifying Circumstances – those wherein the acts of the actor are in accordance with law, hence, he is justified. There is no criminal and civil liability because there is no crime. Self-defense 1. Reason for lawfulness of self-defense: because it would be impossible for the State to protect all its citizens. Also a person cannot just give up his rights without any resistance being offered. 2. Rights included in self-defense: 1. Defense of person 2. Defense of rights protected by law 1. Defense of property: a. The owner or lawful possessor of a thing has a right to exclude any person from the enjoyment or disposal thereof. For this purpose, he may use such force as may be reasonably necessary to repel or prevent an actual or threatened unlawful physical invasion or usurpation of his property. (Art. 429, New Civil Code) b. defense of chastity 3. Elements: 1. 1. Unlawful Aggression– is a physical act manifesting danger to life or limb; it is either actual or imminent.



Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 | Philippine Law Reviewers

1. Actual/real aggression – Real aggression presupposes an act positively strong, showing the wrongful intent of the aggressor, which is not merely threatening or intimidating aitude, but a material aack. There must be real danger to life a personal safety. 2. Imminent unlawful aggression – it is an aack that is impending or on the point of happening. It must not consist in a mere threatening aitude, nor must it be merely imaginary. The intimidating aitude must be offensive and positively strong. 3. Where there is an agreement to fight, there is no unlawful aggression. Each of the protagonists is at once assailant and assaulted, and neither can invoke the right of self-defense, because aggression which is an incident in the fight is bound to arise from one or the other of the combatants. Exception: Where the aack is made in violation of the conditions agreed upon, there may be unlawful aggression. 4. Unlawful aggression in self-defense, to be justifying, must exist at the time the defense is made. It may no longer exist if the aggressor runs away after the aack or he has manifested a refusal to continue fighting. If the person aacked allowed some time to elapse after he suffered the injury before hiing back, his act of hiing back would not constitute self-defense, but revenge. A light push on the head with the hand is not unlawful aggression, but a slap on the face is, because his dignity is in danger. A police officer exceeding his authority may become an unlawful aggressor. The nature, character, location, and extent of the wound may belie claim of self-defense. 2. Reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel it; a. Requisites: Means were used to prevent or repel Means must be necessary and there is no other way to prevent or repel it Means must be reasonable – depending on the circumstances, but generally proportionate to the force of the aggressor. 1. The rule here is to stand your ground when in the right which may invoked when the defender is unlawfully assaulted and the aggressor is armed with a weapon. 2. The rule is more liberal when the accused is a peace officer who, unlike a private person, cannot run away. 3. The reasonable necessity of the means employed to put up the defense. The gauge of reasonable necessity is the instinct of self-preservation, i.e. a person did not use his rational mind to pick a means of defense but acted out of self-preservation, using the nearest or only means available to defend himself, even if such means be disproportionately advantageous as compared with the means of violence employed by the aggressor. Reasonableness of the means depends on the nature and the quality of the weapon used, physical condition, character, size and other circumstances. 3. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself. 1. When no provocation at all was given to the aggressor by the person defending himself. 2. When even if provocation was given by the person defending himself, such was not sufficient to cause violent aggression on the part of the aacker, i.e. the amount of provocation was not sufficient to stir the aggressor into the acts which led the accused to defend himself. 3. When even if the provocation were sufficient, it was not given by the person defending himself.



Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 | Philippine Law Reviewers

4. When even if provocation was given by the person defending himself, the aack was not proximate or immediate to the act of provocation. 5. Sufficient means proportionate to the damage caused by the act, and adequate to stir one to its commission. 1. Kinds of Self-Defense 1. Self-defense of chastity – to be entitled to complete self-defense of chastity, there must be an aempt to rape, mere imminence thereof will suffice. 2. Defense of property – an aack on the property must be coupled with an aack on the person of the owner, or of one entrusted with the care of such property. 3. Self-defense in libel – physical assault may be justified when the libel is aimed at a person’s good name, and while the libel is in progress, one libel deserves another. *Burden of proof – on the accused (sufficient, clear and convincing evidence; must rely on the strength of his own evidence and not on the weakness of the prosecution). Defense of Relative A. Elements: 1. unlawful aggression 2. reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel the aack; 3. in case provocation was given by the person aacked, that the person making the defense had no part in such provocation. B. Relatives entitled to the defense: 1. spouse 2. ascendants 3. descendants 4. legitimate, natural or adopted brothers or sisters 5. relatives by affinity in the same degree 6. relatives by consanguinity within the 4th civil degree. The third element need not take place. The relative defended may even be the original aggressor. All that is required to justify the act of the relative defending is that he takes no part in such provocation. General opinion is to the effect that all relatives mentioned must be legitimate, except in cases of brothers and sisters who, by relatives by nature, may be illegitimate. The unlawful aggression may depend on the honest belief of the person making the defense. Defense of Stranger A. Elements 1. unlawful aggression 2. reasonable necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel the aack; 3. the person defending be not induced by revenge, resentment or other evil motive. 2. A relative not included in defense of relative is included in defense of stranger.



Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 | Philippine Law Reviewers

3. Be not induced by evil motive means that even an enemy of the aggressor who comes to the defense of a stranger may invoke this justifying circumstances so long as he is not induced by a motive that is evil. State of Necessity 1. Art. 11, Par. a provides: Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury, does an act which causes damage to another, provided that the following requisites are present: First. That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists; Second. That the injury feared be greater than that done to avoid it; and Third. That there be no other practical and less harmful means of preventing it. 1. A state of necessity exists when there is a clash between unequal rights, the lesser right giving way to the greater right. Aside from the 3 requisites stated in the law, it should also be added that the necessity must not be due to the negligence or violation of any law by the actor. 2. The person for whose benefit the harm has been prevented shall be civilly liable in proportion to the benefit which may have been received. This is the only justifying circumstance which provides for the payment of civil indemnity. Under the other justifying circumstances, no civil liability aaches. The courts shall determine, in their sound discretion, the proportionate amount for which law one is liable Fulfillment of Duty or Lawful Exercise of a Right or Office 1. Elements: 1. that the accused acted in the performance of a duty, or in the lawful exercise of a right or office; 2. that the injury caused or offense commied be the necessary consequence of the due performance of the duty, or the lawful exercise of such right or office. 2. A police officer is justified in shooting and killing a criminal who refuses to stop when ordered to do so, and after such officer fired warning shots in the air. shooting an offender who refused to surrender is justified, but not a thief who refused to be arrested. 3. The accused must prove that he was duly appointed to the position he claimed he was discharging at the time of the commission of the offense. It must be made to appear not only that the injury caused or the offense commied was done in the fulfillment of a duty, or in the lawful exercise of a right or office, but that the offense commied was a necessary consequence of such fulfillment of duty, or lawful exercise of a right or office. 4. A mere security guard has no authority or duty to fire at a thief, resulting in the laer’s death. Obedience to a Superior Order 1. Elements: 1. there is an order; 2. the order is for a legal purpose;



Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 | Philippine Law Reviewers

3. the means used to carry out said order is lawful. 2. The subordinate who is made to comply with the order is the party which may avail of this circumstance. The officer giving the order may not invoke this. 3. The subordinate’s good faith is material here. If he obeyed an order in good faith, not being aware of its illegality, he is not liable. However, the order must not be patently illegal. If the order is patently illegal this circumstance cannot be validly invoked. 4. The reason for this justifying circumstance is the subordinate’s mistake of fact in good faith. 5. Even if the order be patently illegal, the subordinate may yet be able to invoke the exempting circumstances of having acted under the compulsion of an irresistible force, or under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear.

EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES Exempting circumstances (non-imputability) are those ground for exemption from punishment because there is wanting in the agent of the crime of any of the conditions which make the act voluntary, or negligent. Basis: The exemption from punishment is based on the complete absence of intelligence, freedom of action, or intent, or on the absence of negligence on the part of the accused. A person who acts WITHOUT MALICE (without intelligence, freedom of action or intent) or WITHOUT NEGLIGENCE (without intelligence, freedom of action or fault) is NOT CRIMINALLY LIABLE or is EXEMPT FROM PUNISHMENT. There is a crime commied but no criminal liability arises from it because of the complete absence of any of the conditions which constitute free will or voluntariness of the act. Burden of proof: Any of the circumstances is a maer of defense and must be proved by the defendant to the satisfaction of the court. Art. 12. CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH EXEMPT FROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY. The following are exempt from criminal liability: 1. An imbecile or insane person, unless the laer has acted during a lucid interval. When the imbecile or an insane person has commied an act which the law defines as a felony (delito), the court shall order his confinement on one of the hospital or asylums established for persons thus afflicted. He shall not be permied to leave without first obtaining the permission of the same court. Requisites: 1. Offender is an imbecile 2. Offender was insane at the time of the commission of the crime IMBECILITY OR INSANITY An imbecile is exempt in all cases from criminal liability. The insane is not so exempt if it can be shown that he acted during a lucid interval. In the laer, loss of consciousness of ones acts and not merely abnormality of mental faculties will qualify ones acts as those of an insane. Procedure: court is to order the confinement of such persons in the hospitals or asylums established. Such persons will not be permied to leave without permission from the court. The court, on the



Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 | Philippine Law Reviewers

other hand, has no power to order such permission without first obtaining the opinion of the DOH that such persons may be released without danger. Presumption is always in favor of sanity. The defense has the burden to prove that the accused was insane at the time of the commission of the crime. For the ascertainment such mental condition of the accused, it is permissible to receive evidence of the condition of his mind during a reasonable period both before and after that time. Circumstantial evidence which is clear and convincing will suffice. An examination of the outward acts will help reveal the thoughts, motives and emotions of a person and if such acts conform to those of people of sound mind. Insanity at the time of the commission of the crime and not that at the time of the trial will exempt one from criminal liability. In case of insanity at the time of the trial, there will be a suspension of the trial until the mental capacity of the accused is restored to afford him a fair trial. Evidence of insanity must refer to the time preceding the act under prosecution or to the very moment of its execution. Without such evidence, the accused is presumed to be sane when he commied the crime. Continuance of insanity which is occasional or intermient in nature will not be presumed. Insanity at another time must be proved to exist at the time of the commission of the crime. A person is also presumed to have commied a crime in one of the lucid intervals. Continuance of insanity will only be presumed in cases wherein the accused has been adjudged insane or has been commied to a hospital or an asylum for the insane. Instances of Insanity: Reyes: Feeblemindedness is not imbecility because the offender can distinguish right from wrong. An imbecile and an insane to be exempted must not be able to distinguish right from wrong. Relova: Feeblemindedness is imbecility. Crimes commied while in a dream, by a somnambulist are embraced in the plea of insanity. Hypnotism, however, is a debatable issue. Crime commied while suffering from malignant malaria is characterized by insanity at times thus such person is not criminally liable. 1. Basis: complete absence of intelligence, and element of voluntariness. 2. Definition : An imbecile is one who while advanced in age has a mental development comparable to that of children between 2 and 7 years of age. An insane is one who acts with complete deprivation of intelligence/reason or without the least discernment or with total deprivation of freedom of the will. 1. Dementia praecox is covered by the term insanity because homicidal aack is common in such form of psychosis. It is characterized by delusions that he is being interfered with sexually, or that his property is being taken, thus the person has no control over his acts. 2. Kleptomania or presence of abnormal, persistent impulse or tendency to steal, to be considered exempting, will still have to be investigated by competent psychiatrist to determine if the unlawful act is due to the irresistible impulse produced by his mental defect, thus loss of will-power. If such mental defect only diminishes the exercise of his willpower and did not deprive him of the consciousness of his acts, it is only mitigating. 3. Epilepsy which is a chronic nervous disease characterized by convulsive motions of the muscles and loss of consciousness may be covered by the term insanity. However, it must be shown that commission of the offense is during one of those epileptic aacks. 2. A person under nine years of age. MINORITY



Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 | Philippine Law Reviewers

Under nine years to be construed nine years or less. Such was inferred from the next subsequent paragraph which does not totally exempt those over nine years of age if he acted with discernment. Presumptions of incapability of commiing a crime is absolute. Age is computed up to the time of the commission of the crime. Age can be established by the testimonies of families and relatives. Senility or second childhood is only mitigating. 4 periods of the life of a human being: 1. Requisite: Offender is under 9 years of age at the time of the commission of the crime. There is absolute criminal irresponsibility in the case of a minor under 9-years of age. 2. Basis: complete absence of intelligence. Age

Criminal Responsibility

9 years and below

Absolute irresponsibility

Between 9 and 15 years old

Conditional responsibility

Between 15 and 18 years old

Mitigated responsibility

Between 18 and 70 years old

Full responsibility

Over 70 years old

Mitigated responsibilit

Without discernment – no liability With Discernment – mitigated liability

3. A person over nine years of age and under fifteen, unless he has acted with discernment, in which case, such minor shall be proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of article 80 of this Code. When such minor is adjudged to be criminally irresponsible, the court, in conformity with the provisions of this and the preceding paragraph, shall commit him to the care and custody of his family who shall be charged with his surveillance and education; otherwise, he shall be commied to the care of some institution or person mentioned in said article 80. QUALIFIED MINORITY: Basis: complete absence of intelligence Such minor over 9 years and under 15 years of age must have acted without discernment to be exempted from criminal liability. If with discernment, he is criminally liable. Presumption is always that such minor has acted without discernment. The prosecution is burdened to prove if otherwise. Discernment means the mental capacity of a minor between 9 and 15 years of age to fully appreciate the consequences of his unlawful act. Such is shown by: (1) manner the crime was commied (i.e. commission of the crime during nighime to avoid detection; taking the loot to another town to avoid discovery), or (2) the conduct of the offender after its commission (i.e. elation of satisfaction upon the commission of his criminal act as shown by the accused cursing at the victim). Facts or particular facts concerning personal appearance which lead officers or the court to believe that his age was as stated by said officer or court should be stated in the record.



Criminal Law Book 1 Articles 11 – 20 | Philippine Law Reviewers

If such minor is adjudged to be criminally liable, he is charged to the custody of his family, otherwise, to the care of some institution or person mentioned in article 80. This is because of the court’s presupposition that the minor commied the crime without discernment. Allegation of “with intent to kill” in the information is sufficient allegation of discernment as such conveys the idea that he knew what would be the consequences of his unlawful act. Thus is the case wherein the information alleges that the accused, with intent to kill, willfu...

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