Critical deconstruction of literature Assignment 1 PDF

Title Critical deconstruction of literature Assignment 1
Author hong ling
Course Organisational Analysis
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 7
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Organisational Analysis Assignment 1

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Organisational Analysis Assignment 1 Given Paper 1 Questio n 1


Story line  Narrative There are three key roles in an organization which including management, systems expert and users. Management being the leaders setting up the organizational goals and objectives, the effective pathway to achieve the goals is designing and developing a measurable and rational information system. Developer being the expert in knowledge, information technology etc are the appropriate person to fulfil the task. Users being observed by expert have to accept and obey the system instruction to satisfy and achieve organizational goals.  Plot The reason for management set up the organizational goals is for the purpose of maximizing profit, and eventually maximize the shareholders’ return. The management should be the appropriate position to set measurable goals, as well as specifying system objectives.  Assumptions The authors interpreted epistemology as positivism in truth or knowledge assumptions. Positivist methods i.e measurable cause and effect models are assumed to be the best way for expert to discover the same version of the truth, and provide rational explanations of social affairs [Burrell & Morgan, 1979, P26]. The ontology is interpreted as that the truth is independent and objective exists for everyone, everyone have equal access to the truth. The method  Data is relied on The authors (1989, P1203) suggest that “one reality “is measurable and fundamentally the same for all, therefore, systems design should be defined as a technical process and instrumental support for “one” economic reality required by managers. It is believed that data is relied on can be objectively measured, numbers are more reliable compared with qualitative data (i.e interview). All kinds of data and decision models are believed to be used statistical and scientific methods, which will contribute to the efficiency of system.  Data collected The ways of data collected is preferred to be the quantitative, positivist approach which includes survey, official statistics and structured interviews etc.  Data analysing The primary processes adopted by the developer including the process of discovery the truth or knowledge, and knowledge transfer. The process starts from observe and measure data collected, and then developing models and validating cause and effect relationships. Trying to avoid subjective judgement, intuition and conflict culture, social issues, Examining the system outcome to check does it coincide with the economic reality i.e. organizational goals.  Conclusions open to be challenged

Organisational Analysis Assignment 1

The authors (1989,P1204) argue that the assumptions for the system design are based on an agreed objectives and assuming the social world could be treated as the nature world, which leads to some doubts on the system failure, some challenges are mentioned as below: - Oversimplify the world - Deny conflicts and ignore the issues of power and conflicts - The observation isn’t rational and neutral - Ignore human nature, lack of awareness of different perspectives between individuals. This kind of challenge also can be found in (Simon, 1976), he indicated that a limitation to functionalism is that ignoring individuals’ intuition, feelings or decisions. 3

 Rationale Based on the above analysis, it should be classified as the functionalism paradigm. According to Burrell and Morgan matrix, functionalism is labelled as the first paradigm (objective-order). Hirschheim and Klein (1989,P1201) state functionalism is that standardizing explanations for status, social integration, social order, compliance and agreement, national choices and needs satisfaction. The authors point out compared with the following three stories, functionalism has been widely applied for system developing for decades (1989, P1202 ).  Reasons The authors (1989,P1203)suggest that a key feature of functionalism is adopting “objective means tests”, which can be examined for the efficiency and effectiveness of systems. Correspondingly we can find this kind of argument deployed by Tata & Prasad(2015,P280). For instance, a conceptual model which including five measurements of national culture value has been developed, through positivist methods (objective methods tests) to examine 13 tests to support their finding, that is the national culture affects organization sustainability beliefs, and the sustainability initiatives. Additionally, the authors (1989,P1203 also suggest that another key feature of functionalism is “management is the leadership group”, indicating management have the right to control and command users.

