Cross-Cultural Management Test Bank PDF

Title Cross-Cultural Management Test Bank
Course Cross-Cultural Management
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 193
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Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018Test BankChapter 1 : Introduction: The Challenging Role of the Global ManagerMultiple Choice ______ involves the representation of the world as a single place, the intersecting of the interests of business, and society or an increas...


Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

Test Bank Ch Chap ap aptter 11:: In Inttrodu ducti cti ction: on: Th The e Ch Chaallen llengi gi ging ng R Role ole of tthe he G Global lobal M Mana ana anagger Mu ltiple Cho ice Multiple Choice 1. ______ involves the representation of the world as a single place, the intersecting of the interests of business, and society or an increase in the impact of forces that span national boundaries. A. Culture B. Environment C. Globalization D. Interconnections Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Globalization Difficulty Level: Easy 2. The ______ among countries were dramatically increased with the advent of free trade areas in the 1990s. A. multinational corporations B. economic interconnections C. organizational boundaries D. economic turmoil Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Growing Economic Interconnectedness Difficulty Level: Medium 3. In ______, production, sales and marketing, and distribution might all be located in different countries to capitalize on certain location-specific advantages. A. economic interconnections B. organizational boundaries C. economic turmoil D. multinational corporations Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Growing Economic Interconnectedness Difficulty Level: Medium 4. All of the following are changes that affect the stability of the work environment within organizations EXCEPT: A. downsizing B. privatization C. economic interconnections

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

D. team-based management Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: More Complex and Dynamic Work Environment Difficulty Level: Hard 5. ______ enables formerly government-controlled enterprises to be available for purchase by foreign firms, thus reducing boundaries. A. Privatization B. Team-based management C. Downsizing D. Productivity Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: More Complex and Dynamic Work Environment Difficulty Level: Medium 6. Organizations around the globe are increasingly looking toward the formation of teams of workers as a solution to ______ problems. A. team-based management B. productivity C. privatization D. downsizing Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: More Complex and Dynamic Work Environment Difficulty Level: Medium 7. Dramatic advances in ______ might be the most significant force toward globalization. A. productivity B. international migration C. privatization D. information technology Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Increased Use and Sophistication of Information Technology Difficulty Level: Medium 8. ______ has facilitated the entry of small business into the international arena. A. Trade liberalization B. Globalization C. Technology D. Telecommunications Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: More and Different Players on the Global Stage Difficulty Level: Hard

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

9. One key result of ______ is that global managers face an external environment far more complex, more dynamic, more uncertain, and more competitive than ever before. A. team-based management B. telecommunications C. trade liberalization D. globalization Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: More and Different Players on the Global Stage Difficulty Level: Medium 10. All of the following are elements of the global manager’s environment EXCEPT: A. cultural B. economic C. legal D. conceptual Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Environment of Global Management Difficulty Level: Medium 11. ______ are the structures and processes by which a nation integrates the parts of society into a functioning unit. A. Political systems B. Legal systems C. Economic systems D. Interpersonal interactions Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Environment of Global Management Difficulty Level: Easy 12. Unlike the largely observable aspects of economic, legal, and political aspects, ______ is largely invisible in the context of international management. A. boundaries B. society C. culture D. globalization Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Environment of Global Management Difficulty Level: Medium 13. ______ set members include colleagues, superiors, and subordinates, as well as staff departments, internal and external consultants, and sometimes even friends and family members. A. Economic B. Role C. Political

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

D. Technical Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: How Global Managers Carry Out Their Role: Sources of Guidance Difficulty Level: Medium 14. Sophia seeks to learn both the explicit organizational rules and procedures of her organization and the implicit rules about “how we do things around here.” Sophia seeks to understand the organization’s ______. A. role set B. society C. norms D. law Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: How Global Managers Carry Out Their Role: Sources of Guidance Difficulty Level: Medium 15. ______ and norms provide sources of ideas, principles, and other ways of thinking that managers use to guide their understanding of the events, issues, and problems in the workplace. A. Society B. Laws C. Procedures D. Role set members Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: How Global Managers Carry Out Their Role: Sources of Guidance Difficulty Level: Medium 16. ______ affects the roles and behavior of managers indirectly, such as in the choice of informational, interpersonal, or decisional roles as well as on sources of guidance. A. Economic connectedness B. Guidance C. Technology D. Culture Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Organizational Context, Culture, and Managerial Roles Difficulty Level: Medium 17. Much of contemporary management knowledge was defined in the ______ following World War II. A. Japan B. Germany C. Great Britain D. United States Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Limitations in Present Management Studies