Given Paper 2 Questio n 1

Story line  Narrative There are two roles in the organization: users (organization agents) and systems developer (facilitator). Users interact and understand with each other in the organization. All users have unique and diverse experiences and perceptions. The primary role of system developer is being a facilitator to stimulate the reflection of users and encourage them to express their subjective opinions to achieve consensus, facilitating users have better learning

Organisational Analysis Assignment 1


and understanding on well accepted norms, and conventions. More likely a helpful facilitator will result in an effective information system.  Plot No appropriate explanation can be found in organisational reality, which due to the continuously evolving social environment.  Assumptions The authors (1989, P1205) suggest that in terms of the epistemology, the fundamental belief is that of anti-positivism (objectivism), the social world should not be treated as the nature world and the assumption should be replaced by sense-making. In terms of the ontology, reality is the product of human consciousness and subjectivity, it is not inherently exists. The method  Information is relied on The authors (1989, P1205) emphasize the core value of systems development is social interactions and mutual understanding, therefore it is believed that the methodology employed is subjectivity. The kind of subjective information may rely on including diary keeping, mapping forms, meeting notes etc.  Information collected The developer should take part in the users, making friends with them, observing and interacting with them. Semi-structured interview is an effective qualitative information collection method. Besides, conducting workshop is an appropriate way for information collection as well.  Information analysing Through interacting, clarifying and modifying information collected, developer cooperates and interacts with management to explore what kind of system is desirable and acceptable, facilitates users accept and make sense of the system.  Conclusions open to be challenged The authors (1989, P1206) argue that “naive consensus” leads to a poor distinguish between valid and manipulative consensus, which rises the challenge on its negative impact on the methodology for ISD. However, the authors did not mention the below limitations: - Ignore the ends and overemphasis the process of the systems -The power of the organization doesn’t been recognized. - Ignore the efficiency.


 Rationale The above analysis indicates it should be classified as social relativism paradigm (subjective-order).The authors (1989, P1205) interpret social relativism as that seeking shared understanding within all individuals in the continuously evolving social world. It has emerged for the interaction to the limitations of functionalism. The main difference between the functionalist and social relativism is that the functionalism emphasizes objectivity, social relativism focus on subjectivity.  Reasons The authors (1989, P1205) suggest that the key characteristics of social relativism are “better understand “and the application of “symbolic

Organisational Analysis Assignment 1

interactionism”(interpret system objectives), which are able to indicate the effectiveness of the system. Clearly we can find this kind of methodology deployed by Powell & Osborne (2015,P30). For example, authors argue that “The social aims of the organisations do have priority over the financial needs to be sustainable”. Given Paper 3 Questio n 1


Story line  Narrative There are four key roles are designed which including owners, labour, management, and system developer. A continuously struggle between owners and labour which due to the conflict of interests between the two classes, owners exploit and benefit from labour leading to two opposite classes. Management is defined as the agents of owners and side with them. Information systems are designed to support management technical control, the developer can choose either backing the interests of the owners, rationalising their forces, or supporting the interests of labour, improving their working conditions. The hypothesis of dialectic materialism indicates the process of social evolution: exploited by owners-revolt-synthesis, accordingly the system development plays a key role on intervening in the conflict of two classes, redressing a new balance tween the classes.  Plot The ideal system development is aimed to support labour activism, free labour from exploitation.  Assumptions The authors (1989, p1207) suggest the epistemology as positivism, particularly being a materialist with the perspective of society and history. The ontology is that of realism with the belief of pre-existent empirical reality. The method  Data is relied on and data collected Since this story agrees with the assumptions of functionalism, that is “an objective economic reality” (1989, P1206), we believe that the kind of data is relied on can be objectively measured, by using statistical methods to collect all kinds of data which are able to design an efficient system.  Data analysing A similar analysis process as the first story is adopted to develop and valid the models. It should be emphasized that the developer being a labour partisan, the key role is to unmark organization “truth”. The analysis should focus on observing inequal social behaviours such as machine paced labour to unveil inequality dominion. Through analysing historical practices, drawing parallels from history to identify that there are “immutable mature-like laws” in the organization (Hirschheim and Klein, 1989,P1207).

Organisational Analysis Assignment 1

Besides, the system might be developed by workers themselves ( UTOPIA).  The conclusions open to be challenged The authors (1989,P1207) argue that there are many limitations which including: -Asserting activism might result in a poor cooperation between the two classes. -Overlook the problem arise from unions (i.e conflict between workers, leaders manipulate members). -The theory might oversimplify (i.e only two classes, no conflict between workers and their representatives). 3

 Rationale It is suggested that the paradigm should be classified as radical structuralism (objective-conflict). The foundation work of radical structuralism should be Karl Marx. The authors (1989, P1207) illustrate it is a critical theory which emphasizes the need to change the status quo with the goal of providing” the rationale for radical change”. Again, it is a reaction to functionalism, and is also described as the opposite of social relativism (1989, P1206).  Reasons The authors (1989, P1206) suggest that the key characteristics of radical structuralism are “class struggle“ and “rationalizing forces by which the owner class exploits labour”, which are able to indicate the efficiency of the system. Clearly we can find this kind of methodology deployed by Cho, Laine, Roberts & Rodrigue (2015,P78,79). For example, they using qualitative analysis to examine the talks, decisions and actions of two organizations, to indicate how the dominant economic system and conflicting stakeholder demands restraint the corporations’ action choices. Given Paper 4 Questio n 1

Story line Narrative The authors (1989, P1209) note that there are two roles which including stakeholders (consumers, labour, representatives, management, owners) and systems developer. Stakeholders participate in the communication and interact within the complex social world. Developer is defined as an emancipator to remove negative influences, misunderstanding and barriers, with the aim of developing “rational discourse” system. Three fundamental interests have been emphasized for the ideal system which including technical knowledge interest, mutual understanding interest, and emancipation interest.  Plot An ideal of emancipating human beings from all kind of rules and compulsions.  Assumptions In terms of epistemology, the authors (1989, P1209) identify knowledge interest in technical control as positivism, identify knowledge interest in mutual 

Organisational Analysis Assignment 1


understanding and emancipation as anti-positivism. In terms of the ontology, technical interest is identified as realism, mutual understanding and emancipation are identify as nominalism. The method For technical knowledge interest, it is defined as instrument reasoning, therefore, positivism methodology should be adopted for validating the knowledge, data collecting and analysing can be found in the first story. For knowledge interests in mutual understanding and emancipation, the systems are developed in the process of sense making, shared understanding and emancipating, we believe that the methodology employed is subjectivity. The subjective Information i.e the cultural sciences may ben relied on. The information collecting and analysis can be found in the second story, but here interaction the mutual understand and genuine participation are highlighted for the systems development.  Conclusions open to be challenged The goal of the system is attempt to develop with instrumental rationality, communicative rationality and emancipatory rationality, make a radical change to society. However, the authors argue the below limitations (1989, p1209) -Too idealistic and lack of practical measures -Overemphasising on the consciousness while ignoring the materiality. These kind of challenges can be supported by Viorel Rotila(2017,p715) , he argues that there are many difficulties in the process of practice and lack of thinking about the materiality.


 Rationale Clearly it should be classified as neohumanism paradigm (subjective-conflict). The authors (1989, P1201) interpret neohumanism as seeking for the radical change to revolute the society, emancipating all the barriers such as ideology, social hierarchy, compulsions etc. It is a reaction to the above. The difference between neohumanism and radical structuralism is that, neohumanism is based on subjectivity, while structural radicalism is based on objectivity. Additionally, compared with functionalism, neohumanism advocates that organizations serve people rather than people serve for organizations.  Reasons The author (1989,p1209) suggest that the key features of neohumanism are “rational discourse” and “three knowledge interests”, which indicates an ideal system with the effectiveness and efficiency, which is more likely referred as UTOPIA .Clearly this kind of argument can be found in Atkins, Thomson & Maroun (2015,P651,653,666) .For instance, they present ”Morris’s utopian metaphor” as a new form of accounting and the responsibility in society, and “normative explorations” methodology of responsibility and governance is recommended....

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