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

Difficulty Level: Medium 18. All of the following aspects of the U.S. perspective limit the ability of U.S. management theories to explain organizational phenomenon in cultures with contrasting orientations EXCEPT: A. free will beliefs B. low-context communication C. teamwork D. extreme individualism Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Limitations in Present Management Studies Difficulty Level: Medium 19. Ryan designed and conducted within the Netherlands without regard for the boundary conditions set by the cultural orientation of the country. Ryan’s research would be described as ______. A. replication B. comparative C. domestic D. international Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 20. Emily is trying to repeat some research that was done in the United States with a sample from Portugal. Emily’s research would be described as ______. A. comparative B. indigenous C. intercultural D. replication Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 21. ______ research focuses on the different and varied ways in which managers behave and organizations are run in a specific cultural setting in a way that highlights something that is expected to be unique. A. Indigenous B. Intercultural C. Replication D. International Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

22. ______ research seeks to find both the similarities and differences that exist across cultures regarding a particular management issue. A. International B. Comparative C. Intercultural D. Indigenous Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 23. ______ research captures those studies that focus attention on the multinational enterprise. A. Replication B. Intercultural C. International D. Comparative Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 24. ______ research seeks to understand the interactions between culturally different individuals in organizational settings. A. Indigenous B. International C. Comparative D. Intercultural Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 25. ______ is established at three key points in research: the conceptualization of the theoretical constructs, the study design, and the data analysis. A. Cross-cultural equivalence B. Nonequivalence C. Method equivalence D. Quantitative method Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 26. ______ equivalence relates to the extent to which concepts have the same meaning in different countries. A. Sampling B. Qualitative method C. Extremity

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

D. Conceptual or construct Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 27. Aiden is concerned about similarities and differences in the way cultural groups in his study will respond to measurement instruments. Aiden’s concerns relate to ______. A. qualitative method B. method equivalence C. cross-cultural equivalence D. nonequivalence Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 28. Ethan noticed that different cultural groups seem to systematically choose the extreme points or the middle points on the rating scales in his research. Ethan is noticing ______ bias. A. method equivalence B. extremity C. sampling D. quantitative method Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 29. ______ is the extent that questions in a survey have similar measurement properties across different groups. A. Metric equivalence B. Cross-cultural equivalence C. Extremity D. Method equivalence Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 30. ______ in survey questions can result from poor item translation, complex wording, and culturespecific phrasing. A. Sampling B. Nonequivalence C. Quantitative method D. Cross-cultural equivalence Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

Difficulty Level: Medium 31. ______ uses a small number of participants in research who accurately represent a larger identifiable population. A. Method equivalence B. Extremity C. Sampling D. Nonequivalence Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 32. In cross-cultural research, the most common method of quantitative data collection is ______. A. questionnaires B. interviews C. phone calls D. observation Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 33. In cross-cultural research, the most common qualitative method of data collection is ______. A. questionnaires B. interviews C. phone calls D. observation Ans: B Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 34. Jayden’s research of management practices in Finland has been criticized for ignoring culture and assuming that conclusions from his domestic research will be universal. It appears that Jayden’s research suffers from the common critique of international and cross-cultural research of ______. A. assuming country homogeneity B. lack of relevance C. reliance on a single method D. parochialism Ans: D Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Critiques of International and Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 35. Madelyn’s study of management practices in Brazil has been criticized for not documenting known within-nation subcultures. It appears that Madelyn’s research suffers from the common critique of international and cross-cultural research of ______.

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

A. reliance on a single method B. parochialism C. assuming country homogeneity D. lack of relevance Ans: C Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Critiques of International and Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 36. Caleb is concerned that the research he conducts on business practices in the United States will be not viewed as important in other countries reflects the common critique of international and crosscultural research of ______. A. lack of relevance B. assuming country homogeneity C. parochialism D. reliance on a single method Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Critiques of International and Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 37. Mason’s research on business practices in Cyprus has been criticized for relying on responses to questionnaires gathered at a single point in time. It appears that Mason’s research suffers from the common critique of international and cross-cultural research of ______. A. assuming country homogeneity B. parochialism C. lack of relevance D. reliance on a single method Ans: A Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Critiques of International and Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium

Tru e or FFalse alse True 1. Cross-cultural interaction has been described as the manifestation of the world as a single place and the overlapping of the interests of business and society. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Globalization Difficulty Level: Medium 2. The economic interconnections among countries were dramatically increased with the advent of freetrade areas in the 1980s creating a greater degree of interconnectedness among the world’s economies. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Growing Economic Interconnectedness Difficulty Level: Medium

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

3. Changes that affect the stability of the work environment within organizations result from downsizing, privatization, international migration, and team-based management. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: More Complex and Dynamic Work Environment Difficulty Level: Medium 4. Privatization might be the most significant force toward globalization. Ans: F Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Increased Use and Sophistication of Information Technology Difficulty Level: Medium 5. The elements of the global manager’s environment can be divided into four categories: economic, legal, political, and cultural. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Environment of Global Management Difficulty Level: Medium 6. Management scholars' reliance on theory and findings from the United States is not the result of an inherent belief in the superiority of U.S. management. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Limitations in Present Management Studies Difficulty Level: Medium 7. Many of the limitations of the research about managing across cultures are being remedied as scholars recognize the increased demand for relevance of research. Ans: T Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Critiques of International and Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium

Com plet io n (Fil he Blan k) Complet pletio ion (Filll in tthe Blank) 1. The most significant force toward globalization, the one with the most potential to shape the international management landscape, might be the dramatic advances in ______. Ans: information technology Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Increased Use and Sophistication of Information Technology Difficulty Level: Medium 2. The international activities of those engaging in transnational crime and terrorism overlap. However, their primary motives are different. The primary motive of those engaged in transnational crime is financial. The primary motive of those engaged in terrorism is ______. Ans: ideological

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: More and Different Players on the Global Stage Difficulty Level: Medium 3. The elements of the global manager’s environment can be divided into four categories: economic, legal, political, and ______. Ans: cultural Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Environment of Global Management Difficulty Level: Medium 4. Managers rely on other people, their ______, and norms in order to understand how to carry out their job. Ans: role set Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: How Global Managers Carry Out Their Role: Sources of Guidance Difficulty Level: Medium 5. ______ include explicit organizational rules and procedures as well as governmental laws, and also implicit norms about “how we do things around here” that are well known and typically followed in an organization or society. Ans: Norms Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: How Global Managers Carry Out Their Role: Sources of Guidance Difficulty Level: Easy 6. ______ research seeks to find both the similarities and differences that exist across cultures regarding a particular management issue. Ans: Comparative Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 7. ______ research captures those studies that focus attention on the multinational enterprise. Ans: International Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 8. ______ research seeks to understand the interactions between culturally different individuals in organizational settings. Ans: Intercultural Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 9. ______ research attempts to replicate research results first found in one country, typically the United States, by repeating the research in other countries.

Instructor Resource Thomas/Peterson, Cross-Cultural Management, 4e SAGE Publishing, 2018

Ans: Replication Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Types of International Management Research Difficulty Level: Medium 10. ______ equivalence relates to similarities and differences in the way to which the cultural groups being studied respond to measurement instruments in general. Ans: Method Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Medium 11. ______ bias has to do with the extent to which cultural groups systematically choose the extreme points or the middle points on rating scales. Ans: Extremity Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Difficulty Level: Easy

Ess ay Essay 1. Describe the four categories of change that illustrate the changes in the world that are driving globalization. Ans: 1. Growing economic interconnectedness 2. More complex and dynamic work environments (migrants, downsizing, privatization, and team-based management) 3. Information technology 4. New and different players on the global stage Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Globalization Difficulty Level: Hard 2. What are th...

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